Chapter 4 A Dangerous Cocktail

Bakugo's POV:

On my way downstairs I ran into one of my friends. Tch but Kiri doesn't need to know that's how I feel about him.

"Gooooood morningggggg BakuBro!"

I just nodded and replied with a quiet. "Mornin."

He sounded a little concerned when he spoke. "You're not looking so hot bro. You still have problems sleeping?" I just nodded.

"Nope; but i did get some decent sleep last night...." 'Damn i even sounded tired.'

He just nodded. "Good to hear, but when are you gonna tell me what you're doing every night?"

I hesitated. I never hesitate. Everyone knows that, and I think that's what tipped him off. "It's...I'm not proud of it."

He just smiled and replied with "were bros bro. You know you can tell me anything."

My scent changed just slightly and my face got a little pink and i didnt notice either had happened; and that was my downfall. "I dont wanna talk about this tho."

"That's fine dude-" and Denki HAPPENED to be there when I said that.

"Oh? Dude who are you fappin to?" I stopped breathing for a second and kiri froze. It was as if all the air was sucked out of my lungs. It took me a second to start breathing again and when I did I smacked the shit outa him. "OUCH!!!"


"Bro you never blush so he's onto something." kiri said walking backwards so he had eye contact with me. Denki just laughed at us and left.

"Oh fuck off! Both of you!" i said a bit annoyed and still kinda tired. My scent was all over the place and I could tell he was worried about me...

"Not till you tell me."

"I already told you I dont wanna fucken talk about shitty hair!"

"Why don't you wanna tell meeeee???" he laughed a little. "Is it me?"

I growled at him getting a little pissed off and shoved him to the wall. "No dumbass now drop it. Or go. The fuck. Away." He just nodded laughing a little.

"Whatever bro. You'll tell me when you're ready. Cya bakubro!" and with that he left.

I growled again making my way down to the dorms for a cold shower to clear my head. This morning has been confusing as hell.

When i got out of the shower i passed deku in the hall and he still smelt sad and he looked like he'd been crying and my scent changed the second I smelt his and stopped him in the hall. "Did I make you cry?"

He just pushed passed me mad and replied with "When havent you Kachan."

I'd been bullying him for years....what changed...I wanted to follow him and comfort him....which made me want to punch him more.

3rd person

Deku headed to the showers and kinda just sat there as the water hit his face and shoulders. He was sitting on the floor of one of the showers hugging his knees to his chest sobbing the water masking his sobbing but the showers soon filled with the scent of an omega in distress. Bakugo was sitting on his bed in his room staring at the ceiling thinking about deku. He'd never once felt bad for deku and thought if he could punch him one last time to see how it would affect him.

Less than an hour later Bakugou could smell an omega, his Omega. In distress.

Bakugo's POV:

'Goddess what is that...' there was a knock on the door and he was watching it trying to figure out where the smell was coming from. Sure enough. It was whoever was at the door. There was a pause and then they knocked again. "Come in." they hesitated before walking in and I saw Deku. He kinda just stood there scared.


"Oi what do you want deku."

"I-I.....I don't know....s-sorry to bother you...."

He closed the door slowly and I walked over confused."Oi, spill."

He stopped and looked up at me confused. "H-hm?"

I was starting to get annoyed but sure enough the smell was coming from deku. "Why are you here Deku?"

"I-its stupid just let me go-o..."

"Just get in here and tell me damn it." he stayed in the doorway and he was shaking.

"N-no's fine dont worry about it. Forget it...." I walked over, pinning him to the wall, his scent surrounding me. It's so....sweet...if he didn't have better control, his instincts would have taken over.

"What is it Deku." He didn't say anything, he just wrapped his arms around me really tightly.

I look down at the omega in my arms. 'If I can bring myself to slap him...just once without feeling bad, then I'll be okay.' I tried to slap him with full force, but ended up tapping him with my hand.I tried hitting him several times, but it ended in the same result.

'Damnit, why can't I hit him...? Do....Do I even want to....?' He hugged me tighter and I finally gave in and hugged him back just as tight as he was hugging me. "I'm....I'm sorry I made you cry deku..." He looked up at me confused.

"Since when...?"
"Since now...."

"Why the change of heart....?"
Our voices were quiet as we spoke not breaking the hug.
"I'm not so sure..."

He had a hint of fear in his voice now "th-this is a trap. I-isnt it."

"No dumbass-" I stop myself from insulting him. "I mean....No..."

"I-I don't believe you. You haven't been nice to me since we were 7..."

My voice got quieter and my grip tightened. "I fucken know..." I bang my head on the wall in front of me.

"Kachan why do you hate me....?" I hear him whisper.

"I..." I look at him a little sad and I see him start to tear up his scent getting thicker almost choking me.

"Wha-at did i do wrong kachan....?" I brought my face closer to his looking him right in the eyes.

"Hey don't you dare cry. I never once hated you.....I was just..."

"then why were you such a fucking asshole?!" he screamed at me balling his eyes out clutching onto me harder suffocating in the fog of pheromoans.

"I just...never understood you....You always had..that cute ass smile...o-on your face no matter what....And....and you never once try and protect me.....Why....? I never once treated you with kindness....."

"So you thought you'd destroy our friendship and act like a total dick towards me....?!"

"No!! Look, I...I know I have anger issues....I just.... I can't control how I behave....I'm just like that..." He was even more pissed and all the mixed emotions were putting him in hipper drive.

"I'm aware." I was getting more frustrated.

"I don't know why....I just....have these hit people...a-and call them names....It's like an instinct to me..." He growled at me a little.

"Don't you dare blame your instincts on this. Mina's an alpha too and she's one of the nicest people i know!"

"But Mina isn't me. Mina is a nice person.....I'm not...."

"I'm aware. how you act is your choice." He growled at me again. "i liked you better before you had your quirk.... you were... nicer...." I growled right back at him alot deeper.


"No! I used to feel safe around you! Now i'm scared! and depressed! all the time!" he was angry and depressed and the emotions were making an even more dangerous cocktail of emotions and scents.

"I-I know...."

"I want my friend back!!"

"Izuku....I-I'm not sure I even know who that is...I can barely remember that light that I had inside of me....It soon vanished....I don't know if I can even find it..." The tears were flowing out of both of their eyes.

"It's inside you...I've been by your side this whole time! i've seen it! it's there! always has been! so stop trying to smother it.... As long as it's that.... There's still a flicker of hope inside me...."

"I..I don't think I can find it alone....I want you to help me...."

"I can't help you if you keep pushing me away..."

"I can..try to stop?"

"Don't try to stop...just stop!" He yelled. I growled at him and almost bit him.

"Dont fucking yell at me right now." He wrapped his arms around me and tightened his grip on me. I stared him right in the eyes.

"Izuku...Do do you feel about me..."

~To be continued~

~1409 words~

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