Prussia x 2p Canada-The Forest

(A/n):Requested by Bunnielover23 . Hope you like it :)

Prussia-Gilbert Beilschmidt
2p Canada-James Williams

Prussia's P.O.V.

"Gilbird slow down!" I yell after my flying yellow-feathers friend "Zhe awesome me can't keep up vith you."

I was calmly watching a YouTube video on how to be awesome when Gilbert flew in through the window and stated squawking like crazy. He wanted me to follow him so I am but it's been about twenty minutes of running and he shows now signs of stopping. He lead me to the forest near my apartment and I have no idea what he could have found. Good thing west put me though all of that extra training or else I would be extremely exhausted.

The snow crunches under my feet and as we reach a clearing in the forest I see red snow and a large polar bear whose his leg caught in a hunting trap. But hunters aren't allowed here... unless they are doin this illegally.

I walk up to the bear and it growls at me. Gilbert flies down onto its nose and the bear calms down.

"Ok scary-bear, zhe awesome me is going to help you." I say and lean down

The bear growls but keeps his body down in submission. I carefully unscrew the bolts with the pocket knife I carry and slowly pull the two hinges away from each other so the bear can slip his leg through it.

It can't walk properly though and I can see bone.

"Ok zhis might hurt a little but it's better zhan bleeding everywhere." I say as I slip my warm jacket off

The cold air hits my bare arms and I shiver. I wrap the coat around the bears leg and I hear him whimper in pain.

"I don't know vhat to do now, I guess I should call a vet or somezhing but I don't think they vould know about polar bears." I state

Gilbert lands on my head and suddenly starts chirping like crazy.

"Oh you won't need to help him, he'll be dead soon." A voice behind me says

I turn around and there are two men with rifles glaring at me. The polar bear tries to walk towards him but he flinches when he puts pressure on his hurt foot.

"I vont let you kill him." I say standing up fully

"fet out of here you German leech." The second man yells

"I AM PRUSSIAN!" I yell as I lunge at one of them with my pocket knife one

As I do the other shoots his rifle and I feel a sharp pain in my shoulder and I stumble back. I fall to the grown and the freezing snow touches my arms. The gun is pointed at my head an I see my life flash before my eyes.

Gilbird flies at the man and pecks at his eyes. The man swaths him away, throwing him to the ground.

"Gilbird!" I exclaim

Luckily he emerges from the snow unharmed.

"I'm going to shoot you, then kill that bear and wear his fur as a coat, or maybe use him as a fur rug." The man says smirking

That's when the sound of crunching snow becomes audible and the man is punched across the face buy the most stunning person I have ever seen. He has long strawberry-blond hair in a ponytail and dark violet eyes which are hidden by sunglasses, he is wearing a red flannel and grey jeans with brown snow boots on.

He beats up both the men and grabs their guns.

"Get lost, don't come back unless you have a death wish." The strawberry-blond says in a Canadian accent

He turns to me and I feel vulnerable under his gaze.

"Thank you for helping Kuma." He says as he crouched down to me "Your shoulder is badly hurt, I'll take you back to my house to fix it."

Gilbert shakes off the snow and flies over to land on my head. I slowly stand up and clutch my shoulder as I walk. The strange man helps Kuma to walk and he leads me to a wooden cabin deep in the woods.

Inside it is warm and my body immediately warms up. I can move my fingers properly. The strange man tells me to sit down on the couch. I follow his instructions because he is still holding both of those guns.

He quickly places them down and uses a first aid kit to clean and stick up Kumar paw.

"Stay off of your paw for at least three weeks." He orders "Now for you."

He walks over me and grabs a second first aid box.

"I need you to take foo your shirt," He says

"Vait, before you do anyzhing vhat is your name?" I ask

"James Williams, I live in this forest and protect the animals from poachers and hunters." He explains

"Vell my awesome name is Gilbert and zhis is Gilbird." I say pointing to my feathered friend

His eyes soften a little and I see a ghost of a smile.

"I still need you to take off your shirt." He says

I nervously take off my shirt using only one arm and he gets to work. Using tweezers he pulls out the bullet. Then he applies pressure to stop the bleeding, after he cleans it and uses three stitches to close it ups they are a little sloppy but it will hold.

"Vielen dank." I say "You have helped zhe awesome me so now you are awesome as vell."

(German:Vielen dank-Thank you)

"You sound like my brother." James states "He is just as loud and obnoxious."

I pretend to be hurt by his words. And Gilbird flies over to his hair and lands in it.

"Gilbird how could you?" I say shivering

"You look cold, I'll go get you a top science tours is covers in blood." James says and leaves the rim

He comes back with another red flannel and hands it to me.

"This'll keep you warm." He states and sits next to me

I pull it on and smile at him.

"So you live out here huh?" I ask "Seems kind of lonely."

"Yeah my brother and dads say the same thing but I like being alone." He replies "Besides I have Kuma our Here wiht me. Even if he is a little shit who always gets himself into trouble."

I chuckle at his comment and Kuma growls. I stay at james' house for a little longer and we spend our time talking, for some reason my heart is slowly beating faster and faster.

"Zhe awesome me should get going, my brother vill be vondering vhere I am." I state

"Ok." He replies walking me to the door "Hey if you want to come back you can, but only you."

I nod showing I understand and Gilbird flies on top of my head I walk down the wooden stairs and into the snow. Luckily the walk back home doesn't take that long. When I arrive home I head straight to my bedroom and lay down in my bed. I can't get James' violet eyes out of my awesome head.

The way he is so tough and how muscular he looked is one reason but his eyes were just so captivating. And how he looks scary but has a soft spot for animals. I mean who wouldn't want a man like that? Oh no what am I thinking? the awesome me can't fall on love with a man I just met.

*Time skip to three weeks later*

2p Canada's P.O.V.
Gilbert came over again today to see how Kuma was doing. I secretly like it when Gilbert comes over because he adds an element of fun into whatever I'm doing. If Allen ever found out about that though he would probably make fun of me to no end.

Today is the day that Kuma will be able to properly walk again so Gilbert came over to watch. Slowly I unwrap the bandage around Kuma's paw and there is a small scar but it's barely noticeable. He takes a few steps and he seems perfectly fine. Soon he is out rolling around in the snow and Gilbird flies out after him.

Gilbert and I are all alone and I begin t9 feel a little nervous.

"So how's your shoulder?" I ask

"It's good thanks to you, no pain at all." He says confidently

"That's good Then." I say awkwardly

Goddam it, why am I struggling for words?

"Everything alright James?" Gilbert asks me, his red eyes gleaming with curiosity

"Yeah, just tired I guess." I lie

He smiles softly and pulls me to the couch.

"Vell then let zhe awesome me take care of you," He says and grabs a warm blanket to cover me with

I sit down and he wraps the blanket around me.

"Now you can sleep." He says smirking

"But I haven't had a good night kiss." I reply leaning over to him

His face reddens and I smirk. I guess I took this situation back. Due to his red cheeks he looks pretty cute, I guess I wouldn't mind Gilbert being my second soft spot.

I lean down and press my lips t his and he kisses back straight away. We slowly heated up the kiss and we pull apart for air.

"You know people, will judge us." Gilbert whispers

"Let them judge, we can just kick their asses." I reply

He smiles and kisses me on the lips again. This time it's more passionate and strong.

"Ja we can." He smirks


We spend the rest of the day cuddling and watching movies under the warm blanket. I didn't think I would ever fall in love with someone so loud and with such a strong personality but It's as someone once said; love works in mysterious ways.

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