Chapter 1: The Arrival

"Super City"

A hooded figure was ontop of a roof as it eyed the city.

The figure wasn't visible enough but it had a noticeable feature which was one yellow eye and a red pointy one as well.

???: Where are you Lindworm... Or any of your minions... What was left of them that is...

It then began hopping from one roof to another.

The scene then changed to Mani Pulate who was with Brock, Edgar and Colette.

They were inside a sushi resturant.

Edgar and Colette began feeding themselves sushi while Brock and Mani were kinda weirded out.

Brock: Do you do this to yourselves all the time?
Colette: Yeah, we've gotten closer than ever!
Edgar: What she said?
Mani: It's been a literal year since you 2 were official.
Colette: Yeah and I don't regret a thing.
Mani: You know...

He created a blush between his metalic cheeks.

Mani:... I had feelings for your before you got together with Edgar.
Colette: Awwww, really?

He nodded and she patted his hooded head.

Brock: Dude, not to be insulting but how would a robot and a demon girl be together.
Mani: I'm half robot bro.
Edgar: I agree with Brock on this one, Colette is too innocent for your chaotic and wild nature.

Mani crossed his arms.

Mani: Dude, I changed I'm no villain, ask Surge about it, I helped him with his stuff yesterday.
Brock: True, I saw him.
Colette: Edgar, be nicer to him.
Edgar: Alright...

She narrowed his eyes at Mani who looked on the other side with a expressionless look on his face.

Mani's mind: One day I will find a perfect girl to be with... One day...

Brock: Alright we gotta pack up and head back, so how long are you guys gonna stay here till you return back to Tokyo.
Edgar: For about a few days and we will head back to the crew's base.
Brock: Cool, we might pay you guys a visit since crime is becoming low since we got what was left of Lindworm's group on our side.

Mani got up.

Mani: Yeah, it's getting boring here with no crime to stop.
Colette: Well your always welcomed, now come on let's go.

They paid for the food and left the resturant.

Brock: So what will you guys be doing? I'll be streaming.
Mani: I'll be helping out Jozef with his lab experiments that Max and co built him a few days ago.
Edgar: Well... We have something in mind.

He waved his eyebrows at Colette and she giggled which caused Brock to spread out his tongue and pointed his finger at it and Mani laughed.

Then suddenly a tall hooded figure jumped down a building and landed in front of them.

Brock: Woah dude, what's wrong with you? This ain't a parkour town, go to France or Germany or something.

The figure turned to face them and it eyed Mani Pulate.

???: We meet again.... Manuel Pule...

Mani was shocked as the figure reffered Mani to his old name.

Mani: How do you know my old name?!
Edgar: Wait, you used to be called Manuel?

He laughed.

Mani: Who the hell are you? And how do you know me?
???: I see you forgot about me... Maybe this will make you remember.

He took off his hood and he became visible, this is what he looked like.

Mani's expression changed into that  of fear.

Mani: E-Execumancer?
Execumancer: So now you remember me?

He then punched Mani face first and sent him crashing to a light pole.

Colette: Hey, what was your problem?!
Execumancer: He should've died when I skinned him alive back in the fortress.
Edgar: What are you talking about?
Execumancer: That doesn't concern you.

Edgar's scarf formed fists and tried to land a punch on Execumancer but he grabbed the fists and tossed Edgar across the road and a car almost ran him over if it wasn't for Colette who tackled him to safety.

Brock: You got issues.

Execumancer: And you are about to die.

He then used his powers as he then pulled all metal objects that surrounded them and fired them directly Brock.

Brock: Yikes!

He then dodged every single shot as he then ran to hide behind a car.

Execumancer pulled the car and Brock was visible again.

Execumancer: Time to meet your maker.

He was about to throw the car at Brock but suddenly he was fired with purple hearts by Colette and it didn't do any effect to his body.

Excecumancer: Really? Is that the best you can do?

He then turned around and began to tear some sharpenels from the car.

Colette then pulled out her phone and snapped a picture at him.

Execumancer: That picture is that last thing you will remember from me.

He then threw the sharpenels at her.

Colette was screaming.

Edgar: NOOO!!!

He managed to pull her aside and was left with no scratch.

Edgar: Are you okay?
Colette: Yeah, I-

Then suddenly they were surrounded by a force field that was casted by Execumancer.

Colette/Edgar: Hey!
Brock: What is that?
Execumancer: A forcefield created by magnetic waves.
Brock: Wow and I thought you were just a giant walking magnet.

Execumancer then pulled Brock by his key chain are his neck and held him by the throat.

Execumancer smirked and tossed Brock inside the force field.

The three heroes tried to break it but they couldn't.

Execumancer: Save it, it's unbreakable unless I want to dispell it.

He turned to eyed the damaged hurt Mani Pulate who was getting up.

Mani looked at Execumancer who was slowly approaching him.

Mani: Ah...

He then fell on the ground and was slowly backing away but the mysterious robot grabbed Mani ans then pinned him to a wall.

Execumancer: You know... I knew that one day we would meet again and I never expected for it to be this day.
Mani: Stop, aren't you over it?
Execumancer: Over it?

He then cackled menacingly.

Execumancer: Never will I forget the moment of what you did to me you poor excuse for a living organism.

He then slammed his fist to the wall as he held the half robot with one hand.

Execumancer: This universe would be better off without you.

The others were worried about Mani.

Colette: What's this guy's deal with Mani?
Edgar: I don't know, how do they know each other?
Brock: Oh no, he's about to snap him in half.

Mani choked as he felt his neck about to snap by Execumancer's hard hand.

Execumancer: Can you feel the moment Manuel...? The sweet moment of you losing your oxygen and your choking can be heard like a violin to my ears, you'll meet your master soon once I'm-

He was then tackled by a brown blurry figure and he was sent flying across the road.

Then the brown figure was floating and he looked like this.

???: Execumancer, I should've known you would appear on this planet?

Execumancer looked at the figure and he smirked.

Execumancer: Roosty, long time no see. How's it going.
Roost: It's Roost Wayne you scum.
Execumancer: Whatever.

He then got up.

Execumancer: And where's your pathetic little sidekick Kaori?
???: Over here, baka...

He turned and recieved a kick to his face but managed to stood still as he backed and eyed the girl named Kaori who looked like this.

Kaori: This ends here.

She then placed her katanas back on they're sheets.

Roost: You won't be harming anyone anymore now, you and your group will go behind bars.

Colette turned to Brock and Edgar.

Colette: Who are these guys?
Brock: I don't know but they apparently are familiar with Execumancer over there.

Execumancer smirked.

Execumancer: Always the goodie two shoes you are Roost. You two always get in our side and our business. I have a job to do and that is to extinguish someone that these 4 are familiar with.

The 2 looked at Brock, Colette and Edgar who were trapped and then at Mani who was coughing.

Execumancer: Love to stay and chat, but I have much more important things to do.

He them turned to eye Mani Pulate.

Execumancer: Don't you think this is over between us, I'll be back and you will regret the day you were born.

He then teleported away.

Edgar: What just happened...
Roost: Kaori, help that poor guy up, I'll free them from that forcefield.

She nodded and walked up to the now hurt Mani.

Kaori: Hey, are you okay?

She offered a hand to and he eyed her with no words from his mouth .

Kaori: Well what are you waiting for? This hand won't pull itself.
Mani: Oh sorry.

He accepted her hand and he got up.

Mani: And to answer your question, I'm fine, just a bit sore from that assault from Execumancer.
Kaori: Wait you know him?
Mani: Yeah, a long time in the past and apparently he still is cursing me till this day.

Roost Wayne then freed the 3 heroes from the forcefield.

Roost: Your free now civilians.
Colette: Thank you!
Brock: Thanks, but we're heroes.
Roost: Your heroes too? We never actually met other heroes from other galaxies before
Edgar: Yeah, so we take it that your heroes from another world.
Roost: Precisely, we're from Galaxar-K94.
Brock: That's where Lindworm is from.

Then Kaori and Mani approached the group.

Kaori: Hey Roost, this little guy knows about Execumancer as well.
Roost: Really? What's your name little guy?
Mani: The name is Mani Pulate, those are my friends Brock, Colette and Edgar. I'll tell you all about Execumancer when we get back to the base?
Kaori: You have a base?
Brock: Yeah, we ain't the only heroes around in town, we're like a pack.
Roost: Well take us there.

"At Execumancer's side"

Execumancer then appeared at a bar of an unknown abandoned bar and he entered inside it.

???: Well well well, I see you came back mate. How was your bounty hunt, or was it something more than that eh?

Two creatures snorted.

???: Hehe, he said more than that.
???: Yeah, hehe
???: Stop it you two.

He turned to face 3 other creatures that were sitting around a poolshark table while a giant white dragon was barely able to fit inside.

One of them had a spear resting on his lap.

This is what the creatures looked like.

Execumancer: Very funny you Drakor, how was your search.

Drakor placed his spears on the table.

Drakor: Nothing on Mars. Zeighar and Draghar searched all the way to Neptune and Dratis almost melted in Mercury.
Dratis: It was hot there.

He placed his blade arms on the table as he was sweating.

Draghar: Our trip to Neptune was rad.
Zeighar: Yeah, rad.

They fist bumped.

Execumancer: Stop fooling around you dolts, I managed to find one of Lindworm's minions on Earth.
Dratis: Earth?
Zeighar: What's that?
Execumancer: A planet.
Draghar: What's a planet?
Execumancer: Forget wbat I said.

He then sat on a chair.

Execumancer: Since I found a minion of his on Earth I bet he's there as well.
Drakor: Wow, your such a teacher's pet.

Execumancer then looked at Drakor with a sharp glare.

Execumancer: I'm not here to impress others with my skills, I'm here to do my job I happen to be a professional bounth hunter and space assassin, what else have you done in your life except for holding that spear of yours like if you were some Terracotta statue. They put me in charge of you all since they know I'm capable of finishing the job and if it weren't for me leading us then you would've been devoured by something right now.
Zeighar/Draghar: Damn!

Drakor looked at Execumancer with a sharp glare as well.

Drakor: Are you and I gonna have a problem mate?

The two shared an intensive stare off.

Dratis: Guys, Vishamah is calling!

He then pulled out a cubes that was glowing.

Execumancer: Act properly.

They accepted the call and a huge holographic screen was formed and it showed the being named Vishamah.

Vishamah: Did you locate Lindworm around the Solar System?
Execumancer: I did, he resides on planet Earth.
Vishamah: Earth, the planet that harbours organic life organisms that are called humans.
Zeighar: What are humans?
Execumancer: Shut up!

Vishamah then fake coughed to gain the attention of the others.

Vishamah: The mistress is pleased of Lindworm's layabouts and she said that since he is on Earth there is also a fossil of an ancient dragonic dinosaur called Megaousteum, your mission is to venture to Earth and retrieve all the missing pieces.
Dratis: What are all the pieces Vishamah?
Vishamah: There are fossilized legs, short arms, a ribcage, a tail and a head. Once you collected them all, I will show up on Earth and help you ressurect the beast and with it on our side Lindworm shall be history and with him done the whole Universe shall be for the taking.
Drakor: Not to worry, we will get it done.
Execumancer: Where are the cordinates around Earth?
Vishamah: I will send you a map to all the cordinates, you won't go until I say so. I shall now end this transmission.

He ended the call.

Draghar: I was about to fall asleep from that speech he was giving us.
Dratis: That wasn't a speech you big oaf.
Execumancer: Simmer down boys, we soon got a job to do.

He smiled wickedly.

"At the heroes base"

Everyone were doing they're usually routines.

Max was on the living room watching TV with Lindworm sitting next to her.

Lindworm: And what is the point of this show?
Max: Basically it's a comedy Lindworm, learn to laugh a little.

She chuckled.

Then the elevator opened and Brock, Mani, Edgar, Colette, Roost and Kaori came out.

Max: Guys, how have you- Wait, who are those 2?
Brock: Don't worry everything shall be explained.

OK guys, this was chapter 1.

Peace out!

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