Poland x Lithuania-Day Off

(A/n): Lithuania's birthday is on the 16th of February so happy birthday Lithuania.

Estonia-Eduard von Boc
Lithuania-Toris Laurinaitis
Latvia-Raivis Galant
Poland-Feliks Łukasiewicz
Russia-Ivan Braginsky
Switzerland-Vash Zwingli

Lithuania's P.O.V.
I'm wiping down the hand rails on the staircase when I hear the phone ringing, I walk over and answer it, i  hearing my friend and crush Feliks' voice.

"Heyyyy Toris, do you like want to go out tomorrow for your birthday?" Feliks asks

"Yeah of course, but I'll need to ask Mr.Braginsky." I reply in a whisper

"Well he can't say no, you haven't had a day off since like your last birthday!" He shouts

"Yeah I know, so where do you want to go?" I ask

"Meet me outside like, the mall tomorrow at lunch time ok? Fabulous." He says and hangs up

I nervously walk to Mr.Braginsky's office. I need to ask him for the day off tomorrow and I'm scared he will say no or get angry. As I walk down the hallway I see Raivis dusting some of the old paintings and Eduard is helping him.

"Oh hey Toris, where are you going?" Eduard asks

"I need to talk with Mr.Braginsky, I need a day off for...reasons..." I mumble

"Good luck." He replies

I nod and continue walking. I knock on the door of Mr.Braginsky office and I hear a come in, inside he is smiling a childlike smile but it just makes me more scared.

"Um Mr.Braginsky I have a request for you." I say

"Vell sit down and tell me." He says gesturing to the seat in front of him

"I was wondering." I begin to say sitting down "If could have the day off tomorrow."

"Vhy?" He asks

"B-because it's my birthday and Feliks asked me to go out with him." I say looking down

His smile turns to a glare and I hear him grown when I say Feliks' name and he leans forward! Resting his arms on the table.

"Vhy vould I let you go?" He asks glaring

"B-Because I haven't requested any s-sick days or other days off since my birthday last year." I say terrified "So I was hoping that I could have one day off for something special."

"So you can go out vith zhat polish idiot? I don't zhink so." He sighs "I'll decide when you get finds out he will come here and probably beat up Mr.Braginsky or something but I really want to go...

*Time skip to tomorrow*

Lithuania's P.O.V.
I'm feeling pretty sad wiping down the floor with a mop. I didn't get any presents and I don't get a day off on my birthday. I, supposed to be meeting Feliks around now but I'm stuck here I wish I didn't need this job.

I've been working for Mr.Braginsky for about 7 Years now and if I quit I have no chance of finishing another job. He will also beat and whip me if I even request to take time off. I'm just stuck. Feliks sometimes comes over to make sure I'm ok but there isn't much he can do. Although he is rich as well. Maybe I could ask Feliks If I can work for him...

That's when there is a knock at the door and I see Mr.Braginsky walk down the stairs.

"I had a feeling zhis vould happen." He sighs opening the door

I rest on the mop and brighten up when I see who is at the door. It's Feliks with his straight blond hair and green eyes

"I didn't think you'd like, Let Toris go with me." He says looking Mr.Braginsky in the eye "So I'm taking him and I will return him home at the end of the day."

Feliks barges in and takes the mop out of my hands. He grabs my hand and pulls me back out the house with him.

"I won't let you like, ruin Toris' birthday!" Feliks shouts and walks away pulling me

I turn back and look at Mr.Braginsky who is in a state of shock, then he glares at us and closes the door.

"Feliks why'd you do that.. when I get back he'll beat me!" I whisper

"No he won't, I'll make sure of it and whatever." He says as he continues holding my hand

We make our way to the big mall and Feliks pulls me inside.

"We're totally going to like, have so much fun!" He says and runs off, pulling me along with him

Together we look through lots of stores like target and k-mart.

"We should totally like, get matching shirts." Feliks says

"Yeah, is like that." I smile

We walk to one of the stores that allows you to create your own shirt and inside the lady who is sitting at the desk glares at us.

"We like, want to make our own shirts." Feliks says

"Of course, please follow me." She says getting up and leading us to the design choice

We quickly pick out a design and we head to the dyeing station. Her glare remains strong and I realise it's aimed at our joined hands.

"Is there something wrong?" I ask

"Ugh can you two stop holding hands, it's disgusting." She sighs "Honestly you need help if you think you're love or whatever is natural."

At that moment Feliks "accidentally" knocks one of the dye bowls and it spills all over her top.

"AHH!" She screams and runs off

"Come on, let's finish these tops." Feliks says as he finishes dying his

I quickly finish mine as well and we pay for them. The girl is standing there with a shirt dyed red glaring. We quickly pay before Feliks can throw anything else at her and we walk to the food court. We decide on a restrained and get out table there.

"Hey Toris, you know what that girl said, how we were like, in love?" He asks

I nod nervously as he looks up at me.

"Well despite being completely unfabulous she isn't completely wrong..." he mumbles

"Wait you love me?" I ask shocked

He blushes and I smile, brushing some of his long hair out of his face.

"I love you to." I whisper

He looks up at me and we slowly move our faces together and press our lips against each other. We continue kissing until someone walks over to take out order, luckily they didn't seem to see us.

*Time skip to after the date*

Lithuania's P.O.V.
I'm so scared to enter the house. I had an amazing day and I don't regret it, I mean I got s boyfriend and to have a day off but now I need to deal with a crazy boss. I slowly open the door and there is Mr.Braginsky standing there with his metal pipe.

"So little Toris finally came home?" He asks

"I-I." I stutter but I can't form a sentence

I really should have asked Feliks if I could come work for him...

"Don't worry, you aren't in any trouble." He smiles scarily "Unless you wanted to go out with him."

His demeanour immediately chances And he walks over to me, grabbing one of my brown locks in his hand softly. I shake my head and he smiles.

"You're a terrible liar." He says and yanks my hair

As I lean forward he hits me on the side with his pipe and I fall to the ground.

"Shh Toris, you shall receive your punishment for leaving." He whispers and hits me again

As he raises it another time the door opens and a bullet is fired into his side.

"Wow I'm like, glad I grabbed this from Vash." Feliks says appearing from the door

Mr.Braginsky doubles over in pain and I'm pulled up from the floor by Feliks.

"I'm like, taking Toris to live with me." Feliks says "Don't bother us again you unfashionable piece of crap."

Feliks allows me to rest most of my body weight onto him and he helps me walk to his house which luckily isn't to far away. Inside a few of the workers look at me confused but Feliks just ignores them. He take some to his room and lays be down on his bed.

After patching me up and putting ice on where I was hit he kisses my forehead.

"I won't like, let Ivan hurt you anymore." He says climbing into bed next to me "Happy birthday."

This has definitely been the best birthday of my life. I got to spend the whole day with Feliks as well as finally being free from Ivan. Eduard and Raivis will be alright because I know they're planning to leave in a few weeks, secretly and go back to their home countries.

I press my lips to Feliks' and he kisses back. We quickly fall asleep holding each other tightly.

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