Chapter 3

By the time we had left the coffee shop, it had already grown dark. I checked my phone, the screen glowing in the darkness, and saw that it had just turned half six. We had spent a good three hours in the coffee shop, and had only left when the polite waitress had come up to us, announcing that it was closing time.

As I was walking side by side with Ludwig, I kept feeling his hand brush against mine, causing electrical currents to shoot up my arm. I had the sudden urge to grab his hand, entwine our fingers, to feel his warmth... but no. It'd only been one day; not even that! I couldn't reach out to him yet, not now. At that moment, however, I realized something big.

I was completely and utterly in love with Ludwig Beilschmidt.


In the darkness, the walk back to campus seemed to go very slowly. Even though it wasn't late, stars had already crept into the sky, and the moon shone through a curtain of grey clouds. Every sound seemed haunting at this point, and needless to say, I was terrified. Terrified of an owl's hoot, terrified of a cat meowing, terrified of the wind blowing. I shivered and huddled closer to Ludwig, and if he noticed he didn't show it.

Suddenly, two small felines jumped in front of us, caught up in a scrap. If I was scared before, I was petrified now. Instinctivley, I screamed and flinched, jumping and clinging onto Ludwig's arm. However, when I realized it was just two cats, I sheepishly backed away again.

Surprisingly, I felt a shot of warmth shoot up my hand as Ludwig grabbed ahold of it, smiling down at me reasuringly.

"Don't worry." He practically whispered, but I caught every word. His warm breath tickled my ear when he said it. Giving in, I leaned into the German's strong arm, wrapping my own around his, resting my hands in the crook of his elbow. Yet again, I gazed up at him to see no trace of a smile, but a cute red tinge on his cheeks.

We practically fell into our dorm room, tired out and laughing from the journey. At one point, I had even dragged him into the building to get away from the darkness.

Quickly, I switched on the lights and fell onto my bed, heart beating too fast and thoughts processing too slow. I kicked off my boots, unwrapped my scarf and threw my coat on the floor, the brown, soft material hitting the carpet with a satisfying THUNK. Yawning loudly, I threw my red silky scarf off the bed and onto my coat. Meanwhile, Ludwig was hanging up his coat and scarf on hooks at the back of the door. He turned around, staring at the mass of clothes on the floor, then walked over to them, hanging them both on a seperate hook. He took my boots and put them safely in the closet, then lay down on his bed.

"I can't believe you just dragged me through half of the town because of two cats." The German chuckled.

"Hey! Those cats were terrifying and loud, and I was scared." I pouted.

"You can be strangley fast when you're running away."

"But Luddy! I was so scared! The dark is freaky." I whined.

"Did you just call me Luddy?" The blonde asked, laughter entwined in his words.

"I guess? It just came naturally!" I giggled excitedly.

"Oh... well, I liked it." Ludwig mumbled, almost inaudibly.

"Luddy it is then!" I cheered happily.


Hours later, in the middle of the night, I was still awake, tossing and turning. I'm not sure what kept me from sleep, whether it was the anticipation of lectures starting in a week, or the uneaven, sleeping breaths of Ludwig in the bed next to me. I rolled over and grabbed my phone from the bed, the blazing light forcing me to squint. I tapped Lovi's contact and texted him.

F: Hey, are you asleep?

F: Lovi...

F: Lovino? Talk to me

F: Lovi!

Lovi: wat

F: Yay! You're awake!

Lovi: its like 1am what do u want

F: I can't sleep :(

Lovi: then try idiota

F: You can't sleep either?

Lovi: no :/

F: Can you hear your roommate breathing?

Lovi: sí he's a loud bastard he's snoring it's annoying as shit

F: I can hear Luddy breathing. He sounds so sweet.

Lovi: how can breathing be sweet you fucking idiot

F: Fratelloooo, don't swear! And also, it's sweet because he's doing it all cute and offgaurd when normally he's so defensive.

Lovi: wat

F: Your texting physically hurts me.

Lovi: u forget its 1am idiot

F: It's not even that! It's 11:14.

Lovi: whatever idiota

F: Why must you wound me.

Lovi: u just ruined that meme by actually typing

F: y must u wound me

Lovi: Better.

Lovi: wat the shit.

F: What?

Lovi: this bastard is talking in his sleep

F: Oooo! What'd he say?

Lovi: ur a fucking idiot

F: He called you an idiot?

Lovi: no u idiota ur the idiot

F: What did HE say?

Lovi: i cant tell hes mumbling shit about tomatoes

F: Awww, it's like you were meant to be!

Lovi: vaffanculo idiota

F: Awww. Luddy just giggled in his sleep.

Lovi: y is his name luddy like what the fuck name is that his parents must have hated his ass to give him such a shitty name

F: Don't be rude. Anyway, his name is Ludwig Beilschmidt and he's from Germany. He has a brotger called Gilbert and he goes to this Uni.

Lovi: Gil's in my Philosophy.

F: Oooo! What's he like?

Lovi: a solid 10/10

F: That's not what I meant :/

Lovi: good shit right there 10/10 if i do say so myself

F: No, what's he like? Personality wise.

Lovi: loud, boisterous, shitty, confident, hot, a little shit, annoying, loud, albino, popular, funny, fkin hilarious, interesting, oh DID I SAY LOUD

F: You sound like you hate to love him.

Lovi: id let him fuck me

F: Would you let your roomie do that?

Lovi: ...

Lovi: i hate him

Lovi: but yeah probably hes p hot

F: What's his name, I wanna stalk him in twitter.

Lovi: toni

F: Toni what? I can't go off 'Toni'.

Lovi: i dont fkin kno hes called toni and i didnt read the sheet.

F: Ask him.

Lovi: oh suuuuure let me do that OH WAIT HES ASLEEP FUCKING IDIOT

F: You're getting angry and I'm leaving.

Lovi: gnight fratello

F: Goodnight, fratello. :)

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