CHAPTER FOUR - Welcome to the posse

A/N: Dedicated to @NickUskoski for helping me out so fast. That was awesome!

Important: He doesn't accept review/read requests so don’t ask him.


Alex POV

“Allie!” I heard Tara calling me. Her group had taken to addressing me like that because, just like my parents, they thought “Alex” was too masculine and, like one of the guys from the posse said, “not suitable for someone so cute”. I never actually thought of myself as “cute” but oh, well…

“Hey, girl! What’s up?”

“Nothing new.” She shrugged then her smile fell from her freckled face. “How was detention?” She questioned dubiously.

“Interesting,” I replied with a smirk. She answered me with a confused look, but before I could explain more, I heard Humpbag mispronouncing my name again.

“Ms. Atanasova! Detention!”

“Why? I just got here! I haven’t done anything…”

Yet,” I added in my mind.

“Because of your behavior yesterday after classes. That is why: detention!”

I opened my mouth to protest, but then an idea came to my mind so I abandoned my initial tactic and went for another course of action.

“Well, if you want to spend more extracurricular time with me that badly…” I trailed off smiling impishly. I saw the teacher’s face pale before he cleared his throat.

“As I was saying before you interrupted me,” he began although we both knew I hadn’t cut him off, “detention… is to be given to you if such behavior continues.” He finished, turning on his heal and heading for his classroom.

“What was all that about?” Tara asked and led the way to our lockers. We were happy to find out that they were close to each other.

“I pissed him off yesterday, so he kicked me out of detention.” I filled her in briefly.

You got kicked out of detention yesterday?! And today you threatened your way out of one?”

I just shrugged nonchalantly, looking around, searching for one person in particular. But instead of him, I found his cute best friend rummaging through his locker.

“Hey, Angel!” I greeted and the boy answered me with a friendly smile.

“Hi, Alex! Got to warn you: Humpbag is looking for you and he seems furious.”

“Yeah, I already saw him.”

“Oh!” He exclaimed, no doubt taken aback by my unperturbed demeanor. “Did you get another detention?”


“How did you arrange that?”

“I asked nicely.” I gave him a playful wink and left with Tara on my trail.

“You seem to be getting pretty popular.” She remarked.

“You mean Angel? He’s a nice guy.”

“I know. But the people he hangs around with... Take Tyson Williams for example.”

“Oh, I’ll take him on as soon as he gets better!” I thought, while still listening to the redhead who walked beside me.

“That boy is trouble,” she was just explaining. “He sometimes skips school for days and when he comes back he often has bruises or he’s limping. The teachers tried to find out what was going on, but he never told them. Angel is the only person he actually talks to…”

“Morning, Tara!” Danny saluted, studiedly ignoring me.

“Hey, Danny!” Tara greeted back with a huge smile, immediately forgetting she had been telling me something. Oh, boy!

“Yeah… Hey, Danny.” I saluted mockingly. “Walk with me!”

With that I pulled the boy by the wrist and dragged him away from our friend. I noticed the surprised and confused stares coming from the other students, but I didn’t pay any attention to them and kept steering Dan in the direction I wanted. I found an empty room and pushed him in it, closing the door behind us with a little bit more force than I should have. Throughout our little walk, the boy hadn’t uttered a single word or made any attempts to free himself, probably too stunned by my actions. Now that we were no longer moving, Danny got a hold of himself and frowning at me, he opened his mouth to talk.

“I’m not going to beat around the bush here.” I spoke first, not giving him a chance to beat me to it. “I’m not going to hit her. I like Tara and she likes me. That means that we’re going to spend a lot of time together. So you better deal with it and stop giving me attitude.” I gave him a serious look. “I repeat: I don’t want to hurt her!”

The boy stared at me with what I could only assume was supposed to be an intimidating expression, but he quickly gave up on the act and groaned in defeat.

“I know; I’ve noticed you aren’t as bad as I originally thought.” He reluctantly admitted in that cute Australian accent of his. “I’m just really worried about her. Our families are friends so we’ve known each other since we were kids and she’s very… Umm… dear to me.” I tried to hold back a smirk as I saw his cheeks redden slightly at that confession. Danny looked away in an attempt to compose himself and when he turned his face back to me, I saw his blue eyes shining with determination. “And if you ever do hurt her, I’m going to hit you regardless of you being a girl, Allie.” He said firmly.

“Deal!” I chuckled shaking his hand. I decided not to tell him that I was capable of knocking him out with a single, well-aimed punch. He just seemed so resolved to protect Tara, it made me all soft and mushy inside. “Now let’s get to our classes!”


“He’s not here either,” I thought looking around the cafeteria. It seemed Tyson had resolved to skipping school today.

I sighed in irritation. I wanted to see how he was and maybe get into a few little refreshing quarrels with the boy just to keep him peeved till he was well enough to finish our fight. I knew that I’d promised myself to avoid exactly that type of behavior, but I couldn’t help myself; that boy was so provoking that I was really looking forward to the challenge he presented. Not that having lunch with Tara and Danny’s friends wasn’t pleasant; most of them were really nice and they seemed to have taken a liking to me.

Except for Gloriana.

Glory, as the group called her, was in my humble opinion, an attention-seeking whore. And since I was the new girl, she saw me as a threat. She was constantly glaring at me and even dared to patronize me just so she could annoy me. I could easily fix that little problem, but she fell into the category of what I called “civilians”. With that term I described anyone who wasn’t brought up like me: raised to fight and prove their point with their fists. So no matter how much I wanted to beat the crap out of her, the best I could do was bitch slap her. But that would cause too much tension in our group so I settled to ignore her to the best of my extent. I couldn’t help letting out some snappy comments every now and then though. I wouldn’t be myself if I didn’t.

I watched as a boy walked by our table, his eyes falling on Glory. I had to admit: her personality sucked, but the girl was a looker. She was about five feet seven, slender and with huge tits. Her long black hair was styled and not a single strand fell in her beautiful face. I thought about my untamed mane; I overslept this morning and didn’t even bother to brush it, but even on a good day it still did as it pleased regardless of what I tried to do with it… But let’s get back to Glory, shall we? She had tanned skin, green eyes and succulent lips. And she had on A LOT of makeup. But she pulled it off nicely and it looked stylish on her.

Probably noticing my intense gaze, the girl turned, narrowing her eyes in a nasty glare aimed at me.

Oops! Busted.

"Hey, Allie,” Bella, a nice but extremely loud girl from our group addressed me and I turned towards her, “that is a beautiful locket.” She reached to touch the round silver piece of jewelry, I always had on me. “Does it open?"

"No, it's jammed." I swiftly lied, without even batting an eye. I really didn't want to open it; what the silver roundel contained was just too private to show to complete strangers... or even someone I was close to. There were only two people, besides me, who knew what I had hid inside it and I had no intention on changing that number.

“Oh, Gosh, too bad!” She went on with her chatter, looking me over. “You have so many good-looking things... The locket and also the corset-like top you’re wearing. It fits you perfectly! I wish I had that body!”

“You wish you had my body?” I repeated, deciding to tease her a bit. “Is that as in you wish you had a body like mine or do you want to make my body yours and do something naughty with me?”

She stared at me wide-eyed (as were the rest of the posse) and only managed to mutter: “I-I… Erm…”. Ha! At last, Bella was speechless! It was a pleasant change as her constant gabble was getting on my nerves.

“Just kidding,” I announced, stretching my arms lazily. “I know you just wish you had my body type.”

“Oh, my Gosh, you had me there!” She said laughing out loud and most of the people at our table did the same.

“She sure had you, Bells!” Joey piped up from her left, giving the girl a playful nudge.

“Oh, yeah? You should’ve seen your face when you heard that, Joey!” Bella protested, smacking him on the shoulder and rolling her brown eyes when the boy let out an exaggerated cry of pain, making us laugh again.

“It wasn’t even funny!” Glory growled through clenched teeth and got up to leave. A few girls literally jumped up from their seats in their haste to follow her, but all it took was for Glory to bark out “Stay!” without even sparing them a glance, and the girls immediately went back to their previous positions.

I followed her with my gaze, mildly aware that one of the cheerleaders - Trish, was talking about having an unofficial dance competition with some cheerleaders from another school.

“We were thinking about getting some sort of costumes for the dance off,” she chirped enthusiastically. “Maybe a sexy army uniform or a police costume.”

“Can’t help you with the police uniform, but I have a cop-like hat that you could borrow as well as several pairs of handcuffs.” I intervened, turning my head in her direction. I once again had everybody’s full attention.

“Why do you have so many pairs of handcuffs?”

“You try to spread a person across your bed with just one pair!” I challenged and went back to eating the pizza I’d bought for lunch. I’d barely managed a bite when I heard all of them laugh again.

What was with that? Did they think I was kidding? ‘Cause I sure as hell wasn’t! I liked to spice things up and dressing up or blindfolding someone was definitely my kind of kink.

“It wasn’t a joke.” My statement wiped away their smiles and replaced them with stunned expressions. Some of them actually had their mouths gaping wide open in shock. “I’m a young girl, who has a clear view on her own limits and is not afraid to experiment or indulge herself in some grow-up activities. I really do have several pairs of handcuffs and I really have used them to tie someone to my bed; and FYI, they didn’t mind at all.”

A somewhat uncomfortable silence took place on our table. It was broken only by a few nervous throat clearings and the sound of cutlery being used. The other people in the cafeteria seemed oblivious as they kept on chatting, laughing, screaming and squealing their little hearts out. My female table-mates were attempting to avoid gazing at me, but I noticed some of the boys were looking me over with a renewed interest. Obviously I’d just earned myself the title of the kinkiest in the group and they were probably wondering whether I would be willing to give them a hands-on demonstration of how to use handcuffs the pleasurable way; without being shoved in a police car later. Because trust me, a uniformed man shoving you into a car to drive you to the nearest precinct is not a fun experience! Been there, done that. Not fun at all!

“So, Allie…” Danny started but he made a pause. What did he want to say? Or had he spoken out just to clear the air? “What was your previous school like?”

Well, that was a spur of the moment question if I’ve ever heard one!

“Yeah, what was it like?” Tara repeated with way too much enthusiasm. Yep. They were obviously trying to change the subject. I smiled inwardly at that; the two of them were so sweet!

“Which one?” I asked through a mouthful of pizza. “I’ve been to quite a few.”

“How about the last one?” Joey helpfully proposed. He seemed to have gotten over his initial surprise about my naughty preferences.

“Yes, tell us about that!” Bella piped in as well.

“It was just a school; nothing special ‘bout it.” I shrugged. “Pretty much the same as here only smaller, grubbier and with even more annoying teachers.” A few skeptical snorts followed my words and Joey muttered “There can be more annoying than what we have?”

“Actually, there is something in this school that I haven’t encountered before: you.”

“Us?” Tara asked in need of a clarification.

“Yes, you. All of you.” I waved my hand around. “At this table, we have several cheerleaders, sitting next to a jock,” I started to explain pointing at Trish, a few other girls and Joey, “and that is normal. But you guys also sit with Tara and Danny – the nice, quiet kids…”

“Who are you calling a kid? We’re the same age!” Dan protested, his accent more prominent as he was obviously annoyed, but I ignored him and went on.

“They are quite popular, so I somewhat get that. Then there are the two Bellas – Isabella, the gossiper and her best friend Annabella, who happens to be one of the shyest people I know and barely utters a word,” Ana blushed and looked down at her food. See what I mean about her being bashful? “And you also have a Goth.” I ended my narration pointing at Greta whose black-painted lips turned up in a smirk. Are Goths supposed to smirk? “You are a very diverse crowd and that is pretty unique.”

“We.” Tara corrected. “You are a part of our group now, so it’s “we are a very diverse crowd”.”

“Yeah!” Joey agreed and I noticed a few people nodding. “We were lacking a delinquent chick in the group, so welcome to the posse!”

Looking around the table, I could see that everyone here shared that opinion. I smiled. So I got my own posse, huh? They were very different from the people I used to hang out with, but that was probably a good thing. I could get used to that; I could get used to being accepted by them. I just had to be careful not to scare them. And speaking of people I had to be careful around: I needed to find Tyson. I looked at the time on my phone; lunch would be over soon, but if I left now, than I could mosey along the school in hopes I’d bump into him.

“Guys, I heading out now. See you later!” To my surprise everyone responded with a friendly “bye” or a wave. As I was exiting the cafeteria all I could think about was: yep, I could get definitely get used to this!


Tyson POV

I overslept and skipped the first few classes, coming to school at about lunch time. The hallways were pretty much empty as most people were in the cafeteria or eating outside in the courtyard. I was walking to my locker when it happened again.

“You are making a habit of running into me.” I said to the little brunette who had just bumped into my chest. Looking her over, I noticed she was wearing all black again: black skinny jeans, black corset-like top, black leather jacket… I wondered if she had ever left the house without having something of that color on her.

“And you are making a habit of standing in my way.” Alex wasted no time with her response, straightening her posture.

I kept on walking to my locker and she followed. What the heck did she want? I had no time to deal with her now. I had to get my things then drag my ass off to class, hoping I wouldn’t get sent to the principle’s office again for being absent so often. I was in no mood for the do-you-know-where-you-are-headed and the think-of-your-future speeches, I usually got while I was in there.

“How are you?” The girl asked.

I stopped to look at her puzzled by her question. Her face was completely blank except for some vague trace of indefinable emotion showing in her chocolate eyes.

“I’m fine.” I answered cautiously, not sure where she was heading with her inquiries.

“When do you think we can have our fight?”

I smirked. So that’s why the girl was asking. She seemed just as eager as me to bring it on. She was now done with hiding her feelings and was anxiously biting her lower lip whilst waiting for my reply.

“We can do it now if you want.” I leaned on the nearby wall, ignoring the pain I still felt from my wounds and trying to look casual in hope she’ll disregard her previous reserves. To my disappointment, Alex didn’t.

“Not an option!” She stated unyieldingly.

“A few bruises won’t make a difference; I’ll still kick your ass,” I protested, pushing myself off the wall a little too hastily, making some of my injuries ache.

“Maybe I should go to a doctor this time...” The thought passed through my mind, but I quickly dismissed it. I’d been through worse and survived without a specialist’s help. I made sure not to display my pain and aimed my most daring, cocky smirk at the brunette.

“Ty, I told you: I’m not fighting you until you’ve healed.”

I sighed heavily and started walking again. Stubborn little bitch. I could see how badly she wanted it. But I also saw she was determined not to row with me until I was better. It seemed she wouldn’t take advantage of someone else’s hardship and I guess I had to give the girl some credit for that. Where I came from, you’d rarely see such fair play. On the contrary, we were raised to use every weakness of our opponents for personal gain.

I stopped at my locker and I had to pound on it to get it open. The darn thing was always jammed.

“I can take a look at those by the way. I have some experience with wounds.” The girl suggested and started fidgeting her silver locket. Was she nervous or something?

“I don’t want your hands anywhere near me unless we’re fighting.” I cut her off bluntly. Didn’t want her to think we could get chummy.

“Whatever!” Alex said with an eye-roll before leaving me on my own.

I took a notebook and a pen out of my locker and closed it. I didn’t bother carrying textbooks with me. I rarely opened that stuff anyway. I headed for my next lesson – Biology. It was a pretty bearable class. The teacher, Mrs. Brown, was a decent woman and was quite patient with even the most difficult students. And by “the most difficult students” I meant mainly me.

I entered the room and saw there was only one more person there. She was sitting at the third desk in the middle row. I remembered I’d seen her at Alex’s table at lunch yesterday. She was the one glaring at the short foreigner.

The moment the girl noticed me her expression changed from annoyance to one of temptation. Her green eyes lit up and she gave me a flirtatious smile while playing with a strand of her long black hair. I was used to such reactions by girls. They would sometimes shy away, blushing furiously or, if they were more confident, they would try to seduce me. But either way they would show some amount of romantic interest in me. Except for Alex of course. All she was interested in was fighting me. No romantic sentiments on her side. Why was that?

The black-haired girl’s gaze followed me as I took a seat in the back next to the window. I tried to ignore her and looked outside. I had to admit: she was probably one of the most beautiful students here but I wasn’t in a mood for flirts today. Actually, I rarely was. Although a lot of girls chased me around, very few had managed to catch my interest and excite me enough to make a move on them.

I heard the chatter of our classmates as they started filling the room. The teacher herself came in and our lesson began. Shortly after, there was a knock on the door. Alex entered and swiftly appraised Mrs Brown before giving the later a sheepish smile and saying politely:

“I’m sorry, Mrs Brown! I’m new and I kind of got lost.”

It didn’t escape my notice that the black-haired girl, who up till now was staring daggers at the short brunette, now rolled her eyes.

“She must really dislike Alex.”

Not that I gave a damn about that.

“That’s okay.” The Mrs. Brown replied with an encouraging smile on her full lips. She looked beautiful when she did that. I know it was weird for me to say such a thing about someone much older than me (she was in her thirties or maybe even early forties), but it was true. I didn’t have some high school crush on my teacher; I was simply pointing out a fact. “Please, take a seat!”

“Thank you!” Alex answered still genuinely smiling.

I raised my eyebrows. This was the first time I’d seen her being so civil to a teacher. I guess she must have really liked the woman.

Alex took a seat to my right again. I noticed she didn’t put her headphones on. Instead, she concentrated on the lesson, taking down notes. After the class was over she even stayed behind to talk with Mrs Brown. I got so curious about her uncharacteristic behavior that I waited for the brunette outside of the classroom.

“Are you trying to ambush me?” Alex queried, closing the door on her way out.

Instead of answering her question, I asked one of my own:

“What was that about?”

“What do you mean?” She seemed confused.

“Your behavior. In the classroom.”

“Oh, that!” She shrugged. “I liked the teacher. Plus it is a difficult subject for me and I have to keep my grades up for the scholarship.”

“You get a scholarship?” I asked incredulous trough a bark of laughter. Her jaw clenched and her hands fisted. She appeared truly offended by my tone.

“Yes, I get a scholarship!” She snapped at me. “Believe it or not I do have a brain you know!”

And then she stalked away angrily.


Gloriana POV

I came early to Biology. I was tired of listening to my “friends” praising that short bitch Allie. What was so special about her? The girl had no sense of fashion and her body wasn’t even that good! She had small breasts. So why did boys even look at her? Guys like big boobs, just like mine. The way I dressed, my make-up and hairstyle - everything about me was carefully planned and carried out; I looked perfect! She barely wore any make-up, her hair looked terrible…

So why was it that Alexandra was getting all the attention the last two days? She was trying to steal my minions! Because that’s what most of the people from my lunch group were – minions. They hung out with me because I was rich and beautiful and they liked the perks my popularity brought them. They were all so easy to manipulate! Except for that veracious girl Tara and her admirer Danny; those two were naïve, but smart. I wouldn’t have them around but Tara’s father and mine went to the same University and were business partners ever since they graduated. Dad always told me she was useful to keep an eye on. And where Tara went, Danny went. If that looser ever built up the courage to ask Tara out or vise versa, they’d form one of those disgustingly devoted couples that did everything together. Just the thought of their goofy, lovey-dovey grins made me sick to my stomach.

But Dan wasn’t the only problem. Since Tara was nice to everyone, and I do mean everyone, all sorts of misfits grouped around her, including that total looser Anabella and that pain to my eyes Greta the Goth. What was the purpose of even talking to them? Of acknowledging their existence? I could understand keeping in touch with Isabella; she was so annoying that she gave me migraines, but she was a good source of information. Plus, I often used her to spread gossip for me. All I had to do was accidentally let slip some juicy tale of someone who had crossed me and she’d do my dirty work and spread the word around. The girl didn’t even realize how often I made things up for the sole purpose of destroying someone’s reputation. God, she was so easy to fool! Even more than the cheerleaders and they weren’t known for their mental abilities. All they did was wave pompons around and drool over jocks like Mike Barbson and Joey, the latter being an annoyingly down to earth guy.

I sighed in irritation. God! The people one had to socialize with in order to keep their popularity! But being a cheerleader or a jock guaranteed you a place in the cool crowd, so I had to pretend I liked them.

“Well, at least the cheerleaders make good minions,” I thought, examining my polished nails. I tilted my head up as I heard someone coming in the room.

It was Tyson Williams.

THE Tyson Williams! I’ve had my eyes on him for quite a while now but although he was one of the most popular (regardless of being notorious) guys at school, he wasn’t a player. He didn’t hook up at school, he rarely went to parties… Actually, did he even go to parties?

It was difficult for a girl to get him alone.

Difficult, but surely not impossible! And we were alone now…

I noticed Tyson looking at me and gave him my best flirtatious smile. I leaned forward and placed my breasts on the desk in order to give the boy a better view of what I had to offer. I swirled my hair around my finger. Yes, I knew all the tricks in the book and so much more. He headed in my direction and I could feel my excitement building. I smiled and bit my lower lip.

But he didn’t stop. I scanned his body as he passed me by and took the opportunity to admire the nicely shaped ass this boy was the proud owner of. I thought that after he had given me a chance to appreciate both his front and back, he’d turn around and answer my unspoken flirt.

He did no such thing.

The boy kept on walking until he reached the back of the classroom, leaving me in an attempt to hide my irritation of being neglected. I wasn’t used to such treatment! I wasn’t used to be overlooked!

How dared he do that to me?

Now I wanted him even more.

He might be ignoring me at present, but he’ll be mine soon!

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