I Never Meant To Hurt You (GerIta) (Part 1)

Narrator's POV

It was early in the twilight hours when a single man made his appearance near a large estate in Northern Italy.  He was tall and well-built, with slicked back blond hair and piercing icy blue eyes.  Cloaked in black, the man made his way over to the door, knocking on it.

"Feliciano,"  He said in a deep accented voice.  "Open zhe door."  No sound was heard, nor was the door opened.  The blond sighed and hovered his hand over the doorknob, his eyes briefly flashing red before going back to blue.  He then pushed the door open and went through into the dark and quiet mansion.

"Feli, vhere are jou?"  He called out.  He heard a small sound and strained his ears, catching the sounds of someone softly crying.  Feeling worried, the blond hurried down the halls till he reached a bedroom where the sobs were coming from.

"Feliciano,"  He said, placing his hand on the door.  "Please, I know jou are in zhere, so let me in."  The sobs quieted for a moment, but resumed, only softer.


"Feliciano, vhat did jou say?"  The blond asked.

"... Ludwig,"  A fragile voice said.  "Please-a, please just-just-a g-go a-away."  Feliciano said, stuttering from sobs.  Ludwig placed his forehead on the door.

"Feli... please let me in, I need to speak vith jou."  Ludwig said, desperation heard in his voice.

"Why?  So you-a can do what you-a did to-a Gilbert to-a me?"  Feliciano asked, anger, hurt, and betrayal heard in his voice.

"Nein!"  Ludwig exclaimed.  "Feliciano, I swear to jou zhat-"

"No!"  Feliciano exclaimed.  "Don't-a lie to me!  I-a know what I-a saw!"


"I-a saw you-a drinking your-a brother's blood!  I-a saw it, fangs and-a all!"  Feliciano yelled.  Ludwig was taken aback, forcing him into silence.

"... Feliciano... I... I didn't vant jou to know..."  Ludwig said, hurt heard clearly.

"You-a didn't want me to-a know!"  Feliciano roared in anger, causing Ludwig to wince.  "My-a lover, who I-a trusted, didn't-a want me to-a know he's a vampire, who-a drinks his-a brother's blood!"  Ludwig was shocked.  Never had he been yelled at by Feliciano, it was usually the other way around.

"I didn-"

"Just-a stop!"  Feliciano cried out.  Feliciano opened the door, looking sick and pale, tears streaking down his flushed face.  "I-a don't want to-a hear any of your-a excuses!  All that-a does is-a bring me pain!  I-I, I-a never want to-a see you-a again!  Now-a leave!"  Feliciano yelled before slamming the door shut, locking it.

Ludwig stood there, frozen.  Just days ago they were acting like a normal couple; holding hands, eating together, cuddling on the couch, and spending nights in each other's arms.  And now they were over.  Ludwig couldn't believe it; on the other side of this door, his lover - no, ex-lover - was crying his heart out after saying that they were over.

Ludwig stood there for a while, still shocked till he slowly came out of his daze.  He looked to the door and placed his hand on it, quickly withdrawing it as he felt a strong sting that could only come from a holy object.

"... Alright, Feliciano,"  Ludwig said in a cracking voice.  "If jou never vant to see me again, zhen zhat is fine, just let me say zhis; Ich liebe dich, and I never meant to hurt jou."  Tears now streaming down his face, Ludwig turned on the heel, biting his lip to prevent the sobs from escaping, and walked out of the house, disappearing into the mist.

Feliciano stayed in his room, curled up on the floor with a cross in his hands, an iron one to be exact, and sobbed.  Sobbing from anger, from pain, from sorrow, from betrayal, but mostly from the pain of losing someone you truly loved.


A month had gone by and neither had said a word to each other.  Ludwig was in terrible shape; little to no sleeping, nightmares when he actually slept, disorganized, no drive to do anything, and not even a drop of blood drunken within the last month.

"... Bruder, jou need to drink blood, or else jou'll-"

"Nein,"  Ludwig said, cutting Gilbert off.  "I don't need it."  Gilbert shook his head.

"Bruder, zhe awezome me is unawezomely vorried."  Gilbert said, placing a hand on Ludwig's shoulder as Ludwig stared forlornly at the wall.  "Jou'll unawezomely die if jou don't drink any of mein awezome blood."  Gilbert said.  Ludwig shook his head.

"Vhat is zhe point?"  Ludwig said, standing to move away.  "Vhat is zhe point of living vhen jou just feel zhe pain of emptiness?"  Ludwig asked.  Gilbert stayed silent.


"See, zhere is no point."  Ludwig declared.  With a dry cough, he walked back to his room, shutting the door behind him, leaving Gilbert worried sick.


Feliciano was not much better; no more smiles, just tears and deep depression.  No matter what anyone tried, Feliciano would not cheer up.

A family friend, Antonio, suggested Feliciano go talk with Ludwig, but that only resulted in more tears.  Francis finally decided to call Ludwig himself.

"... Ja, vhat is it Francis?"  Gilbert said.

"Gilbert, could I talk with your brother s'il vous plaît [please]?"  Shifting was heard on the other side.

"Zhe awezome me is not sure... right now Ludvig refuses to do anything."  Gilbert said.  Francis bit his lip.

"Could you try?"  Francis asked.

"... Ja, I vill."  Gilbert said.  Silence with a little background noise was heard before someone on the other end picked up.

"Ja, vhat is it Francis?"  A broken sounding Ludwig asked.

"Ludwig, is zhat really you?  You sound so, so..."

"Ja I know, now vhat do jou vant?"  Ludwig asked, sounding as if he was giving up on life.

"Alright, I'll get to zhe point; you need to make up with Feliciano."  Francis said.  A sharp intake was heard.

"... n-nein, he said he n-never vants t-to see me a-again.  And I d-don't vant to cause h-him anymore pain."  Ludwig said, his voice cracking as he sounded as if he was on the verge of breaking down, shocking Francis; never had he ever thought that someone as strong as Ludwig would be breaking down.

"Mon dieu!  Ludwig, just what 'appened between you two?!"  Francis exclaimed.

"Gott, vhat's zhe point in hiding anything anymore,"  Ludwig said, his very being broken.  "Might as vell have all zhe vorld know, it doesn't matter now anyways."


"I'm a vampire Francis,"  Ludwig said, choking on a sob as Francis held the phone tightly.  "Feliciano, he-he saw me drinking Gilbert's blood and-and-"  Ludwig didn't even finish as sobs of pain were heard.

"... Ludwig... I... I don't know what to say..."  Francis said, completely at a loss.

"Ja vell, it doesn't matter now anyways."  Ludwig said, his voice somber as he choked on a sob, scaring Francis.

"Ludwig, what do you mean?"  Francis said, feeling alarm beginning to grow.  A dry chuckle was heard on the other end of the line.

"Nothing, zhat's just it, zhere is nothing for me to do anymore, so zhat is vhat I vill become."  Ludwig answered somberly.  Francis felt his heart beating rapidly.

"Ludwig, tell me at once what you mean when you say zhat you will become nothing."  Francis demanded, practically feeling his heart beating out of his chest.  A sad sigh was heard on the other side.

"Francis,"  Ludwig said in a soft but sad voice,  "Do jou know vhat happens vhen a vampire falls in love?"

"Non, I do not."  Francis said, anxiety building up.

"Vell, one of two things can happen; zhe first being zhat if zhe person zhey love loves zhem back... zhen zhe vampire lusts for zheir partner's blood until zhey taste it and... and change zheir beloved into a vampire so zhat zhey can be happy together, or..."  Ludwig's voice trailed off.

"Or what?"  Francis urged.

"... Or, if zhe person zhey love rejects zhem or loves someone else, zhen zhat vampire loses all desire to drink blood, thus letting zheir broken heart kill zhem off... if something else doesn't do it first..."  Ludwig said, making Francis's heart stop.

"... no, you can't mean..."

"Ja, it is too late Francis,"  Ludwig said soft whisper, similar to that of a scared child.  "I... I haven't had a drop in a month... I no longer have any desire..."

"So you no longer want Gilbert's blood?"  Francis asked.

"Nein, I n-never vanted it to b-begin vith."  Ludwig admitted.  "I only d-drunk his so zhat I d-didn't drink Feliciano's b-blood... I-I didn't vant to d-doom him to zhis, zhis pathetic excuse of a life."  Ludwig whispered out, holding back his sobs.  Francis held his breath.

"All zhis time..."  Francis began, tears now brimming in his eyes.  "All zhis time, you did zhat to protect him..."  A dry hack was heard on the other end.

"Ja,"  Ludwig said in a weak voice.  Francis gripped the phone so tightly that his knuckles were turning white.  More coughing was heard.

"Ludwig!  Ludwig talk to me, tell me you are alright!"  Francis practically yelled into the phone as the coughing got more violent.  Now the sound of the phone dropping and a frantic Gilbert could be heard on the other side.

"Gilbert!  Ludwig!  Answer me s'il vous plaît!"  Francis was now screaming desperately into the phone.  And then, all at once, the line on the other side went dead.  Francis stood stalk still, still clutching the phone.  And then-thud, the phone, along with Francis, were on the ground.

Francis sobbed into his hands as Antonio ran into the room along with Lovino, who was dragging Feliciano behind him.

"Mi amigo!"  Antonio said, rushing to Francis's side, helping him up.  "What is wrong?"  Francis just sobbed harder.

"It's-it's-"  Francis began.

"What, it's what?!"  Antonio said.  Francis shook his head.

"It's Ludwig!"  Francis cried out.  This caught everyone's attention, including Feliciano.

"What's-a wrong with that-a potato bastardo?"  Lovino asked.

"Ludwig's g-going to-to-"

"To-a what?!"  Lovino yelled.

"TO DIE!"  Francis wailed out.  Everyone was frozen in the room as they watched Francis sob.

"Wha- what-a do you-a mean?"  Feliciano asked.  Francis turned to Feliciano with teary eyes.

"Feli, 'e told me about 'im being a vampire,"  Francis said, making Antonio and Lovino gasp, while Feliciano paled.  "'e also told me why 'e was drinking Gilbert's blood zhat night you saw."

"What?  Why-a?"  Feliciano asked, his eyes wide.

"When vampires fall in love and zheir love is returned, zhey crave zheir beloved's blood, but if zhey drink it, zheir beloved vill become a vampire."  Francis said, as Feliciano gasped.

"But Ludwig didn't want you to become like 'im,"  Francis said.  "So, 'e tried to satisfy 'imself with Gilbert's blood."  Feliciano looked down, realization dawning on him; Ludwig was trying to protect him this whole time.

"But mi amigo,"  Antonio said,  "What does that have to do with Ludwig dying?"  He asked.  Feliciano looked up as Francis now looked down, fresh tears falling.

"... 'e said, zhat if a vampire's beloved rejects zhem or loves another, zhen... zhen zhat vampire loses all desire to drink blood and dies of a broken heart..."  Francis said as the others gasped.

"What?!"  They all yelled in unison.  Francis just gave a dry swallow.

"And Ludwig told me... 'e 'asn't drunken any blood for zhe last month... and-and just before 'e 'ung up, zhere was coughing and Gilbert began panicking and zhen zhe line went dead!"  Francis said as grief overtook him.

The others were silent, letting the revelation sink in till-

"Wait a moment,"  Antonio said, breaking the silence.  "Doesn't that mean that right now-"

"-that bastardo could-a be saved if-a we hurry?"  Lovino finished.  Silence took a hold before they all sprang forth, running out the door and into the car where Lovino sped down the streets, hurrying over to Ludwig's and Gilbert's home.


"Bruder, bruder, bitte [please] hang on!"  Gilbert yelled as he tried his hardest to help Ludwig.  Ludwig was on the ground, having a violent coughing fit with a little blood dribbling down his chin.

"Bitte bruder, bitte, stay vith me!"  Gilbert exclaimed.  But this was barely heard by Ludwig, for all he could feel right now was a terrible burning sensation in his lungs and a cold spot where his heart should be.

'Is zhis zhe end?'  Ludwig thought as black spots began to take over his vision, his energy draining as Gilbert's cries became ever more distant.


Gilbert placed a damp rag on Ludwig's forehead.  After passing out from lack of oxygen, Gilbert placed Ludwig into his bed, wrapping his cold body in warm blankets, and placing a damp rag on his forehead in hopes he would come to.

"Bitte Gott, bitte ließ ihn aufwachen. [Please God, please let him wake up]"  Gilbert said, taking one of Ludwig's hands into his and holding it up to his forehead.

"Bitte, bitte, bitte," Gilbert repeated over and over as he felt Ludwig's body grow colder and colder.  Gilbert squeezed his hand tighter.

Before he could continue his prayer, he heard the sound of a car skidding to a stop outside, followed by frantic steps and frantic knocking.

Gilbert slowly stood up, wiping the tears away from his bloodshot eyes as he walked downstairs to the front door.  He opened the door and was immensely surprised to see Feliciano, never mind the others.  Gilbert got over his shock quickly however and slammed the door shut.

"Gilbert!  Gilbert!  Open zhe door!"  Francis yelled, banging on the door.  Gilbert leaned his body against the door, fresh tears falling.

"NEIN!"  He yelled, causing the banging to stop.

"Gilbert, mi amigo, we only want to help!"  Antonio exclaimed.

"Nein!  Jou vill not help him, jou'll just make zhis vorse zhan jou already have!"  Gilbert yelled, dropping all his 'awezomes'.  Though the comment was meant towards them all, it was particularly felt by Feliciano.

"Please Gilbert,"  Feliciano begged.  "Let-a us in!  We - no, I-a - need to-a help Ludwig!"  Feliciano declared.  Gilbert slid to the ground and hugged his knees close.

"N-nein,"  Gilbert said, his voice cracking as sobs began.  "N-no one can help him now.  N-not now."  Gilbert sobbed.  At that moment, a nearby window was broken as Lovino jumped through.

"Oi, potato bastardo #2, we're-a coming in."  Lovino said.  He then pushed Gilbert out of the way and opened the door, letting the others dash in.  Antonio and Francis went to Gilbert's side.

"Gilbert s'il vous plaît, what 'appened to Ludwig?"  Francis asked.  Gilbert sniffled and looked up at them with a forlorn look.

"... He just vouldn't stop coughing... and zhen he passed out... and now he von't vake up..."  Gilbert said, sounding like a lost child.

"Please-a Gilbert,"  Feliciano said, sitting in front of Gilbert, taking his hands into his own.  "Please-a tell me where-a he is."  Feliciano begged.  Gilbert stared for a moment, as if trying to see through Feliciano's soul.

"... zhe bedroom..."  Gilbert finally said.  Feliciano gave a thankful smile as he ran upstairs into the bedroom, leaving the others to hear the rest of what Gilbert said,

"... but it is too late..."


'... Vhere am I...'  Ludwig thought to himself as he felt himself enshrouded in a cold dark void.  '... It's so cold... and dark...'  Ludwig thought as he heard the distant sounds of someone coming closer and soon picking up his cold hand with their hand that was warmer... and smaller... and softer...

And then it hit Ludwig; Feliciano was holding his hand.

Ludwig tried him hardest to move his hand away, not wanting to cause Feliciano anymore pain when he heard the sound of sniffling.

"... Luddy... I-I-a know this-a m-might be too-a l-late b-but I'm-a s-sorry, so sorry."  Feliciano said, his voice cracking.

'He's sorry... sorry for vhat?  It is all mein fault zhat he hates me,'  Ludwig thought sadly to himself, feeling the cold emptiness inside of him beginning to grow.  'I vas zhe one vho never told him zhe truth, and I vas zhe one to drive him away.'

"Please-a Luddy, please-a wake up."  Feliciano said as his voice no longer sounded close.

'Vhat's zhe point?'  Ludwig thought as the coldness grew.

"Gilbert is-a downstairs breaking down-a crying."  His voice was getting even more distant.

'... Bruder is crying...?'

"Francis cried when-a he told us-a what you-a told him."  Feliciano said, squeezing Ludwig's hand tightly.

'Francis... cried, just because of vhat I told him...?'

"Even Fratello drove us-a here as-a soon as he-a heard the-a news."

'Lovino, zhe man vho always hated me, trying to see me before I die?'

"And-a Antonio is-a downstairs right-a now trying to-a help."

'Vhy am I not surprised zhat zhat happy Spaniard is here?'  Ludwig thought sarcastically as he felt a bit of the coldness go away.

'Vhat?!  Vhy is zhe cold going away?!'  Ludwig thought to himself with alarm.  'I'm dying, I should be getting colder and colder till mein heart freezes over and stops, so vhy is it varming up?!'

"Luddy,"  Feliciano said, his voice cracking.  "Ti amo, ti amo so-a please, don't-a leave me...  I-a never meant to-a hurt you and-a now I-a know that you-a were trying to-a protect me.  I'm-a so sorry Luddy, so please-a be alright."

Ludwig now felt conflicted as he heard Feliciano sob while squeezing his hand tightly.

'Gott... Vhat do I do?  If I go back I could hurt him again or even turn him into a vampire like me, but if I die, zhen vhat?'  Ludwig thought.  As if reading his mind, Feliciano spoke out.

"I-I don't-a k-know what I'd-a d-do if you-a d-died Luddy."  Feliciano said as he choked on his tears. "I-a, I-a think I-a would d-die from-a s-sadness if you-a l-left me like-a that."

'... Die of sadness...?  ... Zhen zhat vould mean... he'd feel how I felt zhis past month... and probably die in a similar way... I... I don't vant zhat... but I don't vant to hurt him by going back... Gott, vhat should I do?'

Ludwig felt a cold numbness beginning to spread in his body, causing him to feel exhausted as Feliciano's voice grew more and more distant.

"No!  Luddy, don't-a go!  Stay-a please, I'm-a begging you!"  Feliciano exclaimed as he squeezed Ludwig's hand tightly, his body shaking as tears fell, hitting Ludwig.

'Nein, don't cry Feli... jou're safe now,'  Ludwig thought as his conscious was beginning to fade.  

'Jou can go be happy and never have to fear anyone like me anymore.  Jou can go find someone new... someone better... someone to eat pasta vith jou and hold jou close and keep jou safe... someone vho jou can start a family vith... someone vho von't make jou cry...someone... someone... someone vho is... not... me...'  Ludwig thought as he embraced the lonely and cold darkness, no longer hearing Feliciano's cries.


"No!  Luddy, don't-a go!  Stay-a please, I'm-a begging you!"  Feliciano yelled as he squeezed Ludwig's hand tightly, his body shaking as tears fell, hitting Ludwig who was now so cold that it hurt Feliciano to hold his hand.

"Luddy, Luddy, Luddy,"  Feliciano kept repeating over and over again as the others rushed in, finding Feliciano crying over Ludwig's barely recognizable corpse; Ludwig's hair stuck out everywhere as his skin was sickly pale, his lips chapped and blue, bags under his eyes, like he hadn't slept in weeks.

"Mon dieu..."  Francis said as he held Gilbert who had collapsed, crying over the loss of his brother.  Lovino was tearing up as Antonio held him close, not even daring to look at the corpse.

"Let's leave him for a few moments..."  Antonio suggested.  Francis nodded as those two, along with Gilbert and Lovino, left Feliciano alone.

"Ti amo Luddy, ti amo,"  Feliciano said as he held the freezing hand up to his forehead.

Feliciano gently placed Ludwig's hand down as he moved closer to Ludwig's face.  He gently moved Ludwig's bangs off his forehead, trying to give Ludwig his signature slicked back look.

"Oh Luddy, I-I-a didn't mean to-a hurt you."  Feliciano said.  "But in the-a end, even though I-a thought I-a was the-a one hurting the-a most, it was-a you, you-a who kept trying to-a protect me."  Feliciano's face hovered over Ludwig's as the tears fell, hitting Ludwig's face before sliding off and forming ice.

"Luddy... you're the-a only one I-a could ever love..."  Feliciano said.

Slowly, Feliciano leaned forward and placed a soft, warm, and loving kiss on Ludwig's colder, rougher lips.  When done, Feliciano pulled away and placed his head on Ludwig's chest, over Ludwig's heart.

Silence befell the room as Feliciano's shivering died down.

'It-a almost feels like-a his chest is-a warming up...'  Feliciano thought as he stayed on Ludwig's chest, watching as his tears fell, still remaining watery-

'Wait-a second!  My-a tears turned to-a ice before!'  Feliciano mentally screamed as he sat up and felt Ludwig beginning to warm up.  Feliciano clasped his hands together, keeping his eyes closed, praying, praying that what he thought was happening was really happening.


'... Is zhis... zhe afterlife...?'  Ludwig thought as he felt himself warming up, and the feeling of heavy emptiness lessening.

'... Zhe varmth... feels nice... and everything feels so... so peaceful...'  Ludwig thought with a content sigh as he let this feeling grow.  And as it grew, so did Ludwig's strength.

Slowly, Ludwig's eyes opened, revealing a blurry world filled with muffled sounds.  Though as Ludwig's eyes began to adjust, a powerful burning sensation grew in his throat.

'Vhat?  I only ever felt zhis burning vhen... no, it can't be!'  Ludwig thought as his vision finally cleared up, revealing that Ludwig was in his bedroom, lying on his bed, with Feliciano sitting by his side, hands clasped together praying.

Ludwig moved his hand and closed it around his throat.

'I need to leave, now!'  He thought.  He tried to sit up, but failed as his limbs were still stiff and a bit numb.  To make matters worse, his movement was felt by Feliciano who opened his teary eyes and immediately threw his arms around Ludwig's neck.

"Luddy!  I-I-I-"  Feliciano couldn't even finish the sentence as he clung to Ludwig.

Ludwig was shocked by this but hugged back with one arm as he used the other to support himself.  Ludwig almost let himself get carried away in this happy reunion till he felt his eyes beginning to burn and his fangs beginning to grow.  With what little self control he had left, he spoke.

"Feli,"  He said with a pant, "Jou need to leave."  Feliciano shook his head and clung harder to Ludwig.

"No!  I-a don't-"

"Bitte,"  Ludwig begged, interrupting Feliciano and pushing him away.  Ludwig placed his hand on his forehead, feeling his blood lust grow as his panting increased.  "Bitte, jou need to leave before I loose vhat little self control I have left."

"No!" Feliciano said stubbornly.  "I-a refuse to!"  Ludwig growled under his breath.

"Jou'll end up hurt!"  Ludwig yelled, causing footsteps to be heard coming closer to the room.  Ludwig hissed as his eyes glowed bright red.  He raised a hand towards the door, causing a distinct click of a lock to be heard before the others began banging on the door.

"Bruder!  Feliciano!  Bitte, open zhe door!"  Gilbert cried out, along with the others.  Feliciano looked at the door and then to Ludwig who looked as if he was in pain.  Feliciano tried to move closer to Ludwig, only to hear Ludwig growl.

"But Luddy, you're-a in pain."  Feliciano said.  Ludwig shook his head.

"I need to leave."  He said firmly.  He turned his attention to a window, waving his hand, causing it to open as Feliciano threw himself at Ludwig.

"No!  Don't-a leave me!"  Feliciano cried out.  Ludwig looked at him, his eyes briefly flashing blue before he roughly shoved Feliciano away and muttered something under his breath, causing a dark mist to appear where Ludwig had been.  The mist quickly fled through the window as the door clicked unlocked and the others tumbled inside to see the window shutting and locking.

"Feliciano!"  Francis cried out.  "What 'appened?  Where is Ludwig?"  Feliciano trembled.


"Bitte, tell me!"  Gilbert urged, worried for his brother.

"He left,"  Feliciano whispered out.  "He-a was in pain and-a left."  The others were silent as Gilbert looked worried.

"Not good,"  Gilbert said.  Everyone looked to him.

"What do you mean mi amigo?"  Antonio asked.  Gilbert bit his lip.

"Vhen a vampire's beloved returns zheir love, zhen zhe vampire craves zheir beloved's blood..."

"Yeah, so-a what?"  Lovino asked.

"Vell, a vell-fed vampire feeling zhis hunger is one thing, but a vampire vho hasn't eaten in a month..."  Gilbert began fidgeting as realization hit the others like a brick wall.

"Zhen,"  Francis continued.  "Zhat vampire vill be so hungry zhat-"

"Whoever is-a their next-a victim, will be-a sucked dry."  Lovino finished.  They all gulped;

Right now, there is a powerful vampire with a huge thirst for blood, running lose in the forest.

"... Is zhere anything we can do Gilbert?"  Francis asked, breaking the silence.

"Nein,"  Gilbert said.  "Zhe only vay for him to calm down is to drink blood, and vith him being zhis hungry, I'd imagine at zhe very least 12 or 13 pints of blood vill calm him down, but zhe human body only has 10 pints."  Gilbert said solemnly and seriously, dropping his 'awezomes'.

"So-a that bastardo really will-a kill the first-a person he-a comes across and-a possibly another unlucky bastardo."  Lovino said.  Gilbert nodded.  Silence overtook the room.

"But,"  Feliciano said.  "What if-a we catch-a him and give-a him donated blood?"  The others stared as Gilbert rubbed the back of his neck.

"... Ja, zhat could vork, but we'd need to lure him close and catch him."  Gilbert said.  Francis then spoke up.

"Well, you do live in zhe woods so zhere isn't anyone for a few miles, so what if..."  Francis looked away as he trailed off.

"What if what?"  Antonio asked.

"What if... we used Feliciano as bait."  Francis said, causing Lovino to explode.


"I'll-a do it."  Feliciano said.  Lovino stared as Francis nodded and Gilbert sighed.

"Vell we have zhe bait, but how do you propose we catch him?"  Gilbert asked.  Everyone remained silent till Antonio spoke up.

"Hey, Lovi, you're a certified priest, right?"  Antonio asked.

"Yeah, why-a?"  Lovino answered as Antonio smiled.

"You could bless something like a net that we could throw over Ludwig that he wouldn't be able to escape and then bless a room to trap him in!"  Antonio suggested.  The others took a moment to let the plan sink in.

"Ja!  Zhat could awezomely vork!"  Gilbert said.

"Oui, it could!"  Francis said.

"Alright, I'll-a do it."  Lovino grumbled as Feliciano clung to him.

"Yay!  Now let's-a go bring Luddy home!"  Feliciano declared.

~To Be Continued~

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