Chapter Two
By the amount of screaming I heard and hearing loss I suffered, I figured whoever was coming had arrived. I couldn't see who it was being in the back and all, but maybe I'd see them before they left. After all, I didn't have anything better to do. But I thought-maybe-if I had indeed time traveled again, maybe I was closer to the people than I thought.
I eventually found a place on the side to sit down while the interview or whatever finished. Surely they didn't see me all the way back here and they'd leave before anyone else, but I had nothing to lose. About an hour later it ended and the black car drove off wherever they had destined. Throngs of people poured out the now open front doors catching one last glimpse of the fading vehicle. I waited a little longer till no one was left inside. Everyone went back to their normal lives while I explored the empty building a bit more.
Pictures of important political figures of Europe, mostly England covered the walls. Probably some sort of historical building. Fake plants stood in every corner and the interview table was cleared out. People's garbage littered the floor but it was overall clean. A door on the opposite side of where I stood opened and closed but I ignored it. Running away only makes you look suspicious. But I bet if I knew who opened that door I would have thought differently.
"Fancy seeing you here," a voice said. "Almost didn't recognize you not in your pajamas." I turned around and saw Angus leaning against one of the pillars. He was smiling with his hands in his pockets of his-school suit. Huh. I'd never really seen him wearing it, especially outside of a concert. Probably for the interview. I smiled in return and ran to hug him. He held his arms out and wrapped them around me tightly as he spun me around. Putting me down, I buried my face in his shoulder and he rubbed my back. "It's been way too long. I've got a bit of a bone to pick with you," he said letting go.
"Well sorry, but I don't decide when I'm coming or going."
"Obviously," he smiled. He looked me over and put his hands on my shoulders. "You're so grown. How old are you now?"
"Twenty five."
"Holy shit," he muttered. "Sorry, it's just, when I first met you, you were only sixteen. Then look at me. I turned forty one this year." He rolled his eyes at the number then looked back at me.
"You really don't look forty one," I told him.
"It's the suit isn't it?"
"Sort of, but even then you look thirty or thirty five at the most."
"Gee, thanks. You sure you're not some sort of vampire or somethin'? You never seem to look any older at all."
"You just told me how much I'd grown." He looked down.
"Well, I mean-you know what I meant."
"Not so sure I do."
"I just meant you look-" I crossed my arms and smirked.
"Careful where you tread Angus," I teased. He sighed and looked back up at me.
"Just meant you look beautiful is all," he said. Now it was my turn to look down. All the years we've known each other he never said that and I was okay with that. But now how was I supposed to react? He tilted my head up and smiled. "Come on, let's take a walk. Haven't seen you in forever." He put an arm around me and we went outside.
He led me down the sidewalk stepping on the dead leaves. "So what have you been up to? More school, a job, boyfriend, husband, kids..." he asked.
"Woah," I laughed. "I'm done with school, working at a doggy care place, no boyfriend let alone husband, and certainly no kids."
"You could always adopt. But still no?" I shook my head. "Me either. Or did you already know that?"
"Yeah I did."
"Figures. Can't tell ya' anything, you already know the future."
"I don't know everything. I don't know how you're doing or how anyone else is doing."
"I'm fine. Great now that you're here. Malcolm left the interview before I could ask him for ya' and the rest of the guys are at the hotel. By the way, where're you stayin'?"
"I actually woke up in an apartment building instead of a sidewalk. So I have somewhere to sleep for as long as I can afford it."
"Which apartment, that one?" He pointed a ways away from us.
"That's the one."
"That's why you're dressed then?"
"Yeah. I woke up thinking everything was normal until I went outside. There's no red telephone booths in America, that's for sure."
"Welcome to London, love. It's lucky the building we were in was so close to you. Might not have found it, wouldn't have found you."
"It was so crowded in there I almost left but I was curious to see who everyone was waiting for."
"'M glad."
"Why'd you stay behind anyway? Or was that just lucky?"
"Nah, I saw you in the back when I stood on the table. Best decision I made today. Stayed behind hoping you would too. Hid in the broom closet."
"Does Malcolm know you're here?"
"Here, oh yeah. With you, no I didn't tell him why. But we had to take action before they ate us alive."
"Their bits were itching before you showed up," I said.
"They all get their knockers in a bunch when we arrive and even more so when we leave," he laughed. "Couldn't hide fast enough."
"You're pretty obvious now, what with the suit and all. And in a town such as London."
"I ain't too bothered. Nothin' I ain't used to. You never mentioned just how big we'd get. Just started our European Ballbreaker tour. You heard that album? Probably, huh?"
"Yeah, I've heard them all by now."
"Ya' have a favorite?" he smiled.
"I like Blow Up Your Video, but I like High Voltage too. And Ballbreaker," I added.
"Blow Up Your Video, interesting. I'm surprised you like Ballbreaker with what's in it."
"I like everything you guys write, doesn't matter what it's about."
"That's good," he smiled back. We talked with each other until the sun went down leaving us in cold night. We had walked around the town for a while and had dinner at some café type place. Hope it didn't draw suspicion. I still couldn't believe I had time traveled again.
"You're not cold in those shorts?" I asked shivering a bit myself.
"Eh, I'm alright. I saw that shiver though," he smiled.
"What do you expect? I'm not used to being so north."
"I know, I know, come here." I instinctively went to him for a hug and he eagerly obliged. "You've got to stop being so cold," he whispered.
"If I wasn't cold you couldn't hug me as much."
"Don't worry I'd find some excuse." We continued walking until we returned to the building we found each other in. "Do you want to come back with me? To the hotel I mean?"
"I'd love to, but I should really get back to my new apartment. I guess if I've got a place to stay I should take it."
"Can I walk you home then?"
"Where's your room?"
"First floor 'round the corner here," I said leading Angus to the door. He followed me then stopped when I stopped.
"It's uh, great to see you again. I've really missed you, you know. Mal's been out lookin' for ya' every day."
"I've missed you too. I'm sorry I've caused so much trouble."
"What trouble?"
"Looking for me when I'm not there."
"That's no trouble. Sure it's disappointing when you're not there but there's always the next day. Never lost hope you'd show up. And here you are," he said gesturing to me.
"Here I am," I smiled. "Thanks for taking me home-well, here anyway, can't say it's home quite yet."
"No problem. Hey, if you ever need a place to stay, just tell me, we can work something out. Okay?"
"Alright." He smiled at me and I smiled back. I figured he'd turn around and go back to his place but he only stood there and stared at me. That look told me right then and there that he still had feelings. And to be honest, I did too. But our age difference was growing by every visit and he was still married. Thankfully there were no kids in the equation, that'd make everything more difficult. But perhaps this didn't need to be so difficult.
"It's getting late, I should-I should go." I nodded my head.
"Should probably get to bed soon, I wake up early enough as it is."
"Early? Why so early?"
"Don't know, habit I suppose."
"'M more of a late sleeper. Habit I suppose," he smiled again. "Well I'll let you sleep, I could use some myself. Goodnight love." He gave me another hug.
"Goodnight Angus," I said returning one. He gave me one last look before leaving my place, a little skip in his step. Now that I was back here I thought I'd better take a look around and see what else had changed.
The lightwood cabinets were now old white ones and the hardwood floor was replaced with a shag carpet. The kitchen and bathroom had linoleum tile. The niceish couch was now a brown piece of cloth. This was definitely the nineties.
I got out of my clothes and got into my pajamas. I wore the shirt with Angus and his guitar on it just for kicks. It was my favorite one after all. At least I still had my clothes. I put my unused toothpick away for now. Maybe I could break the habit before I left. My bed wasn't as comfy, not as good as a mattress. And to think both my siblings were born, and I'd be born in three years from now. That's when I realized it was probably my last time going back in time.
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