(A/n):Requested by kmath999 , hope you like it :)
Australia-Jett Kirkland
Germany-Ludwig Beilschmidt
Australia's P.O.V.
Another world meeting, I just want to go home, it's to cold here. This time the meeting is being held in Copenhagen, Denmark in the winter. Who decided this was a good idea? Not like I'm freezing or anything.
I didn't pack enough warm clothes because I don't have any. The warmest coat I have still isn't enough and can barely feel my hands any more. Finally I see the meeting hall and I rush over to it, wanting to get inside as fast as I can.
When I walk inside I barley feel any warmer than outside. Now what? I'm so cold. I walk into the meeting room where a few other countries have gathered and find my seat.
"Hey Aus." I hear someone say, turning my head I see America
"Hey mate, are you as cold as I am?" I ask
"Nah I'm the hero so I don't get cold." He replies
"Damn that's unfair." I chuckle "Next time we should have the meeting somewhere warm and sunny."
"I hear that, we could go swimming." He states "Imagine all the girl nations in tiny little bikinis-"
America is cut off by a frying pan to his head and I know Hungary overheard his little comment. I laugh at him on the floor.
"You should know better than to say things like that mate." I say
"Shut up." He groans rubbing his head
He walks back to his seat still rubbing his head and more nations file in. I still haven't seen Germany yet...
After the last world meeting which was in my home country he asked if I wanted to go get coffee with him because he didn't know his way around yet. I said yes and it was the start of a great friendship, although I want to be more.
As the meeting is about to begin the door bursts open with Germany panting and Italy jumping around happily. I'm pretty sure Germany likes Italy so it's obvious I have no chance but it's still nice to imagine a relationship with him.
"Sorry, Italy decided to make pasta smoothies and give them to strangers, again." Germany says and takes his seat at the head of the table
He looks over to me and for a second our eyes make contact, my heart speeds up.
Germany's P.O.V.
Italy made me very angry this morning with his shenanigans but when I look over to Australia my anger just melts away.He looks so handsome today. But as if he'd like me, I'm just the angry German that controls the world meetings.
We begin to discuss the issues of the world and I keep sneaking glances over to Australia. As everyone is discussing something Italy leans over to me.
"Ve~ Germany, do you like Australia?" He whispers
"V-Vhat?" I reply
"Ve~ You always stare at him and you even smiles at him." Italy replies "He's really nice and you two would be so cute."
"J-Jou really zhink so?" I ask shocked, this isn't like me at all...
"Ve~ yes! You should hurry up and confess." He says happily
"Maybe I vill..." I say to myself
*Time skip to after the world meeting*
Australia's P.O.V.
It's even colder outside now as it's nearly night time. It takes twenty minutes to walk back to my hotel, how on earth will I not freeze to death?
"Australia?" A voice behind me says and my heart races, Germany
"H-Hey Germany." I reply
"What's wrong?" He asks
"I don't have a warm enough coat, I'm freezing." I reply, blowing some hot air on my hands
"Use this." He replies taking off his coat and draping it around my shoulders
"But won't you be cold?" I ask
He shakes his head.
"I'm used to the cold." He replies "D-Do you want to go get dinner with me?"
"Sure." I reply feeling my heart soar
We begin to walk down the streets of Copenhagen and go into a little danish restaurant. After we take our seats and order conversation comes naturally.
"Vhat's it like in Australia?" He asks
"It's much warmer than this." I chuckle "It's nice, I like going to the Great Barrier Reef. What about Germany?
"It's not much warmer zhat zhis." He replies "But it's beautiful."
Our food arrives and while we are eating I sneak some looks at him but our eyes meet. I shuffle nervously and continue eating, keeping my eyes on my food.
Once we are done we walk back to my hotel but suddenly Germany stops walking.
"Australia." He says
"You can call me Jett." I reply
"Zhen call me Ludwig." He states "I have something to tell jou."
"What is it?" I ask
"I-I like jou, as more zhan a friend." He says
I look at him shocked and he must have mistook that for rejection.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said zhat." Ludwig says looking heartbroken
"N-No it's ok, it's fine." I say quickly "I like you too."
He looks up and smiles softly, wrapping his arms around me in a hug. I look up at him and we connect our lips in a sweet kiss. Pulling away we smile at each other.
"Want to spend the night in my hotel room?" I ask
"Definitely." He replies smirking
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