Hetalia Romano X Reader Arranged Marriage Part 2
Romano X Reader Arranged Marriage Part 2
Meanwhile, this same news was being told to (Your Name).
She was taking the news better than Lovino, the man she just found out existed and was now engaged to him, but still she wasn't as "excited" or "happy" as her parents wanted her to be.
(Your Name) was in the kitchen, sitting at their dining room table. You were previously called out of your bedroom to come and hear some "Life changing news".
You stared at your mom and dad, eyes widening with shock, witch your parents mistook for surprise.
"M-mom? Dad? Are you serious?" you faintly said, looking at the wide grin form on your mothers face.
"Yes Sweetie!! We know how much you love to keep to yourself, since you don't date much and figured that this was a wonderful opportunity from god! So we took it!!" your mom excitedly babbled, while your father stood with his hands on your moms shoulders, while nodding happily.
"N-no." You stated blankly, your blank stare shifted towards their tiled kitchen floor. "DAD PLEASE TELL ME THIS IS JUST A JOKE!!" You shouted, startling your parents who just now realized it wasn't "excitement" or "happiness" that their daughter was feeling towards this news, it was disdain.
"ANSWER ME!!" You demanded watching the corners of your parent's lips turn downwards, making their beaming smiles turn to a frown.
"But, honey, don't you want to get married?" Your mom said, the happy gleam that was once in her eyes had dulled over and became desolate.
"Yes mom!! I do!! But not to some random boy I don't even know the name of!" You sassed. Your father however, didn't look sad, his expression changed to a more stern one.
"His name is Lovino Vargas" Your father grunts. "He's Antonio's little brother, you remember Antonio right? He's the assistant manager." He explained further, not saying anything else that you would consider important. Nothing more about this Lovino anyways.
"Oh WOW, I know SOOO much about him now! That makes it ALL better!" You say sarcastically rolling your eyes and leaning back into your wooden chair.
Your mom sighs and places her hands on her hips "Oh stop it (Your Name)! We've herd all about this young man from Antonio! And he sounds very nice!! In fact-"
"Oh yeah! Because some poor guy wouldn't exaggerate and lie to his boss just so he can become rich and shirk all of his work! NOPE NOT LIKE THAT AT ALL!" You hiss back at her, interrupting her mid-speech standing up and shoving your chair in. You were blistering with pure rage.
Your parents stared back at you, their eyes widened at what you had just said to them. Your father glared at you and raised his voice "You've met Antonio before, you know he is MY BEST WORKER, and that HE WOULD NOT LIE TO ME."
You felt tears starting to well up in your eyes, you were surprised you just said that, you had indeed met Antonio before and he was one of the nicest people you had ever met, in fact, you couldn't think of a better person to take over your dad's job. The only reason you said that is because you were scared and angry, you knew it wasn't true.
"I know that's not true! I'm just pissed off!" You shout storming off into your bedroom and slamming your bedroom door shut. Where you dive onto your bed and surround yourself in a cocoon of blankets and stuffed animals to help you cope with your new-found despair.
"You didn't have to be so hard on her! For Pete's sake (Dad's Name)! She has a right to be angry with us!!" You mom scolds your dad as she walks off to try and comfort you. She stops outside your bedroom door and says calmly "Sweetie? I'm sorry about all that. May I please come in?"
"Fine." You mumble, through all your layers of the cocoon. While you wriggle a little bit pushing yourself into an upright position.
You mom pushes open the door and sits down next to you on your bed. "I know you haven't met Lovino yet, but, Him and Antonio are coming over for dinner tonight ok? Who knows, maybe you'll like him!" Your mom smiles trying to re-assure you that everything would go over fine.
But, you still doubted that, this wasn't some story where the two instantly fell in love and lived a happy life, this was real life, you thought.
But of coarse, you had no idea what god had in store for you.
Antonio had a tough time making Lovino get ready to meet (Your Name), Lovino had practically fought tooth and nail against him, but somehow Antonio had managed to wrestle Lovino into a black suit and even managed to tie his tie!
With only a few minor scratches...
"I'ma not getting out of the car!!" Lovino pouted and crossed his arms, also giving a small "humph!" the air making his curl bounce ever so slightly as Antonio's car came to a halt right outside of (Your Name's) house.
"Mi amigo, I'm sorry, but you are!! I've come this far! What makes you think I'm giving up now?!?" The Spaniard replies with a cocky smirk, as he takes the keys out of the ignition, opens his car door and gets out, slamming it shut again.
"And whata makes you think I'ma going to get out of your stupid ugly car!?!" Lovino glared at him, putting his feet up on the dashboard, knowing that Antonio didn't want to feel the wrath of his fingernails any more.
Antonio sighed, and looked defeated, but what Lovino didn't know was that he had a plan. "Oh, well, that's to bad then. (Your Name) must have dressed up ALL PRETTY for nothing." he says hanging his head and shrugging, suppressing a sly smile. He knew Lovino had a weakness for pretty girls and was not hesitating to use this as an advantage. Lovino perked up, upon hearing what Antonio just said had. Just as Antonio predicted, it caught his attention.
"So, justa how pretty isa (Your name)??" Lovino said curiously opening the car door and getting out, so he could talk better with Antonio.
"What? I haven't told you? She never even leaves her house much because a lot of desperate boys always ask her out!And she gets muy tired of them!!" Antonio says with a wink. "Actually Lovino, you're a pretty lucky boy!"
Lovino's face reddens a bit, wow and HE was getting married to (Your Name). From what his brother just told him she sounded VERY beautiful!!
"Don'ta get me wrong! I still hatea this! But fine! I'll meet her!" Lovino said walking up the front steps of the porch and knocking on (Your Name's) front door.
From inside the house, the knocking was herd all around, because it was dead quiet. Your mom and dad were sitting on the couch in the living room anxiously awaiting Antonio and Lovino's arrival, and you, were in your room. Sitting at your desk dreading the very moment you herd that knock on your houses door.
Your mom jumped up from the couch and excitedly yanked opened the door revealing Lovino and Antonio. Your dad walked over to greet them,then turned in the direction of your room and shouted "(YOUR NAME)! YOU HAVE COMPANY! COME DOWN STAIRS!!"
Your mom chimed in "DON'T WORRY SWEETIE!! HE'S ADORABLE!!" making Lovino blush and hide behind Antonio who was discussing a funny business trip with your dad, the two were laughing.
You herd your dad's orders (and your mom's side note) and hesitantly stood up. Well (your name), lets get this over with. You think as you slowly walk over to your door and pull it open, and make your way to the living room.
You were SO NERVOUS, you felt like you were going to collapse, your heart beat grew almost rapid as you approached the doorway to the living room, you slowly stepped through, and there before you was Lovino Vargas the guy you were getting married to.
The first thought that hit you, and you were embarrassed you thought it, was 'Wow! My mom was sooo right!' you couldn't help but admire his handsome-ness, his gleaming brown hair framing his face, and those amber eyes were making you melt!!
But! That was just his appearance! You think, He probably wont be a nice guy! He'll just be some jerk who doesn't care about me at all. You argue. However, You couldn't stop yourself from staring at him, causing you're face to turn a deep red.
Lovino on the other hand was stunned by you. He had just entered your home and was standing there waiting to see you, while Antonio and (Your Name's) Dad were talking, he grew a bit nervous also.
Do I looka ok? He wondered fidgeting slightly, looking at the ground. Then he herd soft footsteps walking on the wooden floor of the house, drawing closer and closer, he looked up and just as he did he saw, who he thought was the most beautiful girl in the entire UNIVERSE.
He stared at you for a moment observing everything about you, your (Hair length and Colour) cascading around your perfect features, you had a kind (although nervous) smile on your face, and a (favourite coulour) knee-length dress, the bottom was all ruffly and
he found it very cute.
"N-nice to meet you...Lovino. I'm (your name)" you stammer extending your right hand for a handshake, your other one clutching your dress out of fear. You didn't want to do anything stupid. You wanted Lovino to like you.
"Yeah, Nicea to meet you to. I guess." Lovino accepted the handshake, his gaze shifted to the ground. He didn't want to do or say anything stupid and embarrass himself, so he just remained quiet. Typical Lovino, always getting nervous around girls.
Your mom watched the both of your reactions to one another and giggled, this looked like the start of a beautiful planned relationship! And she sighed with relief.
Before any of you start giving me flak about Romano being all nice to story girl, check on the wiki, it says Romano tends to be NICE to girls. Yeah, I diddly done did my research. Yeah, and I still don't own Hetalia, incase you were wondering about that.
Ok, everyone take care and feel happy!
Thank you all for your time! ~ McSherlock
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