Rise Up
"I feel like it was bad luck that I ended up with someone so optimistic and inspiring."
"I wonder what I'd say if I hadn't left and stayed a Praedect."
"I wonder how much different...how much better this place would be..."
"...if he actually lived."
Celestial(s): Personifications of celestial bodies. They represent planets, stars, galaxies, etc.
Family: Starlings (Starlet/Stars)
Personified(s): Personifications of landforms. They represent countries, capitals, states, provinces, etc.
Family: Hetalians (Hetalia/Heta)
Pesesainad(s): Also called 'Sainad(s)'. Personifications of organizations. They represent groups, restaurants, police, departments, hospital chains, school districts, etc. [PES-SES-sahn-NAHD]
Family: Relliances (Ellis/Rell)
Praedectatori(s): Also called 'Praedect(s)'. Personifications of families. [PRAY-dect-TAH-TOR-ee]
Family: Colegions (Colette/Cols)
I was at the bottom rung of being a Personification, being born and assigned to the task of being a Colegion; a Praedectatori. But don't get me wrong, there are many Praedects out there that are fairly powerful and famous among the community. In fact, Praedects and Celestials know each other better than the ones in between. I even got to meet a couple Celestials and, believe me, their presence is blinding.
Hello, my name is Hamilton.
Just Hamilton, only Hamilton.
I am the Praedectatori of the Hamilton family.
But I feel like I sorely suck at my job.
Basically, I am supposed to give my family supernatural support and protection. But the Hamiltons have so many supernatural enemies that it's flat-out ridiculous. So many demons of bad luck and chaos just want to squash the poor family. They sent a hurricane after them and I had no idea how to take care of a-IT'S A HURRICANE. What the heck was I supposed to do!?
Personally, I thought I was going to die. That was the last of the Hamiltons riding in that whirlwind, yet, despite my injuries and sickness, I lived. Hamiltons still existed. I never thought Praedects were supposed to get engaged with their families. I mean, I've heard some cases that they did and some even got married. Some went to as far as to have children with them.
I never really understood that. Was that my problem? No, I didn't want to get engaged with them. I didn't know what to do then if I did, and they died. I wonder if they thought that out, too.
I figured out that the survivor of the Hamilton's was this small boy named Alexander.
Alexander Hamilton.
Some poor kid that was in such bad luck that he needed a freaking Praedect.
A Praedect that didn't know what to do with all the supernatural hate being fired at him.
For goodness' sake, he's a boy. What kinda threat is he to you all?!
He's fourteen right now and is in a really depressing state. He's trying to pay off all the debts his forsaken parents had. Geez, I don't even wanna imagine what the heck he's going through. I try to support him in the meager ways I could. Disguising as a worker and taking all the heaviest loads off of him. I do this for a long time. The loads aren't really heavy for me. I am a Voltagen Praedect, so strength and leadership are supposed to be my forte, among other traits. I can see strength, but leadership is kinda outta my league.
Though I will admit, I personally wish I could lead something and know what I'm doing.
Alexander wrote something today.
I read it over after he fell asleep. I look it over a couple times. Besides a could grammatic errors and some technical stuff, this kid's work definitely doesn't look like like a fourteen-year-old's work. Dang, if I didn't know better, I'd think it was a scholar who's writing a biography of survival while feeling a tad punchy.
But I knew no scholar would write like this.
No scholar of this day and age, here, wrote with this much pain and honesty.
Alexander suffered.
Every time I go through the letter, it lit me up.
I couldn't stop the hurricane or the demons behind it. I felt pitiful. His state right now is gonna crush him. He needs a protector that can help him. No, this talent shouldn't be wasted. He needs to rise. But this trading and being some charter tied as practically a slave ain't gonna get him anywhere. He might be the son of a...whore...but in my eyes...he's going to be something great.
I felt something.
Is this what being a Praedect meant?
Doing more than just supporting and protecting?
We're not talking about the present anymore.
This is the Hamilton family's future. Alexander's future.
I took the letter and spread the word.
A normal child would've never gotten this exposure, let alone someone with the luck of Alexander. But with a little effort and a couple nudges, I was able to push Alexander toward some better schooling. He was already stubborn and headstrong of making a change in the world. But what I heard him say to a friend made me stop.
"I wish there was a war."
A war? I nearly fell out of the tree I was in. I stop thinking about that. Heck, if I didn't hurry, I'm gonna miss the ship. Dressed as a sailor, I slip onto the ship. We run into a couple storms, this one storm that nearly totaled us, but we survived by the skin of our teeth. I survived by the skin of my teeth. I lost sight of Alexander so many times I was gonna be gray before I knew anything else.
But when we arrived that didn't matter.
We were in America.
Little did I know that my stepping onto American soil did me something that I'd be thankful for and regret for the rest of my life.
Who'd thought demons existed among the teachers and I don't mean that the teachers were cruel. But why would such a university reject such talent? He ended up doing a couple at King's College. But honestly, I feel like he should...should be something more. Not to say that his efforts are disappointing, I just...maybe it's not me. Maybe it's him.
Maybe he wants to do something more.
It had suddenly intrigued me to find what this something is.
A war between America and England.
America...General America. I cannot believe it. A Personified...!
There's a Personified of these colonies! The states are Personifieds, too. Just looks a couple years younger than General America. America's the state's general, the states his soldiers. His family. They all look like young men and woman, all thirteen of them. I couldn't help but feel a little jealous. I look just about their height. Of course, we'll have some age difference somewhere.
Shoot-! I snap out of my thoughts. I glance around. Alexander. He's still wanting to make a change in the world. Freeing General America and his states...
But wouldn't that put him in more danger than before?
Would I be able to protect him from the demons that might take advantage of this?
Would I even be able to live with myself if he were to die?
This is starting to kill me. Death had been skittering near him more times than what I can count. Alexander had plunged into a strong current into a river with Death looming in the shadows. Heck, I had punched that guy and flung him to the other side of the land too many times! Then I had to make an opportunity for Alexander and the majority of his men to get outta the freaking river...AH...!!!
It's not even chaotic or accidental demons anymore! It's freaking Death himself! What is it about this man that everyone is so avid to kill and eager to hate?! Is it his talkative nature? Is his intelligence being a little overbearing? But don't they need it? Being heavy in intelligence is great! Nothing hurts being a tad over prepared. Just covers up for the worse case scenario!
I still don't entirely grasp why he's so avidly hated.
But something tells me people just find him either annoying...
...People are stereotypical...
...Or they're just jealous.
I can't believe this man is even a general.
'General' Charles Lee is the European fourth of Russia, the lesser majority, the redcoat in a sea of patriots, the Italian in the German militia, but tenfolds upon tenfolds worse. He's a coward and his soldiers are dying by the freaking second. He's scared upon scared and he has the guts to insult General Washington in his position? Dude, if he doesn't wanna lose his job to the 'little French boy' he better prove it.
Alexander is fluent in French. He translates for the foreign soldiers, actually suggests for slaves to fight with them for glory and freedom. But Lee just hates him! And I swear if he does anything to him and gets him killed? I swear as a Praedect, I'll kill him so fast that if redcoats even attempt to dream that they could do so, I'll slap them awake and make them feel reality's bite.
...I made a mistake. General America was watching this battle. I didn't notice, but if I did, I would've been so ashamed of Lee's performance, that I would've shot him. But...that wouldn't work because this was a bayonet battle.
But when Alexander said to attack with general Washington?
Heck, as I was dressed up as a patriot, I freaking slew with my bayonet.
And General America watched me power up first past the front lines as I was the first one to attack.
Oh no...
Is this what being a Praedect was supposed to be like?
No, I haven't even heard of anything like this!
A Praedectatori, like me becoming a Personified, like General America...!
That's crazy!
Heck, I wonder if this has anything to do with what I did earlier...?
The Americans...Alexander...they needed a nudge, okay?
A...huge nudge...
Besides! They were planning this, right?! Having Spain and France assist?! I just...gave a couple of Alexander's ideas to Paris and Madrid! They didn't know I was a Praedect...they probably couldn't tell I was even inhuman...but did I make a mistake doing so? Did I stick my nose too far into this?
Congress! Maybe it was the Congress letters! I mean, I did have to send a few of my own to Paris and Madrid, but were the ones to General America too personal? I mean, heck, he found me out and I nearly jumped outta my skin. Alexander's letters weren't getting in, so since I knew America was personified, I sent a letter directly to him. The letters and ideas were accepted in and everything was cool...!
No, wait! Maybe it was when I contracted Paris and Madrid! T-Then, I kinda contracted Hohenzollern outta Madrid's suggestion. Then, Prussia sent von Steuben. He was a great help and comrade to Alexander, so I thought of that as a gain-
-WAIT! That was only a gain for Alexander! What if General America wanted to contact them personally?! Or...what if he didn't want their help?!
All of this, though, all of my interfearing to assist Alexander...wouldn't General America...?
...Then why is he offering something so impossible?
No, wait...
...I know I should refuse if I know what's good for me, and I know those morals.
...I want to go.
But if I go, I won't be able to protect Alexander anymore. And I know how terrible both supernatural and humans want not even his name on a tombstone. I look up to him too much. He's given me something to think about, rather than just protecting and supporting. Like a servant that wishes to be a master or a mistress of their own one day.
I wanted to get off this rung and move to the top of the ladder.
I wanted to be a Personified.
Better yet...
I wanted to be General America's capital.
Ever since his offer sprung up after the next few battles, the words never left my head. Being a Personified. Being a capital. His capital.
Was I really gonna accept that?
I heard a clacking of a pen. I jolted up from my spot. Honestly, everything Alexander did to break the silence, it seems to scare me half to death. I carefully lean down from where I was watching. It's been awhile since I've seen him write not so robotically. In fact, he's smiling and being so bashfully expressive.
I read over his words and see the words 'love' and 'beautiful' and a butt-load of synonyms in between. I chuckle behind my hand like a fangirl who just saw her OTP do the thing at 3:00 AM in a house of 50 siblings and two office parents, all asleep.
Alexander is wickedly smitten...!
Dude, I wish the lucky girl the best of luck and share some with Alexander.
Years past and I saw so many cruel things. I made a huge mistake with this.
I had accepted General America's offer to try out working as his right hand. But when I came back, Alexander wasn't there.
I panicked. The door was wide open and his candle was out. I had actually run inside his house and looked everywhere for him and he WASN'T THERE. I step back into his room, where all his paperwork was, and something caught my nose.
Okay, I knew his wife, Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton, wore perfume, but it wasn't this strong and...ugh. My nose scrunches up horribly once it was hooked onto the scent. I had burst into the streets of New York, not really caring if he saw me or not. After running around, biting back the urge to call out his name like a mother looking for her child.
The next morning, Alexander came home with that scent stapled to his person.
I don't wanna imagine what he had done.
He looked like he terribly regretted it and something tells me it wasn't his influence that started it. Same time this night, I carefully watched Hamilton, dead-eyed, get up from his desk, blowing out the candle on his desk.
The second he does this I see what I didn't see when there was light.
A demon.
A scandalous, sickening demon.
An unable demon.
A spectator succubus.
The worse thing is that these demons work very close to their host and feed off of the...affections that they feel for someone that they also influence.
That means I can't protect him.
Alexander's gonna be caught in an affair and it's all my fault.
The affair worsened. And it showed on my face as I walked next to General America.
I thought if I became a capital, the Congress would be underneath me and I could help Alexander in ways I couldn't do before. Then if he could be the president, he could be my boss.
And then I can finally face him.
But I had been too preoccupied with trying to achieve that...
...that I didn't see that Alexander might lose his wife.
General America lets me go early.
I practically sprinted back to Alexander.
On the way there...
...I see Angelica Schuyler...
...and Alexander...
...He's being crushed.
I wonder if bringing him to America to save him from being crushed in the Caribbean was worth him being crushed ten times harder in making his dream a reality.
...maybe becoming a capital is just a selfish wish of mine.
No, wait...
...it is.
Time past and I watched it with a glazed look in my eyes.
Alexander's son Philip Hamilton had died in a duel.
I remember how happy and alive he looked with him. How smart Philip was and how bright he shone. I felt some love for the little boy as well and loved the reactions between Alexander and his wife. It was the most loving family I had laid my eyes on. Probably because I lived most of my life watching Alexander's family fall to pieces around him. Dude, you didn't need to worry about the money, you guys are covered.
But nothing covered the feels that hit you like a 100 mph truck with all the smaller cars crashing in next after the truck came.
To be honest, I never really enjoyed that when you're trapped in a hole of despair that life never waits for you. Alexander can't wait for it and can't relish in his glory or success. He has a beutiful family that's wasting away.
Or at least I thought it was wasting away.
I was moved by Eliza's forgiveness.
I couldn't move.
Even when Alexander crumbled to the ground right then and there with Eliza crying with him.
Philip is really gone.
General Washington is really gone.
Laurens was really gone.
Alexander was really gone.
As a Praedectatori with the worse attackers,
I had wished for something more.
I never thought about that before.
He knew
There had to be some way t o r i s e u p...
I feel like it was bad luck that I ended up with someone so optimistic and inspiring.
I wonder what I'd say if I hadn't left and stayed a Praedect.
I wonder how much different...how much better this place would be...
...if he actually lived.
Sometimes I'd look back at that and wonder if I could just talk to him face-to-face for once. If I hadn't left him alone.
He died in 1804 and I became a capital in 1790.
I had started making changes. I tried my hardest. But I couldn't protect him anymore. I'd watch. I'd do what I could to make things sway in his favor for him. But I couldn't keep the frontal leash like I thought I could. People didn't recognize me as the capital, yet. I still had a lot I needed to learn. Alexander never ventured across all of America, so I never saw the situation there.
I didn't want to leave the town Alexander was in.
Now I know why.
I was scared that when I became a Personified that I'd never be able to feel when Alexander was in trouble.
But I always found myself where he gets hurt the hardest.
Alexander had died right before my eyes.
But he died sparing another man's life.
Aaron Burr.
Raise a glass to freedom.
Something I will never ever see again as capital Washington DC.
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