24. How Do I Live.

Isn't Nat (Sam Way) so handsome with a guitar? How I picture Nat with an acoustic guitar. ---->

“She's going to say 'no, that's crazy.”, Cam said to Nat and he rolled his eyes.

“No one can pass up a free trip to Florida, who would pass that up?”, he asked, shrugging.

“Because we all can't just pack up and leave like you. There is her parents that wouldn't let her and it's a weekend. They probably wouldn't want her to go when school Monday.”, she said.

“We'll be back by 6 o'clock Sunday.”, he snorted, bring his soda up to his mouth and took a step.

Cam turned her head around when she heard the bell to the diner ring and she saw Ray come in, looking left then right. Ray smiled when she saw them and walked over to the booth, sliding in quickly, “Hey guys.”, she said cheerfully like always.

“Glad you came.”, Cam said.

“How could I pass up on a free breakfast?”, she asked sarcastically and the waitress came over, asking her what she would want to drink. “Diet coke. So what's up?”, she asked when the waitress walked away. “What was so important I had to get out of my bed nine o'clock in the morning?”

“You come out of bed looking like that?”, Cam asked since even without makeup, Ray was completely beautiful and she had another thing to be jealous about.

“I know, it's horrible.”, she said, bring her hoodie up close to her and sniff. “I do need to really wash this.”

“Anyways,” Nat said, cutting them off. “Ray, I have to go to Miami next weekend. I want Cam to come with me, but she wouldn't be able to go unless someone else I with her. Kim a no show—ow!”, he hissed when Cam pinched him roughly on his arm. He glared at her and she glared back at him. “You just pinched me with your nails!”

“Oh man up.”, she said, rolling her eyes. “Kim would go if she wasn't so upset probably.”

“Why do you have claws for nails though?”, he asked. “They're great for back scratches, but if you're just going to pinch me that roughly—I don't know, you need to cut them.”

“Are we really going to sit here discussing my nails when we asked Ray here for a reason.”, she said.

“Is it that you both want me to come to Miami with you?”, she asked before Nat could argue back about her nails.

“Yes.”, they both said unexpected and Cam glared at Nat for a second.

“Guys, that does sound really awesome but I don't know if I can just pack up and leave for—“

“I'll pay for your plane ticket.”, Nat said and Cam groaned, rolling her eyes. That is not how normal people ask other people to go on a trip with them! “I'll pay for your hotel room and there's this party the band wants to go to, but that's optional.”

“I'll go.”, she said bluntly and Cam was taken back for a second as she watched Ray happily take the soda from the waitress and ordered some pancakes, bacon, eggs, and toast. Ray smiled when she looked at them both and shrugged, “What?”

“That was more then easy.”, Cam said.

“Oh, I have family in Miami, my parents will let me go.”, she said, chuckling. “I doubt I can go to that party but I'll be happy to go and watch how a professional music video is being made. Sounds exciting. And it's free!”

Nat leaned on the table and grinned, “See and Cam thought you wouldn't want to go—ow!”, he yelled when she pinched him again because she hated when he was right.

. . .

Nat groaned when Cam sat on top of him and his sister Addie joined on top of her, adding to the heavy weight on his back. “Ugh—not heavy enough. Where is a masseuse when you need one?”

“Yeah, none of those hoochie mamas are never touching you again.”, Cam said protectively and he laughed, laying there on the couch.

Addie finally got bored, “As nice as I hope to see Nat in pain, I got to meet up with my friends.”

“I find out there was boys, remind them who I am—oh yeah, keep doing that!”, he said when Addie hit his shoulder. “I had a rough night, Addie.”

“I hear. News flies fast that a fight happened between Chris Tailor and Kyle. It's all over facebook.”, she said

“What?”, they both said, surprised as Nat lifted his head to look at his sister.

“Yeah. You didn't know that?”, she asked.

“I barley go on Facebook.”, Nat said as he reached for his phone and tapped in his email. It was an account with a fake name because he doesn't need a million and one friend request when it's only used for people he actually knew. When he went down, he found two videos of the fight and he groaned.

Addie chuckled, “That's not all, Nat. Who knew you were such a big romantic?”, she asked when she held the phone out towards him and he saw some site. Cam leaned over to look and they both saw a picture of them both dancing under the old gazebo.

“Ew, someone followed us out there?”, Cam asked. “And they video taped us—ah! They got me laughing, ugh look how stupid I look!”, she said, horrified when a picture of her throwing her head back as she laughed when he made a stupid joke. Nat grew not to care about the horrible photos, but Cam still has allot to learn.

“At least they know you're relationship real.”, Addie said. She cleared her throat, “'While Nat Bynes has had many girlfriends before in his past being known as a player, it seems that this time he has actually found true love. You can just see it in his eyes—I always said you can tell when a man in love by the shine in his eyes'.” she said as she read from the article. “Ehh—skim, skim, skim over the baby mama drama. I am not becoming in auntie.”, she snorted. It was hard on the whole family about Amber false report about him, but his whole family believe him when he said he wasn't her baby daddy. All that crap finally starting to settle down a little—very little. He can finally go a day without being asked once a week.

Addie pulled away when she got a text, “Oh, got to go!”, she said excitedly as she ran out the door.

“Put your knees on my back.”, he said and Cam groaned, but got up and crawled on his back on her knees, moving around a little. “Mmm, a little better.”

“I am getting paid to do this, right?”, she asked sarcastically.

“Mmmm, sure, my love is worth allot. You should considered yourself lucky.”, he said and she painfully pressed her knee into his side, but he didn't let her know that hurt.

“Nat, don't you think it's weird someone followed us out there last night?”, she asked. “I mean, it's creepy.”

“It's not like it was the first time it happened to me.”, he said. “Sure, it's creepy but you'll get use to it.”

“Why do I need to get use to if when it shouldn't happen anyways?”, she asked. “I didn't see anyone last night and there's pictures of me on the internet?”

“You knew the cost when you became my girlfriend again.”, he said. He then felt her climb off him and he groaned, pressing his forehead against the couch pillow before lifting it up and looked at her, “What's wrong?”, he asked.

“You're not taking it seriously?”, she said, her voice getting hard.

He was amused though, “Seriously? If I take the press seriously my whole life, I'll turn back to drugs. Just enjoy the attention.”

“I hate attention, it's why I never complain when I didn't get the any leads in the dances.”, she said. “I'm not you, you love attention.”

“Exactly and it's something that you're not giving me.”, he said, reaching up and grabbed her arm. “Is the picture of you looking a little silly a big problem? You've probably seen a ton of bad picture of me. Me and the guys usually just laugh them off.”

She bend down to his level and crossed her arms over the cushion, “Now I know why celebs freak out on the press. You're known for your famous middle finger.”

He chuckled and leaned over, pecking her, “It would be so awesome if we did that together to them, that would catch headliners.” he said and she snorted, rolling her eyes.

. . .

When Cam walked into her house with Nat, she hadn't expect to her hear her parents arguing in the kitchen. Cam frown as she let go of Nat's hand and she walked over to the kitchen. When she appeared at the entrance door, they looked at her and stopped. She leaned against the frame, “Everything okay?”

“Peachy.”, her mom said sarcastically. She put the envelope down on the isle table and walked over to Cam and Nat, “Just stupid bills.”, she said as she walked away from them and upstairs.

Her dad sighed and picked up the envelope, “Damn company is raising our bill a little, but your mother acting like it's such a big deal.”

“I wish you to would stop fighting.”, Cam said and her father seem a little taken back that she had said that, but he didn't look angry. He just nodded and put the envelope down, “Ethan can probably hear it to and it's not good.”

“What do you want me to do, Cam?”, he asked. “I tried everything in the book to get her trust. She's stubborn, it's where you get it from.”

Cam just looked down at the floor, knowing he was right. Her dad has been trying at least, acting as if they had just gotten married and really sweet. He's been buying her things and she's just been refusing them and said 'buying stuff isn't going to fix their relationship' and stuff like that.

“How about a date?”, Nat suggest and she looked up at him.

“Tried asking her already, she says she's to busy.”, her dad said.

“Well don't ask her, tell her.”, he said and Cam raised an eyebrow at night. She was tempted to pinch his arm to make him shut up because he doesn't know her mom like that. They may be sweet to each other, but her mom a wrecking ball. She's hard like one to. “Tell her she you already made a plan to go somewhere, somewhere you can dance to. If she starts fighting, use your backbone and tell her she's gong whether she likes it or not.”

Both of them scuff and her dad chuckle, “You're asking for my head to be cut off and put on a stick.”

“Oh come on, you want her back? Just show her your the man and that you're trying. I've been around the world, all women like the same. Show her that you're still a man and that you love her. If she gets mad, just don't deal with it, fight back harder.”, Nat said as if he wasn't giving her dad advice, he sounded so casual. “Be romantic.”

“Be romantic?”, he asked. He chuckled and walked towards them, “I don't need advice on romance from a seventeen year old boy.”, he said as he hit Nat playfully on the head with the envelope as he walked out of the kitchen and into the living room.

“He'll thank me later.”, Nat said, grinning at Cam.

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