Japan: Ninja
It had been a year since you quit the ninja association. You were now living with your good friend Kiku, at least until you got a decent paying job. Working at a cheap tea shop wasn't really high paying. The only problem was, Kiku didn't know you were a ninja, and you would never tell him.
Most people these days thought all ninjas were evil thieves. While some were, not everyone was! You weren't evil! You didn't want to tell Kiku you were a ninja in fear he would turn against you or turn you in. You were in love with Kiku too, you didn't know what you would do if he shut you out.
"_____-chan, happy birthday!" Kiku came out of his room to smile at you. Oh yeah! You had forgotten it was your birthday. "Kiku! I'm so glad you remembered!" You almost hugged him, but you remembered that he likes his personal space.
"I got you a present _____-chan." "Kiku! You know you didn't need to!" That's what you said, but in reality you were very happy he got you one.
"I know but I had to get your present for you when I saw it." "... Fine you can give it to me." Kiku gave you a small smile and handed you a rectangular light blue box with a silver bow. You wondered what was inside.
You slowly opened the box. You believed it was good manners to not rip the paper like a wild gorilla. Inside the box was a katana that matched the colors of the wrapping paper and bows.
You gasped, how did he know you wanted one? He couldn't know you were a ninja, could he?
When Kiku noticed your shock he quickly started to explain, "I noticed you checking out my katana and when I saw this at the store I thought you may rike it. I don't think that you'rr need to fight so don't worry."
You blinked, now you were even more confused. Kiku has never said that much that quickly before. "Kiku... I LOVE IT! It's so pretty!" You smiled! You didn't want to let him know you probably would use it.
You always kept the katana on your ninja suit's belt. You always wore the suit under your dress just in case you needed to fight. Kiku always wondered what you did with the katana, but he decided it was better not to pry. He knew you didn't like answering questions very much.
"_____-chan! I'm going out to the store now." "Okay! Be careful Kiku! Don't get hurt!" You called out to him. "_____-chan.... you worry too much. Goodbye now." "Bye!" Kiku stepped outside and closed the door, leaving you alone. "Of course I worry about him! I'm a ninja! And I love him. I don't want him to get hurt!" you said quietly to yourself.
You made some tea while you waited for Kiku to get home. You were just going to decide to practice using your katana, because you finished your tea, when you heard a bloodcurtling scream. You got up, maybe you could help whoever was screaming. The scream was heard again, and you broke down crying. Why? That voice was Kiku's.
"KIKU!" you screamed running to find him. You had already thrown off your dress, revealing your midnight black ninja suit. You knew he would find out you were a ninja. You knew you would have to leave him, but you didn't know what you would do if the love of your life had died when you could do something about it.
You turned a corner and saw a man with a knife approaching Kiku. The man had long silver hair tied in a ponytail. He had red eyes that were thirsty for blood. He was just about to cut Kiku's throat open when you came.
"Stop!" you yelled, you knew it wasn't very threatening, but you didn't know what else to say. The man didn't seem to recognize your ninja suit, but Kiku did. His eyes widened in shock as you continued to talk to the silver haired man. "And what are you going to do about it little girl?" He sneered.
You pulled out your katana and said loudly, "This." You charged up to him and slashed him on the arm holding his knife. He didn't fight back. He ran away being the coward that he really was. You panted, your breath was heavy and sweat was dripping down your forehead.
"_____-chan?" You turned and looked at Kiku. Your eyes teared up, it was time to go. "Why didn't you terr me?" Kiku's eyes were filled with hurt. "I-I'm sorry Kiku.... but I need to go now." You ran away tears streaming down your face. You ran so far away so fast that you didn't hear Kiku calling out to you. You didn't hear him say that he loved you.
It's been four years since you left. You moved to your hometown in America where you worked at a good paying tea shop. You always wished you had told Kiku how you felt before you left. Then maybe he would've come after you. You started to tear up as you thought of your lost love.
You walked through the park and stopped at a tall tree near a bench. It looked fairly easy to climb, and you'd be able to see the whole park from the top. You decided to climb and you sat in silence at the top of the tree. It reminded you of the day you met Kiku.
You were lying in a small tree. You had just quit the ninja association and you had no other place to work. You were starving and homeless. You didn't know what to do. Then a Japanese man came to your rescue. He gave you food and let you stay in his home. This man, was Kiku.
Kiku's POV:
I was walking around in the U.S. I thought that _____ may be in her hometown. I missed her so much! Why did she leave me? Did she hate me and want to get away from me? I wanted to find her so badly. I wanted to see her smile again. I didn't want my last memory of her being her trying so hard to hold back tears.
I sat down on a bench near a tree.I thought I saw a shadow in the tree, but I dismissed it as a squirrel. I began to to just zone out when I heard a small yelp and something, no someONE landed in my lap. She must have been the shadow in the tree and fell. Her hair looks like ____'s I thought sadly.
She mumbled something about being clumsy."I'm so sorry sir!" she started to apologize. When she tilted her head up I froze in shock. It was _____, and she was on my lap.
Back to you!:
Before long you had fallen asleep in the tree, like the one you had all those years ago. When you woke up the birds were chirping and you felt totally refreshed. Something seemed different though. It felt like something was going to happen, and something did.
"Ah!" You exclaimed as you lost yor balance and fell out of the tree. You landed on something soft. You realized you had landed on somebody who was casually sitting on the bench. "I'm so clumsy." you murmered.
"I'm so sorry sir!" you apologized and looked up up the man you had fallen on top of. In that instant you froze. You didn't know whether to run or stay this time. You stared at Kiku. His eyes were wide with shock and a small pink was on his cheeks. You decided to run.
You got up, but before you could run you felt something grab your arm. "No. Don't run away! I won't ret you reave me again!" Kiku whispered urgently. "Kiku! Let me go!" You yelled as tears started to pour out of your eyes.
"Do you rearry hate me that much?" Kiku asked, his voice filled with so much sadness that it broke your heart. Was I the one who caused this? "Kiku! You know I don't hate you!" you nearly yelled. "Then why didn't you trust me enough to terr me you were a ninja? Why didn't you think I'd understand? Why did you reave me?"
"I thought you would hate me. Everyone else would." you tried to explain. "____-chan. You shourd of known I wouldn't care that you were a ninja! I rove you for your personarity! It doesn't matter what your profession was!" Your eyes widened when you realized what he just said. His eyes widened too and a dark blush began to make it's way onto both of your faces.
"_____-chan I-" you cut him off with a kiss. The one you loved loved you back, even when you had hidden part of who you were for so long. Kiku was shocked at first but melted into the kiss as well. "Kiku... thank you." you turned to leave again, it was all you knew how to do nowadays.
"Wait! _____-chan! Would you rike to stay at my house again?" Kiku asked shyly. You smiled, "I'd love to!" "And arso, wourd you be my girrfriend?" "I'd love to do that too!
You and Kiku eventually married. It was wonderful. You had a daughter named Hana and you lived happily ever after.
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