Chapter 4

When I woke up the next morning, I saw that my phone was still in my hand from when I had been texting Lovi. I turned it on to see it was only 5:54a.m, and I gtoaned loudly as I realized how little sleep I had gotten.

Unable to fall back asleep, I stepped into the bathroom with some clothes, took a shower and dressed. I checked my phone again.


Restless still, I decided to go outside for a walk to pass the time. As quietly as possible, I made my bed, picked up my coat and scarf, then crept out of the room and stepped outside the building.

The crisp autumn air hit my cheeks immediatley.

I pulled up my scarf further and set of at a brisk walk, obsesivley checking my phone at random intervals.





The time passed slower and slower every time I checked, and soon it began to feel as though it had stopped altogether.

I slowed down outside a Starbucks and headed inside, deciding to grab a drink before heading back to campus.

"Can I take your order please?" A young girl asked. She had long sandy blonde hair, sporting a green ribbon, and green eyes. I read her name tag: 'Elizabeta'. She probably attended their Uni.

"Venti Caramel Frapuccino, please." I answered.

"Is that a cream or coffee base?"

These questions were all so familiar.

"Coffee, please."

"And would you like cream on that?"

"Yeah, thanks."

"Can I take your name for the order?"


The girl smiled and wrote it down, but inside I was chilled to the bone. I hadn't even meant to say that! It just... happened.

I shook my head and payed for my drink. Was I thinking about him? Is that why I said it?

Mulling over my words, I waited for my drink patiently, tapping my foot to the beat of the song playing quietly in the background.

I stared around at the people sitting in the shop and ordering drinks. Most of them were people off to work, which made sense due to the time,  but some were students who had obviously done an all-nighter, or who couldn't sleep.

"Caramel Frapuccino for Ludwig!" A worker called out. I snapped out of my daze, then realized that I was Ludwig, and walked over to take my drink.

However, as I reached out to take the drink, my hand brushed against someone else's. My eyes shot up, slightly confused and slightly panicked, to see none other than the blonde German.

"And a caramel frapuccino for... Ludwig? Wow, you guys have the same name?" The young barrista laughed, he had a slight American accent, with blonde hair and red glasses.

I swallowed, picked up one of the drinks and beamed. "Yeah! Isn't that weird? It's such an uncommon name as well."

I stood and talked to the barista for a while, before his female co-worker shouted at him.

"Alfred! Work, now!" He rolled his eyes and walked away, picking up a cup labelled 'Arthur'. I noticed him giving a beaming smile at the so called 'Arthur', who flipped him off with a scowl. They obviously knew eachother.

A heard someone clear their throat behind me, and turned to see Ludwig standing there, drink in his left hand, his right in his coat pocket.

"Um. You want me to explain, don't you?" I mumbled, pulling him over to a window seat looking out onto the small plaza outside.

"Yes." Came the one word reply.

I decided to tell thw truth.

"I don't really know how it happened myself, but I think I might have been thinking about you when she asked my name. I didn't plan it or anything, I swear. I don't even know why someone would do that, like what would they get of it?" I rambled on and on, hoping he didn't get the wrong idea.

"Yeah, okay." Was the answer I got. I took a sip of my coffee, then realized he didn't want to continue talking.

A silence fell upon us, but not like the one yesterday in the coffee shop; a steely cold awkward silence.

"Luddy?" I asked, concerned.

"It's Ludwig." He retaliated, sounding a litrle harsh.

I made a sound that sounded a little like a whimper, then pushed the matter further.

"Last night you said-"

"I don't care what I said last night, Feliciano." The harsh tone was seeping into his words, turning them black.

"Why are you being so mean? I don't want to pry to hard, if it's something personal, but you can always tell me if you feel sad or angry, I am your friend after all. Wait, we are friends, right? Oh no, what if I'm assuming things again! I'm sorry, Luddy. Wig. Ludwig. Am I being annoying?"

The tall German sighed, rubbing his head as if he had a headache. "No, Feli. It's not you. But can you just shut up for ten seconds?"

I gasped, then pulled my drink closer to me, as if I needed something to hold onto. I felt rather hurt, and defensive, and like I wanted to talk but I couldn't, so all I did was take a sip of my drink and pulled out my phone from my pocket. "Okay." I said quietly.

It was 7:29.

I sighed softly, then drank the rest of my drink in silence. I wanted to ask what was wrong, and had worked up the courage too, bit Ludwig's phone suddenly rang, and he answered it immediatley.

"Hello? Yes, it's Ludwig."

He spent sometime listening, nodding and adding "mm's" at some points until eventually, his face split into a smile.

"Really? Oh, Mein Gott..." he sighed, sounding releived. "I will contact her when she is awake." And with that he hung up.

I looked at him quizically, then opened my mouth to speak. Ludwig got there before I had even posed the question.

"I got a call this morning when you were gone, saying my mother had been in a car crash." He sighed, obviously still in shock. "They say she'll be okay, she just needs rest."

I smiled, resisting the urge to hig the German. He looked like he needed it, but maybe not now, in a shop full of people.

"That's great." I smiled. "Well, the bit about her being alright, obviously."

"Sorry I snapped at you. I was on edge." Ludwig said.

"No, don't worry about it. I understand." I replied, though I was a little miffed. "Ludwig?"


"Does this mean I can call you Luddy again?" I chirped.

Ludwig let out a hearty laugh. Then covered his mouth. "I thought that it was gonna be a serious question."

"It IS serious, Luddy! Wig. Ludwig. Luddy... maybe?" I pouted, prodding his sides until he talked.

"Luddy maybe is now a Luddy yes." He sighed, jokingly exasperated.

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