Austria x 2p Austria-Music
(A/n):Requested by failed_mission , hope you like it :)
Wiener Schnitzel is a traditional Austrian dish made with boneless meat thinned with a mallet and fried with a coating of flour, egg, and breadcrumbs.
Austria-Roderich Edelstein
Hungary-Elizabeta Héderváry
Prussia-Gilbert Beilschmidt
2p Austria-Roland Edelstein
Austria's P.O.V.
I sit at my piano playing a beautiful melody which fills my whole house with sound,. My fingers glide over the keys as I play. After Elizabeta moved out I desired to downsize and now I live in a small house for two people. Just as I'm finishing the song I hear a door slam closed and footsteps inside the house. I live alone now, even Gilbert would knock so it can't be him.
I quickly stop playing and tiptoe behind one of the long curtains by the next to the door way. I can hear the intruder whistling and opening the fridge door.
"Yo Roddy!" They yell out, scaring me
Oh it's just Roland, what is that idiot doing here again? I come out from behind the curtain and head down to the kitchen where Roland is sitting with his feel on the table eating some cake. His electric guitar is resting on the table next to him.
"Get your feet off the table, it's bad manners." I say
"You only care about manners Roddy, come have some cake." Roland whines holding out the slice of cake for me
"That cake cost me a lot of money, don't eat it!" I say trying to take it from him
"Be quiet Liebe and just eat some, what's the point of having money if you can't enjoy it?" He asks
I try not to blush at his nickname for me and make one final attempt to grab the cake, ultimately loosing my balance and I end up straddling Roland on the chair.
"I knew you couldn't help falling for me." He whispers softly biting my ear
My face turns bright red and I push myself off of him. The cake is almost gone so there's really no point saving it anymore.
"You're buying me a new cake." I say taking a few steps away from him and hiding my blush with my hands "I'm going to pay my piano."
"Electric guitar is better!" He yells out after me
Quickly I turn and look him in his beautiful eyes. Wait no! Not beautiful, just eyes, yeah that's what I meant.
"I'm sorry you must be mistaken, piano is much better than that piece of junk you call a guitar." I reply
"Why don't we have a competition then, which instrument is better?" He asks
"What does the winner get?" I ask
"Hmm, they get to order around the looser for a day." Roland smirks
"Fine, but only because I want you to my laundry and cooking for a day." I agree
We shake each other's hands and he grabs his guitar before following me into my piano room. I sit at my piano stool and look at Roland plug in his electric guitar.
"Ready?" He asks
I nod and adjust my glasses before beginning to play one of my favourite songs. A few minutes into the song Roland begins to play which nearly throws me off. I continue to p,ah and I must admit that the two different sounds mesh together quite well.
Just as I'm nearing the end of the song my finger accidentally hits the wrong key which snaps me out of my trance and I stop playing. No I lost...
"Guess that means I won huh?" Roland says placing down his guitar and sitting next to me on the stool
I try to ignore him out of frustration and embarrassment but he puts his arm around my shoulder.
"Come on Roddy, it's not that bad!" He exclaims "I'll treat you well."
"Hmph fine, I'll do what you say but keep your perverted hands and comments to yourself." I say standing up from the stool
He stands up as well and quickly picks me up bridal style. Roland runs out of my house and basically throws me into his car. I quickly buckle up because his driving tends to be fast and crazy. I hold on tight as he starts the car.
Before I knew it we have arrived at his run down apartment and he has pulled me inside.
"This place looks like trash." I sigh
"Oh hush Roddy, you'll, be staring here until tomorrow say you better get used to it." Roland replies smiling
"Where will I sleep?" I ask "I know for a fact that their is only one bed and I'm not sharing a bed with you tonight for any reason
*Time skip to night time*
2p Austria's P.O.V.
"I can't believe you talked me into this." Roderich sighs, shifting around in the shared bed
"Stop moving so much and it'll be more fun." I reply moving closer to him
"Come any closer and I will break your guitar." He whispers
Not listening I wrap my arms around his waist and pull his cold body into my warm one.
"You're freezing Roddy, you should have just come under then blankets." I say
"Well maybe if you hadn't spent the day making me clean your kitchen and cooking you Wiener Schnitzel then maybe I would have wanted to come closer to you." He hisses, trying to push my arms away
I hold him tighter and breath in his warm scent, he smells sweet and it's addictive.
"Just go to sleep." I sigh
He lets put and annoyed sigh and I feel him relax a little bit before rolling around to lean into my chest.
"Knew you couldn't say away from me." I smirk
"Shut up, I'm cold." He mumbles
I wrap the blankets around us and close my eyes as well, soon enough I have fallen asleep.
*Time skip to morning*
Austria's P.O.V.
I open my eyes in an unfamiliar room. It's empty as well. Wait this is Roland's room, I stayed here last night. I grab my glasses off of the night stand and put them on. I don't really need them but without them I might look boring so I wear them anyway,
I walk out to the kitchen where I can smell food and Roland is cooking over the stove.
"You're awake, your bed hair looks beautiful Roddy." He says smiling
"Be quiet." I say trying to smooth down my hair and I take a seat at the table
Soon enough breakfast is cooked and Roland takes the seat next to me. I quickly begin to eat and try to ignore Roland's eyes on me the whole time. Soon enough it becomes to much to ignore.
"Can I help you?" I ask annoyed
"You're beautiful." He replies lazily
My cheeks become red as he moves closer to me, he places a hand on my cheek but I don't want to slap him off. He leans closer to me and I look up. Our lips accidentally meet due to my movement but neither of us move away, we actually push closer together.
We pull apart for air an He has a massive smirk on his face.
"Told you that you wouldn't be able ignore my charms." Roland says wrapping an arm around my shoulder
"Shut up." I say hiding my face in my hands again
"It's ok Roddy, ich liebe dich." He whispers and kisses my cheek
(German:Ich liebe dich-I love you)
"Ich liebe dich auch." I mumble leaning into his hug
(German:Ich liebe dich auch-I love you too)
We stay like that for a little while before eventually having a small argument over which instrument was better again.
"How about the winner this time gets to top the looser?" Roland says suggestively
"Humph, fine, but this time I won't loose." I say confidently
"Well I have no intention of loosing either." He smirks
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