Chapter 5: stolen look, paradise isn't all its cracked up to be

Currently Ben was at the Hero association headquarters along with Akane. Ben had chosen his hero name to be different than his original name back in his world. "So from this day on my hero name will be Decca-Terrestrial" he said.

"Decca-terrestrial?" Mosquito girl asked, "my hero name in my old world mess Ben 10 and Decca is the roman prefix of 10" he explained. Back in his old world, Ben had been more smart than how he was before. He kept getting tired of Grandpa Max hassling him to do better in school.

"So anyway here is our first assignment" Ben said looking at a holo screen. "The B-Class Villain Hammer Head and his terrorist group known as the paradisers have stolen a large supply of mech suits" Ben read. "And ever since he's been tearing down buildings and won't stop until the unemployed are provided food and shelter free of cost".

"Easy we'll just look for guys in Mech suits" Mosquito girl said, "don't be so sure, though they may be easy to spot who knows where they could hide" Ben said. "Well hope you two do good on your first assignment" Tatsumaki said from behind them. "Same, see you around" Ben said as he turned into Omni and flew off with his roommate fallowing.

Tatsumaki, unbeknownst to Ben or anyone, had actually snapped a picture of him. She then went to the roof and sat in one of the vents, "Ben Tennyson" she said looking at the shapeshifter's photo.

She then turned tomato red, "why why do I feel like this towards you!?" She exclaimed pressing the photo to her face.

Right now Ben and Akane were flying around the city, they had split up to cover more ground... er... sky? "Anything yet?" Akane asked from the edge of City D, "nothing yet, maybe we'll spot them... Wait I see some one being carried into an ambulance" Ben said flying down with Stink Fly's wings.

"Head over to the flare" Ben said launching a fire charge into the air. He landed next to the vehicle, little to say a few people who were there were startled by his appearance. That was until a little boy had said "hey look, that hero Tornado of terror was with" he said pointing to the Omnitrix symbols.

"Mister Tennyson" a little girl exclaimed, the boy had seen Ben and Akane walking with Tatsubaki to the hero association headquarters. And the girl was the same one that Ben had rescued from Vaccine man when he first got to this world. "Did the paradisers do this" he asked the paramedics. They had put a man wearing a black body suit with brown armor, a bike helmet and green goggles into the vehicle. Ben recognized him as the class C hero Mumen rider.

They nodded, Mosquito girl then landed next to them "well at least now we're on the right track" she said. A few people were startled by her appearance, "hey I saw her with tornado of terror also, she's a hero to!" The boy yelled.

"Hey yeah, I thought the hero registration wasn't for another few weeks but just recently they've updated the website" a guy said taking out his cell phone. He scrolled for a while until he found them "here they are, Class A hero Mosquito girl, had the abilities of a mosquito including flight and blood sucking ability. Wants to help others for her family who were all killed to keep their spirits alive" he read.

Another guy took out their cell and looked up new heroes, "and here he is, new Class S hero Decca-Terrestrial, aka Ben Tennyson, had come here from another universe and was a hero there. Powers are the transformation of variant alien species" they read.

"Wow hey look he was the one who took down that giant" he said, the two had hear what they said and just shrugged it off. "Anyway where did the paradisers go?" Ben asked, "the golden turd" the paramedics said. Ben had a you've got to be kidding me face, "uh what?" He asked.

"The golden turd" one person had said, "its that building over there with the top that looks like well, a giant golden turd" another added pointing to said building. "This world just keeps getting weirder and weirder" Ben commented flying to the building. "There is really no good explanation for that to be a pile of poop" Akane said flying with Ben.

"Go get em Oni chans!!!" The two kids had screamed, with that the other people had cheered for them as well. "And here I thought I wouldn't get fans" Ben commented, "too late" Mosquito girl had stated as they flew closer. "So what other characteristics do the paradisers have that we can easily find them with?" She asked.

"Let's see" Ben said bringing out his holo screen.

Meanwhile at Saitama's apartment, the bald hero had been sitting on his couch watching TV. A report about the paradisers had aired, "man, I don't really think this concerns m..." he stopped when he saw the picture of the terrorist group.

"They all have shaven bald heads, giving them an intimidating appearance" Ben read, "ooh bad news for Saitama" he said putting the screen away. "Yeah, I bet if he went out of his apartment people would instantly keep calling him a terrorist because of his bald head" Akane added.

Said baldy has frantically put on his hero suit and rushed outside to clear his image the paradisers ruined. They had stolen his look.

Ben and Akane were almost there when they heard loud crashes towards the park. "That'd be our cue" he said flying towards the park, Akane fallowed. When they neared the ground Mosquito girl had spotted several of the paradisers running away screaming something about an assassin.

"I'll take care of them" she said, Ben nodded and went after the source of the crashes. Akane had flown in front of the terrorists "hi boys hope you can stand Mosquito bites because this is going to itch" she said as she released a swarm of mosquitoes.

Ben had gotten to the sight where several boulders had been thrown around. "Now what did all this?" He asked when suddenly a fast figure attacked him. He reacted and dodged a katana sword that his attacker had, "I see you're fast, now tell me where is hammer head!?" The attacker demanded.

The person in question had a black ninja suit, a pony tail or something in the back and a purple scarf around his neck. "How should I know, I just got here" Ben said then charged him, at XLR8 speed which had surprised the ninja. "You are fast but can you match speed of sound sonic!?" He said dashing away.

He was circling Ben and took his chance to strike him, to which Ben had used Clockwork's powers to slow time down, turned to face sonic and back handed him aside with Rath's arm. "Can you please let me go find the villain, I'm on an assignment here" he complained running to the forest.

To which Sonic had thrown Kunais at him, the alien had used Load Star's magnetic power to throw them back at the ninja. "I said to leave me alone" Ben repeated and sped off, then sonic came back again. "Okay that's it" Omni then turned his head into a hybrid's of Ghostfreak and Toe Pick.

"What's that stupid form supposed to do!?" The ninja asked, then Ben opened up his helmet's face plate.

We are having technical difficulties, thank you for being patience.

"I have many jobs, assassin, Bodyguard... no ninja is deadlier than me, but I'll put my jobs on hold for now... now that I've found a worthy opponent, I'm dedicating every second to beating you... now tell me your name!" Speed of sound Sonic said shaking in fear.

"I have two transformations and a hero name plus my real one so I have four names. Hero name Decca-Terrestrial, transformation names Omni and Predator" he said, "real name, just call me Ben" he said reverting back to human and in his hero costume.

"Ben!!! Decca-terrestrial!!! Omni!!! Predator!!! When we meet again you shall perish" he said. "Sure... Bring your brown pants next time you'll need them lady" Ben said "I'm a man"...

"This universe is weird" he said to himself walking off to find Hammer Head, he had found him running away from Saitama naked.

"Uh dude what happened?" He asked, "oh the paradisers stole my look and I scared hammer head, weird me and him are kinda similar. I wonder..." Ben then saw Tatsumaki above him and flew up to say hello.

"Hey tornado" he greeted which had scared her, "can you please not do that" she said. "Sorry? Anyway I handled that assignment, wonder where Akane is..." he then saw said bug girl fly up to him with a net full of the shaven head men.

"You two will not believe what I just went through" she said, "as for hammer head, let's just say he's not gonna bother anyone again" Ben said. Then pointed to Hammer head naked running towards the police station to turn himself in.

"Huh go figure" Akane said then cringed then realized she had saw his butt. And after both girls had blocked their view from it? "Ewww that was the last thing I wanted to see today" they both said gagging. Ben chuckled, "come on I'll help you forget" he said as his arms turned into Gutrot's "now all this gas will do is give short term memory loss up to a few seconds ago? Making you forget about naked Hammer" he joked.

"But eh first let's head down, I don't want you two to fall and hurt yourselves".

Later on they were in Ben's apartment, the shapeshifter being a good host gave Tatsumaki some water. "Well at least the paradisers and Hammer head are behind bars now" he commented. "Yup and after that I'm sure you'll be paid well for your work" Tatsumaki said.

"Eh for me it isn't about the pay, it's about doing the right thing, my pal Saitama on the other hand, I'd be sure he'd also do it for pay" Ben said. "No doubt" Akane said, "speaking of which, what has he been up to?" Ben asked.

As if on cue Saitama bursted into Ben's place screaming "DUDE WHAT THE HECK WHEN DID YOU JOIN THE HERO ASSOCIATION!?!?!?!" He yelled. "A few days ago and thanks for the ear ache" Ben retorted, "it seems Akane is also a member as well, and it seems that girl over there is the S Class hero Tornado of Terror" Genos commented.

"What the SERIOUSLY WHY DOESNT ANYBODY TELL ME THESE THINGS!!!!" Saitama yelled. Tatsumaki sweat dropped "is it always like this here?" She asked, "nah normally Saitama's pretty quiet" Akane answered.

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