G: Microwaves be like,



Chloe: Where are you going?

Sally: To grab ice cream or to murder someone-


Sally: I'll decide on the way there-


Rainy: Prof, what do you want to eat?

Sally: T h e s o u l s o f t h e i n n o c e n t -

Prof: A cookie, maybe one with the macadamia nuts?

Sally: N o -

Prof: Two cookies :)


Isk: I shall light my soul ablaze so my existence in your life would make it much brighter-

G: I-I know you're trying to be poetic, b-but can you please stand still so that I can put out the fire on your head?


JB: God, Magi makes me so angry sometimes.

Smol: ..You're sitting in her lap?

JB: Angrily


MM: Making my way downtown

MM: Walking fast



MM: Walking a bit slower to match my pace withJB because he's short-


G: Change is inedible

Isk: ..Don't you mean 'inevitable'?

G, spitting out some pennies, nickels, and dimes: No, I did not-


Smol: If you were a fruit, what would you be?

Rainy: Hm..

Chron: A tomato, because I don't belong


(Tired Hermittpadders for the next few quotes)

Misty: Why are you on the counter-

Rainy, standing on the counter: I wanna be talll-


PM: eH- how did this happen?

Chron, stuck in a trash can: How does a n y t h i n g happen??


JB: Succeed in life just to spite God.


Smol: I feel like snittt...

Snake: Well, you did just somehow eat some play-doh


(Back to normal)

MM,  taping a knife to a roomba and setting it loose: Be free, my child-

JB, entering the room and getting a cut on his ankle: F***ING GOD MAGI.


Someone: You do have the knowledge that arson is, in fact, a crime, correct?

Crooked: Show me a law that says that, then

Someone: //pulls up the law//

Crooked: I'm not reading that.


G: Hey, do we have any more caffeine?

Smol: Yeah, but it's been two days since you got sleep- go rest-

G: Bold of you to assume it's just been two days-


Rainy: You obviously like G!

Isk: Nnnnno I don't-

PM: There is nothing wrong if you do

Isk: Maybe you're-

G, walking into room: Guys do you know where I can find m-

Isk: I-I HAVE TO GAY- I-I mean- go- //leaves//


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