Chapter Seventy Nine
I wish I could say the troubles Georganne and I faced were over. After Angus and I's day, or night out we stayed in her and Cliff's room getting ourselves dolled up. Actually I just watched her. She was obviously practiced and looked great.
My leg itched and as I rolled up the pant leg to scratch it I noticed something. Along with a lasting red mosquito bite it seemed I hadn't exactly shaved in a while. Not too long, but enough to be noticed. Quickly I pulled the material back down to hide it from the other woman's sight.
My razor had gone dull and I threw it out. But I didn't want to use hers, that was kinda-gross. And I couldn't go God knows how long looking like a gorilla so maybe I should tell her. Or at least hint at it so we can go shopping for a new one.
"Hey Georgie?"
"How would you feel if we went shopping today?"
"Sounds good. Anything in particular?" I winced as she applied some eye liner.
"No. No. Maybe some clothes, accessories...dare I say a new razor?" Georganne whirled around at me.
"W-why do you say that?" she stuttered. I pulled my pant legs down even farther and began to stutter myself.
"I-I mean it's just a thought you know since I need a new one," I mumbled. She closed her eyes and put a hand to her heart.
"Good God I thought you meant me," she whispered.
"You?" Georganne glanced down.
"Yeah uh, I've been meaning to get a new one too, but I never did. It's been a while since-you know. And when you mentioned it I thought you noticed my leg or something and were hinting for me." We laughed a little and I shook my head.
"No, I meant myself. But since we both need one we'd better go get some."
"Yeah. I just-don't exactly want the guys all up on us. You know?"
"Good point. What do we tell them?"
"Just-tell 'em we're going shopping I guess. Don't have to tell 'em what for."
"You know, if that's how men react to completely normal things, then it makes me want to make them uncomfortable. Just swing a tampon around your finger ya' know?"
"You're right. If they ask we'll tell the truth. They're grown men they can handle it just fine."
"What are you shopping for?" Malcolm asked as we turned to leave. Georganne and I exchanged glances. Our conversation had gone completely out the window. Neither one of us wanted to break the news so what did we do?
"We are just-shopping for clothes right Hannah?"
"Yeah. Clothes." Georganne elbowed me and I laughed nervously. Malcolm crossed his arms hoping his suspicion would get us to tell. We both left before he could get to us and hurried to get this shopping over with.
"Shopping for you believe that?" Malcolm asked Brian thumbing at the door. Brian sat on the couch skimming a newspaper.
"Two women shopping for clothes. Downright outrageous Mal, they must be up to somethin'," he answered flatly not even looking up.
"You didn't see them leave Johnno, you don't know." Brian glanced up.
"How'd they leave then?"
"All nervous and giggly," Malcolm said. Brian smiled.
"I still don't understand, show me." He laughed when Malcolm gave him a sideways glare.
"Well I'll find out what they're doin'." He grabbed his keys and headed out until a voice stopped him.
"Don't you think that's steppin' in a bit?" Cliff asked. "Say you get caught and they'll have your horse."
"Look, we're all curious aren't we?" Malcolm asked. "And since you're all afraid to find out, I'll do it."
"Afraid? We're not afraid of anythin', just don't think anythin's smoky," Brian said.
"I'll be right back." And with that, Malcolm closed the door behind him.
"What's Malcolm doing behind that tree?" Georganne followed my gaze and widened her eyes.
"Why, that is him isn't it?" she laughed. "I have no clue what he's doing." I watched Malcolm as he stood behind the tree once in a while glancing over his shoulder. He didn't see us but we could sure see him. "Ya' think he's following us?"
"I know he is. We oughta have a little fun with him." We sat at an outdoor food court having finished our mission. Malcolm must not have believed our story. I admit we were rather pathetic in abandoning our plan to tell the truth, but now we had a chance to redeem ourselves.
"You know, there's a baby store 'round the corner here. Could check it out. Scare the crap outta him." I grinned.
"That's a nice one." Georganne held up a blue pacifier with a train on it. I nodded and picked up a yellow shirt that said HANNAH in red letters.
"In case you ever need a name Georgie, you know where to look." She laughed and felt the material.
"It is cute. Where'd you find it?"
"Over here. They got all kinds of names." We looked over the shelf making the job very hard for retail when I saw Malcolm hanging outside the front entrance. He glanced around him like crazy either watching out for us, or making sure no one saw him by this store. Well, serves him right.
"Erin...that's a cute name," Georganne said to herself. I smiled thinking of a way to really freak Malcolm out.
"You should get that."
"I should? Why?"
"You never know, you could have a child on the way before you know it."
"Oh no, I doubt that. But I do like that name...but hey. You're not one too taken with kids so what's your real reason?" I pointed to the front door at Malcolm. It seemed more and more difficult to come up with excuses for standing outside a baby depot. Poor lad, should help him out and hurry up.
"Just thought we could scare him and everyone else. But of course be discreet around the press. Looks like Mal's gettin' edgy."
"You're right. And-you're right about this too, I mean, you never know when a baby might show up. Come on."
Malcolm was breathless as he swiftly closed the hotel room door behind him. "What's gotten you so jacked?" Angus asked. Malcolm shook his head.
"Where's Cliff?" Angus frowned as Malcolm walked down the hall.
"Right here, whatcha need?" Cliff came out from the kitchen to find the shorter man.
"Spit it out Mal."
"Jesus Mal, a bit out of shape are we?" Angus laughed. Malcolm glared back at him. He caught his breath before continuing.
"She's expectin'."
"Expectin' what?"
"Expectin' what, expectin' what women expect!"
"An explanation?" Angus piped up.
"Put a sock in it Ang! She's got a family on the way."
"Oh crap. Her mother's coming?" Cliff asked annoyed. "Don't get me wrong, I love her family just as much as my own but that woman just-"
"Ya' daft, soddy bugger, no!" Malcolm yelled. He started pacing the room as the other two watched.
"Then what-"
"A baby Cliff! She's up the duff you could say." Cliff stared at Malcolm as the room suddenly went up ten degrees.
"Followed 'em like you said not to, ended up at a baby store. Doesn't take Einstein to know what that means."
"M-maybe they were just lookin'."
"Were they lookin' to buy the register? I saw them Williams. Saw them clear as day. Didn't want to stick around too long, left as quick as I could." Cliff ran a hand through his hair and sat on the couch. The sun surely was getting closer every minute.
"I'm gonna be a father," he mumbled. "This-this is terrific." He glanced at Malcolm. "You're sure?"
"Would I have told you if I wasn't?" The hotel room door opened and in they came.
Malcolm had beaten us home. Maybe that was a good thing. His word had gotten to them first and was the main story. If I had known the conversation we had next, I would have thought differently.
Cliff rushed over and put his hands on Georganne's shoulders. "Malcolm told me everything. Are you okay?"
"I'm fine dear, just went out for a bit."
"Here, come on and sit down." He brought his wife to the couch and brought her feet up to rest on the coffee table.
"Cliff what-what are you doing?"
"I heard the news. Now, I don't know how you feel about it, but I'm ecstatic. So-I want you to know I'm here for you both."
"What did you buy?" Malcolm asked pointing to the bag. I reached in and pulled out the shirt.
"So it's true," Angus said walking over to us. "That's great guys." Brian came in from his room to check on us.
"Hey Johnno, there's a baby on the way!" Malcolm called out.
"No shittin'? That's terrific, I'll go tell Phil. Hey Rudd! Guess what?" Brian's voice echoed down the hall. Georganne and I knew this had gone way too far.
"Uh Mal? That isn't exactly what happened, Georganne isn't really pregnant," I explained.
"She's not?"
"You're not?" Cliff asked his wife. She shook her head.
"Actually buying that shirt was Hannah's idea." Angus looked over at me.
"You mean this is yours?" he asked shocked. I opened my mouth to explain but in waltzed Brian and Phil.
"Hey mate, heard the news! That's wonderful, we should celebrate," Phil said slapping Cliff on the back.
"It's not theirs Phil, it's Hannah's," Malcolm blabbed.
"It's yours?" Brian and Phil asked.
"What the hell is going on Hannah?" Angus asked. It wasn't him I meant to scare and here he was soakin' his shorts. So to speak. "One minute you're going shopping, the next you're havin' a kid?"
"Why so scared Angus, it's not like it's yours," Cliff said.
"It ain't yours, is it Ang?" Brian asked.
"No it's not his," I huffed.
"You're havin' someone else's baby?" Phil asked.
"So it is Angus'," Brian clarified.
"Chinese Checkers. Bullshit," Phil said shaking his head.
"Heaven above, it's not his! It's not even mine."
"Then whose is it?" Everyone looked around the room trying to figure out who stole the cookies from the cookie jar.
"Well there's only two women in here, so either this baby doesn't exist, or someone has got some serious explainin' to do," Brian said. Georganne and I exchanged glances, then slowly raised our hands.
"So-you're not pregnant?" Cliff asked. Georganne gave her husband a half smile.
"Maybe in the future, I could be." He nodded and pulled her in for a hug. The whole story had finally come out. If we hadn't chickened out in the first place this never would have happened. Maybe soon though Georganne would get pregnant. Now that the idea was put in their minds.
That evening Angus and I sat behind the couch in our own room. We had a thumb war going on and I would have beaten him if I had more of a warm up. "So you glad the day is finally over?" he asked.
"Yeah. Nothing went as planned. I mean it did, but not in the way we thought. If that makes any sense."
He smiled. "Not a bit." I made myself comfortable next to him and rested my head on his shoulder. Angus held my hand in his and brushed my fingers with his thumb. "Just making sure. You're not having any children?"
"No," I laughed.
"Okay. I mean, I'd be there for you. If you ever did. But- just didn't want anybody taking advantage of you," he mumbled.
"Thank you." I kissed his cheek and settled back down to his shoulder. "Besides. I'd much rather have a dog. Can we get a dog?"
"Oh sure. Get a dog and it'll only follow me around everywhere."
"Can we get a cat then?"
"No, we don't need a cat. Too much attitude."
"Can we get a horse?"
"Where do we have room for a horse?" Angus smiled.
"We can keep it in my room."
"Oh no, 'cause your room is also my room. And we are not keeping a horse in here."
"But I want a pony!" I mock whined.
"Tough cheese, sweetheart." I crossed my arms and gave him a frown. Angus put a hand on my head and brushed my hair. "How 'bout a nice goldfish, huh?" I wrinkled my nose. "A small goldfish to look at."
"A goldfish?"
"I want a pet, not a decoration."
"Could name him after me. Angus McMackeral Young. Yeah, that's good." I laughed at his name choice.
"It would die in three days."
"Better hurry up and get one then, you'll be bringing a dead fish home." I buried my face into his shoulder and curled up. Earlier my nose stuffed itself up and I took some nighttime cold medicine. As a result, my tiredness had increased ninety percent.
"I still want a dog," I mumbled.
"Goodnight sweetheart."
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