Chapter Ninety Six
"Mum, it's true!" I was sure Mrs. Young didn't hear her son as she was laughing so loud. Not that what we told her was even remotely funny. Angus and I had a difficult time telling her my whole life with AC/DC. She listened, but it seemed she didn't believe us. Angus didn't say any more, only watched his mother attempt to calm down.
She reached for a napkin to dry her tears. A little laugh would come out now and again. "I'm sorry, son. I just can't understand why you would explain to me in stories-"
"They're not stories!" Angus yelled. His mother waved her hand. "So-so you don't believe anything we said? Not about Margaret, or the tours-or anything?"
"Angus. How on earth am I supposed to? You can't go back and forth through time on a whim. It's impossible! Why, if we were in times of witches ya' know, you'd get in real live trouble if ya' say somethin' like that." Mrs. Young sighed and stood up to clear the table. I wasn't letting her go so fast.
"Wait, I can do it!" I said standing up. "Maybe Angus can-explain to you a bit more." I glanced at him and he nodded. He stood up from the table and brought his mother in the hallway over by the stairs. I didn't mean to eavesdrop...
"Angus, you know how I'm always for you. I'm always on your side whether or not what it seems. But I simply won't have you goin' on with this. I believe she's twenty six, but I doubt you met her when she was sixteen." Mrs. Young paused as she realized a false truth. "Oh, I see."
"What?" Angus asked.
"You're afraid of me not likin' her so you created a tale to make her interesting."
"No! Mum, every word is true. Call Malcolm right now an' ask him." Angus pointed to the phone sitting on a side table. "He'll tell ya' all about it. Or call Marg, she's the one who took her in. An' you were so proud of her for it. She'll tell ya'." Mrs. Young glanced at Angus' hand pointing to the phone. She seemed to be thinking over everything.
"You're tellin' the truth aren't you?" she asked softly. Angus lowered his hand.
"Mum would I ever lie to you?"
"Maybe now that you're older an' wouldn't get in trouble for it." Angus laughed. "When you were little-you would tell me somethin'. Your brother hurt you or, you got hurt doin' somethin' brave. I'd always say, 'let's go ask Malcolm. See what he thinks'. And you would beg and beg for me not to. 'Cause you knew-" she smiled. "that he would always tell me the truth. Now you say ask him yourself..." Mrs. Young smiled at Angus and took his hand. "I guess that's all I need to hear." Angus pulled his mother in for a hug. "I'm glad to know you've found a good friend."
Angus' smile faltered as he saw a man over his mother's shoulder. Bon leaned against the wall and gave Angus a wink. Angus shut his eyes as tight as he could and opened them again. Bon was gone. "Mum, there's somethin' else you should know about her too," he said as they separated. "About us."
"What is it?"
"It's uh," Angus mumbled wringing his hands. "It's like this. When Hannah first came to stay with us, I sort of-took a likin' to her." Mrs. Young smiled.
"That's cute. Havin' a crush on a girl when you're young is normal Ang, after gettin' married I thought you knew that."
"No Mum, it's more than that. When she came back that second time, I...she kept comin' back an' my feelings..." Angus sighed. His mother frowned slightly, unsure of where he was going. "I'm in love with her."
Angus half expected his mother to come out laughing again but she never did. Instead she stared at him, searching his eyes for what she hoped could be a joke. When she found nothing, she answered him in a more serious manner. "As had been in love..." Angus shook his head.
"As in, still. Right now." Mrs. Young closed her eyes and put a hand to her heart. She was not expecting her son to bring news like this and it couldn't be remedied with a laugh. What could she say?
"You're married, my son," she said stepping closer. Her eyes glistened and her face saddened. Angus closed his eyes and nodded.
"Yeah I can...I can see that."
"How did this happen?" He put his hands in his pockets and shrugged.
"Like any man falls in love I guess. We became friends an' I just happened."
"Does she know about this?"
"I've told her, yeah."
"I mean Ellen. Does...Ellen know about this?" Angus lowered his head.
"Yeah she-she does."
"And she's just okay with it?"
"No she's not, but Mum-it's all real funny at the seams an' we've dealt with these issues before, I'd really rather not get into 'em again."
"Angus what have you gotten yourself into?" Mrs. Young put her hands on her son's shoulders. "You fell in love with her first?"
"Y-yeah. I mean, I didn't know if she felt the same."
"Why didn't ya' take her then as yours? Why not marry her then?"
"She left long before I could ask her," Angus replied. He rocked back and forth on his sneakers. "By the time I got her back, I was already married. An' you know I love Ellen, leavin' her is simply not an option."
"My son..." Mrs. Young wiped her eyes.
"That didn't mean I loved Hannah any less. Don't talk to me like I don't know how any of this sounds. I'm in a deep, watery pickle. But Hannah could leave any day now an' there's no point in chasin' after her-"
"But you said she's come back."
"It's a long story, this here's her last time. Mum after this, I'm never gonna see her again." The man's mother pulled her son in for another hug.
"How deep have you fallen?" she whispered.
"Is there a word for deeper every day?" She laughed.
"I know how that feels. With your father an' I..." She paused to wipe a few more tears. Angus kissed her head.
"I miss him too, Mum." They both stood there in the hallway hugging, completely unaware of anything around them. Time had stopped as they embraced and remembered the old days. How they'd run off to school and eat dinner together every night. How his mother would wash his uniform as his father would tell him a story, as he sat in his lap. Nothing else mattered except for those two.
"Hannah's a little young for ya', isn't she?"
I rushed back to the sink as Angus and his mother returned to the kitchen. The last cup was placed carefully in the cupboard and I stood next to Angus. He placed his arm over my shoulders. Mrs. Young's reddish eyes glanced at me, still uncertain. "My it's gettin' late, isn't it?" she asked. The rainbows on the walls disappeared as the sun went down. "It'll be time for bed before we know it. I-don't suppose you two want separate rooms?"
"Separate rooms is fine," we more or less answered. She nodded.
"In that case, Angus you can have your old room and Hannah, Malcolm's room is right across from his." I uttered a thank you as Angus went to go get our things. Mrs. Young had invited a friend of hers for a late night chat and we were free to join them. But we were tired and decided to go to bed.
This room was the saddest room I'd ever seen. Not lame, just empty. The bed was a wooden frame and a mattress, nothing else was in there. We had gotten blankets out of a closet but there wasn't much we could use for pillows. I wanted to talk to Angus about what he told his mother. Though I didn't think Mrs. Young would like me in his room too well. Oh well, we would only be talking. Nothing wrong with that.
I crept out of my room to his. His door was open a smidge so I knocked and pushed it open. Angus sat on his bed in pajama pants looking down at the shirt in his hands. I leaned against the door frame crossing my arms as he peered up at me. "Is this how you sleep now?" He laughed.
"It's all natural." I rolled my eyes. "Actually, I was just gettin' ready for bed," he said putting the shirt on. I sat next to him and rested my head on his shoulder. "Whatcha need?"
"A nap."
"So go take one."
"I wanted to see you first," I responded.
"I'll still be here when you wake up."
"Yeah, but I might not be." He tensed up and I'm sure his smile vanished.
"Yes you will," he said simply.
"I can't promise you that."
"Well I do. I promise we'll see each other tomorrow. As for now..." He pulled me to sit on his lap. "What do you want to do?" I shrugged. "Watch a movie?" A shrug. "Sing a song?" A shake of the head. "Eat a cake?"
"Yes," I answered much too quickly. Angus laughed.
"Sorry, all out."
"What a rip. So, how'd your mom take all that information?" I asked.
"Not well at first as you saw. But-I think she's warmin' up to ya'."
"I, kind of heard what you said," I mentioned. Angus looked at me.
"You did now, did you? You little eavesdropper?" He tickled the back of my neck. "Should have guessed as much."
"Sorry. I feel the same way though."
"Good. Can't get my money back on those inspirational candy wrappers. Ate all the candy." I laughed and he smiled. "Kiddin'. So, you know what you wanna do?"
"You got a cake?" I asked. "Or pie, how about pie?" He shook his head.
"No, sorry. But I know what I wanna do." He gave me a mischievous smile as he tightened his hold on me and stood up, spinning in a circle. I buried my face in his shoulder until he stopped. He lightly tossed me to my feet and removed my hands from my eyes. "Hannah? Would you make my night by dancin' with me?" I shyly looked to the floor and he tilted my chin up.
"But, there's no music."
"Pssh, I can't dance with music, do ya' think I'll be any better without?" He pulled me in for a hug and we danced in a circle. He pressed his forehead against mine. At first he tried singing purposefully bad for music but we were laughing so hard he couldn't finish.
Mrs. Young sat downstairs drinking tea with her friend Harriet Toole. They were in a heated discussion about the church organisations lately and the conversation turned to her children. "A very talented family you have," said Harriet.
"Thank you. I miss when we all lived together. Such times. My youngest came here for a visit today with a friend."
"Oh they're here? How fun!"
"Yes. They went to bed a while ago but Lord knows if they're actually sleepin'." Thoughts not too good began to run through her head.
"Did one of the band come? I can see them being rowdy," Harriet asked.
"No, uh, Angus has a friend he hasn't told me about. She's rather close to him he says."
"Oh, his wife? I thought you knew about her." Mrs. Young shook her head.
"No. Not his wife. They've been very close since they met in-" She stopped short as she realized she shouldn't divulge all that she heard. "in 1975."
Harriet set her cup down. "That's sweet."
"I hate to think what they might be doin' upstairs. What she's doin' to my son."
"Oh stop it now, you're readin' way too much into this. If they're sleepin', they're sleepin'. They won't go too far. My father always said not to make mountains out of molehills," Harriet said.
"You're right." The thoughts continued to swallow her mind until she couldn't take it. "But it wouldn't hurt to just take a peek."
Her footsteps quietly sounded as she paced herself up the stairs. She peered in Malcolm's room first and having seen no one, she prepared for the worst in the other room. Her hand pushed the door open and she looked in.
There was her son, arms cradling the girl as they danced in the middle of the room. Her face was buried in his neck and he had his head resting against hers. Mrs. Young kept herself hidden in the dark hallway as she watched the two. They never noticed her. After seeing enough, she closed the door and crept back downstairs to the table.
After a while, Angus and I stopped dancing. He took my face in his hands and leaned in. His warmth had made me sleepy and it took me a minute to focus on him. He was really close, maybe an inch or two away. His lips had slightly parted and he started closing his eyes. The seconds passed and he eventually stepped away. "You should get to bed," he whispered. I closed my eyes as he kissed my cheek and dropped his hands. With one last glance and a smile, I left his room.
I stepped towards Malcolm's room and saw something out of the corner of my eye. In the dark, a figure stood at the end of the hallway watching me. It was Mrs. Young, staring at me as I was leaving her son's bedroom. Had she gotten the wrong idea? Was she coming to kill me? I couldn't see her face so I didn't stick around to find out. Carefully I stepped into Malcolm's room and closed the door.
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