Come With Me If You Want To Live

Barbara was in her Clock Tower, waiting for the inevitable. She lost all contact with Bruce, and she lost all contact with her father. She could only assume that her father died in the crossfire of Darkseid's annihilation. And now she, the former Batgirl, was going to die alone. Or so she thought. She heard the sound of a vehicle parking in her Clock Tower. She rolled her wheelchair around, and saw what looked like one of Bruce's Batmobiles, and a strange little man. He reminded her of a Saturday Morning Cartoon Character. He got out and asked, "Barbara Gordon?"

"Who are you?" Barbara asked, looking at him. "That doesn't matter," replied Robin Warner, "there's not enough time Babs, and I know this sounds a little corny, but... Come with me if you want to live." Barbara adjusted her glasses and said, "Look Stranger, I don't know if you've noticed, but this is literally the end of the world! This building could collapse and kill me any second!" She was doing everything she could to not break down in tears.

"I know," said Robin, "but I'm here to help. There's still some hope. If you want to live to tell the story, please, come with me." Barbara looked at Robin. The part of her that was once Batgirl encouraged her to come with him, if it meant her survival. Bruce and her father would want her to do it. "Okay," she said as she rolled her wheelchair to the passenger's seat of the Batmobile, opened the car door, and got in, despite being unable to walk. Robin then unfolded her wheelchair, and before she could say her wheelchair may not fit in this type of car, Robin put her wheelchair in his ACME Cap. Babs, who was baffled, said, "What the-?"

"Expect the unexpected," said Robin as he winked at her, making her laugh, in spite of the circumstances. Robin got in the driver's seat, and said, "Buckle up Babs, this is gonna be a bumpy ride!" As Barbara got her seatbelt on, Robin then got out his walkie talkie he brought prior to entering Earth -70, and said, "Robin Warner to Pinky and the Brain, can you hear me?"

"Pinky to Robin Warner, we hear ya loud and clear. Narf!" Pinky said on the radio. Robin then said on the walkie talkie, "Set the coordinates to the Kent Household." Barbara looked at him and asked, "Clark's alive?" Robin smirked, replying, "Trust me." A portal opened, and Robin drove through the portal.

Meanwhile, in the Kent Household of Metropolis, Clark was in his Superman suit. He hugged his cousin Kara, in her Supergirl outfit. His wife Lois was holding their baby son, Jonathan. She was trying to calm him down. "Kal, I'm scared..." Kara said tearfully. "I know Kara, I know," said Superman, "at least we're together..."

Suddenly, out of nowhere, a portal opened, and out came the Batmobile, with Robin Warner and Barbara Gordon. The Kent Family looked surprised. "Barbara?" Kara asked in surprise, though relieved to see that her best friend was alive. She wasn't sure about the strange little man. "Superman," said Robin, "I know it's a little sudden, but I'm from a world that doesn't end. I'm here to save all of you."

"You are?" Clark asked, still surprised. "He's telling the truth Clark," replied Barbara. "Please Mr. Kent," reasoned Robin, "if you want your son to live to see another day, come with us." Clark looked at his family, and Lois said, "I want our son to live. I'm going." She stood up. "Are you coming Kara?" Clark asked. Kara unhesitatingly said, "Yes. For Jonathan." 

"Quickly, get to the Batmobile!" Robin said, and Clark, Kara, and Lois holding Jonathan, got in the backseats, buckling up. "Alright Brain, set the coordinates to ACME Labs, we're going in!" Robin said as the portal opened, and Robin drove into the portal, and everyone was now at ACME Labs, the portal closing. "Everyone okay?" Robin asked. "We're fine," said Clark, "by the way, what's your name?" Barbara looked around the lab. "Oh, where are my manners?" Robin joked, "My name is Atticus Melvin Isadore Frederick Charles Bosko Steven James Tiberius Kirk Warner." Everyone was surprised by his long name. "He goes by Robin Warner," said Barbara. "Well Robin, where are we?" Lois asked. Robin then said, "Guess I got some explaining to do."

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