[F] Fun and Games
Some Cleoss fluff for my friend Cinderflame on Reddit! <3
Ok ok, it's set in the Season 6 minigame district, and I know I put Season 7 in the cover, but I had a cute idea and the setting was too perfect. Enjoy!
HermitLand was surprisingly loud when in reality, the girls were the only people there. Lots of the Hermits put in effort to make the minigame district seem more like a bustling amusement park to enhance the experience, and between the lights, sounds, and customized armor stands littered around the place, it definitely created a fitting atmosphere.
Stress lead the way, happily chattering as she looked at all of the little carnival game booths set up by some of the more redstone-savvy Hermits. They operated without the need of a player to control the game.
"Cleo, did you make this guy?" Stress asked, gaping at an armor stand carnie behind one of the booths. He had a pillager head and was holding sheets of paper like he was counting money.
The redhead smiled at her friend's enthusiasm. "I made most of the guys here."
"Aah! They're so cool! It makes this feel so much more real!"
Cleo watched Stress fondly, forgetting for just a moment that False was watching too, but by the time Cleo realized it was too late. False was smirking while glancing between the two.
"I'll grab some snacks, ok?" The blonde suggested. "You two can play a game or something until I get back."
"Alright!" Stress immediately replied. "Ooo, I wonder what kinds of food they have here? I'd love some cotton candy. Do you think there would be kettle corn? Aah, I can't decide what I want more, sorry Falsie!"
"It's ok, I think I can find something you'd like."
"Thaaank youuu!"
Before Cleo could say anything, False shot the zombie a wink and left the other two girls alone.
Cleo felt her cheeks start to flush. She knew!
An arm wrapping around hers snapped her out of her thoughts and she turned her head to see Stress beaming up at her.
"C'mon, let's go find something to play!"
The two wandered through the stalls until Stress loudly gasped. "Oh my goodness, look!"
The brunette was staring wide-eyed at a plush toy hanging from a ball toss stand. It was a large soft-looking pink and white rabbit holding a little white flower. She pointed at it excitedly. "It's so gorgeous! I wannit!"
Cleo came up beside the shorter girl and inspected the stand. There were a few rows of bottles lined up a little ways into the stand with some sort of redstone to detect when they were hit off.
Stress was already putting the required amount of tickets into the barrel to play.
"That's a big one, I think you need to hit one of the bottles in the very back to win it," Cleo explained.
Three balls were dispensed and Stress gleefully picked one up, aiming for one in the back.
The first and second missed completely, while the third hit the stand below the bottle.
"Aww!" The short brunette whined.
Cleo felt a sudden obligation. Wasn't winning your crush a prize at an amusement park generally seen as romantic?
She went over to the ticket barrel and started to put her own tickets in.
"Oh, yeah! You give it a try!" Stress urged, watching with interest.
The three balls where dispensed and Cleo picked one up, making a little show out of testing it's weight and finding a target to aim at. Stress watched wide-eyed, letting out a soft "Ooo!"
The red-head gave her crush a confident smile before aiming and throwing the ball. It just barely missed it's target, hitting the wall in the back with a thud.
"So close!" Stress exclaimed, leaning over the side of the stand a bit.
"That was a warmup throw," Cleo bullshitted, picking up the second ball. "This one is for the real shot!"
Taking a deep breath, she aimed and threw. This time, the ball hit it's mark with a thunk.
The bottle wobbled a little, but stayed put.
Stress gasped. "But you hit it?! What?"
"Of course they rigged it like a carnival game, too!" Cleo scoffed, picking up the final ball.
"That's not fair!" The brunette whined, crossing her arms and slumping against the stall wall.
The zombie took a moment to think, trying to come up with a way to beat the system without cheating... well, not cheating too badly.
If the force of a throw wasn't quite enough to knock over a bottle, maybe she could use something else to add the extra 'umph' needed to get the bottle to tip. She quickly glanced into her inventory and a smile began spreading across her face when she saw a certain item...
"I don't think we can beat this game," Stress said, disappointment in her tone.
"Oh, I think we can!" Cleo chirped, "We just need to get creative."
"What do you mean?"
The girl didn't respond, switching the ball to her non-dominant hand. She aimed the ball differently, a mischievous gleam in her eyes. Before Stress could question her further, Cleo whipped out her trident.
The zombie tossed the ball up and threw her trident, the middle prong spearing the ball in midair and propelling it forwards until it crashed into the pesky bottle. The bottle flew off of the redstone mechanism under it and it triggered lamps to start flashing around the stall, as well as noteblocks to start dinging out her victory. The force of the trident throw ended up shattering the bottle against the back wall, but its noise was drowned out by the noteblocks and by Stress cheering and laughing.
The trident came flying back to Cleo's hand and the zombie removed the ball from the prong, shrugging at the hole that was left through it from eating fork before tossing it aside. She didn't care about that right now.
As soon as her trident was put away, Stress's arms were around her. "Oh my god! Cleo, that was amazing! And a little cheaty, but amazing!"
"Hey, they cheated first! I'd say I won fair and square."
Stress erupted into laughter again, squeezing her friend before letting go. Cleo missed the contact as soon as it was gone, but had a feeling she wouldn't be missing for long.
She quickly located the hanging rabbit plushie and began to take it down.
"Wait, Cleo, are you getting that for me?!"
She smiled warmly before handing the girl the giant fluffy bunny. "Of course! You wanted it, didn't you?"
Stress gasped before squealing, taking the plush. It was half the size of the short girl, and Cleo had to fight back a chuckle at the sight.
"Thank you thank you thank you!"
The zombie was pulled into an even bigger, tighter hug by the brunette accompanied by her amazingly soft new toy. Cleo returned it gratefully, butterflies in her stomach as she held her crush close.
False was watching, three cotton candy sticks balanced in one hand and a large bag of kettle corn tucked under the other arm. Cleo caught the blonde's eye and chuckled before mouthing a 'Thank you'. False gave her a thumbs up before announcing her presence.
"What did you win?"
Stress popped her head up and beamed. "Look at me bunny! Cleo got it for me, isn't it absolutely gorgeous?!"
"It is," False replied, glancing between the two with a never wavering smile.
Cleo still had one arm around Stress' shoulders, and even though the shorter had pulled away enough to show off her prize, she was still leaning close to the zombie. The pair glanced at each other and Stress laid her head on Cleo's shoulder with a small giggle, causing Cleo's face to darken.
"H-How about we go find a place to sit down to eat?" The redhead quickly suggested as she fought back her blush.
"Ooo, yeah, we should! Let's go!" Stress started to run off but paused, glancing back at Cleo. With a shy giggle, she waited for the zombie, choosing to walk beside her instead of running ahead again.
The girls continued having fun on their night out in HermitLand, with Stress snuggling her rabbit close the whole time.
I'm extremely indecisive and need some help with my prioritizing, and even though I think I know the answer I'm still gonna ask; Which would you like first, Bdoc or Kerdubs?
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