Welcome To The Jungle (one-shot)

not inspired by the song, i just was like "yeah it's a fitting title" (also you ever hate finding a blog/account that makes really good content but they're kinda not a good person? this is me rn) also, seeing Grian's architech mail thingy reminds me so much of Stampy's Lovely World railway ;-;


Scar groaned and held his head in his hand, awkwardly sitting up. Where was he? Looking around, he could only see a small crystal clear lake surrounding the land he was sitting on and a vibrant jungle just beyond it. A sign was stuck in the ground before him and had neat writing scrawled across it in black ink.

You're a wizard Scar!

-the Infinity Portal

He stared at the sign for a moment before chuckling slightly. "The infinity portal must know what I like!" he remarked, shuffling to his feet. He suddenly gasped and he pointed over to the bushes, his emerald green eyes lighting up. "There's even cats here!"

Instantly, he stepped into the small lake and started to swim to shore, shivering as his purple robes were soaked completely through. Wait, purple robe? He shook his head as another shiver ran down his spine. He could worry about that later when he was out of the water.

Hello player. Scar yelped in surprise and nearly choked on his own spit, coughing and scrambling towards the shore. "H-hi?" he wheezed, glancing around. "Who is this?"

I am the jungle, the voice responded. The vines laying limp against the trees suddenly curled around his arms and tugged him onto solid ground, sand scraping against his bare legs and sticking to them. What brings you here player?

"Well I uh..." He paused for a moment, wondering how he was supposed to explain. "A glitched out portal brought me here! I was thinking about living here, in the jungle, if you don't mind?"

That sounds lovely, it replied. Let me make you comfortable. Is anything you want?

The brunette raised an eyebrow curiously, sitting up to ring the water out of his clothes. "Uh, some coffee would be nice," Scar responded, unsure of what it was asking.

The leaves around him rustled, almost as if the jungle was laughing. That's not what I mean. I can give you anything you want as long as you give me something in return. A deal if you will.

"Anything?" Scar went quiet and looked down. He missed the cold embrace of the vex, the magic that flowed through his veins, the... protection from everything else. "I'd like protection," he said. "Or I guess, the ability to protect myself."

And I can give you that in exchange for something.

Scar patted at his pockets, digging through the loose fabric. "Ah well I don't really have anything sorry-"

A quiet hush rustled through the jungle and a vine reached out in front of him, a strangely majestic twig held in it's grasp. The stick was a rich, dark chocolate brown with low carvings etched into it's side, a small leaf dangling from the end.

All you have to do is hold onto this stick, the jungle said. You will not loose it after death, but it can be broken so be very careful.

Scar stared at the twig before lightly taking it into his hand. A sudden surge of energy bolted through him, making him jolt and twitch on the spot. "Whoa..." he breathed. "So... is this what's going to protect me? A stick?"

The stick is what bonds you to me, the jungle whispered, the voice starting to fade. What you want will come soon. Patience player...

"W-wait, what does that mean?!" Scar cried desperately. But the jungle had already stopped listening.

He groaned, leaning back in his boat and idling paddling around. His arms were starting to get tired from all the rowing. "Oh thank god," he sighed, seeing the tall trees of the jungle start fading into view. "I can finally rest. My arms are so soreeeee."

Twirling around in the little wooden boat, Grian sailed happily towards the jungle and practically crashed into the land. "Landddddd," he whined, crawling out and flopping onto the silky dirt.

Hello there player. Grian nearly yelled and bolted upright, looking around to see who spoke. "Hello?!" he shouted, dark brown eyes wide with surprise. "Who is it?!"

I am the jungle, it explained. A vine reached down from a tree and held out a beautiful amber colored flower to him. He cautiously took it and tucked it behind his hair, struggling slightly from the messy golden locks in his way.

"Thank you?" he said, though it was more of a question than anything else. "You can call me Grian."

It is nice to meet you Grian it replied, the vine retracting and curling against the vibrant tree bark again. May I ask what you are? I would assume a bird hybrid but you do not possess any talons that one would normally have.

Grian sighed, laying on the ground and resting his head in his arms. "It's a long story," he sighed. "But to put it simply, my wings are something I got from some old "friends". Emphasis on the quotations. I got some powers with them too." He demonstrated by snapping and letting a small purple flame flicker at his fingertip.

You seem troubled by this, the jungle commented. Grian nodded. "It's something I want to forget about, but these stupid powers keep my old friends connected to me and they've been harassing me ever since I left them." He idly picked up a stone and flicked it into the water, watching the waves ripple and crash over the pebble.

I could help you, it offered. I could get rid of those powers. The blonde shrugged and rolled over onto his back, wincing as the bright sun scorched his eyes. "That's really nice of you, but I'm fine," he murmured, shielding his eyes from the sun. "I quite enjoy having wings."

Well then I could simply get rid of that connection, the jungle said, the leaves of the trees rustling from the salty ocean breeze. You could keep your wings and still be happy. And all you'd have to do is hold onto something for me.

Grian perked up at that and quickly shifted into a cross-legged position. "Hold onto what?" he asked, leaning forward eagerly.

A vine unfurled from the depths of the foliage and held out a braided twig bracelet with multi-colored feathers neatly hanging from it. As long as you keep this on you at all times, the connection will be gone.

He immediately snatched it from the vine and hastily wrapped it around his wrist, adjusting the feathers to stick downwards and towards him. A sudden burst of energy ran through him and he jumped at the feeling, his whole body twitching momentarily.

"So is that it?!" he exclaimed, smiling widely. "Am I free?!"

The leaves rustled around him, sounding like a quiet chuckle, and the vine curled back onto a tree. Have patience player, the jungle whispered. You shall get what you want soon.

"What?! No!" Grian cried, scrambling to his feet. "Y-you said I would be free! I can't wait for that!" But the jungle had already gone silent.


oops looks like i made personalities for a bunch of the biomes, hand slipped-

also i would have included everyone but like, it's already 1 am on a school night and i should really be sleeping -.-'

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