Denmark x Norway-Laser Tag

Denmark-Mathias Køhler
Norway-Lukas Bondevik

Denmark's P.O.V.

"Pleaseee?" I whine

"No." Norway deadpans

"Come on Norway, go laser tagging with me!" I continue

"No you stupid Dane." he replies

"Come on!" I say lifting Norway up

He thrashed around a little but he is no match for me. I am the king of Northern Europe after all. Earlier today I was looking up date ideas for Norway and I. Granted we aren't a couple but we will be at the end of today.

I read that a great place to take a date is to a laser tag game because then your date associates you with a thrilling feeling. This is how I will get Lukas to love me.

I open the front door and place Lukas in the passenger seat of my car. I get in the drivers seat and turn on the engine. Lukas is going to love this.

Norway's P.O.V.
I can't believe the stupid Dane managed to not only get me into his car but now he is driving me off to some laser tag game. I don't even know what that is but if lasers are involved Mathias should not be around.

"Where are we even going?" I ask

"A laser tag place, it will be funL" Mathias replies

"What is that?" I reply

"You'll see, just think of this as a date!" he says with a big smile on his face

"As if..." I say turning my head sharply away, secretly to hide my blush

We finally arrive at this big building, it seems to be a bowling alley but there is a big poster that says laser tag with someone holding a gun, or at least a fake one. This seems right up Finland's ally so why would Mathias want to bring me?

Mathias pulls me inside and takes me to the front desk. I guess there is no point in trying to get away now, besides I'm kind of curious as to what is going to happen. Mathias pays for whatever it is that we are about to do and then the lady behind the front desk leads us into a small room where there are some other people waiting.

There is one couple in the back corner making out as well which is uncomfortable. The lady asks us to pick one of these vest type things and put it on. I grab a random one and attempt to out it in but I can't reach the clip on my back. Mathias stands in front of me and smirks. He wraps his arms around my waist while snapping the clip on my vest in the back. It takes all my willpower not to blush at his close proximity, stupid Dane.

The lady explains the rules to us. We have to hit each others vests with our fake guns. The fund shoot out lasers but you can't see the lasers. At least this isn't dangerous. Your vest is always your team colour in neon lights unless you get shot, then it dulls down. Your nickname is in your gun and the person with the most shots win. The team with the most shots also wins. There is no running, screaming or physical violence but other than that you can do whatever to get a shot. This sounds easy enough.

I check my username and it's mackerel, at least it's something I like. I look over to Mathias and he is smirking. He tells me that he will beat me and it's probably true. I think he has done this before. On a tv it tells us what team we are on, I'm on the blue team while Mathias is on the red. Well that's a little disappointing but I guess this means I can try to beat him.

The lady opens the door to the room to which we will play in. It seems like a small city after the zombie apocalypse. I find a hiding place as does everyone else and soon enough the lights turn off. All that can be seen are a few dull white lights meant to resembled street lights. My team has occupied the platform in the middle and so far we haven't seen anyone from the red team.

As I am watching I feel a hand grasp my ass, I turn around expecting to see Mathias but instead it's some stranger that I've never seen. From the blue light on his vest illuminating his face I can see that he is about my age but he still had no right to touch me.

"Who the hell, are you?" I whisper

"Your next boyfriend~" he replies smirking

"No." I stay flat out and try to walk away

"What's wrong? Scared?" He asks

He grabs my arm when suddenly a laser sound is heard. His jacket dims down and he lets go of me. I look behind him and see Mathias smirking and pointing his gun at him. I don't want to get shot so I quickly slip away while Mathias is distracted, I watch from a little window as to what is going on.

"That'll teach you to touch what is mine!" Mathias says "Huh where'd he go?"

My face explodes into a blush as I hear Mathias call me his. I'm so glad it's dark in here. Now that I am off the platform I can see where the red team was hiding, soon enough the room blows up with laser sounds as the red team attacks. I manage to shoot s few people myself from my hiding place.

I hear footsteps behind me and I assume it's a member from my team because they dint shoot me.

"Your ass looks great from here~" Mathias' voice says

I turn around shocked bit I get and idea. If he wants to flirt then he will get what he asked for. I walk up to him and push him against the wall of one of the buildings. It's a little hidden from everyone else. I slowly trace my hand up his arm and then to his face.

"L-Lukas?" He whispers almost silently

"Shh~" I reply

I pull him gently by his tie and place his lips on mine. He freezes for a little bit but then kisses back. He tries to take dominance by licking my lips but I regain control when I force my tongue into his mouth and mark all of my new territory. I get so caught up in finally kissing my crush that I almost forget my plan, but I can't.

I quietly grab my laser gun and point it right at his vest. He doesn't notice what I'm doing when suddenly a laser pew is heard and his jacket light dies down, I shot him. Ignoring the no running rule I slip out of his arms and run away from him. I hope we can talk more about that kiss later though. Maybe he feels the same way.

Denmark's P.O.V.
I can believe I just did that. I can't believe I just kissed Norway. But was he just distracting me so he could shoot me? Well I guess I'll ask him about it after. We continue playing for another five minutes when the lights come on. This time a different worker asks us to exit the small room and pack away our vests.

I can't fine Lukas I'm the crowd and I get a little nervous. What if that guy tries to talk to him again? As I check the leaderboard I realise that I placed third with Norway in fifth. The blue team won though. As I am desperately looking for Norway head of blond hair sticks out from the crowd. However that buy is talking to him again.

Norway may not show his emotions but I know when he is uncomfortable. The guy tries to wrap his arms around him and I appear behind Lukas with a death glare aimed at the stranger.

"Come on Lukas, we're going!" I say grabbing his arm and walking with him back to the car

When we make it to the car the first thing I do is worry about him, I forget the kiss even happened.

"Are you ok? Did he hurt you?" I ask placing my hands in his arms

"No, I'm fine..." Lukas says not being able to make eye contact, on his cheeks is a small blush "Uhh about earlier..."

"No it's ok," I interrupt "I get that you were just caught up in the moment and you don't feel like that towards me."

I can feel my heart breaking because I thought that he might have returned my feelings.

"Shut up you stupid Dane!" Lukas says, with a more evident blush "It's obvious I love you!"

I look up at him with hope in my eyes.

"Really? I feel the same way!" I say wrapping my arms around him

"I'm still going to call you a stupid Dane." he whispers but I don't care, the love of my life returns my feelings

We sit in my car and instead of going home we drive up to a hill over looking the city. We are sitting on a patch of grass just holding eachother. The sun starts to set and I realise that this is the greatest day of my life. Lukas looks into my eyes and we kiss once more, I guess laser tag really is a great date idea.

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