Seme!The Netherlands x Uke!Male!Reader-The Fair *Lemon*

Finland-Tino Väinämöinen
Sweden'-Berwald Oxenstierna
The Netherlands-Tim Van den Berg

(M/n)-Male name
(L/n)-Last name
(E/c)-Eye colour
(H/l)-Hair length
(H/c)-Hair colour
(E/c)-Eye colour
(F/c)-Favourite colour

(M/n)'s P.O.V.
It's Friday morning and I have just arrived at my office job. It's not what I wanted to do with my life but it's better than being unemployed. We are a world famous trading company and out C.E.O. is one of the richest men in the world.

I sit down at my office desk and open up my emails. My boss has asked me to come into his office for a meeting. I feel myself get nervous as he is really intimidating, my boss is the C.E.O. and his name is Tim Van den Berg. I still can't believe I actually know one of the richest men I the world...

He has blond hair that sticks up at the front and piercing green eyes. He is the most handsome man I have ever seen but he is really tall and intimidating. He is always wearing a blue and white striped scarf which makes him stand out.

I get scared easily because I'm rather small and petite. Sometimes I've been called a miss but I try not to let it get next to me. I'm a little like one of my friends Tino because we are both small in stature and around big strong people. Although Tino can actually fight.

I feel my heart quicken as I realise he has asked to see me now. I should go so I don't keep him waiting to long. I wonder if he's going to fire me...

I walk up to his big doors and lightly knock on them. I hear a deep voice say come in and i open the doors shaking.

"Y-you wanted to see me?" I ask him nervously

"Yes, please take a seat" he replies gesturing to a seat on the opposite side of his desk

I sit down and look at him nervously.

"(M/n) are you free this weekend?" He asks me

Hmm maybe he wants me to work an extra shift...

"Yeah I am, do you need an extra person for the weekend?" I ask

"No, I was wondering of you want to go to the fair with me?" He asks

"W-what?" I exclaim shocked

"The fair that's in town, I want you to go with me." He asks again

I don't know if I want to go with him or not, he is really intimidating and scary but if I say no then he might fire me... I can see him waiting for my answer and I panic.

"Uhh y-yeah I'll go to the fair with you..." I say looking down

He stands up and walks over to me. He places his fingers under my chin and turns my head to meet his eyes.

"Do you really want to go with me?" He asks looking me in the eyes

"Y-yeah I guess..." I reply trying to look away

His green eyes soften a little and he turns back to his deck.

"Very well, you can go back to work now." He says

I stand up and walk out of the office. When I close the doors Tink runs up to me.

"What did he want?" He asks hurriedly

"H-He asked me out to the fair..." I say shyly

"Really?!" He replies with his eyes shining

"Y-Yeah, is this a date?" I ask him nervously

"Yes, you have to let me help you get ready!" He says hugging me

"Ok Tino, it's tomorrow so he at my house early." I smile

The Netherlands' P.O.V.
My heart is beating really fast, I just asked my crush out. Although I knowI don't show it on my face I am really happy he accepted.

The truth is I have a crush on (M/n), with his small frame and his adorable face. His (h/l) (h/c) suits him perfectly making him cuter. He has bright (e/c) eyes that shine whenever he smiles. He is perfect but the only problem is he seems so scared of me.

I've spoken to him before but he seemed really intimidated by me. That's why I asked him out, to try and get him to talk to me. I know I'm his boss but I don't have any rules about adding in my company. Even if I did what would happen to me? I'm in charge.

I sit back down at my desk and start thinking about (M/n). He is so perfect and I will make him mine.

*Time skip to the weekend*

(M/n)'s P.O.V.
Tino has just finished getting me dressed, he chose my entire outfit. Because it's winter he made sure I was warm. I'm wearing a pair of denim jeans that are sort of skinny and small black boots, I have (f/c) t-shirt under a white sweater that's a little to big. It's just really hard finding clothes that fit me.

Tino gives me a pep talk about just being myself and not worrying if it doesn't go well.

"You'll be fine." Tino states hugging me

"But he is so intimidating, and I don't think he likes me very much..." I reply

"What makes you say that?" Tino asks

"Well he is always glaring at me and he barely speaks. What if this is his way of making me feel less bad about being fired?" I ask shaking

"That's not going to happen, just enjoy yourself" he laughs

"How did you get together with Berwald? He has a very intimidating face as well..." I ask him

"I just got to know him." He smiles

We hear a knock on the door and I grab Tino's arm. He smiles and leads me downstairs to the front door. He opens it and Tim is standing there loosing really good, he is wearing black pants, a white top and a red jacket. He of course has his scarf around his neck.

"Are you ready to go?" Tim asks me

"Y-Yes I am." I say

I say goodbye to Tino and Tim leads me out to his car. Of course it's an expensive blue porsche that makes me feel weird because I will never have that much money.

He opens the door for me and I take a seat. He walks around to the drivers seas and looks at me with concerned eyes as he starts the car.

"Are you alright?" He asks me

"Y-Yeah I'm fine." I say forcing a smile

My heart is beating so fast and I am so nervous right now.

"You don't need to be nervous, I'm not going to fire you." He says

I feel a wave of relief was over me and I can finally breath properly. Thank god he isn't going to fire me, I worked way to hard for this job.

"I have an all access pass to this fair so we can do whatever we want for free." Tim says

"It sounds like fun." I say smiling softly and looking out the window

We arrive at the fair and he shows security his pass. They let him through and when we make it inside I notice how many people there are. I start to feel nervous again because I hate big crowds. Tim grabs my hand softly and pulls me along with him.

"What do you want to do?" He asks me

"I don't really know, this is my first time being at a fair..." I smile

"Well then, I'll take you on one of the rides." He says and pulls me over to where the rides are

I look at them and they look really scary, I think by know people know I'm a scaredy-cat but I didn't think I'd be going on rides like these. There are roller coasters and rides that spin you upside down. But I don't want Tim to feel bad so I'll go on one no matter how scared I am.

He takes me to one where you sit down on a seat and it turns around while swinging you upside down. I'm trying to keep my shaking under control but I can barely breath. We take our seats and Tim doesn't look scared at all.

I look at the Dutchman and he meets my eyes.

"Are you ok? You look a little pale..." he asks

"Y-Yeah I'm fine, just a little nervous." I laugh awkwardly

He softly holds my hand as the ride starts. It isn't so bad at first. It's just a little spinning but when it starts to move us up side down I can barely breath. I can't even scream because of how terrified I am. The ride goes on for two minutes and eventually it comes to a stop.

Tim stands up and I do as well. I feel like I'm going to pass out. I am shaking so much but I'm trying to hide it, oh god I'm going to ruin this whole date.

"Are you sure you're ok? You look really pale..." he asks again

"I'm really fine, just wasn't expecting the ride to be so... uhh scary." I say not looking him in his eyes

He take my hand and pulls me behind one of the rides so no one can see us.

"I know you're lying." He says

His face remains in an intimidating glare but his eyes show concern.

"W-What do you mean?" I ask confused as to how he figured me out

"Tino told me, he told me about how nervous and shy you get." He reveals "And how scared you get."

"I'm really sorry, I'm probably ruining this whole day." I say hiding my hands in my face

He softly pulls my hands away from my face and I look into his eyes. I feel something in my chest and my cheeked redden.

"You aren't ruining anything mijn geliefde~" he whispers

(Dutch:Mijn geliefde-My love)

He moves closer to my face. I can feel his breath on my lips and I meet his green eyes. I am shaking but I feel a warm feeling in my heart. He presses his lips to mine and it's like something inside me explodes. I kiss him back and it feels different to how I though it would be.

It's warm and wet. It tastes kind of like cinnamon and sugar. He wraps his hands around my waist and I put my hands in his hair. When he pulls back he looks into my eyes.

"Do you want to go look at the baby animals?" He asks me smiling

"They have baby animals?!" I say with my eyes lighting up

He gives me a ghost of a smile and takes my hand.

"By the way this means you're my vriendje..." he states


"What does that mean?" I ask confused

"Boyfriend." He whispers

I blush and giggle a little. I can't believe I got a boyfriend, and I'm happy that it's someone I really like. For some reason Tim makes me feel really happy, Tino says its love and I agree.

The Netherlands' P.O.V.
I'm glad that (M/n) is having a good time now, earlier he seemed nervous and scared and like he wanted to go home. But now that we are doing something less scary then rides he has calmed down and looks like he's having a lot of fun.

He looks so cute with the baby bunnies. He looks up at me with his (e/c) eyes and they are shining.

"Come sit, you should hold one." He say holding out a bunny to me

I sit down next to him and take the bunny from his hands. He looks up at me and smiles sweetly. The bunny starts to move and I jump out of my thoughts.

"Do you want to stay at my house tonight?" I ask him "It will be really late when we leave."

"Y-Yeah of course." He says and he smiles

I feel my cheeks redden and I look away. I can feel something in my nether lands and I peek down to see a boner, I can't let (M/n) see this. I try to calm down and it slowly fades away. I place down the bunny and pull (M/n) up.

"Come on, let's go watch the fire works." I say and we go outside to see the fireworks

He follows after me handling my hand for warmth. The fireworks start to pop and they looks really beautiful. I see (M/n) staring and smiling intently which makes him look adorable. I can't wait for tonight though.

*Time skip to the car*

(M/n)'s P.O.V.
I'm in Tim's car watching the world go past illuminated by the moonlight. I turn to him because I have a question I've been meaning to ask him.

"Hey Tim, why did you ask me out?" I ask "I mean I'm not the best looking, or the richest, or the smartest or anything really so why me?"

"What are you taking about liefde? You are the most beautiful, kindest sweetest person I have ever met." Tim replies "I know I'm horrible at showing emotion and talking my feelings but I love you because you are perfect."


He pulls up to his house and it's a massive mansion. I feel a little intimidated by its size. He takes my hand and we walk inside. A maid comes to greet us and takes Tim's coat. I didn't realise that Tim had maids and butlers. I guess it makes sense though with how rich he has and how big his house is.

"Do you want to have dinner sir?" She asks

"No thank you, we have already eaten" He replies

Oh yeah we ate at a nice Dutch restaurant earlier. He takes my hand again and leads me up a staircase to his room. When we make it inside he takes off his shoes and I do the same. He sits down on the bed and gestures for me to as well. Inside his room there is a massive king sized double bed that looks like it could fit 10 people on it. There is a big window that overlooks the city. There is a big fur rug with a couch and table on it with a tv on the wall. This room is almost as big as my house.

"You have a very big house." I laugh quietly

"I guess..." he says looking away

"I didn't know you had maids and stuff." I say

He doesn't reply, he just looks away nervously.

"Are you alright?" I ask him "You look nervous."

"I love you, ever since you came to work for me." He says bluntly

Well that was a little out of the blue but it gives me a chance to tell him how I feel.

"I-I love you to." I reply looking away a little nervously

"You are the most beautiful person I have ever met, please never leave me." He whispers

"I won't." I reply

**Lemon Start**

Tim presses his lips to mine and pushes me back onto the bed. He licks my bottom lip asking for entrance and I shyly open my mouth. His tongue enters my mouth and his knee moves slowly between my legs.

He moves his knee in a circular motion and his tongue moves all around my mouth claiming his new territory. I kiss back and I feel a slight ache in my pants. I look down and I can see the tent that's forming. I can also see a bulge in his pants.

He seems to have noticed as well and he smirks. His mouth attaches itself to my neck and he licks around trying to find my sweet spots. When I find it I moan out and he bites down in it. He draws a little blood but he licks it away. He keeps sucking in it and I'm putty in his hands. He leaves multiple hickeys on me. One of his hands trails up my top and pinches my right nipple. When he does this I moan into the kiss. He twists the bud around in his fingers and pulls it a little.

He slips his hand out of my shirt and pulls off my jumper as well as my shirt. He pulls of his scarf and top as well. He moves his face down to my left bud and licks it. He uses his teeth as well as his tongue and he pinched the right one. Then he switches nipples.

One of his hands trail down my chest, then stomach, then lower abdomen and it slips under the waistband of my pants. He grips my man hold gently and starts pumping it a little. I moan again and he removes his hand. He steps off of the bed and I sit on the edge. He tells me to remove my pants and I listen to what he says. He bends down between my legs and grasps my man-hood.

"You're so amazing." He whispers huskily in my ear while softly pumping my dick a little

He moves his face down to my man-hood and opens his mouth. His tongue darts out and he licks the tip that is dripping with pre-cum. He licks from the tip to the base a few times before placing his whole mouth around the top.

"A-Ah T-Tim~" I moan shaking with pleasure

He slowly starts to suck and he moves down lower and lower. I'm only about seven inches so it isn't that hard for him to deep throat me but it feels amazing. He sucks up and down a few times before I feel a knot in my stomach. I place my hands in his hair trying to make him speak up.

"T-Tim I-I'm ahh~" I say and I release in his mouth

He swallows all of me and then looks up at me. He removes his pants and boxers and his large dick springs out. He flips our positions so I'm between his legs and he is on the bed. I feel a little nervous about his size but hopefully it won't hurt. I look into Tim's eyes and slowly lean down to his dick.

I nervously lick the tip of it and I can taste pre-cum. I lick his tip like he did to me and then wrap my mouth around his tip. I slowly lower my mouth into him and start sucking and licking. I place one of my hands in his upper thigh for support.

I keep sucking and moving up and down when I try to relax my throat. I push my mouth down a little more but I can't fit much more in my mouth. I pump what I can't fit in my mouth.

"Nghh (M/n)~" he groans out gripping my hair

I move a little faster and I can feel his dick twitching a little. I suck harder and he cums into my mouth. I try to swallow it all but some leaks out of my mouth. It tastes kind of like salt but nothing else really. Although it is creamy and warm.

He pushes me back down onto the bed and places his fingers in my mouth. I suck on them while panting and I move my hips so our dicks touch each other. He removes his fingers and trails them down to my ass. He places one finger inside of me which makes me moan. He places a second and a third. He starts moving them and stretching me out.

"Uhh Tim~" I moan as he removes his fingers

He leans over me and grabs a bottle of lube out of a drawer. He squirts some into my hand and tells me to rub it in him. I listen to him and I try to cover every part of his dick with it. He tells me that he is ready and I should lay down. He lines himself up with my hole and he smirks.

"What do you want me to do?" He asks

"Please, fuck me~" I say trying to move my hips

He presses his tip to the rim of my hole and I suddenly feel a little nervous about this. This isn't my first time but it's my first time with someone so big. He pushes himself into me slowly and I moan at the pain and pleasure. He doesn't stop until he is all the way in and I don't think I have ever felt so full. Tim waits for me to adjust to his size.

"Please move Tim~" I beg

He smirks and pulls about three quarters of the way out. He slams back into me making me scream. He repeats this motion again and again making me scream out multiple times. I can hear him moaning which makes me harder. After a few minutes he flips us into the doggy style position and he grasps my dick from behind.

He presses his lips to my shoulder when suddenly I feel him hit that one bundle of nerves.

"AHH TIM~" I yell trying to muffle my cries in a pillow

"Found it~" he whispers and he keeps hitting that spot

I am screaming and moaning for him when finally I can feel that knot in my stomach again. He places his finger over the tip of my dick so I can't release.

"Lets come together~" he whispers and keeps moving

Eventually I can barely take it anymore and my arms can barely hold me up. I can feel his dick twitching again and he uncovers my dick. We both release at the same time with a loud moan. I lay down on the bed with my chest to the ceiling trying to catch my breath. He stands up and turns the lights off so the only thing illuminating the room is the city lights and the moon.

He lays down next to me and pulls me to lay on him. He wraps the blankets around us and holds me close to him. I hold him around his neck and lay my head on his chest, I'm exhausted but this was the best night of my entire life. I got together with someone who loves me and I love him. Nothing will ever beat this.

**Lemon End**

*Time skip to a few weeks later*

(M/n)'s P.O.V.
These past few weeks have been amazing, ever since Tim and I confessed to each other we have become closer. Work is amazing because I get to see Tim every day. I spend a lot of time at his house because it's really close to work but he comes over to mine and I cook for him.

Tim is the best boyfriend ever, he may not show a lot of emotion on his face or be good at shaking his feelings but he knows how to show that he loves me. We went out to the city one night and a guy groped my butt. He punched them and told them not to touch me.

He is sweet and kind and sometimes gets me gifts. I try to do things for him as well like bringing lunch for him. This is the best relationship I've been in so far.

Right now I'm in Tim's office sitting on his lap making out. There are inspectors coming today and we were cleaning his office when we got a little distracted.

There is a knock at the door and we pull apart immediately. We straighten each other up and an inspector walks in. Even though we are trying to look professional we are holding hands behind our backs. Nothing will ever make me let go of Tim, I love him. Going to the fair with him was the best idea I've ever had.

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