Don't pretend

<Check out end notes for a look at how my new schedule looks>

It was a lovely day on the Hermitcraft server. People were out and about, talking to neighbours or hanging out with friends, restocking shops and just simply having a good day. But Scar was not among them, because he was far too focused on worrying about his winged neighbor. After spending time spying on him back during the Area 77 thing he liked to think he knew Grian's emotions well, as such he has noticed how downcast his friend has been recently he felt it needed investigating. Which is what brought him here, standing at the entrance to the giant item sorter Grian had built.

The room was as impressive as Ren and Iskall had said, chests stacked high next to each other. And of course the fabled villager pit, the holy place where the great spoon once stood.

Though Scar was here for neither of those things. His intended target was actually standing down in the villager pit, which just made this all easier for him. "Hey Grian! What are you up to?"

The dirty blond Hermit startled away from the villager he was trading with, nearly dropping the golden carrots he'd just traded for. "Scar! Warn a guy next time, please. And I'm just doing some trading, nothing exciting really." He then went over and placed the shiny carrots into a shulker. "And what about you? What brings you here?"

"I wanted to see you." Grinned Scar, giving the shorter a toothy grin. "Plus it's a nice day, and I was wondering if you'd like to do something with me?"

Ok maybe to see if Grian's ok wasn't the only mission here, but was it really so bad to maybe get a chance for a date? Even if it was only as friends it was still a date!

The short Hermit grimaced at him apologetically. "Sorry Scar, I have personal plans for today."

"Oh. Well, um, that's ok! I'll just go do my own thing, maybe see if someone needs my help." The brunet started walking out after saying that, steps long and quick as to get out as quickly as he could. Though a shout stopped him.

"Hey! We can still hang out tomorrow, if you're free that is."

"I'm free then!" Smiled Scar, said smile nearly threatening to spread out of his face. "I'll see you tomorrow then! Noon sounds good to you?"

Grian noded. "Sounds good. See you there, bye!"


Grian was happier the next day then he'd been today, but there was still some underlying sadness in his violet eyes. And as much as Scar looked and looked, he couldn't seem to find a reason.

Days passed and Scar was still looking for anything that could help him help Grian. He had tried talking, but Grian was very good at both distracting and not giving away his emotions, he had tried asking about it subtly, just a dismissive reflection was given, he had tried everything. And nothing was working. He didn't learn anything, other than that Grian was good at pretending that is.

He was left no other option other than to confront Grian about everything. That could end in so many different ways it hurt Scar's head to even think about it for a second.

So he had decided that this is what needed to be done, and it was what was going to do. And that's why he was here once more, standing in the big room under the mansion. And just like last time Grian was here too, and he much like last time hadn't noticed Scar yet. Though Scar soon changed that. "How do you do it?"

Grian whirled around startle. He was about to say something cheeky when he saw the serisu face on Scar, so he chose to say: "How do I do what?" Instead.

"Pretend you are okay."

The dirty blond tensed, eyes hard as he avoided looking at Scar. "I'm not pretending." He bit out through sharp, clenched teeth.

"Yes you are, every single day." Said Scar sadly, tears building up in his leaf green eyes. "And it breaks my heart."

Grian glared at him, though something behind his eyes seemed to be cracking. "Scar the jungle must be making you see and think things, because I'm not pretending."

"Then tell me you're happy!" Cried the burunet. "Tell me, and mean all of what you say."

"That's a ridiculous thing to do! What does this even have to do with anything?" Deflected Grian, eyes looking anywhere but Scar. It was this that allowed the taller Hermit to get close and engulf the sorter in a tight hug.

Grian tried to get free, but Scar was strong and he also wasn't letting up. After a few minutes of struggle he calmed down, though Scar still held on tightly, and sagged in defeat.

There were no tears shed by Grian, only defeat. "I don't know how much longer I can pretend." Whispered the dirty blond, hands wrapping around Scar gently as he laid his head against Scar's chest.

"You don't have to pretend, Grian." Soothed Scar. "We're here for you, I'm here for you. You don't have to pretend anymore, Gri, not for us."

"But I don't want to be sad!" Cried Grian, though no tears fell still. "If I'm sad then you're all sad, and I don't want to make you all upset."

"Oh Grian." Cooed Scar sadly, holding the dirty blond closer. He didn't say anything when he felt his chest getting wet, he wasn't going to stop the smaller he needed to get this all out of him. "Of course we're going to be sad if you're sad, you're our little gremlin ball of chaos and joy after all."

Grian snorted at the name before quieting down again. Though it was a comfortable one. They stood like that for ages before Scra spoke up again. "Hey Grian?"

A hum from the shorter prompted him to continue.

"Will you go on a date with me?"

Grian stilled for a bit, but then went back to normal. "Like the one we had a few days ago? Or a romantic one?"


"The winged Hermit nodded into Scar's chest. "Yeah, I'll go on a date with you."

Scar took a surprised step back, not expecting such a quick answer. "Wait -really? You'll really go on a date with me?"

"Yeah." Smiled Grian, eyes brighter then they'd been in a long time. "That's what you do when the person you love asks you out, right?"

"I-yeah." Replied Scar, dazed by the unexpected, but completely welcome and very much accepted reply. He blinked for a few seconds before looking Grian in the eyes again. "Do you really love me? Like, for real?"

"I did not spend countless nights awake with my feelings as to not figure it out." Scoffed Grian, half playfully-half seriously.

A wicked grin spread (it was more a look of a kitten who knew it was totally getting the cream) across Scar's face as he chekkily asked: "Then will you go one a first date with me, as my boyfriend?"

"I'd very much like so." Smiled Grian a faint blush spreading on his cheeks. He then leaned up and gave Scar a peck on the cheek, though the wizard wasn't very pleased with this so he leaned down to give the violet eyed man, who was now his boyfriend, a kiss on the lips. It lasted a good few seconds before they broke it.

"Not bad." Smiled Grian, eyes shining happily. "I even think I've found a new hobby."

"Crazy. Because so have I."

The two of them couldn't keep their amusement in any longer and let them out, filling the large gray room with loud laughter and giggles.

[--] Time Skip! [--]

A week later when they told the server they were together everyone was shocked.

Not that they were together, but because they thought the two of them had been together long before now. Like, end of Area 77 long.

It served for a good few laughs, and a fun story to remember for the future. It was most definitely one to remember (especially the stories that came of peoples guesses).

Everything moved along as normal from there on out. Only that Scarian was now a thing and Grian got help. And neither of the two affected really minded either.

And I'm pretty sure none of you do either ;3


<Sorry about the "fin" I just really wanted to do one. Anyways, I did promise to show the schedule didn't I? Also just a heads up, this is subject to change so don't think everything's set in stone just yet.

Here it is! Most of you already know what these things are, but for those who don't read my announcements then you'll need to know that OoD is the twin deaths AU book. Also as you might see, today is not a scheduled release date for a one-shot, well I made it like this so I could inform you all in a timely manner without all of you having to wait. And that should be mostly it! New Dawn will also be shifted to a different day for this week too since it's been a hot minute since I published something on it. (thank goodness my phones back and I can finally get back to working on it)

And that's about it! So stay safe and have a wonderful time everyone!>

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