Australia-Jett Kirkland
England-Arthur Kirkland
France-Francis Bonnefoy
Ireland (Republic of)-Liam Kirkland
Northern Ireland-Seamus Kirkland
Scotland-Allistor Kirkland
Sealand-Peter Kirkland
Wales-Dylan Kirkland
(Y/n)-Your name
(E/c)-Eye colour
(F/c)-Favourite colour
(Y/n) P.O.V.
"Hey (Y/n)." My friend Arthur says sitting down at the lunch table with me
I smile at him and turn back to my lunch.
"Excited for science next?" He asks
"Not really, I hate the teacher and the senior class is getting mixed with us today." I reply
This is Arthur my best friend, we go to a school called World Academy which brings students from all over the world to study together. Arthur and I met a few years ago and we have been friends ever since. We share the same school schedule so we are always together.
I know that Arthur has older brothers here as well but I don't know them to well. He has two younger siblings as well, one of them goes here but the other is in middle school. Arthur really helps me because I'm so shy so he talks for me.
"Wait which senior class?" He asks
"Uhh I think class b..." I say trying to remember
"Oh no, that's the class my older brother is in." Arthur says hiding his head in his hands
"What's wrong with that?" I ask confused
"My brothers hate me, well except Jett but he doesn't hate anyone." He sighs "Allistor is the worst. He almost killed me as a child multiple times because he hated me, my other brothers never helped."
"I don't think I've ever properly met your brothers." I say
"Count your lucky stars." He replies
I finish up my lunch and we go to our lockers early to grab out things,
"You know Allistor skips school a lot so he might not even be in class today." Arthur says hopefully
"From what you've told me I hope so too." I smile
We stand out side of the door talking until the bell for class goes. People start to line up and a head of bright red hair catches my eye,
"Oh no he's here..." Arthur groans
I turn around to look at him and place my hand on his shoulder.
"It will be ok." I smile
"Oi lass, what are ya doin' with me wee brother?" A Scottish accent interrupts us
I turn around nervously and come face to face with the red head, his green eyes are almost piercing my soul.
"Uhh..." I say trying to form words
"Leave her alone Allistor." Arthur states standing in front of me
"Hello wee brother, found yourself a girlfriend?" He asks
"Go away!" Arthur yells pushing Allistor away
There is a collective gasp from the people who I assume know what Allistor is like. Allistor gives Arthur a death glare and he is about to say something but I pull Arthur away. The teacher walks down the hallway finally and unlocks the door and we hustle in.
"Arthur I need to talk to you." The teacher says as she walks into the class
I make eye contact and mouth good luck. I take my seat and because Arthur isn't here I'm alone at my desk, I don't have many friends either. I open up my book when I see someone sit next to me. I look up expecting to see Arthur but it's Allistor...
"How ya doin' lass?" He asks me looking a little angry
"Umm..." I reply trying to shrink back into my seat
"Are yer scared of me lass?" He asks looking a little hurt
"Well it's not that..." I say softly
"Arthur told ye about me huh?" He asks
"Y-Yeah..." I reply looking away
The teacher comes back into class and Arthur isn't with her.
"Arthur has a student council meeting so he can't come to the lesson." She says smiling
I turn back to my work and I feel Allistor move closer to me.
"Are ye one of wee Artie's friends?" He asks me
"We are best friends, hasn't he told you about me?" I reply
I fully take in his bad boy appearance. Fiery red hair, emerald green eyes that seem tough. A white shirt with a black leather jacket, jeans and black shoes. He definitely looks like a bad boy so I think I can see why Arthur warned me about him.
"Ney he doesn't tell me much..." Allistor says looking a little upset
I stay quiet and turn back to my book. He continues looking at me and I feel like crushing under the pressure of his gaze.
"Can I help you with something?" I ask getting a little annoyed
"How does my wee brother deal with school? My brothers and I are gettin' really worried about him." He says
Arthur and I get bullied sometimes so we always stick together. He told me that if I was asked for any reason by anyone if he was getting bullied to never tell his brothers because they will beat him up more.
"Oh uh... He's fine." I say checking the clock
"Does he talk about us?" Allistor asks
"You ask to many questions." I reply and finally the bell goes
I grab my things and head it my locker without realising that Allistor was following me. I only realise when I smell cigaret smoke. I look behind me and see Allistor lighting a cigarette.
"You shouldn't be smoking inside." I say quietly
"I am aware." He smirks
I sigh and finally make it to my locker. Arthur is already there waiting for me.
"How was your meeting?" I ask him
"It was fine, ready to walk home?" He asks
"Are ye two walkin' home now? There are still two more lessons." Allistor asks
"We know, we are going early so we can work on one of our assignments." Arthur tells him glaring
"Are yer goin' to our home or the lass'?" Allistor questions
"Her house, do you think I would want (Y/n) around people like you?" Arthur says and grabs my hand
Allistor grabs my other hand and pulls me onto him so I crash into his chest.
"Well I think she should come to out house, you can introduce the others to (Y/n)." Allistor smiles
I try to break free from his grasp but he is way to strong. Arthur looks desperate for me not to go to his house but I'm kind of curious. I want to see what all this fuss is about.
"Fine, but let her go and if any of you mess with her I will kill you!" Arthur says pulling me away from Allistor
Allistor smirks and lets me go. That's when a teacher walks past us and tells Arthur that he needs to talk to him about an issue with the music classrooms. When they leave I start to place my things back into my locker.
"What're ye doin' lass?" Allistor asks me
"I need to wait for Arthur, I don't know my way to your house and he was my ride." I explain
"Nope yer comin' with me." He says and grabs my things
I race after him trying to get my things from him but he is faster. Finally we make it to a motorbike. No way I'm getting on that.
"Is this yours?" I ask
"Aye it is." He smirks
It looks very shiny and new but there are few scratches and the tires look a little worn.
"I don't have to get on it do I?" I ask nervously
"Come on lass, scared?" He asks me
"Honestly yes, I have never been in one before." I say eyeing it up and down
"Well hold on tight then." He says and picks me up
He places me on the back of the motor bike and puts a helmet on my head. He sits in front of me and turns on the engine, this is the stupidest thing I've ever done.
"Umm I don't think Arthur would be to happy about this..." I whisper
"Do ye always do what he says?" Allistor chuckles
We start moving and I immediately wrap my arms around his waist. I clench my eyes shut and try to ignore the nervous feeling.
"That's right, just hold on tight." Allistor says in a gentler tone than before
Allistor's P.O.V.
This day has gone pretty well. I managed to get closer to (Y/n) who I have had my eyes set on for a while. I first noticed her when she helped my brother after someone punched him. She took him to the nurses office. I thought she was a random girl but it turns out they had been friends prior to that.
After that I tried to get her attention but it never really worked so I chose to act more drastically and get to know her. I snuck into Arthur's room and stole a potion and put it in my teachers coffee so our classes would be joined. I was going to talk with her the whole lesson but apparently Arthur told her all the negative things about me already. I'm a little disappointed but I know where it came from.
Her grip around me tightens snapping me from my thoughts.
"Are ye alright lass?" I ask
I feel her shake her head and I slow down the bike a little. I may be tough and always get into fights but she will always be my soft spot. We finally make it to my house, which is more like a mansion, and I can see my twin brothers Liam and Seamus' car out the front, they ditched school today and Dylan is home because he wasn't feeling to good. Jett and Peter are still at school and will be home later.
I stop my bike and take off my helmet. (Y/n) slips hers off to and looks up at me with her beautiful (e/c) orbs. I turn away a bit to try and hide a blush.
"Come on lass, I'll take ye to meet my brothers." I say and grab her arm softly
I pull her with me as we make our way up to the house. I open the door and I can already smell food. Someone is cooking pizza, most likely Dylan. I take her into he kitchen and Dylan stares at me like I just sprouted wings.
"What are you doing home? Who is this?" He asks
"Calm down wee brother, this is (Y/n)." I answer smiling "She's Arties' friend from school."
"He has friends?" He asks me and eying up (Y/n) "You're not just his friend because he's rich are you?"
"Wait Arthur's rich? Huh he never mentioned that..." (Y/n) replies
"Apparently wee brother hasn't told her a lot of stuff about his life, she wasn't aware of how many brothers he had!" I exclaim
"Yeah that's to be expected..." Dylan replies saddened "Well show her around the house."
I pull (Y/n) softly with me and we start walking throughout the house. In the hallway we bump into Seamus and Liam who stare at her like she is a ghost.
"Ummm...." (Y/n) mutters clinging to me a little
She is so cute.
"(Y/n) this is Seamus and Liam. Liam, Seamus this is wee Artie's friend (Y/n)'" I say introducing them.
"It's nice to meet ya lass." Liam says extending his hand to be shook
(Y/n) timidly reaches her hand out and shakes it
"Yer a lovely lass." Seamus compliments
These two are always flirting with girls
"Can't you two give it a rest for five minutes?" I say rolling my eyes and pulling (Y/n) away with me
I decide to take her to my room which is clean thank god. There are a few band posters in the wall, a Scottish flag bedspread over a king sized double bed and a desk and chair in the corner. (Y/n) takes a seat on my bed and looks up at me nervously.
"Ye don't need to be afraid of me lass, I know what wee brother said but I'm not like that." I say stroking her hair softly
(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
From what I can see Arthur was wrong about Allistor but I can't let my guard down just yet. Arthur wouldn't lie to me about anything,
"I don't know, Arthur was really adamant." I say
He takes a seat next to me and looks into my eyes. I feel something tighter in my chest and I suddenly feel like kissing him. Oh my go I think I just fell in love... we lean in to each other and I am about to close the gap when the door bursts open causing up to bold apart. Arthur opens the door looking very disheveled and angry
"Allistor what did you do to her?" Arthur asks
"Nothin' wee brother, I just took her home." Allistor smirks
"Well then (Y/n) we should go work on our assignment." Arthur sat and o stand up
I walk over to him and out the door but not before thanking Allistor for the ride home. Arthur and I really need to finish our assignment now.
*Time skip to three hours later*
(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
Arthur and I finally finished out assignment and now it's time for me to go home. I live alone so my parents aren't worried or anything. My parents and I had some issues which lead me to leaving home. I start to pack up my things when I hear thunder and lightning.
"Hmm it's raining." I state looking out the window
"I can drive you if you want." Arthur asks
"Your headlights are broken." I reply
"Oh yeah, well do you want to stay the night?" Arthur offers
"Yes please." I say smiling softly
Arthur gives me a pair of leggings and one of his shirts that are over sized on me. He goes downstairs to tell his brothers I'm staying the night and they shouldn't mess with me. I hear a litter patter of light footsteps and a young boy with blond hair jumps out smiling.
"You must be (Y/n)!" He says in an obvious British accent
"Yes I am, you must be Peter, I've head about you from Arthur." I giggle
He jumps on me and hugs me giving me a fright.
"Peter be careful with the lass." A Scottish voice interrupts us
I look over to Allistor and smile.
"Are you going to marry Arthur?" Peter asks
"No I'm not, he is dating someone else..." I smile
"Ohh what's her name?" Peter asks
Her? Oh he mustn't have told them about Francis yet.
"You ask to many questions." I reply standing up and walking out the door to the kitchen to meet up with Arthur. This night should be entertaining.
*Time skip to midnight*
(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
I was sleeping peacefully when someone shaking me wakes me up. I open my eyes and look at my surrounding. Oh yeah I'm in the guest room of Arthur's house. There is a figure next to me and I can't quite make it out
"It's me lass." A Scottish voice whispers
"Allistor?" I reply
"Aye, come with me and bring a blanket." He says
"Why?" I ask
"We're sneaking out to the front porch." He says and pulls me
I grab my quilt and tip-toe out with him so we don't wake his parents up. When we are out the front door and sitting on the front porch we can talk normally. The porch is farther away from the he bedrooms. The only thing illuminating the porch is moonlight. I can finally see what Allistor looks like, he is wearing a blue sweater and loose black pants. He looks a little less like a bad boy now.
I notice the rain has stopped and I take a seat on the wooden floor. Allistor makes me feel really happy inside and I can't shake the thought of him out of my head.
"Allistor why did you bring me?" I ask wrapping the blanket around my shoulders as it's really cold
"Because I wanted to." He says pulling out a cigarette and lighting it
"You know you shouldn't smoke." I say
He looks at me with a soft smile.
"Worried about me?" He asks
"Well yeah, cigarettes kill people and I'll be sad of you die..." I reply looking down at my hands
"I'll make you a deal, I'll stop smoking if you go out with me." He asks
"W-What?!" I exclaim shocked
"Be my girlfriend (Y/n)." He states sitting in front of me and holding my hands
"Are you serious?" I ask "Why me?"
"Because I love you, ever since I first saw you all those months ago save my wee brother from those bullies." He says moving closer to me
"I love you to, and I will go out with you." I giggle
He presses his lips to mine and it is warm against the cold harsh night. He tastes like cigarette smoke and alcohol but also sweet, kind of like cake. He wraps his hands side down my waist. He presses his body to me and then picks me up.
"Lets take this somewhere more private~"Allistor whispers
He walks over to one of the trees and climbs it up one handed, he must be really strong. When he gets to one of the branches he walks across it to an open window. He walks through the window and lays me in his bed.
"Don't worry these rooms and doors are completely soundproof." He whispers trailing bis hand down my arm
**Lemon Start**
Allistor connects out lips again and this time it's more fiery than the last kiss. He moves his hips and starts grinding on me.
"Ahh~ Allistor~" I say with a breathy moan
He licked my bottom lip for entrance and I grant it to him. His tongue moves all around my mouth and as he moves one of his hands slowly up my top. He grabs my left boob through my bra and massages it making me moan.
He pulls away from me and slips off my top revealing my (f/c) lacy bra.
"Were you expecting something?" He asks smirking, referencing my bra
"I just like to feel pretty sometimes." I whisper blushing and looking away
"Ye already are lass." He says and presses his lips to mine
He reachers around to the back clip and unclips it. Allistor slips my bra off and my hands go to cover myself.
"Ye don't need to be shy lass, yer beautiful." He says and he moves my hands away
He leans down to my chest and pinches my left nipple. I moan out and he leans up to the right one. He flicks it with his tongue and sucks on it. He switches sides and pinches my right nipple while sucking in the left.
One of his hands slips under my waistband and under my panties.
"Wet already lass?" He smirks
He pulls my leggings down l and I'm left in just my lacy panties.
"This isn't fair... why am I naked and you aren't?" I whisper
"Oh getting impatient are we?" He asks and slips off his top
I am taken aback by the large tattoo of a dragon on his hip and waist.
"When did you get that?" I ask
"One of my friends does tattoos, I asked him to do one for me." He says as he takes off his belt and pants
I flip us over and slip my hand under his waist back of his underwear. I softly grab his hard manhood and stroke it. He reaches up to me and places another kiss on my lips. He slips his hand under my panties and strokes my opening.
I moan when he puts one finger inside of me and then adds two more. I feel him stroke a special spot of me and I let out a breathy moan. He places his lips against mine and pulls off my panties leaving me completely naked.
I slip of his underwear exposing his large dick, how the hell so that going to fit? I look into his eyes and let out a tiny smirk. I lick from his tip to his base and then back again. Slowly I take the tip into my mouth and I taste some of his pre-cum.
I fit more and more of him in my mouth and start sucking and moving. What I can't fit I pump with my left hand while my right hand goes to my woman hood and I place one of my fingers inside myself.
"Relax your throat lass." Allistor says placing a hand on the back of my head
I listen to his instructions and he slowly pushes as much and he can of himself into my mouth until it hits the back of my throat, I almost gag but I control it. I keep sucking and moving until I feel his seed shoot into my throat. It tastes salty but other than that, it tastes like nothing. He flips us and pushes me to the bed. He slowly limes himself up and presses his tip into me.
"Ngh Allistor please~" I say trying to move my hips
"Hmm you see, you're always being shy and never asking for you want." Allistor says smirking "So now I'm going to make you beg. Now tell me what you want lass."
"I want you to fuck me." I mumble
"I can't hear you~' he teases pushing himself in a bit more
"Oh god Allistor please fuck me!" I yell tightening my grip on his shoulders
He smirks and sheaths himself inside my fully. I'm a virgin so this really hurt. I let out a scream of pain and bury my head in his his neck.
"Shhh it's ok, it'll feel better soon lass." Allistor whispers
He goes to my neck and starts sucking and biting on my collar bone leaving a few hickeys.
I buck my hips and I feel nothing but pleasure. When I let out a moan Allistor takes it as a sign to continue and he pulls out a little and thrusts back in.
"Ahh Allistor~" I say gasping
He picks up his speed and soon all I can think about is him moving in and out of me at such a fast pace that I can barely breath. He flips us over so I'm straddling him. He lifts me up by my hips and slams me back down. I understand what he wants me to do so I start moving myself up and down.
"Ahh Allistor more~" I say as my legs start to shake
He flips us again so I'm on my hands and knees and he's ramming into me from behind, his body leans over and sucks on the back of my neck. I feel nothing but pure pleasure and I'm almost blinded. My breathing becomes shaker and I feel a knot in my lower abdomen.
"Ahh~ what's uhh~ happening?" I say through moans
"You're coming lass, it'll feel good." He whispers
I feel his dick twitch inside me and I thank my lucky stars that I took my birth control pills, I just don't like getting my time of the month. He presses himself inside me deeper and hits my g-spot.
"Ahhh Allistor right there!" I scream
He keeps moving there and hitting that one spot and it sets me over the edge. The knot in my abdomen snaps and I release my fluids. Allistor lets out a very sexy throaty moan and releases inside of me. He slips out of me letting some of the liquid spill out and lays next to me holding my body close to his.
**Lemon End**
I rest my head on his chest and relax my body,
"Y'know lass, I didn't use protection." He says as if he just realised
"Don't worry, I'm on birth control." I reply
"Always thinking ahead. I like that about you." He says and kisses my forehead
I close my eyes and allow sleep to take me.
*Time skip to morning*
Allistor's P.O.V.
I didn't want my brothers to catch (Y/n) and I so I redressed her and put her in the guest room. Now I'm in the kitchen waiting for my beautiful girlfriend to come downstairs. When she does she smiles and takes a seat next to me
"Hey lass." I say
We strike up a conversation when Arthur interrupts us
"Why are you talking to her?" He asks
"Oh Arthur, the lass and I are dating now." I explain
"What?!" He says looking shocked and hurt
"Arthur calm down, your brother isn't bad." (Y/n) says trying to get him to clam down
"Isn't bad? He tried to kill me!" Arthur says getting angrier
"We were kids, I regret it so much." I say "I don't say this often but I'm sorry, so sorry for how we treated you and how we failed to take care of you, especially now since you're being bullied."
Arthur looks taken aback by my apology and he can't form any words. Does he really think that Low of me that he couldn't imagine getting an apology me.
"Fine, but if you hurt her I will kill you." He says glaring at me
Well at least now (Y/n) and Arthur can remain friends and Arthur and I have made up a little. But it will take more than that to repair years of damage but I'm willing to try,
*Time skip to Monday*
(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
I walk into school with Arthur and Allistor. Allistor has has arm around me and Arthur is walking behind us. He and Allistor have really become close to each other over the weekend, Arthur even told him about his boyfriend Francis. I think that Arthur always liked Allistor but he wanted a big brother.
"Hey lass, wanna ditch class?" He asks me
"Of course not!" I giggle
A teacher walks up to us, the head teacher Mrs.Fletcher, with a very disproving glare.
"Allistor Kirkland, what do you think you are doing to Miss.(Y/n)?" She asks
"Uhh hugging my girlfriend." He says looking at her like she's an idiot
"You are not dating of my star students, you are a bad influence and she deserves better so leave her alone!" Mrs. Fletcher screeches
Who the hell does she think she is commenting on my relationship?
"And you (Y/n)! Come with me now!" She says and grabs my arm pulling me away from Allistor.
Arthur turns around to see what's going on.
"Hey let me go!" I say clawing at her hand
"No missy, you will not be led astray by some boy winking at you!" She screeches
Allistor grabs her arm tightly pulls me back towards him.
"Touch my girlfriend ever again and things will start to go wrong." He says threateningly with death in his eyes and pushes her back
She glares at us and tells me I'm throwing away my life making my eyes well up with tears. After she leaves Allistor turns to me and kisses away my tears.
"Don't listen to her lass, I love you." He whispers
"Het a room you two." A British voice interrupts us
Arthur is there smiling at us with a camera.
"Fien we will." Allistor says and pulls me along with him
"Tell Mrs.Penna that I have a meeting and I'll be a bit late." I tell Arthur and follow after his brother
Allistor takes me to one of the janitor's closets and locks the door.
"Don't worry lass, despite what everyone says I'll never leave you alone." He whispers and trails kisses down my neck
"I wouldn't have it any other way" I reply
I know we are a very odd couple but I'm so glad I fell in love with the "bad boy". I can tell he loves me and I feel the exact same way so if anyone has an issue with us they can get lost, it's not their relationship.
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