Romania x Fem!Reader-Sacrifice

Romania-Vladimir Popescu

(Y/n)-Your name
(F/n)-Friend's name
(F/c)-Favourite colour

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
Another herd of cows were killed last night, completely drained of their blood and all with puncture holes on their necks. These attacks are becoming more frequent and the animals are beginning to get bigger.

I'm sitting with my friend at a coffee shop in our small village on the edge of a forest in Romania. It's almost dark and we should be heading home soon.

"Hey (Y/n)." My friends (F/n) says interrupting my thoughts "You don't think these attacks have been caused by vampires right?"

"Shh you can't say that so loudly, we could get in trouble!" I whisper yell, hushing her.

"But what of it is, we should get ready to fight." (F/n) states

"Just get some sleep tonight, the elders will figure it out tomorrow." I reply

I hug (F/n) goodbye and she heads home. I finish up my drink and a cold wind picks up, taking my (f/c) beanie along with it. I quickly chase after it but stop as I come to the edge of the forest, no one is allowed in there, to dangerous.

I sigh and turn around but as I do I hear a twig snap.

"Who's there?!" I yell "You're not supposed to be in the forest!"

There is nothing but silence and I grow annoyed and frustrated after loosing my favourite beanie.

"Whatever." I mumble and head back to the comfort of my warm home

Once inside I take off my shoes and coat, quickly heading upstairs to get changed into my pyjamas. On my table there is my (f/c) beanie, just resting there.

"If someone's in my house get out!" I yell trapping my wooden stick from my cupboard

I don't hear anything so maybe I was just imagining loosing it and I placed it down where I got home? Yeah that must be it. I turn off the oil lamp by my bed and crawl into bed, tired from hearing about all the attacks.

What if what (F/n) said was true? Could this really be a vampire? But there are none left...

*Time skip to morning*

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
I wake up and stretch but I stop as I feel a sudden pain in my neck. I place my fingers over the arena of throbbing and it feels sticky. I see blood and rush to my bathroom mirror but I feel lightheaded all of a sudden.

I shake it off and check the mirror for the damage. I have two small puncture wounds on my neck, like fangs that have bitten into me, which are covered in a little bit of blood. I grab some paper and water and clean off the dried blood.

I place bandage over it and head back to bed to sleep off the sick feeling I have. I drink some water and just as I'm falling asleep there is a series of loud knocks at my door. I groan and head to the front door to answer it.

"Coming!" I yell and finally reach the door

I open it and there is (F/n) standing there looking pale and shocked.

"What happened?" I ask worriedly

"A man was killed last night, he has two puncture wounds on his neck!" She says quickly "The elders have called a village meeting for everyone."

"Ok, I'll get ready now." I reply quickly and run up to my room

I put on (f/o) finished with a warm white coat for the cold weather and (f/n) and I rush to the town hall for the meeting. A few other people have arrived, looking nervous and scared as well, once inside we take our seats and the town elders file in.

"As you all know a man has been killed, just like our animals." One of the town elders says "Two puncture wounds on the side of his neck."

My hand trails up to my neck where I can still feel throbbing and I winder if this has anything to do with that.

"While it is true that during the War Of Great Power vampires were hunted to nearly extinction." The elder states "However seeing all the evidence pointing to vampires we heave to take the possibility into consideration. If anyone has any information please come forward."

The elders file out and everyone follows after them, whispering about what to do if there is a vampire attack.

*Time skip to a week later*

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
Three more people have been killed by this supposed vampire. All in the same way. I haven't had any more marks appear on my body which is good but the entire village is unsettled.

I'm walking to the bakery to get some bread to eat when suddenly a bag is placed over my head and I'm hit hard behind my neck. Knocking me out.

When I wake up I still have the bag over my head but I know I'm no longer in the village. The bag is removed and I can see the five elders surrounding me.

"What's going on?!" I yell angrily

"The attacks we have received were indeed from a vampire, we received a note from the vampire that he wants the one he marked as a sacrifice." The head elder states

"We were unsure who it was at first until he send another note, pinned to the forehead of his latest  victim that it was you and if he had to wait any longer he'd kill the whole fillings." The second elder explains

"So you're sending me to be a sacrifice? No way there has to be another way!" I shout

"It's either you or the village." The third elder says

I stand up ready to punch and kick but I'm knocked out again by a heavy force. When I open my eyes I see that the sun is just about to set over the thick, creepy forest. I have no idea not to get back at all.

I wander the damp forest floor in hopes of finding someone or something to help me. Hopefully I don't run into the vampire...

I can't shake the feeling that someone is watching me, it's like they're burning into my soul. I head a group of footsteps and I run around in hopes of seeing the elders who changed their mind but instead I'm met with wolves.

I take a step bald in fright and I just want to cry. Just as one pounces a human figure appears in front of me and uses magic blasts to push it away, he stands in front of me with strawberry blond hair and glowing red eyes. He takes care of the wolves and turns to me, smiling.

"You've arrived printesa mea." He says in a heavy Romanian accent

(Romanian:Printesa mea-My princess)

"Who are you, what do you want?" I ask taking a step back

"I'm Vladimir Popescu, But you can call me Vlad." He says happily

He grabs my arm and a white light encases us. I feel dizzy and close my eyes, when I reopen them we're in a large room with many doors and a staircase. It must be some sort of mansion.

"Where am I?" I ask

"You're in my house, you are my sacrifice." He says smiling

"So you're the vampire?" I question trying to hide my fear

"That I am." Vlad states and takes my hand in his "Come on, I'll show you your room."

He leads me up the staircase and takes me to a large bedroom. There's a big double bed, a fireplace with fur rugs, a wardrobe and draws and a table and chairs. It's all red black and dark brown, giving off a creepy vibe.

"This is your room, my room is next door so if you need anything you know where I am." Vlad smiles "I'll leave you to settle in."

"Why are you doing this? Aren't you just going to drain me of my blood and kill me?" I ask angrily

"I have to take care of printesa mea, you're more than just a sacrifice." Vlad says and moves quickly to me

Cold lips press against mine and an arm wraps around my waist. Before I can do anything the lips are gone and Vlad is standing in front of me smirking.

"I think we'll get along just fine." He says and disappears into thin air

I sigh and flop onto the bed, closing my eyes and let out a few small tears before quickly falling asleep.

Romania's P.O.V.
I can hear soft sobs from printesa mea's bedroom an I begin to feel guilty. No I had to save her, those elders were going to kill a large group for a sacrifice to some god and I didn't want that to happen to (Y/n).

I fell in love with her many years ago but she didn't even know that I existed. The first time. I saw her in years was when she stood at the edge of the forest looking for her beanie. She was so beautiful and my feelings for her were once again reignited.

At first I was planning to just kill a few animals for blood since the number of forest animals have gone down but the I saw her and decided that I wanted more. I killed the bad people of the village, the ones who have murdered or abused so it's not like I killed innocent people.

Then I found out about the elders plan and decided to save her, now she will live with me safely but what if she hates me? Should I tell her?

The sobs hav stopped and I teleport into (Y/n)'s room. She has fallen asleep with tears still on her cheeks. I wipe them off and lift the covers over her.

"You'll be safe here printesa mea." I whisper

*Time skip to morning*

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
I wake up to the smell of something cooking and I sit up in my bed. I quietly tiptoe to the door, exit and then walk down the stairs, following the smells. Inside there is floating salt and pepper shakers, pots mixing themselves and dishes cleaning themselves up.

"Wow..." I whisper to myself

"Cool right printesa mea?" A voice behind me asks

I turn around in shock and Vlad is standing there smiling, his fangs are very obvious.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you." He says and takes my hand, pulling me into the dining room

We sit down at the table and food begins to float in and appear in front of us, making my stomach growl.

"You should eat, it's really good." Vlad says

"Is it poisoned?" I ask

He shakes his head and begins to eat. I guess I really should eat or else I could get sick. I grab some food on my fork and place it in my mouth, it's really good...

After breakfast Vlad takes me outside to the beautiful rose garden filled with red and white roses.

"This is my special place, you can completely forget about the outside world." He says sitting down on a bench

He looks up at me and out eyes meet. His red eyes seem to draw me in and I sit next to him.

"Why did you choose me?" I ask "Why not one of the more beautiful, or smart or brave girls in the village?"

"Because they aren't you printesa mea, I care only for you." He says and rests his head in the crook of my neck "You are the most beautiful, smart and brave girl that ever walked the earth."

I blush at his comment and smile slightly.

"You really think so?" I ask "But why did you bite me in the middle of the night?"

"Incase any other vampires appears, I wanted them to know you're of limits." Vlad explains

My hand goes up to the now healed wounds and I blush even more. No I can't feel this way, he's a vampire who's killed, I'm just a human.

"Why don't we head back inside before it rains?" Vlad asks

I nod and we walk back to the mansion, hand in hand.

*Time skip to a month later*

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
It's been a month since I came to live with Vlad and I've fallen in love, hard. Of course I can't let him know because we're to different to ever be together. Vlad hasn't drunk any of my blood and he really has treated me like a princess.

"(Y/n)?!" I hear Vlad call out from the living room

I head downstairs and Vlad is walking around holding a bouquet of red roses looking nervous. His strawberry blond hair is a bit messy.

"Everything alright Vlad?" I ask

He nods quickly and smiles at me.

"I wanted to give these to you." He says holding out the bouquet of roses

"Thank you, but why?" I reply

"I-I have something to tell you." Vlad says nervously "I really like you, probably love and it's why I saved you from that village."

Vlad looks down and I nearly drop my kitty in shock.

"Wait you love me?" I ask

"Yeah, it's ok if you don't feel the same way..." He says looking sad

"No, no I do!" I say quickly

"Really?" He asks smiling

I nod and he wraps his arms around me, pressing his cold lips against mine, I feel myself blush and I kiss back, happy that my feeling are returned, but we still can't be together.

"But we can't be together..." I whisper

"Why not?" He asks

"Because you're a vampire, I'm human, I'll die and you'll be all alone." I say resting my forehead against his

"Don't worry about that, I can turn you into a vampire." He says happily

"Really?" I ask

He nods and moves his lips to my neck.

"Do you want me to? I need to bite you and inject you with my venom." He whispers

I nod and peace myself for the pain. His fangs pierce through my skin but it's not as painful as I thought it would be. I groan in pain and I feel the venom in my neck. I become light headed and Vlad tightens his grip on my waist. I pass out in his arms, clinging to him.

*Time skip to night*

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
I wake up groaning and feeling extremely thirsty. This is Vlad's room.

"Vlad?!" I yell, looking around to find the room empty

"Right here." He says appearing next to me

I wrap my arms around him in a tight hug and he hugs me back.

"I love you." I whisper

"I love you too." He replies

"Why did you say you saved me? Before you turned me?" I ask, remembering what he had said

"The elders were going to kill you for some sacrifice and I wanted to save you." He replies

Vlad quickly explains the whole story and I sling tighter to him, thinking that if he didn't save me I would be dead. Suddenly another wave of thirst washes over me and Vlad begins to smell really good.

"Thirsty huh?" He asks brushing my hair with his fingers

I nod and he moves to give me more access to his neck.

"You can drink from me, but be careful." He says

I quickly sink my fangs into his neck and suck out the blood. I take enough to quench my thirst but not enough to make him feel sick. I remove my mouth and Vlad lays down next to me, still holding me in his arms.

"Normally we would stay awake at night however I'm really tired." He chuckles

I nod and close my eyes, allowing myself to fall into a deep sleep, wrapped in the arms of my vampire lover.

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