Chapter Sixty Six

Sure enough, we were on the news the next morning. We were driving all the way to Brazil and turned on the radio. After hours of boring commentary, endless naming of crimes and an inaccurate recall of what happened by some street urchin, I was deemed legally unacceptable into the country's boarders by persons or businesses or myself for the rest of my life.

Long story short, I'm now banned in Argentina.

Malcolm was driving and reached out to turn the radio off. "Eh, we didn't really need it anyway."

"I feel like a runaway criminal," I muttered.

"Don't worry about it lass, if they were serious about this, they'd come after you." I gave him a look. Brian coughed in response.

"This might take a few days to reach Brazil," Malcolm said. "Anybody have a map?"

"I found a receipt for pantyhose under the seat," Cliff said.

"Oh!" Georganne grabbed it from him and crumpled it.

" that's a no on the map?" Malcolm asked.

"We're not lost, are we Mal?" Phil asked.

"No! Of course not, we're right on track." He looked out the window and pointed at a sign. "See? We're on Ma-May-Mai-po-pu. Pu? My-pooh. Màipú. Right on schedule."

"Right on schedule my poo," Phil mumbled. "You got us lost didn't you Young?"

"I did not!" He kept driving further down the road. "But if anyone has a map, we can make sure..."

"Oh that's just great."

"We should pull over and ask for directions," Angus said.

"We do not need to pull over," Malcolm sighed.

"Just trying to help."

"You don't think I can do this myself?"

"No I don't. Which is why I'm saying to pull over and ask for directions."

"Bug off Ang, I don't need help!"

"Guys..." Phil said.

"You're such a know-it-all Mal, why do you gotta be so difficult?"

"I'm not being difficult I'm handling everything okay."


"Just admit you're lost and-"

"I am not lost, I know exactly where we are!"


"What?" They both shut up as Phil pointed on the road in front of them. Malcolm slammed on the brakes and we all flew forward. There on the road in front of us was an old couple slowly crossing the street. They hobbled to the other side and came up to Malcolm's window. He rolled it down.

"Um, hey," he chuckled. "Sorry I uh-almost ran you over. Wouldn't be good on my record if I killed ya'." The couple stared at him. Malcolm cleared his throat.

"¿Podemos ayudarte?" the man asked. Malcolm squinted at him.

"Uh, we were just wonderin' if you had a map on you, we're kinda lost," he admitted.

"¿Un mapa?"

"Yes! A map, yeah. Do you have one?"

"Hay una tienda en el camino con mapas, sólo a la izquierda y siga recto por dos millas. No te lo puedos perder." Malcolm blinked at him as a response.

"Sorry I, didn't exactly ace my high school Spanish exam, could you repeat that slower?" I started getting the giggles at Malcolm's troubles. Angus glanced over at me, giving me a wink.



"Una tienda."

"One tea and a?'

"En el camino con mapas."

"In a casino cone maps."

"Sólo a la izquierda."

"So low ah la is key air dah..."

"Y siga recto por dos millas."

"Eat seagulls's rectum for two of my ass." The couple exchanged glances and eventually looked at me as I lost it in my seat. Malcolm turned to us smiling. "I can't understand a word they're sayin," he whispered.

"Just pretend," Cliff smiled.

"Thank you, uh, I think we're good now. Thanks for your help."

"Usted no entiende una palabra que estoy diciendo, ¿verdad?" the man asked.

"Thank you, yes. One bra for dad, we'll let you know if we see any, yes? Okay bye!" Malcolm rolled up his window and drove off. "Nice folks. Too bad I don't speak Spanish. You okay back there Hannah?"

"You must have translated that wrong Mal," Brian said.

"Very wrong," I laughed.

"What'd they say?"

"I don't know, but I don't think they said seagull's rectum." Malcolm started laughing.

"Maybe, maybe not."

A couple hours later we pulled over to buy gasoline. Angus and I went inside the drug store for snacks while the other guys checked outside.

"There's a lot of chips in here," Angus said walking down the aisle.

"Ooh, I found some candy."

"What flavor is kay so?"

"Queso means cheese."

"Ooh, better get ten of those," he said grabbing them. I wandered over to the next aisle where the freezer items were. Might as well get some water bottles too. We paid for the stuff and headed back outside.

"Come on guys, we gotta drive slow through this town so we want to get going," Malcolm hurried us.

"I love the people here, they're so friendly!" Georganne said.

"Colorful too. Pretty here," Phil said.

"Too bad I'm not allowed here anymore," I said pulling my hood and sunglasses off. "Tired of hiding."

"Don't shut down the power supply then," Angus teased me tickling my neck. We drove slowly down the road making sure not to almost hit anymore people. I looked out the window and saw something walking next to our car.

"Uh, Angus? What's that?" He followed my gaze.

"Oh." A llama was walking beside our car. A llama? He's supposed to be dead!

"There's one over here too," Phil pointed out his window. Somehow, a herd of llamas had found our car and started following it. We were going slow enough so they could keep up.

"Wow!" I said watching them. If I was banned from this country, I was gonna enjoy this sight for as long as I could. I looked around Angus to see them but a bump over a curb (well done Mal) sent me flying into him. His arms immediately pulled me closer and I blushed. "S-sorry."

"I'm not," he smiled. "Let's get ya' more comfortable here." He sat me up and pulled me to lean against his chest and he held me there. "There you are." He leaned his head on mine and rubbed my arm. "Jus' like a teddy bear."

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