Chapter Twenty Three
"It's red to red McKinney, not too hard to remember!" Angus called across the stage. The stadium was empty save for a handful of men getting ready for a show.
"Sorry Young, I had trouble with my colors in school!" McKinney yelled back.
"What's with your relative?" Phil asked Malcolm at the back of the stage. "PMS?"
"He's just a bit fidgety today, got to have everything just right or he has your head."
"You put the small plug in the small hole, and the big plug in the big hole," he told McKinney when he got close enough.
"And the boot in the asshole," he muttered.
"Watch it Mick, I'm not in the mood to play around," Angus glared at him.
"He's about to cut someone's balls off," Phil said. "Sure it's just nerves?"
"You've been sleepin' with 'im Hannah, you know what's up?" Malcolm asked me. I whirled around and gave him a 'what the hell' look.
"Woah there Mal, you shouldn't make jokes like that," said Phil. "That's my job." Malcolm laughed.
"No, I just meant you've spent a lot of time with him and I wondered if you knew of anything."
"No, he was fine yesterday."
"Ooh, what happened yesterday?" Phil asked intrigued.
"Nothing dirty enough for you," I smiled.
"Shame." I felt around my pocket for my toothpick and put it in my mouth. I told myself I would quit, but-eh who cares?
"Oh, so you smoke now too?" Malcolm asked. I took it out.
"Oh, no it's a toothpick."
"Toothpick huh? When did this habit pick up?"
"Back at home, been doing a lot of baking."
"Why haven't you made us anything yet?"
"Didn't say I was good at it."
"Okay then," he laughed. Before the show that night, the boys had to go to another interview. I'd never heard of who these people were, but they seemed nice enough, asked some funny questions. I stayed back, hoping they'd keep the topic relevant.
"So sources say they've seen you gentlemen with a lady friend," the reporter inquired. The band exchanged glances.
"We've had a lot of lady friends," Cliff laughed.
"Yeah, she's a long time friend," Angus answered shyly.
"How long?"
"Long time," Malcolm said.
"Is she here now?" A long silence.
"Yeah, yeah." Cliff glanced at me. The camera turned on its stand to face me and I hid behind the couch I was sitting on. Luckily I acted quick enough and they didn't catch me.
"Pretty camera shy." The camera had turned back to the band. They laughed a little but still looked a smidge uncomfortable. I had nothing to do with their music, why was I questioned about? I really hoped nobody snuck a picture when I wasn't looking. I could see that happening. "She have a name or what?"
"Don't tell anyone, it's Hannah," Brian joked. I appreciated them making light the conversation. Being too serious or reluctant to answer would get people suspicious. Not like they weren't already.
"So back to the album..." Thank goodness. I sat back in my spot on the couch keeping a close eye on that camera. Once in a while Angus would glance over at me but quickly look down or off to the side to cover it up. I don't think anyone noticed.
A young girl around my age came up to me. She wore a tee shirt and jeans, not a whole lot of make up. I liked her style. "Excuse me, can I sit here?"
"Of course," I smiled.
"I'm Justice."
"Are you their Hannah?" She pointed behind her. I nodded. "So you like, hang out with them, go on tour with them, like, what do you do?"
"Well I'm their friend, I do what all friends do."
"Have you slept with any of them yet?" Oh why does everyone ask that?
"No! No, never."
"Oh," she smiled. "Not yet then."
"No, I'm never doing that."
"Okay," she smiled bigger. She doesn't believe me. She thinks I-no! No, no, no! I heard her say something.
"I just said I always thought Malcolm was really cute," she said twirling her hair. I looked over at Malcolm and he noticed us and waved. I waved back and Justice giggled. That camera didn't move luckily, but the group did turn the conversation back to me. Oh great. "So who's your favorite?" I shrugged. "You don't have a favorite?" I shrugged again. "I don't believe you!" she smiled.
"Friends don't usually have favorites."
"I mean as a band. Like, if you didn't know them, who'd you wanna, 'be friends' with?"
"None of them, especially like that." She shrugged.
"Okay then. Malcolm's cute, but Angus is really cute too." What now? I nodded. "You've spent time with him, what's he like?"
"He's a real gentleman. Straightforward."
"I wish I could have been there in the seventies. Hot damn." I shuddered. "But they're all married aren't they?" Yes!
"Yeah, they are."
"But I bet they get tempted though. I mean it's only obvious with so many women around them. No offense." 'Scuse me Sunny D? "Who knows, you probably tempt them too."
"Uh, I'm flattered you'd think so, but I highly doubt it," I smiled.
"Well I for one am totally jealous. I'd give anything to go on tour with them. I'd let Angus play me like a guitar," she smirked at him. I rolled my eyes. No, I'm not jeal- "Hey," Justice said gripping my shoulders. "You caught someone's eye." She nodded over to the boys and nothing seemed different.
"Angus was watching you a second ago." I looked at him and he was laughing with everyone around him. His blue eyes were definitely not on me. "I mean obviously not anymore, but he was."
"Probably looking at his watch," I joked.
"Oh I don't think so, he was totally looking at you!" she smiled. "Have you ever met any of their wives?"
"Three of them."
"Are they nice or not?"
"They're really nice."
"Oh. Too bad," she joked. "Would have loved to step in. Well, I better go. Late enough for work as it is. See you around." She stood up and left. The boys came back over to me about fifteen minutes later.
"Hey. We saw that girl you were talking to. She a new friend of yours?" Brian asked. I really wasn't sure. A friend? Maybe she was.
"I'm not sure. I think so?"
"That's good," Angus said. "Soon you won't have us old guys dragging you down." I smiled at him.
"Oh yeah, that's a relief. You're cramping my style Angus."
"Sor-ry, your highness. We're going back to the castle now. Would you care for an escort?"
"I'd love one." He held his arm out and looped it with mine.
"Come on then, love." We all walked outside and headed back to the stadium to get ready for the show. "I don't know if you noticed, but I've been a little pissy this morning," he told me.
"You don't say," I mumbled.
"Well, I didn't mean to be but you know, the pressure and all."
"And no sleep doesn't help."
"That's true. Just lettin' you know." We got back to the stadium with an hour left till eight.
"Don't worry Young, I got the amps just the way you wanted them," McKinney said sarcastically.
"Thanks Mick, didn't mean to 'act out' ya' know?"
"Well we all have those days."
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