Chapter Thirteen
Sure enough, that soup did just the trick. The next morning I woke up fresh as a daisy. No fever, still a slight cough but no congestion. If I could just hide the cough it'd be like I wasn't sick at all. I could get to work and earn money again. I downed the rest of the cold medicine from the cabinet and chugged down a couple glasses of water. I hated to turn the heating off; Scout and I both loved it so.
Maybe just one more day.
When evening rolled around I showered and changed into a pair of black sweatpants and a matching sweatshirt. I'd get glammed up once I got there. Scout was once again in a burrito of blankets and I watched him sleep with adoration. "Good boy," I said before slipping out the door.
"Feeling better, Loulou?" Celine asked as I passed her desk. I could feel the eyes of the other girls boring into me. I tried to ignore them. I wanted to put my fiasco of the other day behind me.
"Much better, Celine," I said, giving her my best smile. She returned one.
"Great! I haven't got anything for you since I wasn't sure you'd be coming," she explained showing me the clipboard. "But there are still a few open spots if you want."
"Give me all of them," I said and Celine nodded, penciling me in.
"Seen Jeanie yet?" Margot asked, coming to get some water. She did not look thrilled.
"Oh no...." I said, my shoulders slumping. "What's up?"
"She's very pleased with herself," Margot said taking a drink. "AC/DC played a show last night. Jeanie got a ticket."
My heart pounded. The same concert the boys had gone to rehearsal for? Before showing up to my apartment? "Oh really?" I asked calmly. "Did she have a good time?"
"Ask her yourself." Margot stepped aside, allowing me to see Jeanie. She didn't walk, she strutted. She didn't smile, she smirked. She didn't speak, she bragged. We weren't colleagues, we were satellites. Jeanie saw me and pranced right up.
"You look happy," I commented, pretending not to know a thing.
"Why shouldn't I be?" she boasted. "I got front row tickets to see AC/DC last night!"
"Good for you," I said with a smile. Then I turned to walk away. Jeanie put a hand on my shoulder.
"Aren't you going to ask how they were?" she asked. I could tell she was just dying to tell everyone within a hundred foot radius about her night.
"I've already seen them," I said, not giving in to Jeanie's desires of seeing me jealous. Why should I be? The entire band came over and ate dinner with me. I was tempted to rub it in her face but I held back. "I know they're a great band."
"They're the best band, Marino," she said before sighing dreamily. "And they're gorgeous! You didn't tell me how good they look up close like that!"
I grabbed a bottle of water from the bin. It was almost comical the way Jeanie was about to climax right there on the spot. I kept my distance in case things got messy. "Must have slipped my mind," I said. "Did you go backstage?"
She huffed. "No, backstage passes were sold out. And no, nobody asked for me like they did for you." I smiled to myself as I drank. "I know they'd love me, though," she went on. "That bass player is something else....if they could just meet me they'd want me for sure."
I choked on my drink. Jeanie flipped me off and walked away while I doubled over laughing.
Putting the finishing touches on my makeup, I set my things aside and left the locker room. Before I knew it it was already time for me to head out onstage. My cough had given me a break for the night and I was grateful for that. No need to hack all over the clients. Layla was paired with me this time; she was a pixie in every way. Small, tiny, energetic, and bubbly and even sported short hair above her ears. She was the ultimate girly girl and never went onstage without something pink to wear. Just like Jeanie she had been a cheerleader in high school but she loved showing her support for people. Everybody loved Layla.
"Glad to see you're feeling better," Layla said as she stretched. She had one foot on the wall beside her, her leg completely vertical. Along with cheerleading she had also been a ballerina. She rivaled Jeanie for pole stunts.
"Thank you, Layla," I said. "Glad to see my absence hasn't put a damper on things around here."
"Well, we've sort of missed your rivalry with Jeanie," she admitted with a shrug. Her blue eyes sparkled. "We don't have that same...wolf-like spark you have when we talk to her."
"I'm sure Jeanie was a lot happier without me."
"Most definitely." She looked at the clock on the wall right as the music faded in the club. "Time to go," she said, pirouetting as she left the room. I followed after her, breathing slow and easy. Layla picked the song. I expected something like Fleetwood Mac to play over the speakers; Stevie Nicks' voice rising over the din of the club. Instead I heard...
"The Who?" I asked as what I thought was Roger Daltrey's voice sang to the crowd. The club was packed that night and that was good for me. I wore my simple black dress knowing some people went crazy for the color black. Layla smiled and nodded her head enthusiastically.
"Aren't they great? One of my favorites! You take the stage up front, there's a bloke near the back I want to attract." I saw a handsome man with dark hair sitting by the back stage. Layla hurried up to her spot and started dancing. I got up to the front stage and almost had another 'dizzy spell'.
"There's Esther!" A group of men's voices all blended into one as they cheered. There in front of me, sitting right up close to the stage I was on was AC/DC. All of them had drinks as far as I could tell. It was hard to see but I thought Angus maybe had a glass of Coke or something. Malcolm and Cliff looked rather drunk and Bon was well past that. They were all clapping and whistling for me.
"Hi, Esther!" Phil yelled.
I covered my face with my hand and started laughing. These men never failed to surprise me. Should I be surprised, though? After all, they did say they would be paying me a visit. How they knew I was here and when I was dancing I'll never know. Might as well enjoy it while it lasted. There was no way Jeanie wouldn't find out and push me across the club to get to them.
Face red and giggling like a maniac, I went out there and danced. My new routine didn't fit this song as well but it worked well enough. Figured I may as well try it again and actually finish it this time. The entire time they yelled and cheered and even threw money. I was worried I wouldn't finish dancing from laughing so hard. I couldn't believe it.
"That's our Esther!" one of them yelled and I think it was Malcolm. Malcolm was wasted. But he was having a great time. I spun around, pulling down one strap of my dress. I lifted the hem, showing them my bare legs. I could hear them whistle and laugh.
The band was gaining quite a bit of attention from other customers. Some were in shock this famous band was sitting among them and others wanted to know who was making all the racket. I'm sure plenty of them were tempted to give their opinions on this commotion.
"You blokes mind?" a guest beside them said.
"Don't mind at all, mate," Malcolm said before clapping for me. I started worrying that maybe if enough people complained they'd get thrown out. They were starting to get a little rowdy. I glanced behind me to see Layla craning her neck to get a better look down in front. The boys weren't cheapskates, I'll tell you that. I wasn't sure where they all got the money but it was quite a bit. Some of it fell off the stage and Cliff or Bon picked it up for me.
No sign of Celine or security. The man who called them out for their rambunctious behavior looked rather peeved now and he moved to a different spot. The boys didn't give a shit and kept cheering for me. It felt good to be paid a visit by my friends but now I wondered if the customers would blame me as the cause. I wasn't exactly telling them off.
Finally the song ended and I bowed for them. The cheering got louder since the music quieted down. I collected my money and ran offstage, Layla following me. "What on earth went on out there?" she asked.
I was almost too giddy to answer. "Those were friends," I said, trying not to laugh. A loud roar of cheering started up from the club and Layla and I ran to take a peek. Sometime after we left Angus had climbed up and started doing his own little routine.
And he wasn't even drunk.
I put a hand to my mouth and watched him dance. I remembered him taking his clothes off during the concert I had been to and wondered if this would be the same. Part of me hoped it would and the other part desperately hoped it wouldn't.
"Are those who I think they are?" someone asked behind me. I turned to see Betty and Barbara watching the show with us.
"What are they doing here?"
"Was that them making all that noise?"
"Who's that on the stage?"
Angus finally jumped down and took his seat again. I sighed in relief and hoped that didn't send them a one way ticket out the door. "Esther, what happened out there?"
"Just some friends came to visit, is all," I shrugged, the corners of my lips twitching. I excused myself to count the money they so generously gave me. It amounted to a hundred and thirty seven bucks, including some donations by other people. The scene must have died down as the girls came swarming back to me.
"Was that AC/DC out there, Esther?" Betty asked me.
"Who was that onstage?" Layla asked.
I guess I had to tell them all the truth. "His name is Angus," I said. "The man onstage." I started laughing. "He's from AC/DC."
"What the fuck are they doing here?" Barbara asked. "You said it was just some friends!"
"Well..." I shrugged. "They...kind of...are my friends..."
"Shut the fuck up," Barbara said. "Right now. Just shut the fuck up!" Barbara's green eyes were flashing. She looked like a cat ready to pounce on me. "You're friends with them?" I nodded. "And when may I ask did this happen?"
"Well....remember when I got called backstage? At their concert?" They all nodded. "Bon called me back," I explained. "We met at the diner down the road and we've been talking ever since."
Barbara collapsed into a chair looking pale. I was about to check on her when Betty took over. "You're serious?" she asked. "You've just been friends with the biggest band in the world for weeks now and kept it a secret?"
"Kind of," I admitted.
"Why didn't you say anything, you little bitch?" Betty grabbed me for a hug and I laughed. She didn't mean anything by the word. Layla watched us happily. Eventually we had gained the attention of some of the others. Including Celine.
"Who is responsible for that parade out there?" she asked. "I've gotten at least ten complaints about a group of men near the front of the stage being too loud and causing a distraction." Celine's eyes scanned the room. Nobody ratted me out. Instead I took a deep breath and raised my hand. Celine sighed. "I should have known."
"They won't cause any more trouble," I said, suddenly worried for them. "I'll tell them to tone it down."
"You'll do more than that," Celine said. "You'll tell them they are hereby banned from The Diamond and are required to leave the building now or have security come throw them out, is that clear?" My eyes widened.
"Please, Celine? I promise they won't do it again, don't make them leave." I didn't want my friends to get sent away. I really enjoyed having them here. And the other girls didn't seem to mind either.
"We want to dance for them too!" Betty said and several others agreed. "This isn't fair!"
"It's plenty fair," Celine said and I pretended she was wrong. "It's unprofessional to act that way around the dancers, even if they're close friends. It causes a disturbance to the other guests and then they leave and you girls don't get paid. It gives other guests the idea that they can act that was as well and before you know it this place is a zoo and gets shut down for bankruptcy because no one comes here anymore!"
I was angry. I knew she was right, even if she might have been exaggerating. But I was still angry. "Give them another chance?" I asked. "Let them stay the night?"
Celine looked at me through her glasses, her blue eyes shining. "I'm sorry, Loulou. That's my final word." I sighed and watched her walk away.
"I guess that's it then," I said and made my way toward the club.
"MARINO!" a loud shrill voice yelled and my eardrums shattered. When I saw Jeanie Patterman come stomping toward me I almost made a run for the nearest exit. She had a fire in her eyes and smoke coming out of her nostrils. She stood right in front of me about to burn me to charcoal with a breath of flame. I stood my ground and squared my shoulders.
"What?" I asked calmly. I could practically see her heart beating out of her chest.
"I overheard you met the band I was destined to be with?" she asked crossing her arms. "That you're friends with them for some reason?"
I couldn't quite guess the reason myself. I guess I just got lucky. "Yes, ma'am," I said to piss her off.
"And why in God's name would you keep that a secret?" she asked. She grabbed my shoulders and I shook her away, doing everything I could to quell my burning anger. "This isn't funny, Marino!"
"It certainly isn't," I huffed.
"You could have introduced me and you didn't!" she yelled pointing at me. "I could be married to one of them right now and I'm not! I could quit this stupid job and go on the road with my new musician husband and I'm not!"
"That's not my fault," I said. "They aren't going to drop everything to marry someone, let alone someone who acts anything like you." Jeanie looked offended at the truth I spit at her. "I didn't ask to be friends with them, I didn't force my way backstage to sleep with any of them, I don't know what they see in me."
"Neither do I," Jeanie hissed. I rolled my eyes.
"Whatever. I've got to tell them to leave now because of the ruckus they caused."
"They can't leave!" Jeanie wailed. "They haven't met me yet! Hold on, don't send them away yet!" Jeanie hustled into the locker room to fix her hair and makeup. I didn't wait for her to come out. I wanted to get those men out of here as quick as I could before they got a taste of her. I could feel everyone's eyes on me as I went down to the floor and found them seated by a table in the corner.
"There she is!" Malcolm yelled and they stood from the table cheering again. I started laughing when Bon picked me up in a hug. He was warm and comforting, and my temper began to settle. "Great show, love!"
"Not as great as Angus," I said and Angus looked shyly at his feet.
"Jus' wanted to try it out," he admitted. "Ya' made it look kind of fun."
"What the hell are you guys doing here?" I asked even though I knew.
"Ya' don't remember us sayin' we'd pay you a visit?" Bon asked. "I called your apartment an' you weren't in so I thought ya' might have been at work. An' I called the band an' we got together to show our support." He smiled. I hugged him again.
"You're crazy! Every last one of you!"
"Did we surprise ya'?" Cliff asked.
"No, I was expecting to see you there in the front fucking row," I said and he laughed. "You made quite a spectacle of yourselves out here."
"Are we in trouble or somethin'?" Malcolm asked. I looked around to see a couple girls hurry behind the curtain backstage. I didn't blame them for being curious. I wondered if Celine had called security despite my promise to kick them out myself.
"My boss wants you out of here," I said, getting straight to the point. "She says you're causing a disturbance to the other patrons and you're not allowed back."
"We're kicked out?" Phil asked.
"It would seem so," I said. The boys didn't look too bothered.
"Figures," Angus muttered, hiding a smile. I wondered if maybe they'd been gently escorted out of facilities before. "Your boss call the police or somethin'?"
'Not yet," I said. "But if you don't leave she might have to."
"Alright, lads," Bon said. "Ya' heard the lady, we wouldn't want to get put on the chain gang again, would we?" He winked at me and I laughed.
"It was good seein' ya, Esther," Malcolm said. "Ya' dance good."
"Just as good as Angus here," Phil said and Angus smiled.
"Better," Angus said.
"Thank you," I said. "I'm real sorry to send you away."
"Don't worry about it, we'll jus' have to find another way to see ya'," Cliff said. Before the men could leave the club we heard someone calling.
"Wait!" We turned to see Jeanie running up to us in her heels. She was out of breath and red faced and persistent. Once she got here she bent over huffing and puffing and looked ready to collapse.
"You okay?" Cliff asked. She nodded her head and I got ready to hear Jeanie gush and rant and rave and jump into the arms of one of them. But instead she looked up at them and was rendered speechless.
"Ya' know us?" Bon asked. "Fan of some kind?"
Jeanie couldn't speak, she couldn't even move. It amused me to see her so frozen in a state of shock after being so sure she would get all five of them to marry her just by existing. Her red face turned back into its normal color and then paled. She turned ghostly white.
"This a friend of yours, Esther?" Bon asked me.
I rolled my eyes. "Hardly a friend, but we work together," I said. Jeanie gave me a burning look before hyperventilating.
"You need help or somethin'?" Phil asked. The boys exchanged concerned looks and then looked to me. I scanned the room for a chair for her to sit on when she fell backward, passing out on the floor of the club. She lay there in a heap, her arms spread out and her eyes closed. Her skin was white as snow and her hair splayed out in all directions.
"Well, shit," Malcolm said.
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