Chapter Forty Six
I woke up to see Angus was gone. Glad because I don't want any more suspician, sad because I missed him. Even for a night.
December 16th 1996
My hosts had left to get ready for this big party thing and I was left to my own devices before Ellen and Linda picked me up to go shopping. I found an old record player they've had since the eighties. So of course I played a rock and roll album. Not to mention I found some sixties bubblegum records. Nice.
I put on a The Who album which I figured belonged to Angus. I haven't listened to this band a lot, but they were good for a first impression.
I slid across the hardwood floor snapping my fingers. Vee and I used to dance around like this when we'd have my house to ourselves. It was fun just to act like idiots without anyone judging us. And also, how can you not dance along to this?
I was dancing, that is until the door opened. I turned around and saw Ellen: arms crossed smiling smugly, and Linda giggling. "You know there's a fee to pay if you're gonna watch."
"Well, we'd better get going then," Ellen said making me laugh. We went to some women's store, mostly for the other two though. I decided to wear my black top, my new white jacket and leggings. They'd point stuff out to me, but most of it wasn't my taste. It looked great on them though.
"I don't see why everything is so expensive," Linda said.
"Especially the less material there is," Ellen remarked.
"Might as well wear plastic wrap and a cracker for free," I said.
"I wonder how many people will be there?" Linda asked.
"Enough to need more than one cracker," I answered making myself laugh.
"Probably a good amount. AC/DC is coming after all," Ellen said.
"But it's not an AC/DC party, it's a Christmas party."
"And a welcome back. People will probably show up just for that."
"The boys don't have to go up and play a Christmas song do they?"
"Maybe Mistress for Christmas," Ellen mused. "No, no they don't."
"You happy to have Angus back?"
"Yeah, needed him home. How about you?"
"Yeah, but more so to have Malcolm back home," Linda smiled. I snickered.
"Very funny ya' sod." But she couldn't help but smile in return. We got done shopping some hours later and drove to some fancy schmancy building. People were already crowding around and I wasn't even sure the band was there yet. I'd say it was 6:30 pm? Maybe?
"If we could find a place to park, that'd be great," Linda said driving around.
"Something tells me word got out about who's coming," Ellen stated. We finally made it inside. Can I be the first to say thank God for air conditioning? There was a lot of people dispite the building's immence size, and would have been stuffy without it.
Ellen and Linda left to visit a few friends of theirs leaving me to myself. Again. Thanks guys. I stood away from everyone, 'cause parties, especially without friends, ain't no fun. I saw another girl sitting in a chair across the main room. Converse, short hair...that was Justice!
I couldn't believe she was there! I thought she went back to New Jersey. She was sitting by herself so I invited myself over. Not noticing me, I leaned on her shoulder. She looked at me. "Yeah...what's up Doc?" I said casually.
"Oh my God! Hey!" Her eyes lit up when she saw me. She stood up to give me a hug. "Why are you here?"
"I should ask the same thing about you!" She turned away from me.
"Got in a fight with my parents. Flew to Australia, heard about this, here I am." Her eyes met mine again. "Now spill your story!"
"I've been staying with AC/DC remember?"
"Yeah?" Her eyes widened. "Are they here?!"
"Well, they're supposed to be. But I haven't seen them yet."
"Speaking of the band," she smirked. "How are you and Angus getting along?" I blushed.
"How do you know anything's going on?"
"Don't think I didn't see you two hugging at the hospital, I saw it all! Also, I'm your friend. I just know these things. So?"
"Well, uh, things have been sort of-complicated."
"He kissed you didn't he?" I blushed harder.
"W-what makes you say that?"
"That's great! I knew from that look he gave you that he liked you!"
"Shush! I don't want these people to hear!"
"Sorry," she whispered. "Fine. Let's talk about Malcolm." I swear her eyes turned into cartoon hearts.
"Uh, well I know his wife was excited to have him home again."
"Pooh, what about me?"
"What about you?"
"I missed him too."
"You don't even know him!"
"Doesn't matter, I still talked to him." She crossed her arms and looked at me. "But you've done a bit more than just talk." I covered her mouth with my hand.
"Well it took me by surprise that's for sure."
"You didn't know he liked you?" she asked removing my hand.
"Actually," I began. Looking around I grabbed her hand and pulled her to a vacant corner. "The thing is, we've liked each other for a long time and we both knew that. But I never thought he'd kiss me again."
"Again?" she smiled. Oh crap. "This wasn't the first?" I looked down and shook my head. "Damn girl, you got it made!"
"Daniel, what on earth are you doing with that box?" a woman called near us. A little boy called back. "Come here!" He waddled over to the woman holding a way too big box. "What on earth is that?"
"Devin gave it to me, he told me to bring it."
"What is it?"
"No! He told me not to open it!" He pulled away from the woman.
"Okay then, take it outside. It doesn't belong in here." The little boy scampered off, stumbling once in a while. I glanced at Justice, and saw that she hadn't paid an ounce of attention.
"I hope my parents don't go looking for me," she mumbled.
"How'd you get the money to fly here?"
"I saved up. But I spent some of it on that AC/DC concert I missed to that man whore, so I had to take some from my mom. I'm not usually one to steal but..." She shrugged. "My parents aren't ones to take care of me very well." Her hand rubbed her wrist and I could see a red mark around it like a bracelet. I shook my head to clear my thoughts.
"Well, I'm glad you're here. My friends ditched me and I'm not one for parties."
"The band ditched you?"
"No. Linda and Ellen."
"Linda and Ellen," she mouthed. "Who are they?"
"Malcolm and Angus' wives."
"Oh. Oh! Duh. They ditched you eh? Why don't we find their husbands?"
"'Cause I don't even know if they're here yet."
"Hmm." The eighties rock music that played was suddenly replaced with a tune I hadn't heard in years. "Oh my God!" Justice cried. "I love this song!"
"You know it too?"
"Yeah, I watched the movie all the time as a kid!"
"Me too!" The song that played was part of the eighties chipmunk adventure movie. "Shall we?" I asked offering my hand. She looked at me as her smile grew wider. She nodded and took my hand before running to the middle of the room.
Sun goes down just getting up I'm heading for the city of lights, radio blasting all the way to the club gonna rock this town tonight...
Justice and I followed the dance exactly from the movie. Soon she mouthed the words and pulled my hat down like Brittany did to Alvin. Boy, were we ever geeks. Soon enough it'd be my turn.
"What the hell is this?" Malcolm asked at the table. His brother across from him listened.
"No clue."
"There's something goin' on over there." Angus turned around and saw these two kids doing the most ridiculous dance he'd ever seen. But one of them looked a lot like Hannah... "Holy shit, that's Hannah!"
"Yeah..." He watched the two in the middle of the floor. A crowd of people had gathered around them to watch the fun. She looked so happy doing-whatever that was, and he couldn't help but smile.
There's nothing more than I'd rather do...
She did that scissor walk thing in the middle of the song. Not bad. How long was this thing anyway? Didn't matter, he liked seeing her having fun. An elbow nudged his own. Malcolm stood next to him smiling.
"What's with that face Ang? You look like you're in love." Angus looked at Malcolm then back at Hannah.
"You have no idea."
People around us cheered a little as the song ended. Justice excused herself to get a drink and use the restroom and I made my way back to the sidelines and saw a door. A sign next to it said ROOF.
Why not? I thought as I slipped behind it.
The wind kissed my cheek and led me to look over the ledge. Traffic buzzed below and the whole city was speckled with light. Some people were shouting below and a few kids ran down the sidewalk. I adjusted my hat remembering when Justice pulled it down. Dancing with her made me feel like I was dancing with Vee. Her energy, her eagerness, I missed her. Truly I had been gone a long time. But I wouldn't change a thing.
Sure a lot of things went wrong on this trip. I mean a lot of things. But good came out of this too. That's what made it such an adventure. If only I'd known there was more to come.
"Fancy seeing you out here." A pair of arms snaked around my waist and a chin rested on my shoulder. "Thought you'd be out dancing."
"Came outside for a break. Didn't think you were here yet."
"Been here a while. Glad I caught you in time, dangerous up here you know." He tightened his hold on me.
"I'm alright, I can take care of myself." He spun me around and smiled.
"I know." He let me go and we sat on the floor by the walled edge. "So. How are you?"
"Good. You?"
"Great," he nodded. He was bouncing his leg and playing with his hands.
"You sure?"
"Oh sure. Real sure. Never been surer." I wasn't.
"I'm not, what's wrong?"
"Wrong? Nothin's wrong."
"You sure?" I asked again raising an eyebrow.
"Hannah?" He looked at his hands. "Is this our last time seeing each other?"
"I mean, you're not gonna time travel again. Are you?" Chances were, this was the final time. It's not likely there'd be two of me in the same timeline so unless I returned before 1999, this was it.
"I don't think so."
"Neither did I." We listened to the traffic below us in thought. "Nice night."
"Quiet." Sort of.
"Beautiful." I nodded. "Stubborn as hell."
"Oh, I forgot I was talking about the night." I laughed.
"Real smooth Angus, real smooth."
"Glad you think so." I glanced at him to see him staring at me. Made me nervous so I looked down again. There was something different about this man. I couldn't put my finger on it. He was still staring at me when I looked up again. His face moved closer to mine and his eyes closed.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"I want to kiss you."
"Hey, you promised you wouldn't do that anymore."
"Did I?"
"Angus..." He sighed.
"I made a promise I wouldn't kiss you again, you're right. I made that promise a while ago. I didn't realize what I was doing." He tilted my chin up. "I love you. Okay? I'm gonna come right out and say it. I love you. And love isn't a thought, it needs to be heard and shown. Hannah, this is one promise I'm just gonna have to break." He closed his eyes and leaned in again.
And kissed me again.
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