Chapter Eighty Three
It wasn't long before we were both pacing the floor and wringing our hands. "Are you positive?" I asked.
"That's what the test said," she whimpered. She sat herself on the coffee table, one hand delicately swirling the stick in the cup. I still wasn't sure if she was happy about it, and didn't want to set off any bad emotions. It was a jog on thin ice.
" do you feel about all this?" Georganne inhaled then shook her head, more tears spilling out.
"I don't know. I don't know!" I sat beside her and rubbed her back. Comforting people wasn't my forte, but I would do the best I could.
Rain poured outside, the fair weather already turning foul. Only last month were we pretending Georganne was pregnant. And now... If we told anyone, they might not believe us the second time around. I glanced at Georganne's 'stuck in a pickle' look and glistening eyes. They had to believe that! A reaction like this cannot be practiced or perfected.
But what if she refused to tell anyone? Obviously they'd notice later, but it was possible to conceal it for a few months. Perhaps it was the reality of a good intentioned prank settling in that took over us. I couldn't imagine Georganne not wanting her own child. And Cliff was happy when he thought it was true last month.
"Have you had any symptoms?" I asked. Georganne wiped her eyes before answering.
"Last week I kept getting sick every morning. Cliff was always asleep when it happened and I never said anything. I should have but I-" Her eyes welled up again. "I was never late last month but I wanted to be sure. This morning I wasn't feeling well so I let Cliff go out to breakfast without me. Much to his uncertainty," she added mustering up a smile. "The illness passed and while you were gone I picked up a couple of tests. That one..." She pointed at the stick in the cup. "I don't know what to think. I should be happy, crying with excitement and- I called you over because I knew I could tell you..." Her voice faded as if it dropped off a ledge into nothing. "What should I do? How am I supposed to react to this?"
I took her hand in mine and rubbed her fingers. A ring shone on the fourth, even in the midst of this foggy atmosphere. This was surely difficult for her as she wasn't trying to get pregnant, not that I knew of. Wrapping your head around the fact that a tiny human is growing inside you and that you are no longer your first and only priority.
"I'm not gonna tell you how you should or shouldn't feel. Everyone has different thoughts and feelings and this is your body. You have to deal with this more than any of us." I held up her hand and rubbed my thumb over her ring. "But you should at least tell your husband. He has more right to know than I do." Georganne nodded.
"You're right."
Angus stared at the door slammed on his face as Georganne dragged Hannah off somewhere. Her warmth was also vanished and a sudden chill went up his spine.
"You let her get away Angie," a humored voice called behind him. Angus put his hands in his pockets, smiling as he knew. "Only for a bruise on your nose."
"Nice to see you too Bon," Angus said turning to face him. Bon grinned like a child. "Is this gonna be a regular thing?"
"It already is. Where's Hannah off to? You finally get a moment alone with her and she runs away from ya'."
"Georganne took her, probably just some girl time."
"That wasn't what you two were doing?" Angus glared at Bon as he retaliated with a smug grin.
"You're such a wanker Bon."
"I won't tolerate such potty language from you mister," Bon said feigning a gasp.
"Oh please Bon, you're one to talk."
"Yep, I'll talk all fuckin' day." Both men let out childish giggles as they sat on the couch. The only sounds were that of their breathing, an out of rhythm clock, and a leaky faucet. "I heard what you two said."
Angus looked up to see Bon give him a face. He frowned, completely clueless. "What?"
"About you snoggin' on the couch." Angus rolled his eyes.
"Sleeping Bon, sleeping."
"What's the difference?" Bon shrugged. "They both start and end the same."
"What's your point?"
"The more you two snuggle it up the worse it's gonna hurt when she finally leaves."
"Look Bon, I see where you're scratchin' at and you're right. But I've never been happier with her. And I think it's gonna hurt a hell of a lot worse if I just completely push her aside." The older man stared at the younger, a smile forming at the corner of his mouth.
"You miss her." His tone was one of knowledge and friendly teasing. Angus crossed his foot over his knee and stared straight ahead. "Don't you?"
Angus laughed without humor. "I do not."
"You miss holding her, you miss dancing with her, and don't tell me you don't miss kissing her." Angus tapped each finger on the armrest and examined the material. "You miss kissin' her without gettin' in trouble for it."
"What are you talkin' about, I kiss her all the time."
"Not where you really want to." Angus could just hear that sod's smile. Where the hell was this going?
"You can't miss..." he breathed shakily. "...what you already have."
"Alright, fine." Bon reclined on the couch closing his eyes a moment only to open them and glance at his friend. "Maybe you don't miss her, but you sure as hell love her."
Bon smiled with triumph as Angus turned scarlet. That was something he couldn't attempt to deny, or he'd die trying. The rain outside grew steadily worse yet not all the water in the world could cool him off now.
"Again, what's your point?"
"You've just made it." Angus rolled his eyes and his sleeves. "What do you think the ladies are doin'?"
"No idea."
"Would you like to find out?"
"Aren't you being a bit snoopy?"
"No I'm Woodstock." Angus sighed. If checking on the girls would get him out of this sauna of a room and away from Bon's idea of fun, he'd take a chance.
"I'm goin', I'm goin'."
"You thinkin' the same thing I'm thinkin'?" Cliff asked as they headed to his room.
"I don't know about all that," Angus laughed. "Hannah just left so quickly, want to make sure she's okay."
"Yeah, that's what I'm doin'. Georganne wasn't feelin' too great this morning and I've taken my time checking up on her."
"Is that where she was?"
"Yeah, stayed in the hotel room. Felt bad leavin' her but..." Cliff smiled. "She insisted. Did Hannah go into my room?"
"Yeah. Georganne took her in there." Cliff pulled his key out of his pocket and opened the door. Two women stood in full view. Georganne clutching a tissue and Hannah holding a cup hosting more than just water...
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