Chapter 11: For The Swamp Part 1

The scene showed Kaori and Jozef as they approached the swamp.

It's smell of decay was scattered around the air, making it the "perfect" spot to hide the Lord's last relic from anyone trying to find it.

Jozef: It's the perfect place, no Corrupted would dare to try and find the relic.
Kaori: But we have to consult Wickah first.
Wings: Yeah, all we have to do is try to find her.

Then the scene changed to Wickah who was walking around her swamp as she greeted a group of her monsters who were mindint their own business.

Suddenly she noticed how Fungheratops was diffrent in terms of looks, she approached him.

Wickah: Fungheratops you look diffrent from befor, what happened?
Fungheratops: I accepted Corruption into my soul, I feel more powerful than ever Wickah.
Wickah: Does this mean you're on this so called Lord of Corruption's side?
Fungheratops: No, I'm a freelancer. It means I serve the swamp and sometimes follow the Lord's orders but my loyalty heavily falls to the swamp. It's my home and I won't ever abandon it.

He then looked at Wickah.

Fungheratops: Trust me on this, if I were you I wouldn't trust the pure monsters anymore since they couldn't help you when you approached them before. Did they?

He then left Wickah who was speechless.

Then suddenly behind Wickah came Jozef and Kaori.

Jozef: Wickah, thank goodness that you're here.

She turned around and saw the 2.

Wickah: Are you here to help us rebuild the swamp?
Jozef: No but we're hear to discuss a more important manner.
Wickah: Then I'm not interested, leave!

Jozef then huffed.

Jozef: Look, if you want help I'll consult King Daeron to send you help to rebuild your home, but right now can you please hide this relic for us here so that no Corrupted monster can find it.
Wickah: I said leave!
Kaori: Told you she wouldn't accept Jozef.
Wings: Then we aren't giving up that easy.

Jozef then turned Wickah around.

Jozef: Look just take the sword and-

He gave her the sword but suddenly Wickah started to transform and go into a new form.

She looked like this in the end.

Wickah: How dare you!
Jozef: What the- She became Corrupted? How's this possible?
Wickah: Silence! You thought that hiding the sword here in my home would keep you safe, but what would happen if the Lord's servants invaded us here?! They would destroy our homes even more.

She then spread her hands.

Wickah: Roots of the swamp, rise up and entangle these hooligans and never break your hold on them!

Then suddenly roots from the ground came out and entangled both Jozef and Kaori.

Wickah: Take them away!

The roots took the 2 heroes away as they were strapped towards trees.

Wickah: If the Lord can give us creatures of the swamp a future in exchange for his sword, then I don't care for the rest of the world... Because they never did for us...

The scene changed to the Lord's servants who stopped to catch their breathes after Raijin's outrage.

Dark-Er: That was close.
Rudechaw: Too close for comfort.
Gartox: But we lost Kage while running away.
Fayemalice: Who cares, it's time we find the relic ourselves.

Gartox turned to Fayemalice.

Gartox: And who made you leader of us, we all know that this pack needs the strongest to lead the rest.
Neurofunk: Wrong, it's intelligence that needs to lead us.
Dark-Er: Please keep those boring calculations to yourself, I beg you.

Fayemalice was getting annoyed.

Fayemalice: Enough, let's just focus on retreving the relic. We don't have time for arguments and plus I bet those Pure wretches are still after us.
Rudechaw: Right then let's go.

The scene changed to the Emperor's Room where Kage and Raijin were facing Wangzhou.

Wangzhou: Did you get the relic?
Kurai: No my Emperor, I almost had but it was a 2 on 1 situation where one of them put me asleep.

Wangzhou was angry cause they weren't the results he wanted.

Raijin: Well I brought you this runt now off I go.
Wangzhou: Not so fast, you shall serve me, your Emperor.

Raijin rolled his eyes.

Raijin: Fine, but am I free to go now?

Wangzhou nodded and Raijin stretched his arms in relief and quickly left the palace.

Kurai: Well what do we do now Emperor?
Wangzhou: I don't know... But we'll be watching...

The scene changed to the heroes as they were still venturing deep into the Cardinal Forest.

Brock had his communicator trying to find and communicate with Jozef

Brock: Fuck, no signal. I don't understand.
Lady Meow: Relax Brock, I'm sure they're fine for now as of least.
Max: I wouldn't be confident Meow, Fayemalice and the others ran away while Kurai Kage was taken away by Raijin.
Mortis: This whole situation seems suspicious, but I'm sure we can get back at them.

Then suddenly they heard rustling around them.

Bea: What was that?

Suddenly the Corrupted gang came out and didn't notice the heroes.

Gartox: I told ya to take left but no, you all insisted to take the path where there's mud all over.
Mouseron: Now's not the time to argue guys.

He pointed at the heroes.

Dark-Er: We meet again Pure scum.
Ferrata: I see you still haven't found the relic yet.
Fayemalice: Neither did you and now look where we are.
Gartox: I suggest you move aside before things get out of hand.

He cracked his neck on both sides.

Surge: We don't think so dude.

He cracked his fists.

Both sides stared down on each other.

Gartox growled as he was the first to charge and attack.

Gartox: Ayooooo!!!!

Surge lunged himself at Gartox and punched the beast and followed him to his direction.

Max turned to the cats.

Max: You 3 go and find Jozef and Kaori, we'll handle the others.

She then went to fight Dark-Er.

Kat-Herine: Are you sure you can handle them on your own?

Crow dodged a swing from Fayemalice's claws.

Crow: We'll be fine just go!

The cats nodded as they turned around and left.

Mani: Hey wait for me, I'll help you find them.

He followed the anthropomorphic pure cats.

Neurofunk used his telekenesis to throw tree trunks at Bea who flew away to dodge them.

Mortis tried to dash towards Neurofunk and slash him with his sword but it was blocked by Rudechaw's right hand and then grabbed the vampire, tossed him away and then followed him.

Mouseron blocked shots from Max's shots as he slowly approached her.

Mouseron: These shots have no effect on my shield, you pure flee.
Max: I wouldn't count on that.

She then ran towards Mouseron.

He tried to use his shield to stab Max but she quickly dodged the mouse and kicked his left knee and then jumped to twist his right elbow.

Mouseron: Owww, let me go.

He tried to yank her off but suddenly Brock fired a rocket, hitting the Corrupted monster.

Brock: Bullseye!

Fayemalice slapped Brock and sent him crashing to Dark-Er who was fighting with Crow.

Brock: Ow, sorry bro.
Dark-Er: What the- Oh no worries kiddo, but if we were in the same side I wouldn't do this.

He used his tentacles to throw Brock away while screaming and crashing to a rock.

Crow: Dipshit!

He threw daggers at Dark-Er that pinned him to a tree.

Dark-Er: Ayo! No fair!

Brock got up as he held his head.

Brock: That sounded familiar...

Mortis got up from the tree tunk only to see Rudechaw charging towards him.

Rudechaw: Reeeeeeeee!

He tried to smash the vampire with both hands but he quickly moved away and the beaver smashed the tree trunk in half.

Mortis: You have to do better than that if you wanna kill me.

He then spinned his sword.

Mortis: Now it's time to slice and dice.

The scene changed back to the swamp where Wickah who changed her name to Anwrikah decided that it was the swamp's time to shine.

Anwrikah: Creatures of the swamp, let Corruption into your souls and let us fight for our freedom. Ever since Iguanazar lost the title as king life for us was Hell, but now things are about to change!

She then turned to Fungheratops.

Anwrikah: Fungheratops you're a living representation of our home, I need you in this fight.

Fungheratops was joyful as he was chosen to help Anwrikah retrive the Lord's sword.

Fungheratops: I'm glad you came to you senses and decided to turn to Corruption Anwrikah. This prooves that you'd do anything for us.

Anwrikah nodded.

Anwrikah: Blumeria, I need you to use to beautiful petals to fight off anyone that wants to oppose us!

Then suddenly she Corrupted this creature who then stood by Anwrikah's side.

Blumeria: Don't worry, they're not going anywhere.

She smirked.

Anwrikah: And you, Swamzoad. You have been by my side the longest, I can't possibly do this without you.

She then Corrupted this creature who hopped all the way to Anwrikah and croaked.

Swamzoad: FOR THE SWAMP!!!

He croaked once more as he smiled evily.

Anwrikah: We have what we need, now all we need is to find the Lord...

The scene changed to Kaori and Jozef who were still stuck.

Jozef hummed to himself as a meaning of trying to entertain himself from boredom.

Kaori: Why are you humming?
Jozef: I don't know, we're bored.
Wings: Besides, there's no chance in Hell that we're getting out of these roots.
Kaori: Don't say that, there's still hope.
Jozef: Alright, how do you plan on freeing us?
Kaori: If I could get my sword and cut the roots to free us but it's impossible since my sword is on my back.

Jozef then thought about something.

Jozef: There might be a way.
Kaori: What do you mean.

He then reached his pocket and pulled out a pen.

Kaori: A pen? What's that gonna do? Write our way out of here?
Jozef: Never judge a book by it's cover.

He then pressed his pen it started emiting a small laser which began cutting through the roots slowly.

Kaori: Woah, I never expected that.
Wings: There are a lot of things you don't know about us babe.

Kaori blushed.

Kaori: Shut up... Can't the pen go any faster?
Jozef: Unfortunately it can't, I need to slow and precise unless you want a limb of ours to fall off.

The scene changed to Max and co as they were fighting off the Corrupted monsters.

Gartox managed to overpower Surge and then tossed him across a mud field.

Gartox: Give it up you stupid robot, when it comes to size and strenght I'm the powerhouse of the Lord's armada.

Surge got up as he was a bit dirty.

Surge: Size doesn't always matter bruh.
Gartox: To me it does.

Surge then jumped and upgraded to tier 4 as he pulled out his blade.

Surge: Then come get some.

Gartox smirked as he then charged at Surge full speed ahead.

Surge smiled as he then blasted the mud as it splattered around and a chunk of it hit Gartox's face.

Gartox: Ah! My face!

He then slipped and landed face first on the ground, Surge slowly approached the swamp monster.

Surge: Size and strenght matter, but what also matters is strategy.

The scene changed to Fayemalice who was busy fighting Max now.

Fayemalice: Give it up, we've almost won!
Max: No! Good always wins in the end!

Fayemalice tried to strike down Max but she dodged the claw and Max did an enziguiri that hit Fayemalice's jaw and then she headbutted the Corrupted monster as she fell to the ground.

Max: Checkmate!

Brock was busy dealing with Neurofunk.

Brock fired a flurry of rockets at the mushroom but he used his powers to bend the earth and form a shelter for him.

Neurofunk: You're rockets have no effect on my barrier!
Brock: Oh no you didn't!

He then used his rocket launcher and fired on the ground and causing Brock to fly in the air as he saw the hiding Neurofunk.

Brock: This is Brock and you have a delivery sir. 1 piping hot rocket at your brain!

He fired a rocket that hit Neurofunk's brain and sent the fragile mushroom flying around the scene.

Brock: Ha! I'm ontop of my game!

Crow was busy dodging attacks from Dark-Er, the dark figure tried to throw punches at the bird/human hybrid but he couldn't due to his speed.

Crow: LOL, you keep missing me. At this rate you need Matt from wii party to train you.
Dark-Er: I don't get how and where these refrences come from!

He tried to kick Crow but he jumped and then lander on Dark-Er as he plunged 2 daggers on both his shoulders.

Dark-Er yelled in pain as blood was slowly coming out of the limbs.

Dark-Er: What even are you?
Crow: You're worst nightmare bud.

He then punched Dark-Er and it was lights out.

Bea tackled Mouseron through a lot of trees.

Bea: Had enough?

Mouseron got up and spat out a wooden piece of a tree.

Mouseron: Come on! Do you're worst!

Bea gave him a disappointed face and fired a supercharged beetle that hit Mouseron directly in the face.

Mortis managed to overpower Rudechaw and began floating up in the air whilst holding him.

Rudechaw: Hey! Let me go!
Mortis: If you insist.

He then dropped Rudechaw on a giant stone and he crashed there.

Mortis: And all of them have fallen down!

He then slowly landed on the ground.

Mortis: What do we do with them Max?
Max: I don't know but we'll come up with something.

The scene changed to the Anwrikah and her swamp squad as they were on their way to retrieve the Lord's sword.

Swamzoad hopped around and it made the ground shake while the others were casually walking.

Swamzoad: So what are we suppose the now? The Lord's servants? I don't like bosses! I only want to follow you and only because I want to.
Blumeria: Geez Swamzoad, we get it that you don't like being bossed around by others.
Swamzoad: I used to be like that to Anwrikah when she was assigned to protect our sacred home but she prooved her worth and I will assist her with any means necessary.

Anwrikah then stopped.

Anwrikah: We are no one's servants, we haven't played by anyone's rules. We have something he wants and he has the power to support our cause.
Blumeria: Are you sure that he'll help us?
Fungheratops: I'm sure about it, the Lord is a wise man.

Swamzoad eyed Fungheratops.

Swamzoad: It seems like we have a yes man here.
Anwrikah: Enough! For me, I don't trust anyone that's outside the swamp, at least we have something to negotiate with. But we don't have any better options, I'm tired of begging.

Then suddenly they were approached by Mani Pulate and the cats.

Lady Meow: Wait is that Wickah?
Lindworm: Wickah...

They then stopped to eye the swamp squad.

Mani: Wait what's she-
Lady Meow: Hey Wickah, I see you're not feeling well, are you okay?
Anwrikah: Oh I'm fine, in fact I'm much better than ever.

Fungheratops laughed maniacally.

Fungheratops: Well said.

Kat-Herine was shocked to see the sword.

Kat-Herine: Is that... What I think it is....?
Swamzoad: And it is. It's the Lord's sword and you can feast your eyes on it.
Lady Meow: Oh well, it's nice that you're protecting the sword for us.

Mani wasn't sure of this.

Mani: I don't think she's protecting it... She must be up to something.

Ferrata smacked Meow's head from behind.

Ferrata: Meow snap out of it! She's not sick, she's Corrupted.
Lindworm: Wickah, how can you sell your soul to the Lord?

Anwrikah noticed the inprisoned Lindworm.

Anwrikah: LINDWORM!!!
Mani: I bet she knows you too.

Lindworm nodded.

Anwrikah: I see you're inprisoned and to be honest it's what you deserve. And also my name is Anwrikah now.

She then pointed at the cats.

Anwrikah: You 3 were the last people I asked for help but I was denied, and now you 3 will be my last obstacle between me and the Lord!

To be continued...

OK guys, this was chapter 11.

Peace out!

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