The girl who lived

I awoke to the sounds of people screaming. What now?

All hell just broke loose.

What are you talking about?

Just look outside, you'll see what I mean.

I stood and walked to the window. Body's were all over the place. Blood was everywhere. I stepped back in horror. What the hell happened while I was out?

The vioce started to laugh. You'll see soon enough.

I walked outside and asked the first person I saw what happened. "Herobrine, you're awake! You've got to help us, they're everywhere! We can't hold them off for much longer!"

"What? What's going on?"

He started shaking his head and ran into the battle. I looked up and saw mobs. Hundreds of them, some skeletons, a few hundred zombies, and one or two Enderman and a few new ones. They looked like tall green moss cretures. Not this again!

Yes this again.

Will you shut up? I've had just about enough of you.

I went inside and grabbed my sword that was leaning on the wall next to my bed. Hey, I haven't bothered you for the good two days you were out.

I stopped with my hand on the door. I was out for two days?

Yup, your stupid heroic act of the week took alot of your energy. Once you passed out, no one could wake you or even get you to eat or drink anything. Even Steve tried to wake you and you barely moved.

I stood for a moment in shock. Two days? I was out for two days?


I shook my head and ran outside to help the townsfolk. I'll ponder this later. I have to help the people.

You and your stupid heroic acts. Let me know if you need me.

Shut up.


I looked around for Steve and ran to his side. He was surrounded by skeletons. I attacked from behind and killed them. "Need a hand?" I asked.

He looked at me and smiled. "Hero! Your awake!" He jumped up and hugged me. "I thought you would never wake up." He looked at me with joy. He had dark bags under his eyes and scratches all over his arms.

"Didn't you say that last time I passed out?" I smiled and hugged him back. Steve has always been like a little brother to me, and I'll always make sure he's safe. I don't know what I'd do without him.

"Yah, well you were out longer that time and they said you were gonna die." He released me and picked up his sword off the ground. "Anyway, we have a battle to win come on, bro."

He ran off deeper into the fight, with me at his heels. Did he just call you, bro?

Yah, yah he did.

Wow. I guess you have more of an impact on him then I thought.

We fought side by side taking down any threat that came our way. I looked to my left and saw one of the new monsters creep up on one of the townsfolk. Before I could warn him, the thing blew up. I stared in horror as I realized that these were more deadly than the Enderman, even if it can teleport. "Steve, watch out for the green things, they blow up." Steve nodded and we continued to fight. I ran deeper into the battle and Steve went to help the townsfolk who had no weapons. How the hell are we gonna kill all these things?

Magical unicorn barf.

Shut up, I didn't ask you.

Yah, you kinda did.

Again, shut up. I'm done with your sarcasm. It's giving me a headache.

Good. Maybe then you'll learn.

Learn what? That your a complete jerk? I think I already figured that out, thanks.

...Fine, have it your way...

We all fought till the break of dawn and some of the mobs retreated. The green things and Endermen stayed and fought us. I was fighting one of the Endermen when I heard a hissing behind me. The mod in front of me teleported away and I turned around just as the thing blew. I was thrown into a wall. I groaned in pain and stood back up.

You're gonna be a tuff one to kill aren't you?

I looked around and cought a glimpse of Entity's eyes. I stared at the spot where he stood and shook my head. I continued to fight until the last mob was dead. I panting, I looked around at the damage. Many were wounded. Most were dead, I looked for Steve and found him helping the mayor. I limped over to them. "What's wrong?" I asked. I could feel my regeneration start to kick in as the wounds started to heal.

"The mayor got knocked out when a creeper blew up." Steve explained. I gave him a confused look. "I call those green monsters creepers. They just sneak up on you and you don't know they're there till its too late."

The mayor started to sit up, but layed back down. "What happened? How many people died?" He looked at me seeing me covered in blood and bruses. "You're awake!" He exclaimed.

I nodded. "Most of the people are wounded, some are dead, others completely unharmed." I reported kneeling next to him.

"Good, at least some people made it." He looked sadly at his town. "How could this have happened?"

"It wasn't your fault." Steve said trying to comfort him.

"No, this is my fault Steve. I didn't protect my town when you two couldn't. I failed them, and you." He sat up and winced. I saw blood coming from a wound on his chest. I lifted my hand to him and it started glowing softly. "What are you doing?"

"Relax I'm not gonna hurt you." I focused on him and his chest started healing. "I know who did do this. His name was Entity 303, I don't think he has any good intentions."

"Y-you just healed me. H-how?"

I showed him a wound that was healing on my hand. "I have powers remember? I did the same thing to Steve. He had many more wounds and they were much deeper than yours. But here he is."

Someone tapped me on the shoulder and I turned to them. "I just saw what you did to the mayor...could you help sister, she got hurt and I don't know if she's gonna make it..."

I saw the tears form in her eyes. "Where is she?" I asked Her eyes lit up and she walked away. I stood to follow but someone grabbed my arm.

"You'll use up all your energy again." Steve said

I looked at the family and back at Steve. "Steve, look at the family. If I can save at least one person today, even if I risk myself, then I'm gonna do it. I've done the same for you, brother, I know you'd do the same for me." I walked twords the girl and her family.

"Brine! Please, help us, she's dying." The woman said, the whole groups faces were streaked with tears.

I knelt down and inspected the wounds. She had many of them, all over her chest and face. The worst one was across her chest and was oozing blood everywhere. I asked the group to back of a bit so I can heal her wounds. They backed off and I held my hands over her.

This is gonna take a lot of your energy Hero, are you sure you want to do this?

Yes, this girl will live and she will see tomorrow's light.

After a moment, my hands started to glow and her wounds started to heal. I could feel the energy leave my body, but pushed through until she was fully healed. I stood, almost falling on my face, I leaned on the wall for support.

"Are you ok?" The first girl asked.

I nodded. "Yah, I'll be fine." I replyed weakly. I looked over at Steve who was helping the wounded to the hospital.

"Thank you, for saving my sister." She turned her head to look at Steve. "He needs you ya know. Just like I need her. He looks up to you, like you're his brother."

I thought a moment. "That's because we are brothers." She looked at me and smiled, I smiled back. "Go get some sleep."

"Only if you get some." I nodded and she left.

Steve came over and helped me to the house and I fell asleep almost instantly.

~~Two days later....cuz I can...~~

"Hero, Hero wake up. Come on man." I heard as Steve shook me.

I opened my eyes and sat up. "What?" I mumbled, still half asleep.

He sighed. "Don't do that again." He hugged me.

"Do what?" I asked hugging him back.

"Stop passing out for so long." He replyed standing. He went to grab something.

"How long was I out for this time?" I asked. Steve came back with some food, which he gave to me. I took it and started eating. I realized I hadn't eaten in days.

"About two days."

I shook my head. "Is she ok? The girl, did she make it?"

Steve nodded. "Yah, she's ok. In fact, I'll be right back." He stood and left the room.

I stretched and got up. It was about mid-afternoon and the sun was bright. I looked around the room and spotted my sword. I grabbed it and started cleaning the dry blood off of it. After a few minutes I heard some soft footsteps coming closer to my room. Putting my blade down, I looked out the door and saw the girl I healed and her sister. "Hey, what's up?" I asked squatting down.

Their faces brightened as I opened the door. Once I was at their hight, they both ran at me and hugged me, knocking me to the ground. "Thank you for healing me, Brine." The youngest said.

I laughed a bit. "Your welcome." I said hugging them back. Everyone gives hugs here don't they?

The girls let go and I sat up. "I'm Sophie." The girl I heald said.

"And I'm Lily." The oldest replyed.

"Nice to meet you. I'd introduce myself, but seeing as you tackled me and knew my name, I think you already who I am." They smiled and nodded. "So Sophie, do you feel better?"

"Much! I dint know what you did, but it worked."

"Sophie, I told you, he used magic." Lily said.

Sophie rolled her eyes. "You know I don't belive in that stuff."

"Why not?" I asked. Not realizing Steve has been watching us.

"Magic doesn't egsist. If magic was real, them wouldn't people use it more?"

I thought a moment. "Would you like me to prove you wrong?"

Lily nodded, and Sophie said, "You can try. I know I'm right."

I lifted my hand so the palm was facing up, and a ball of fire formed in my hand. After a moment I closed my hand and it disappeared.

"How did you do that?" Sophie asked.

I chuckled. "Magic."

"So it really dose egsist?"

I nodded. "It sure does." Steve said. I looked up and saw him standing in the door way. "I've seen him do it many times. That's real magic, Sophie."

The girls stared at me in amazement. "Can you do that?" They asked Steve.

He shook his head. "Sadly, no. Not everyone has powers. Only the ones Notch made to have powers."

The girls stayed for a while and asked questions, played with my magic, and ran around with Steve and I, until thay had to go. "Thanks again for saving me." Sophie said as we walked to her house.

"You're welcome Sophie." They went to walk into their house and turned around. They gave Steve and I another hug. "Can we come back tomorrow?"

Steve and I smiled. "Sorry Lily, we have stuff to do tomorrow, but you can come back another day." Steve promised.

The both smiled and ran inside. The parents came to the door. "Thank you for saving our little girl." Their mother said.

"Your welcome mam." I replyed.

"Brine, can you show mommy your magic?" Sophie asked.

"Sophie, you can call me Hero, and if it's alright with your mom I will." She nodded and I formed a ball of light in my hand. She stared in amazement.

"Extrodinary!" The father said.

"We have to go. Hero still needs to rest up a bit before we go back to guard duty tomorrow." Steve said putting a hand on my sholder.

"Good bye then. And thank you both, for making our girls smile."

We nodded and left their house to go to our own. "I didn't know you were so good with kids."

"Nether did I." I said smileing.

Kids just get in the way. The only good thing about them is you can make them work.

Be quiet. Kids have just as much a right to be here as anyone else.

"Let's get some sleep. We have guard duty tomorrow night, and you still need to rest.

I nodded and went to my room.



Herobrine: *walks in to room, hears what I said, tries to walk out*

Me: Nope *grabs Hero by shirt* you walked into this mess, you're staying for the rest of it.

Herobrine: Fine. *looks at reads* wow....people actually want to read about me?

Me: Yup, not all people think you're that heartless. Well some might just want to see your past, but they still care enough to stick around.

Herobrine: huh, maybe mortals aren't as bad as I thought.

Me: Nope. Some are really sweet. Anyway, thanks everyone for reading this book. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it (and pizza, I love pizza).

Herobrine: yah, thanks for actually caring enough to waist your time reading about my past. I'm glad someone does.

Me: *stares at Hero* ouch....the feels Hero.....the feels....

Herobrine: What?


Herobrine: *stares at me* well then..... thank you all for reading, if you enjoyed, go stabbed the vote button and keep your eyes peeled for the next chapter. SkyArmyRecrute1 will chat with you later BBBBBBBBBYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEE......did I do it right?

Me: NOW YOU'RE STEALING MY LINE? *gets really angry*

Herobrine: ....if I say no will you not kill me?

Me: No promises. Bye peepz, I'll see ya later.

Herobrine: don't be shocked if I'm not in the next outro.

Me: Shut up. Honestly, you're worse than that voice in your head.


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