Things Hermits Are Not Allowed To Do
Author's notes
If you know what this is inspired by, yeah, you're right XP. This isn't as uh. Bad though. Hopefully!
I was suddenly reminded of it and now I have ended up with. Words. What has happened. Why is my humour so terrible. What.
H u h.
Xisuma gets tired of everyone one day and lays down some rules :3. Let's see how that goes.
1) Grian is not allowed to see how much TNT is 'theoretically' needed to blow up the server.
•1• Etho is not allowed to see how much TNT is 'theoretically' needed to blow up the server, and neither is Grian allowed to ask him to.
•2• Doc is not allowed to see how much TNT is 'theoretically' needed to blow up the server, and neither are Grian or Etho allowed to ask him to.
•3• Tango is not allowed to be bribed into providing the 'theoretical' amount of firepower needed to blow up the server. Yes, 'accidental gift exchanges' count as a bribes.
•4• Mumbo, Zedaph, Iskall, Cub, Scar, BDubs, Keralis, Jevin, Hypno and Cleo are not allowed to be 'swayed'.
2) Keralis is not allowed to call Gem 'my dear deer dear' as a form of disappointment.
•1• Upon request, Keralis is now allowed to continue calling Gem 'my dear deer dear' as a form of disappointment, if only because it conveys an accurate level of disappointment.
3) Doc is not allowed to try summoning Herobrine 'because he looks cool'. Herobrine does not like to be disturbed this way.
4) Jevin is not allowed to jumpscare Cleo while she's restitching her limbs.
•1• Cleo is also not allowed to jumpscare Jevin while he's reforming his limbs. Or reforming in general.
5) Jevin is not a 'mobile storage container', a 'readily available acid base', 'the Koolaid Man: Blue Raspberry flavour', 'sentient jello', 'soft-body blue ice' or 'spilt blue egg whites'.
6) Zedaph is not allowed to commune with the dead.
•1• Unless it is Cleo.
•2• Or other recognised members of the non-living, such as Zloy.
•3• 'Drop-dead gorgeous' does not count as 'dead' unless the person being described is, in fact, actually dead.
7) False is not allowed to 'become Australian' on a whim. Nor is any other hermit who is not already Australian (Pearl).
•1• Australian accents are allowed within reason. Iskall.
8) Hypno is not allowed to copyright-strike any mentions of 'Hermitcraft' in colloquial speech 'because that's illegal and I'm the government now'.
•1• I have a ban hammer, Hypno, we do not need a 'copyright strike' lightning bolt to be a thing.
9) Ren is not allowed to refer to turtles as 'sea striders'. We do not want to give EX ideas.
10) Mumbo is not an active cannibal, nor has he ever been. At most, he is only a semi-cannibal-vegan with a penchant for bloodless murder.
11) Pearl is not allowed to claim Mumbo can 'twinkle in the sunlight' or back up this claim by explaining that 'ugly people can't see it'.
12) Being a veteran does not mean you are automatically a boomer.
•1• Unless referencing the S7 shop.
•2• Guys I'm not that old please stop.
13) Keralis is not allowed to try and flirt with any Watchers, at all, ever.
14) Cub is not allowed to threaten to send a 'hermit to the moon and back' if annoyed. Even if you mean BDubs' base. Flirting and compliments that follow similar lines are, however, still allowed.
15) Bees that sting you do not automatically become 'murder drones of death and decay'. It is completely your fault for hitting the bee. If you were tricked, tough luck.
16) Etho is not allowed to 'claim the role of Poseidon and take over the entire sea'. We live on a continent! What are you going to do, menacingly glare at your kingdom from the mountains? It is not recommended.
17) Impulse is not allowed to practice tying bow -ties on people's shoes while they are still wearing them.
18) Ren is not allowed to pretend to hold a grudge against 'Aqua Axolotls'. Axolotls are blue anyway.
19) Joe is not allowed to 'cancel the economy'.
•1• Last time was very funny though.
20) No one is allowed to make unpleasant comments towards/ about/ in any way referring to the marital relationship between Jimmy Solidarity and Scott Smajor. This is a general warning: you will simply perish.
21) Impulse and Tango are not allowed to try and sneak Skizzleman 'through the magical code walls' and into Hermitcraft. Please just ask if he wishes to visit.
22) Winning MCC is not an excuse to become 'King', 'Queen', 'Ruler', 'Emperor', 'Lord', 'Supreme Lord', 'Supreme Overlord', 'Your Lord and Saviour', 'The Best Thing to Happen Since Sliced Limes' of Hermitcraft.
23) Tango is not allowed to send junk mail to various Netherworld Kingdoms.
24) Cub is not allowed to crack eggy bad yolks due to having won TEGG.
•1• How dare you.
25) 'Lol' is not a valid response to 'are you ok?'
•1• Neither is 'pog'.
•2• Neither is 'pog through the pain'.
•3• Neither is 'it is what it is'.
•4• Guys please stop. Neither is dying as a way of avoiding an answer.
26) Scar is not allowed to try and out-scam Grian. How did either of you even end up with more diamonds than you both started with?
27) XB is not allowed to threaten to behead named horses, or horses belonging to other hermits.
28) Hypno and XB are not allowed to use an IOU to bypass any of these rules.
•1• Nor are they allowed to use anyone else's IOU to bypass these rules.
•2• Nor are they allowed to create an IOU solely to bypass these rules.
29) Grian is not allowed to refer to Pearl as 'the Pearl behind the slaughter'.
30) Cub and Scar are not allowed to summon copious amounts of vex in the meeting room. Every time I think they're gone for good, a tiny blue fairy stabs me in the ankle.
31) Hypno is not the 'ace attorney' and has never been the 'ace attorney'.
•1• While he has been a criminal, he is not allowed to tell fictitious stories about it in an attempt to get free stuff.
32) BDubs is not allowed to use 'but I had a clock!' as an excuse to murder. Again.
33) TFC deserves good things.
34) Stress is not allowed to 'adopt all the striders in that EX's evil scheme'. Though it would be very funny.
35) Wels is not allowed to blame Hels for causing pranks Wels himself caused.
36) Zedaph is not allowed to try and ride the Enderdragon into the void.
•1• He is also not allowed to try and climb the Wither like a very bony ladder.
•2• Is this a challenge :)? -Zed
•3• No.
37) Cleo is not allowed to pretend to be actively burning in broad daylight around new hermits. Gem was traumatised and Pearl was very concerned.
38) Gem is not allowed to place signs of affirmation in code (the technological sort, not a puzzle waiting to be solved).
•1• They are very sweet but unfortunately deleted about four hours of progress.
39) The Nether is not allowed to be referred to as 'heaven compared to here'.
40) The End is not allowed to be referred to as 'Russia 2.0'.
•1• Zedaph is therefore not allowed to become a 'mad Russian scientist named Rasputin' simply because he is Enderian.
41) Beef is not allowed to spam the chat with conspiracy theories about aliens. Most of these appear to be geared towards Voidwalkers.
42) Etho is not allowed to leave a fox on any sort of tall peak for the express purpose of 'reenacting the Lion King'.
43) Under no circumstances would 'but it would be funny' be an appropriate excuse for total anarchy.
•1• Under very few circumstances would 'but it would be funny' be an appropriate excuse for total anarchy.
44) False is not allowed to 'disown America because she's claimed their patriarch'.
•1• Neither can she 'reclaim the spice trade', 'rebuild colonialism but not horrendous' nor 'collect loyal followers'.
45) Pretending to steal someone's identity is not classed as 'cosplay'. Keralis.
46) Etho is not allowed to convince Stress to 'plunge the server into eternal winter' for a joke.
•1• Etho is also not allowed to convince Tango to 'plunge the server into eternal summer', BDubs to 'plunge the server into eternal spring', nor Death to 'plunge the server into eternal autumn'.
•2• Gem cannot be used as a substitute for BDubs in 'Operation: Spring Cleaning'.
47) Grian, Zedaph, False and Pearl are not allowed to convince hermits that 'this time, the enderdragon really is the REAL Enderdragon!'.
•1• Adding 'and she likes warm hugs!' does not help.
48) Hermits are not allowed to secretly play Mario Kart during server meetings.
•1• No one ratted you out, it's just that you're all terrible at hiding when you get blue-shelled.
•2• But if you must blame someone, blame whoever kicked me twice in the shin after getting bumped off the map for the third time in a row. I wasn't going to say anything until y'all decided to break my tibia. Thanks.
49) Tango is not allowed to 'tree-pose to assert dominance' over any other authoritative figure.
50) Doc and Ren are not allowed to 'recreate the Titanic' with a beach, three pieces of string, a rose, a pencil and about twenty shulkers (the mob) at 3:15 A.M.
51) Grian is not allowed to gossip about people in Galactic, any Enderian tongue, any Endish tongue, or anything else of the sort.
•1• No, you cannot become 'one with the End' and appoint Zedaph as your 'mortal translator' so you can continue gossiping. Pearl is also not allowed.
•2• Grian you don't even know those languages? Are you just pretending to at this point?
52) Mumbo please is there a way for us to help you stop having breakdowns at 4:00 A.M. in the morning? There's a very concerning pattern happening here... Are you alright?
53) Gem is not allowed to 'call upon an ancient deity' to prove she's right in an argument.
54) Joe is not allowed to create a time paradox by accident.
•1• Anyone who claims to remember said time paradox: no, no you don't.
54) Joe is not allowed to create a time paradox by accident.
•1• Anyone who claims to remember said time paradox: no, no you don't.
55) No, we cannot remove the shark bazooka. As much as it pains me to say it, the shark bazooka stays.
56) Jevin is no longer allowed to call Hypno any of the following names: 'Mr Mime', 'Mr Sandman', 'the Bogeyman', 'Captain Hooked', 'The Smell', 'Mind-melder', 'Lint' or 'the Connection Between The Lost Lands'.
•1• Hypno is no longer allowed to call Jevin any of the following names: 'Thing 2', 'Apple Intestine', 'Lime Juice', 'the Squish Factor', 'Trampoline Stuffing', 'Toxic Goo' or 'Whatever It Is That Clogs Up Lex Luthor's Sink'.
57) Tango and Joe are not allowed to use temporary admin powers for recreational, unintended or otherwise downright silly purposes.
58) Cleo is not allowed to slap someone she does not like across the face by detaching her arm and yeeting it at them as violently as possible.
59) Pearl is not allowed to fight the ocean for 'waving at her funny'.
60) Zedaph is not allowed to give random Hub stall owners surveys concerning various hermits.
61) Wels is not allowed to 'accidentally' mine blocks from a hermit of the NWC's builds so they fall to their deaths.
•1• Subsequently, Impulse is not allowed to advertise his businesses upon death notifications due to a fall.
62) Yes. You have cat/s. We know.
63) Impulse is not allowed to create a forest labyrinth purely so Tango can trick several hermits into wearing a tree costume, stumble around confusedly, and accidentally jumpscare each other.
64) Joe is not allowed to destroy the economy. Again. Mostly because ours is purely decorative anyway.
•1• EX would like to remind everyone to buy Derpcoin. 'It's basically free money'.
•2• No it's not -Cleo.
•3• Shush -EX.
65) Tango is not allowed to jokingly sign a deal for someone's soul. Neither is he allowed to establish his own 'rule' and 'capital punishment' as a joke, especially since technically, he is entirely within his right to genuinely do so.
66) Gem is not allowed to violently headbutt trees with her antlers to harvest fruit or 'see what's inside'.
67) Ren is not allowed to try and serenade the actual moon in order to carve a split between the ocean to search for sunken ships.
68) Cub is not allowed to switch around single articles of clothing at a time until half a hermit's wardrobe is someone else's.
69) Doc is not allowed to try an install a rocket launcher in his eye.
•1• A knife-launcher is also not allowed.
•2• Neither is a grenade launcher.
•3• Neither is an anything-launcher.
•4• Neither is a retractable knife. Nor a permanent one, for that matter.
70) Grian is not allowed to free fall into the void 'until he knows where to put the glass block'.
71) Beef is not allowed to try and butcher the enderdragon. I don't care if it is theoretically possible, it's not actually possible, so don't even try.
72) Cleo is not allowed to raise an army of the undead 'as an Easter egg'.
73) Beef is not allowed to 'lyric prank' anyone with the abomination that is 'Every Meme Song At Once'.
•1• F G Em Am
F G (x6)
Em Am
F G E Am
Em Am
F G E Am
74) Doc is not allowed to torment the shorter hermits by placing their things on tall shelves. Mumbo is, because at least he does help them once he's had his fun.
•1• Doc put me down?!
75) Zedaph is not allowed to come up with new slang-rhyming terms on a whim.
•1• Yes this is because responding with 'the state of America' for Tango dying in chat was uncalled for (but admittedly very funny).
76) Cleo is not allowed to test the limits of a border.
•1• No, you cannot teleport through the border.
•2• No, you cannot summon someone through the border.
•3• Yes, you can sometimes walk through the border, but it usually ends in pain and death.
77) Pearl is not allowed to make sail-like wings on her base in order to 'icarus-style sail the clouds'.
•1• Sky Boatem would be both terrifying and disastrous, considering your neighbours own an increasing amount of things-you-shouldn't-crash-into.
78) No one is allowed to send Mumbo into the Hub with a collective shopping list. I think we can all agree on what a horrible deskimin that was.
79) Jevin is not allowed to eat without using his mouth.
80) Cub is not allowed to 'scam' people with 'free things'.
81) Mumbo is not allowed to become 'The Bat-man', also known (by his definition) as a (vegan) vampire.
•1• To clarify this point, he is allowed to be a vampire, he's just not allowed to commit identity theft.
82) Wels is not allowed to try and find the actual Enderdragon for fun.
•1• I'm more concerned if he actually does find her...
83) Zedaph is not allowed to try and contact the 'spirits from beyond'.
•1• Souls count as 'spirits from beyond'.
•2• People from other dimensions count as 'spirits from beyond'.
•3• [REDACTED] counts as a 'spirit from beyond'.
84) Impulse is not allowed to open a 'Bedrock Transporting Service'. Even if done for revenge.
85) Ren is not allowed to begin playing 'Wolf in Sheep's Clothing' whenever he wears anything remotely resembling any of Zedaph's clothes.
86) False is not allowed to use 'aliens' as an excuse.
•1• Beef is allowed to use 'aliens' as an excuse, but are you ok? You don't look fine...?
87) Stress is not allowed to burst into song upon not-song-required events. Arrest is not a musical.
•1• Ren, please also stop screaming breakup songs in various bathrooms, especially if you complain about people asking if you're not in a relationship anymore afterwards.
88) Iskall is not allowed to 'see what would happen' if they called every villager he saw 'Jerry'. This is really starting to sound like a weird cult of sorts, and some of the other hermits are concerned.
89) Keralis is not allowed to 'become a vex because it sounds cool'.
•1• But if he did, I'm sure he'll make a great new member ;3!
90) Stress is not allowed to sell basalt created by her own ice powers. Etho was very upset last time.
91) Impulse's biological family are no longer allowed to arrive on the server, due to their behaviour and actions.
•1• If his sister, Diligence ('Princess Emily'), is ever discovered on the server, please report her arrival to Impulse and myself. She is to be placated until convinced to leave, or otherwise leaves of her own accord.
92) Jevin is not allowed to allocate points based on 'how much he'll tolerate being stabbed by certain hermits' depending on how much he likes said hermit.
•1• We both know Wels was not trying to prove your theory when he did that; he still feels very bad about it.
93) XB is not allowed to suggest building a giant dome over everything 'because of bees and communism'.
94) Cleo and Doc are not allowed to terrify various people found in the Hub on purpose. While we understand a large part of this is unintentional, I'm 90% sure that one customer did not run away screaming because of 'the extortion of enchanted wheat'.
95) Wels is not allowed to gold-plate various items simply for the sake of pretending a hermit has gained 'Midas powers'.
96) Hermits are not allowed to use Gem's antlers as a coat hanger.
97) Doc is not allowed to start a war over goats.
•1• Grian is not allowed to encourage him.
•2• No one is allowed to start making bets about when Grian will start another war.
•3• Grian. Please stop encouraging the bets.
98) Hypno is not allowed to attempt 'double hypnosis', especially not upon himself.
99) Cub is not allowed to plant partially deadly traps around the server to catch 'whoever would be silly enough not to read the warning signs'.
100) Cleo is not allowed to purposely allow a horse outside during a thunderstorm in order to capture a 'zombie horse'.
101) Joe is not allowed to see how many wolves it would take to 'bring retribution towards every one of the hermits in one, beautifully coordinated attack'.
102) Doc is not allowed to spam tridents over nether portals, especially if people are coming out of said nether portals.
•1• How did you even break that portal? That isn't even supposed to be possible?
103) AC, please stop using 'one of my found family members will hear about this' if it means you randomly pick one of your emergency contacts to call when you get thrown into jail. Or kidnapped.
104) Pearl is not allowed to 'moonbathe'.
•1• She is also not allowed to learn how to walk on her hands for sake of 'returning to my roots'.
105) XB is not allowed to snipe random hermits while they're on precarious ledges because 'they should've thought faster'.
106) Etho is not allowed to cook a meal that involves any sort of heating element. He is still allowed to help with preparation of ingredients, however.
•1• Beef, as much as I'm aware of your trust in Etho, I also know you also don't actually trust him around an oven.
107) Grian is not allowed to be spooked while inside community structures. The horrible irony of feathers inside the Spawn Egg haunted me for days.
•1• Grian is not allowed to be spooked with rabbits. Not for a prank, nor any other reason.
108) Zedaph is not allowed to answer questionnaires with 'a British amount of sarcasm'.
109) Keralis is not allowed to dedicate a day to himself for 'being amazing'. He is not allowed to dedicate a day to anyone else either, based off the activity list you printed out.
•1• You are allowed to celebrate a hermit on their birthday though.
110) Ren, I have no idea how you pulled that one off and while it was incredibly smooth, we unfortunately will not treat it as 'a second birthday'.
111) Scar is not allowed to 'offer hot deals' by appearing out from the nearest flat service to the unsuspecting victim.
112) Gem is not allowed to grow a forest outside the meeting room. The trees were very nice, but you, Scar and Mumbo went a bit overboard.
•1• Zedaph is not allowed to try and bribe them to 'do it anyway in the name of science'.
113) While I'm sure whatever is happening on Empires sounds very bad, 'why do men' is not an excuse for venting your frustration on half of the claimed mobs on the server.
•1• This applies to Pearl and Gem.
•2• Why is Pixl here and also joining in?
114) Hypno is not allowed to try and tame a ravager with its 'official birth certificate'.
115) Cleo is not allowed to arrange her own funeral.
•1• Joe is not allowed to arrange a mass funeral for all the undead mobs in the Octospawner.
116) Etho is not allowed to secretly keep track of all the times people (mainly Iskall simply due to the fact that you two share a base) do not nail the various trickshots required to traverse your base's tricky terrain without wings.
117) Impulse is not allowed to translate strange notes to English. Especially not if they're written in Galactic.
•1• Or any other vague dimension-relating-to-space-or-fire-languages. What you've picked up translation-wise from Tango and Zed is very impressive, however.
118) Joe is not allowed to submit server status reports in the form of a poem.
119) XB is not allowed to 'vibe check' people depending on a checklist of his own making, whereupon both the reward and punishment is death.
120) Scar is not allowed to test 'how hot the fire is' if said test involves sticking any sort of potentially flammable item into fire.
121) BDubs is not allowed to call a loose wither 'an excuse for a nap'.
122) Mumbo is not allowed to casually remark 'falling into the void is the one chance he has of anyone falling for him'. I was rather enjoying that cup of tea, mind you.
123) Doc is not allowed to max out a maxed-out boombox 'for dramatic effect'.
124) False is not allowed to name various creatures any sort of song title that may or may not be ironic depending on the situation.
125) Grian is not allowed to claim 'we are famous for our war strength'. We are not.
•1• I have been made aware that it's not the song that is bothering people, as it is the 'Hatsune Miku' cosplay.
126) Hermits are not allowed to use any sort of intense/ prolonged freezing or burning in any pranks, traps or otherwise not specified actions towards Wels.
127) Zedaph is not allowed to call a near-death experience 'very handsome'.
•1• Neither is he allowed to use the following phrases to describe a near-death experience: 'probably works out', 'devilishly handsome', 'very hot, in a good way, not the burny way', 'like a cute little marshmallow', 'dateable', '10/10 would do again' or 'dropped-unconscious gorgeous'.
128) Iskall is not allowed to ask people what flavour they think his lip gloss is.
•1• Yes it's because three hermits almost ate the tube of lip gloss in an incomplete processing of words and definitions.
129) BDubs and Etho are not allowed to 'mess with the day-night cycle, y'know, for fun'.
130) Stress is not allowed to make/ take wishes from any more mysterious merpeople.
131) Tango is not allowed to try and stack several mobs on top of each other for 'the ultimate game of Jenga: Part 3, With Friends (And Enemies)'.
132) Jevin is not allowed to participate in Zed's experiment titled 'can Jevin be duplicated?'.
133) Spamming fires in lieu of firetick is only funny to an extent.
•1• The Nether and Netherworld are allowed to do that because they are literally always on fire.
134) Shashwammyvoid is not allowed to live off of only drinking tea <3
•1• That one is fair, but I do not agree, I simply acquiesce.
135) Doc is not allowed to throw any hermits 'away'.
136) Hypno is not allowed to make jokes about 'being the pirate king of crime'.
•1• Cleo is not allowed to make jokes about 'being the clockodile that killed him'.
137) Being not-straight is not an excuse for whatever you guys did last blue moon.
•1• I am specifically calling out Boatem, but other hermits did in fact have a very big hand in this mess.
138) Scar is not allowed to use the fact candles can float to 'prove he's a wizard, Gem'.
•1• 'I'm a Watt' is not the right response considering 'Gem' is literally a 'jewel'.
139) Doc and Ren are not allowed to tap-dance on a grave. Even if the deceased in question deserves it.
140) 'We're no strangers to love' is not a reason to commit a homicide.
•1• I have been informed that that is in fact the beginning of a rickroll. My apologies. Please continue.
141) Grian is not allowed to put any sort of historical monument up 'for let'.
142) Iskall is not allowed to create the 'waffcookpanbrowncake, the greatest dessert the world has ever seen'.
143) Scar, those people weren't 'obviously way too fancy and polite for [you]!', it's just that the last time you were there, you blew up their house.
144) Cleo is not allowed to complain for Joe about how many modern translations of ancient texts are very inaccurate.
•1• 'Don't worry, at least they got their description right: they're still that ugly' is not a valid attempt at an excuse.
•2• That was incredibly upsetting to whomever it was directed at, please stop.
145) 'But Tango can' is not a valid excuse for trying to drink lava.
•1• Tango doesn't even drink lava? Do you mean to say you knew that excuse would hold no water?
•2• 'Do you mean it held no lava' and 'I lava good pun' does not help in the slightest. You might be a dad but this is not the right time for dad jokes.
•3• Yes, Tango can drink specially produced, Netherworld sourced liquid gold. No, you are not Tango, you are not a Netherborn, you will get sick. Unfortunately, we have tested the validity of that and yes, it wasn't intentional, but no, you still aren't recommended to do it and yes, this recommendation is from the hermits who did do it before.
146) Gem is not allowed to go into the code.
•1• I have a feeling it was an accident, but I'm only willing to let you off the hook if you tell me where Doc is. I have already punished Ren. It's only a matter of time.
•2• Hold him down, I'm on my way.
147) Etho is not allowed to create giant noise machines with noteblocks for the express purpose of finding out how high a pitch a spook-induced hermit will screech.
148) Ren, False, Grian and Cub are not allowed to 'gift Gem a complimentary MCC crown in flatpack form' if that 'crown' is a modified, stolen piece of MCC property.
•1• Specifically, if the modified-into-a-crown piece of MCC property was not originally a crown.
149) Hermits are not allowed to autofill 'Hey, is anyone d-' with 'distressed', 'delusional', dead inside', down to murder', 'disappointed with life', 'down bad', 'decommissioned', 'dancing with Death' or 'depressed'.
150) Grian is not allowed to use 'CAW-CAW CAW WAKE UP' as a form of greeting.
151) Pearl is not allowed to literally 'rewrite the stars' to prank BDubs.
•1• Nor any other reason. The sky is not a personal empty canvas. Except in prose.
152) Beef is not allowed to claim the phrase 'being hooked' came from 'hooking onto sweet deals and selling stocks'.
153) XB is not allowed to call the giant boney worm a pet. It killed you multiple times. That is cause for concern.
•1• Cleo seems to have appeased it with her armour stands. Please do not go and aggravate it again.
154) Wels is not allowed to test if he has magical glowing healing hair like Rapunzel if said testing involves a summoning circle and zero thought for repercussions.
155) Cleo is not allowed to blast Christmas music from her castle rooftops when it is not, in fact, Christmas.
•1• Using Australian time zones doesn't make it Christmas just because 'they're on the opposite side of the world'.
•2• Cleo is also not allowed to blast Christmas music 24/7 even if it is, in fact, Christmas.
156) Grian is not allowed to bribe Jimmy into... What is. What is wrong with that pumpkin?
•1• That is apparently called a 'pattypan squash' and while we all enjoyed the 'pie' your friends made from it, please stop replacing actual pies with pattypan squashes.
•2• It's very upsetting to try and cut a slice of pie only to have stabbed into the creamy white unexpected flesh of a pattypan squash.
•3• Stress please stop trying to get more. Stress.
157) Against all odds, we cannot hack into MCC for fun. I'm sure the nice people who run that lovely event would be quite upset if you tried False, Grian, Ren, Cub, Gem, Pearl, Jevin and/ or Iskall.
•1• And Doc. However, Tango, Cleo and Mumbo, thank you for being somewhat reasonable.
158) Tango, BDubs and Keralis are not allowed to start a hellfire through unconventional means.
159) Impulse is not allowed to try and recreate the melon ball of death for (accidental) fun.
160) No one is allowed to release a wither in public areas on the server for 'some silly quirky fun'.
•1• This means you, Grian.
•2• Doc I swear if you take this as a challenge, I-
161) Zedaph is not allowed to try and summon someone from a different server to experiment on. That one server's admin will literally never let me live it down now.
162) Occurrences of The Jungle must be reported immediately. Do not attempt to traverse or enter, nor interact with the Jungle in any way, shape or form. Even if it begs you.
•1• Especially if it begs you.
163) Elytra are not 'flappity nanny additions', 'yoink', 'yeeters', 'Icarus' looted body', 'I believe I can fly', 'Enderian slippers', 'worse versions of Grian's wings', 'Icarus 2.0', 'horse time', 'time to Tek to the Skies', 'zippy zip' or 'emergency exit'.
164) Stress is no longer allowed to bring festive snow to the server if it involves reindeer, blizzards and bells at the same time.
165) XB is not allowed to try and make Doc into a satyr 'to celebrate being a Grinch Day'.
166) While watching them discover their newfound common background was rather sweet, False and Wels are no longer allowed to attempt to hold a 'gladiator match' in, around or through Cleo and Joe's castle.
•1• Even if Cleo and Joe gave enthusiastic permission.
•2• I'm not even sure why you thought of gladiator battles? Wouldn't jousting be more fitting, or am I missing something here...? Apologies if it's the latter.
•3• False and Wels are not allowed to ask BDubs for some 'jousting horses'.
167) 'Having a bad type' does not count as a valid excuse for murder. Ren.
168) No one is allowed to make up anymore fake geography/ dimensional facts around Mumbo: he's genuinely starting to believe some of them.
•1• That one time was pretty funny though.
169) Cub is not allowed to start a new currency in wood because 'wood equals infinite money'.
170) TFC is not allowed to listen to any suggestions of 'breaking a trench through the entire earth', especially without questioning it.
171) If EX or any of his friends attempt to persuade you into doing something that seems like a scam and you refer to higher authority first, thank you.
172) Etho is not allowed to encourage organic builds just for the sake of parkour.
•1• Why don't you just ask for parkour? It could still look nice and actually serve its purpose?
173) All members of ZIT and Boatem are no longer allowed to name things.
•1• Neither are the Big Eyes, Convex, Octagon, Hermit Gals, and any other major chaos teams on the server.
•2• Naming bans have been lifted, however, this has been done with 'the right to judge' in full effect.
•3• Hermits are no longer allowed to use 'the right to judge' to start a new disstrack war.
174) Hermits are not allowed to start more than four cults on the server at any given time. Mumbo.
175) Pearl is not allowed to 'ascend to an astral plane'.
176) Scar is not allowed to deliberately knock out all the torches placed around BDubs' builds when they're in progress, so when BDubs wakes up, he gets 'an even larger fan base to cheer him on'.
177) Cleo, Doc and Jevin are not allowed to convince Hypno to help them create the 'ultimate mob army'.
•1• If Joe's wolf army includes Ren, that is different. The difference is both species of wolf are very nice and don't attempt to grief random builds, occasionally while on fire.
•2• Phantoms are worse. Impulse.
•3• Parrots are like Joe's dogs + Ren, Grian.
•4• Cleo, you can have Zloy as an agent of chaos, but that's about it.
•5• Jevin put the shulkers down.
•6• Stress put the polar bears back.
•7• My axolotls do not attempt to grief random builds, occasionally while on fire, thank you very much!
•9• Zed I swear if you move an INCH towards that enderman farm with any thoughts of making an enderman or endermite army I SWEAR-
•10• Cub. Scar. Absolutely not.
•11• Foxes are fine, but not if given swords, Etho.
•14• Grian. No. Withers.
•15• Iskall, alternative versions of hostile mobs count. Desist.
•16• Keralis... Why bats?
•17• Are those sheep? Zed, why do the sheep bite?
•18• False, Impulse, Mumbo, you're not back on S.T.A.R, LEAVE the GHASTS alone.
•19• Iskall, Impulse, XB, NO GUARDIANS.
•20• Beef, you've essentially just made a normal farm there, buddy...?
•21• Etho, drop the silverfish... Move away from the silverfish, nice and slow...
•22• Doc. If you. Actually dare. To try and make an ender dragon army on the server. I am going to-
•23• BDubs' horses do not attempt to grief random builds, occasionally while on fire, either.
•24• Hermits are not allowed to make any ultimate mob armies. See above for exact definition and specifics.
178) Tango and Cub are not allowed to teach the other hermits how ravager-tipping works.
•1• Cub. Why does your daughter know how to ravager-tip.
179) False is not allowed to 'test door durability' with 'a very special agent'. Gem's antlers are meant to be used in interlocked combat at best... Not for blunt force trauma.
•1• I was not aware Gem could use her prongs/ hooves to loosen fastened locks and hinges. My apologies, but do still be careful.
180) Iskall, Joe and Doc are not allowed to collaborate in 'Operation: The Goodest Boy (Commits Crimes)'
181) Impulse is not allowed to be referred to as: '[the hermit speaker's] mighty steed', 'free transport labour', 'horse-power', 'strong handsome car', 'you're gonna go far kid', 'Impulse-mobile', 'average speed', 'the ol' Impulse SV model', 'like a donkey but also a sports car in a nice way', 'subject would make a suitable boyf'-
•1• None of these other noted instances are scientific in the slightest.
182) Jevin is not allowed to convince Pearl that any act of major defiance against me is considered treason. It didn't stop her anyway, but it did create cause for a very strange conversation afterwards.
183) Iskall is not allowed to refer to any villagers as 'canon fodder'.
184) Hermits are not allowed to take advantage of the fact Keralis will continue to go to gambling minigames he knows are clearly rigged because he thinks 'they are fun'.
185) Doc is not allowed to drive.
•1• Not unless the far-too-many-to-be-'safe' amount of hermits he'll likely perch on that vehicle somewhere 'for a test drive' and a 'crash test' are looking to be 'barely scratched'.
•2• Ren literally died, Doc. From kinetic energy. From your driving.
186) I do not own a 'specialised chainsaw to kill Netherborns'. I'm not sure where this rumour started, but I would like Tango to stop screaming every time someone else makes a chainsaw noise while we're having a conversation.
187) None of EX's friends, nor EX himself, are allowed to try to legitimately ruin the server. You can thank Badtimes for that one.
188) Joe is not allowed to insert new slang terms into old poetry and plays. 'Methinks' is bad enough.
189) XB is not allowed to answer 'so how was your day?' with 'the apocalypse is nigh', 'no', 'it was actually night', 'ask someone else', 'no I don't want a refrigerator', 'I'm calling the cops', 'how dare you', 'I'm calling mom', 'I've been robbed!' or 'how was your life?'
190) Wels is not allowed to accept 'hiring a gentleman/ knight/ hero' calls to action without knowing what said calls to action actually entail.
191) ZIT are not allowed to partake in excessive cheerleading.
•1• Clarification: there is nothing wrong with your costumes, pom-poms or routines. It's the fact you keep causing random hermits to fall to their deaths due to spontaneous cheerleading.
192) Stress is not allowed to help Tango, BDubs, Hels, Jevin or any other hermit 'build up a resistance' to the cold by surprise-freezing them.
193) TFC is not allowed to 'wrangle any critters' upon the requests of Grian, Tango, Doc, Zedaph, Pearl, Scar, Cub, Cleo, Keralis, XB or Etho.
194) Python and Biffa are special cases when it comes to the server whitelisting: as they are long-time friends of hermits, have been hermits in the past, but do not wish to actively reside within Hermitcraft, they can still enter and exit the server at will despite not always being visibly present on the whitelist.
•1• This is a notice to newer hermits who may not have previously met Python or Biffa. Especially those who may be intimidated, confused or feel threatened by their [sudden] appearance on the server.
•2• Python, Biffa, if you're reading this, I'm very sorry they keep spreading rumours to every hermit who hasn't met you yet.
•3• Unfortunately, since Grian, Gem and Pearl apparently found it hilarious, they will probably try and spread even more rumours in the future.
195) Hels does not 'eat people'. Even he's concerned about where on earth this rumour came from.
196) XB is not allowed to suggest 'eating the books' to dispose of evidence. Even if he acknowledges there would be no nutritional gain.
•1• Nor can he suggest any other papers.
•2• Nor plastics.
•3• Nor anything else that is inedible.
197) Scar and Cub are not allowed to put levitation on everything to help with organising Scar's chest monsters. Surely you can understand the sort of fright wrought by seeing twenty aerial shulker boxes.
198) Cleo is not allowed to test if Jevin is 'smashable' if frozen solid. She may not enlist Stress' help to find out either.
•1• Just because Jevin dares you to doesn't mean you have to.
199) False is not allowed to stab her sword into the nearest sliceable surface to acknowledge her attendance. Like the poor meeting table...
200) Keralis is not allowed to try and mind-read someone by silently staring at them, unblinkingly, and standing uncomfortably close to their 'pretty face'.
•1• Stalking is arguably worse.
•2• Being 'arguably worse' does not make the first option any better.
201) Yes. Ren is a 'good boy'. He is a very good boy. However, please try not to embarrass him too much about it.
202) Etho is not allowed to test how bouncy axolotls are. Please.
203) Mumbo is not allowed to 'send one moon to the other moon' to see if we get a 'lunar² eclipse'.
•1• Even if Pearl agrees to this.
•2• Wait what do you even mean by 'lunar²'? Wouldn't it just be a '2lunar eclipse'?
204) Beef is not allowed to test how many llamas he can take to the End before someone accidentally punches one.
•1• The issue is that llama are pack animals. Similarly to wolves, if you punch one, it leads to an army of llamas trying to spit at you.
•2• Are you also aware that llamas do not have very good aim, and often end up in spitting-wars until one of them dies?
205) Doc is not allowed to lift Grian up and present him to others with 'behold: our sun'.
•1• Doc is also not allowed to attempt to pick Mumbo and present him to others with 'behold: my son'.
•2• Mumbo wouldn't try. That's why he doesn't need a warning.
•3• Doc is not allowed to ask Mumbo to try 'because it would be funny'.
206) Tango is not allowed to ask whether I can use admin magic to actually restore/ place removed bedrock.
•1• I can, but I wouldn't do it just to prank Impulse and Pearl.
207) XB is not allowed to create a card game that prides itself on the cards' 'moving stackability' if said cards turn out to be other hermits.
208) Hypno is not allowed to place random mooshrooms around a giant mushroom. Especially if they are not tied to said mushroom.
209) Keralis is not allowed to try and seduce the moon, the sun, Tango's mom, the Void, his own reflection, an iron golem, Grumbot, an armour stand, a ghast or Doc's mechanical arm.
•1• Keralis is not allowed to try and seduce things if other hermits say it's a bad idea.
•2• Keralis is not allowed to try and seduce things if I say it's a bad idea.
210) Grian is not allowed to dive-bomb people when they're working on breaking the server but not enough that they actually break the server. While seeing your splattered remains across the floor usually brings great amusement (why do you carry so many things on you?), it doesn't when it means several more hours of refixing things.
211) Doc is not a 'pencil holder', 'mini rave', 'time bomb', 'cult leader', 'blaster man', 'kind of a dictator in a way', 'comms charger', 'technically a surgeon', 'the terminator', 'dad'-
•1• Ok! I won't say who said that last one! :)
212) XB is not allowed to have a barbecue over a volcano, especially if it is an active volcano.
•1• No, it does not make the food 'extra crispy', it gives you third-degree burns.
213) No one is allowed to try and kidnap Scar's cat, Jellie. The reason we use 'try' and not simply 'kidnap' should give you an accurate indication as to why.
214) Ren, Impulse and Grian are not allowed to summon Tango then become surprised when Tango actually shows up.
•1• Ren and Grian are not allowed to try and summon Impulse too. While it might still work, given the accidentally-very-dramatic entrance he used to enter Hermitcraft for the first time, it might not yield the desired effect.
215) Stress, Joe and TFC are not allowed to randomly adopt new hermits.
•1• All of the above, plus Impulse and Doc, are not allowed to randomly adopt old hermits either.
•2• Keralis gets a warning. I do not!
•3• Sorry, Shashwam! You cannot lie to Papa K :)! You too!
216) Hermits are not allowed to edit/ change this rule list.
•1• Didn't say anything about adding -Etho
•3• Or subtracting -Doc
•5002500600• Several people are typing...
217) Pearl, False, Ren and Cub are not allowed to convince friends they've found on MCC to hack into Hermitcraft because 'Grian would find it really funny'. As much as I wish I could, I can't deny Grian does inspire/ cause a very good sense of motivation for others.
•1• Iskall and Stress are not allowed to do the same for VaultHunter friends.
•2• Impulse, Cleo, Etho, BDubs, Scar, Mumbo and Tango are not allowed to do the same for 3rd Life/ Last Life friends.
•3• Gem is not allowed to do the same for Empires friends.
•4• Scott has a special bypass to the whitelist, similar to (but not the same as) Python and Biffa, in case of MCC related issues that may require it. Besides, I really can't do anything about MCC breaking reality. It just does because it is. Therefore, Scott did NOT bribe/ threaten/ seduce/ create bias for himself/ hypnotise/ etc me into whitelisting him. He isn't whitelisted.
•4• ... Cleo why is Zloy on the server wearing your clothes and an orange wig.
•5• Pixl is probably here because Zloy is here, Cleo, stop dodging the question-
218) I'm not even going to bother explaining why having lucky blocks on the server would be a bad idea.
•1• Since I've been constantly bugged about it, I think this is suitable answer: Grian.
219) BDubs is not allowed to hand sleep-deprived hermits citrus juices instead of tea. Or coffee.
220) Joe and Cub are not allowed to continue their passive war of 'eating cereal using increasingly more disturbing bowl-substitutes'.
•1• Yes, it was because of the boat.
221) Zed is not allowed to experiment how Ren will react to literal 'warning bells' over time. Even if said 'warning bells' alert to the presence of pavlovas.
222) Doc is not allowed to pretend to be someone named 'Klaus' just to drop anonymous shade.
223) Hypno is not allowed to carry around a 'bucket of Jevin' and pretend it's water.
•1• No, you cannot MLG water bucket with a 'bucket of Jevin'. He takes fall damage.
224) Cub is not allowed to change another hermit's communicator into prophecies and vague laughter.
225) Gem is not allowed to make 'cookie-chip chocolates'.
•1• It is the name, yes.
226) Impulse is not allowed to reduce someone's base to nerd poles as a joke.
•1• I'm more concerned with how long it took you to put everything back, Impulse...
227) False is not allowed to assign Ren or Wels as a guard to each other without telling either about it.
228) Doc is not allowed to use a thunderstorm to announce his presence.
229) Whoever broke the meeting table, you're not allowed to do that again.
•1• Whoever tried to duct tape the table together, an effort was made and I will acknowledge that.
230) Cub is not allowed to carry around 'stacks of 65' purely as a social experiment.
231) Grian and Scar are not allowed to merge their chest monsters with other people's chest monsters so they can steal the other person's resources by claiming 'well I'm pretty sure it's in my chests in the chest monster'.
232) Mumbo is not allowed to test horizontally firing rockets and flying machines in crowded areas without prior warnings.
233) Gem is not allowed to Disney-princess all the animals out of Cleo's pens.
•1• It was incredibly impressive, but I think you may have killed the fish.
234) Keralis is not allowed to 'be the star' at the top of the Christmas tree.
•1• Etho is not allowed to strand BDubs at the top of the Christmas tree to 'be the star'.
•2• ZIT is not allowed to manoeuvre Zed at the top of the Christmas tree to 'be the star'.
•3• Grian and Pearl, no.
•4• If that is a vex, which I think it might be. It better not be.
235) TFC is not allowed to put the Christmas tree in a box.
236) Etho is not allowed to metaphorically 'kill the sun' with dark humour.
237) Doc is not allowed to parade around nine goats, including one screaming goat, and claim they're 'Santa's reindeers'.
238) Hypno is not allowed to fire a canon whenever someone dies on the server.
•1• Banging a massive gong is also not allowed.
239) Impulse is not allowed to harness the power of literal lightning to charge a minuscule toy car.
240) Stress and Iskall are not allowed to ambush random hermits for 'surprise makeovers'. Even if they are very good at them.
241) Zed is not allowed to hold a series of competitions to find out who is the 'biggest grinch'.
•1• It's clearly EX anyway.
242) Tango is not allowed try and actually freeze over the Nether in order to get a pass on doing impossible things. Such as breaking the laws. Of physics.
243) Joe is not allowed to narrate a random hermit's life while they are trying to go about their life.
•1• Xisuma wrote, resisting the urge to sigh.
•2• Joe.
244) Cleo is not allowed to pretend to be a naturally spawned zombie for an excuse to kill other hermits at night.
•1• Even if it does encourage them to light up their builds.
•2• BDubs is quite upset about you punching him and screaming 'NO SLEEPING IF MOBS NEARBY' every time he tries to sleep.
245) Cub is not allowed to find 'more creative places to put mistletoe'. I tried to drink a cup of tea and was surprised to find some other plant entirely in my cup.
246) Keralis and BDubs are not allowed to make paper airplanes out of paper they haven't read the contents of.
•1• That was a server report, yes.
247) Etho and False are not allowed to use glow squids as fairy lights.
•1• I neglected to mention why, perhaps hoping I wouldn't need to. The ink stains. Nice hair by the way :)
248) Scar is not allowed to hornswoggle, swindle or haggle the stall owners in the Hub.
•1• Due to many objections, Scar is now allowed to hornswoggle, swindle and haggle the stall owners in the Hub.
249) Jevin is not allowed to stalk hermits on their ceilings, before proceeding to drop down on them after they find his note reading 'look up'.
250) Cub is not allowed to... 'Use his huge brain to trick people into'-
•1• Correction, a poor grasp of maths does not constitute being forced to agree to terrible deals.
251) Beef is not allowed to use a magic eight ball to give his answers for the day.
•1• No dice, unfortunately. What sort of lunatic would even use a dice to dictate what they can and can't do?
252) Grian is not allowed to be hired to deliberately troll hired assassins. Of which include False, Iskall, Doc, Ren, Wels, Tango, Stress and Etho.
253) Mumbo, Tango and Doc are not allowed to be marketed as if a genuine toy.
254) XB is not allowed to move/ levitate magma slimes into almost-orbit, then drop them down onto unsuspecting players as a joke.
255) 'I'm going to steal Christmas' jokes are less funny when you realise every year, someone actually tries to do that.
256) Cleo is not allowed to claim that TFC is Santa.
257) Joe is not allowed to wish for 'the warmth of a crackling hearth, christened by midwinter snow' and not expect some sort of orange candle as a gift.
258) Gem is not allowed to make decorated, miniature soaps and put them on a plate without labels.
•1• How many bites are there Gem?
•2• What do you mean 'I think someone ate a whole piece'?
259) Grian, Gem, Impulse, Keralis and Scar are not allowed to decorate Pearl 'for Christmas' by tying her up in various Christmas decorations.
260) Wels is not allowed to declare some of Python's bounties in the chat 'to help him find his targets better'.
•1• This did not help slow the rumours circulating the server.
•2• Neither does Jevin exaggerating them because 'that's what Python would've wanted'.
261) Scar is not allowed replace all existing clocks with inaccurate analog clocks 'to keep Christmas going forever'. I feel like there's at least one Christmas movie explaining how bad of an idea that is.
•1• If you've enchanted them... Good luck.
262) The Void is not able to receive physical gifts. Throwing things into the void does not constitute to giving a physical being a physical gift.
•1• Was that another vex?!
263) Hypno is not allowed to 'activate fly hacks' as a joke.
•1• Neither is he allowed 'horse hacks'.
•2• Nor 'boat hacks'.
•3• Nor... 'Swim... Hacks?'
•4• Whatever it is, if it's a hack, then no.
•5• Do that again and I'm getting the ban hammer 'as a joke'.
264) Stress is allowed to dress up in full ice Queen regalia. What she is not allowed to do is forget she actually does have ice powers and accidentally freeze someone.
265) Tango is not allowed to be thrown into any sort of ice sculptures or ice water.
•1• Unfortunately, neither is Hels. Unless it's deserved.
•2• The same cannot be said to Tango because, even if he does deserve it, it also has the unfortunate side effect of getting him too sick to participate in Christmas activities.
•3• Hermits may use ice buckets as a threat to keep Tango/ Hels' behaviour in check.
266) If someone joke-gifts you an empty box, you don't need to wear the empty box, Mumbo.
•1• I know you will because you do it every time you get one.
267) Hermits may add to the official sleep pile if they so wish.
•1• The sleep pile is now more fluffy blankets than bed. Thank you, kind donators.
268) Keralis is not allowed to use mistletoe as an excuse to sneak into the present pile.
•1• Thank you for the kiss. Please leave.
269) Doc is not allowed to take a tray of Stress' confectionery, hold the tray as high as he can, and watch as the shorter hermits flail beneath him.
•1• Mumbo, very kindly, will not be able to do anything, and you have literally just put me up here again. What do you mean 'they have a fair chance'?!
•2• ... Ok now that's fair.
270) Etho is not allowed to be substitute 'Ladder' for putting the star atop the Christmas tree.
•1• He's stolen the star again hasn't he.
271) Cleo. Why is Zloy here dressed as Santa.
•1• Santa isn't a zombie.
•2• The Grinch is green, not a zombie.
•3• ... Why are all of these other people here.
•4• What do you mean you 'snuck them in while I was sleeping'?
•5• ... Please just ask next time...
272) Zed is not allowed to 'put stars' into any sort of drink as a joke. Even when prompted.
•1• ... How have you drunk that...?
273) EX is allowed inside the building as long as he promises not to destroy anything and reign in his evil tendencies.
274) Grian is not allowed to continuously pass around a potato with many toothpicks inserted into it during the Christmas party. Especially if he puts it on people's chairs.
275) False is not allowed to help any hermit try and actually trap Santa Claus. Actually no, 'anyone', because while the idea started with Grian and Scar, it spread.
276) Tango, BDubs, Etho, Mumbo and Gem are not allowed to bring horses into the building.
•1• Neither are reindeer allowed.
•2• No, Gem does not count as a reindeer.
•3• Reindeer have a tendency to be wild animals. Gem does not. Gem is great, as they say.
277) Grian is not allowed to ask if I can 'ban Jimmy and Scott for being revoltingly sweet'.
•1• Neither can Joel 'because it's Scott'.
•2• Neither can Lizzie 'because it's Jimmy', though I have a feeling that one was more of a joke.
•3• I will ask them to stop deliberately doing it only to upset Grian though. He is getting quite ruffled and now there's feathers everywhere.
278) Cleo is not allowed to place two more bowls of berry-juice coloured liquids next to Joe's berry juice, swap around all three bowls, then tell people to 'pick a bowl and pray'.
279) Cub is not allowed to summon random vex deities here 'who know how to have a good time'.
280) BDubs, Scar and Grian are not allowed to forget to light up the front and back of the building the Christmas party is held in.
•1• Thank you to Impulse, False, Wels, Doc, Iskall, TFC and anyone else who helped fend the mobs off while our torch-placers spammed torches everywhere.
281) No one is allowed to touch random portals that go to unidentifiable places.
282) Joe is not allowed to make predictions on how long it will take for me to go 'admin mom mode'.
•1• Etho and Tango are not allowed to create an official betting pool for it.
•2• Keralis is not allowed to add to the prize pool.
•3• Grian is not allowed to deliberately try to win.
•4• Iskall is not allowed to rig the game.
•5• Cleo is not allowed to reward sabotaging others during the game.
•6• Beef is not allowed to suggest alternative methods to playing the game.
•7• Scar and Cub are not allowed to profit off of the game.
•8• ... I'm not activating 'admin mom mode' for Christmas.
•9• He did :) -Impulse.
283) Hermits are not allowed to dog-pile Biffa when he comes in.
•1• Due to Biffa himself encouraging it, hermits are now allowed to dog-pile both he and Python when they visit us.
•2• Hermits who choose to do so are not allowed to be surprised if this desdguion comes with poor consequences: Biffa is part cyborg; Python is part snake, part creeper. I hope that's all I need to say.
284) Tango and Impulse are not allowed to make and hide many 'prank gifts' amongst the real presents, as well as in other secret locations, then proceed to forget where they hid them.
285) Doc and Grian are not allowed to 'be in charge of hot chocolate' anymore.
•1• There is nothing wrong with hot chocolate, what is wrong is the way you serve said hot chocolate.
•2• I would also like to specify that there is nothing wrong with normal hot chocolate. I don't think what you're making is hot chocolate anymore, but I am also not willing to taste it to find out.
286) Thank you for admiring the mirror. Please stop drawing on the mirror. It doesn't belong to me: it's in my possession for safekeeping.
•1• ... Ok that one was quite funny. Thank you.
•2• That one was not. Please stop.
•3• ... I don't know why I bother anymore.
•4• ... Thank you. I love you too.
Author's note
Merry Christmas everyone ;3! Have a wonderful time!
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