Iceland x Fem!Reader-Road Trip

Denmark-Mathias Køhler
Finland-Tino Väinämöinen
Iceland-Emil Steilsson
Norway-Lukas Bondevik
Sweden-Berwald Oxenstierna

(Y/n)-Your name
(H/c)-Hair colour
(H/l)-Hair length

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

"COME ON (Y/N)!" I hear Mathias yell

"I'm coming, I'm coming. It's not my fault that you held us all up because you couldn't connect the caravan to the car." I mutter back glaring at him

Mathias and Tino decided that all of us should go on a road trip together. And Norway and Berwald couldn't talk them out of it. It's rather funny actually that now we are all going to spend three weeks together.

I mean I usually spend a little of time with these five, Mathias, Lukas, Berwald, Tino and Emil, oh and of course Mr.Puffin. While I don't live with them I spend my time at their house a lot and I'm always with them when we go anywhere.

I met Emil when we were in kindergarten, he and mr.Puffin beat up some bullies when they were pulling on my hair. From then on we were inseparable and I met his family. They seemed to really like me and I became close to Lukas.

Now I'm going to be with them for three weeks straight on a road trip. Hopefully it all ends well. Mathias was rushing me because he couldn't connect the caravan to the car properly so I was forced to help because he was to scared to ask Lukas.

After I finish putting my bags in the boot I walk around to the side door and manage to cram myself in the very crowded back seat. We have to fit Tino, Lukas, Emil and I all together. I'm really close to Emil that I'm basically sitting on top of him.

This makes me blush, I've liked Emil for such a long time but I know he doesn't feel the same way about me. I mean he is perfect, he has soft platinum hair and beautiful violet eyes. Sometimes when he smiles I feel like I'm going to faint or I'll die of blushing.

His brother almost looks the same but I can tell the difference easily. Lukas has told be before that he wants Emil and I to start dating so I'm glad to have his blessing but it would be more useful if Emil felt the same way about me.

As the engine starts I realise that I can't put my seatbelt on because it's to crowded. I feel a little nervous because this is dangerous.

"I'll hold onto you." Emil says wrapping an arm around my front

"How do you always manage to read my mind?" I giggle

He looks away from me and over to Lukas who is staring at us.

"What are you staring at?" Emil asks him

"Nothing, I don't know what you're talking about." Lukas replies looking away

I rest my head on Emil's shoulder and close my eyes.

"Want some liquorice?"He asks

I softly shake my head and smile a little knowing he likes me enough to share his liquorice black with me. I relax myself and his heartbeat lulls me to sleep. I'm glad I spend small moments like these.

Iceland's P.O.V.
I feel myself become nervous as (Y/n) rests her head on my shoulder. It makes me feel happy that she trusts herself with me. I mean I've liked her for years so it's not like I would hate it is she touched me.

"Aww you two are so cute." A voice interrupts us, one with a Finnish accent

"Ja, very cute." A Swedish one adds


"Don't do anything dirty in the back fo the car." A Danish accent laughs

"Shut up all of you!" I whisper shout glaring at them

"Aww don't be such a baby, we were just joking around." Mathias says from the drivers seat

"Be lucky I can't kill you because you're driving." I glare

I close my eyes and rest my head upon her head of (H/c) hair. This road trip is going to be hell but if (Y/n) is with me then maybe it will be bearable.

*Time skip to night*

Iceland's P.O.V.
We've stopped driving for the night and we are getting ready to sleep. I open the caravan door and I see how nice it is inside. Despite being a little small it seems really cozy. There are two beds on the far ends that pull out. There is a small sink and oven. There is also a fridge in one of the cabinets and an ironing board.

"Where is everyone sleeping?" Mathias asks

I grab (Y/n) and dive into one of the beds. She clings to me and stays next to me.

"I call this bed with (Y/n)!" I shout

Denmark grabs around around his waist and pulls him to the second bed.

"We call this one!" Denmark yells

"Well I guess Berwald and I can sleep in the car." Tino says and drags Berwald out before he can beat up Mathias for taking his spot

(Y/n)'s P.O.V
As Mathias and Lukas get ready for bed I lay down on the bed and close my eyes.

"Don't stay up to late you kids." Mathias says winking

Emil rolls his eyes and closes the thin curtain that blocks off the bed from the rest of the cabin. Emil lays down next to me and is asleep almost instantly. I know Emil won't try anything so I can sleep peacefully.

*Time skip to a week later*

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.

"What do you mean we took a wrong turn?!" Lukas yells

"I mean we are on the wrong road and I don't know where we are!" Mathias yells back

Mathias missed our turn off and because the gps has lost signal we have no idea how to get back. I feel a little nervous as I see how dark it's getting. Emil squeezes my hand and holds me close.

"Emil what are we going to do?" I whisper

"We'll find our way back, and Mathias brought his axe so we will be fine." He whispers back

"Why don't we just use a map?" Tino asks

"Oh of course, can anyone navigate for me?" Mathias asks "Lukas?"

"I can't read maps." He states

"Emil?" Mathias says hopefully

"No, you don't want me to navigate, I'll drive us off a cliff!" Emil shouts

"Wow calm down bro, how about you (Y/n)?" Mathias offers

"Yeah I can try." I say as I take the map

The only problem is that it isn't in English.

"It's Icelandic." Emil says over my shoulder

Together we work together to decipher where the map is trying to tell us where to go. Just as we are getting in the right track the car runs out of fuel and we have to pull over. At least we are on a road now though, instead of dirt.

"I'm the morning we can call someone to come help up. For now let's have dinner and sleep." Tino says still smiling

"Hey (Y/n) come here, I want to show you something." Emil says softly grabbing my hand and pulling me with him

We walk though a small forest and as we get through the clearing I realise we are on top of a mountain. The scene before me takes my breath away. There are beautiful northern lights in the sky illuminating the ground. There are high mountains and volcanos around us and they are basically glowing.

The air is crisp and cold but I barely notice as the breathtaking scene before me is to distracting. Emil softly grasps my hand and pulls me into his chest.

"Hey (Y/n) can I tell you something?" He asks me

I nod and feel butterflies in my stomach. No way... is he going to?

"I really like you, so much that it hurts sometimes. I need to know how you feel about me." He says and holds me tighter

"I like you too." I whisper "Maybe even love."

"I'm glad you feel that way." He says and softly presses his lips to mine

I smile and kiss him back straight away. His lips are soft and warm and taste like liquorice, his arms stay securely around my waist and I feel like I'm going to faint as to how perfect this is. Kissing above the mountains beneath the northern lights.

The only reason we pull apart is because we hear footsteps. I notice two heads of blond hair. One extremely spiky and one with a cross clip.

"So you two finally got together huh?" Mathias asks

"Shut up idiot!" Emil says shielding his face

"Yeah we did, thanks for all the help." I giggle

"Help? I thought we agreed to let them do it on their own?" Lukas asks Mathias who suddenly turns pale

"Uhhh, come on now it's not like it hurt anyone..." Mathias laughs nervously

Lukas grabs Mathias' tie and chokes him for a bit. Emil smiles and wraps his arm around my shoulder. I brush some of my (h/l) (h/c) hair out of my face and kiss his lips again.

We end up sitting on the top of the mountain under the northern lights. We eat some bread with butter because we don't have any other food but it's perfect. I snuggle close to Emil to protect myself from the cold weather. He wraps a blanket around us and we watch over the mountains.

"When did you k ow you lived me?" I ask

"About seven years ago, I didn't realise how much I wanted to be with you until now." He replies

"I liked you since you saved me, I'm just so glad you feel the same way." I say and connect to lips to his again

"Ég elska þig." he whispers in my ear

(Icelandic:Ég elska þig-I love you)

"Ég elska þig líka." I reply, I've been waiting for the day I can tell him I love him in his native language

(Icelandic:Ég elska þig líka-I love you too)

Later than night Emil carried me back to my bed and cuddled with me the entire night. Lukas and Mathias took thousands of pictures but I don't care. It just proves how much Emil and I love each other.

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