Chapter 5: Why, why, why why!?

Liu QingGe followed Shen Qingqiu - more specifically Shen Yuan - through the crowded street market, doing his best to hide his presence despite the fact he already stand out with his white clothes alone over most of the bustling crowd. The qiankun pouch on Shen Yuan's arm swayed lazily as he walked, and even though the street was packed with people, he seemed to glide effortlessly through the throng of people.

He was in no way stalking him! It was just a coincidence that he saw the omega wandering by himself and waiting for the perfect opportunity to approach him.

Weaving his way through a particularly lively group of merchants, Shen Yuan stopped at a jewelry stand. It was owned by a plump young woman with dark hair and a lovely heart-shaped face. The two exchanged pleasantries, and judging by the stand owner's blush and shy giggle, Shen Yuan had offered more than just a compliment on her displayed products.

Liu QingGe inched closer, allowing the human current to carry him along. When he'd gotten as close as his comfort would allow, he took cover behind a group of men stacking crates along the edge of the market. They were all so busy, no one noticed how out of place Liu QingGe looked.

He watched as Shen Yuan put the accessory inside his qiankun pouch and then handed the woman a handful of coins. Their fingers brushed during the exchange and there was a moment's pause. Shen Yuan seemed to notice something from behind the woman then leaned forward and whispered something in the girl's ear, turning her pale pink blush into a fiery crimson.

The young woman waved shyly to Shen Yuan as the omega headed off towards the fruit stands lining the street. Liu QingGe was curious to know what Shen Yuan said to the woman, but stopping to converse with the woman will make him lose time. Instead, Liu QingGe hurried in the direction Shen Yuan had disappeared in, hoping he wouldn't lose him in the crowd. He'd just caught sight of Shen Yuan's head when a large burly male bumped into his shoulder.

"'apologies," a man carrying huge crates grunted, giving a quick glimpse over Liu QingGe as he continued on.

Liu QingGe simply gave a nod in response, not even bothering to pay any attention for anything else.

Unfortunately, when Liu QingGe looked over to where he'd last seen Shen Yuan, he was nowhere to be found. He frowned in irritation, searching the area as he moved down the line of stalls. When he reached the end, he turned around so he could retrace his steps. Maybe Shen Yuan had already made his purchase and Liu QingGe had just missed it.

He jumped in surprise when he found Shen Yuan standing behind him. The male regarded Liu QingGe with mild interest, his pale green gaze narrowing ever so slightly.

"Is there a reason why you're following me, Liu-shidi?" Shen Yuan asked, taking a step forward.

"I wasn't following you," Liu QingGe denied quickly, taking a step back. "I was just..."

"Following me," Shen Yuan repeated, a clear glint of amusement visible in his eyes.

"I'm not!" Liu QingGe shook his head in response, his face felt so warm, it's only getting hotter the longer Shen Yuan stared at him. He was about to stumble through another excuse when Shen Yuan snapped his fan open to cover the lower half of his handsome face, concealing a soft smile.

The Bai Zan Peak's head disciple wanted nothing more than to rip that fan away! He wanted to see that rare smile! Every time he sees the twins, the two always had a stoic expression on their face, rarely showing any emotions!

"I know why you're here," he said. "You're on your way back after finishing a mission, right?"

Liu QingGe nodded in relief, thankful Shen Yuan had given an excuse for him.

"Good, we can go back together. You don't mind accompanying this Shixiong, right?"

Liu QingGe couldn't possibly say no, in the end he could nod and only follow him from behind. He felt awkward, happy, and nervous to the point of nausea that he walking with him, thoroughly forgetting that they are weaving through sea of people. Even in the midst of crowd, he could still clearly smell that sweet scent coming from him, it doesn't make his mind hazy like it did before, but it's still taking all the control he could muster not to grab him and inhale that heavenly sweetness. Liu Qingge needed a distraction. He wants to start a conversation but the words were pathetically stuck in his throat.

As soon as they turned to the corner there was a sudden rush of people. Out of reflex, Liu QingGe was about to grab him to shield the omega from the influx of people when Shen Yuan suddenly dive in the crowd.

Shen Yuan did not avoid him just now, right?

"Yue Shixiong!" Shen Yuan called out, his eyes brightened up as he ran over towards their senior, who was still miles away from them, in this sea of crowd and leaving Liu QingGe standing there like an abandoned puppy.

Liu QingGe should have expected this. He had initially thought this was a perfect opportunity but he should have known better that Shen Yuan would rarely be left alone wherever he goes, Shen Qinhqiu and their Shixiong always one to be constantly presence around him.

"Shen-shidi." Yue QingYuan said fondly. He ushered them towards a less crowded area then he finally noticed Liu QingGe trailing behind "I didn't expect to run into Liu-shidi."

"Yue-shixiong." Liu Qingge greeted "I was on the way back to the Sect when I ran into Shen-shixiong."

"I see."Yue QingYuan smiled at him before turning back to the omega. "Was Shen-shidi able to get everything he needs?"


"Then we could all go back together."

"I'll have to decline shixiong. There are still things I needed to do." Liu Qingge quickly said his excuse, lest he lost his chance to say no again. Plus it'll be very hard for him to actually spend time with the pair. Better run while he still have the chance than bear with drinking vinegar.

"That is unfortunate." he said in disappointment "Thank you for looking after Shen-shidi"

Liu QingGe nodded before briskly walking away. When he was sure there was enough distance from them he looked back, watching the two disappear within the crowd of people.

The alpha had always wanted to talk to him privately to clarify things that had him muddled in thoughts since he mistook him for his brother. Though it seems to be heavens will that he will not have his answer. The next day he came looking for him back, Shen Yuan was to cultivate in Ling Xi caves until Qing Jing Peak Lord was satisfied. When he wanted to wait for him to go out of seclusion, Yue QingYuan had beat him into meeting him.

He want to give up this infatuation but it was just too hard.

Between last five years and this time, something has changed.

Immensely so.

Shen Yuan was already beauty before. But there is something new, an edge to him. Now that he has fully bloomed, he was like a bunch of blossoms blooming in the night. The tender green leaves could no longer hide the bright white color within as the flower slowly poked out, causing everything around him to pale in comparison. He had a pair of amorous eyes that were filled with tender spring water. The curve of the bridge of his nose was extremely soft. His lips were full and red, like a cherry that had been dipped in dew. The words he also spoke were sweet and soft.

He's matured, Liu QingGe realized a bit stunned when he properly looked at him during the Peak Lords meeting when he finally emerged out of the caves after five years. The omega is turning into a beautiful thing and he can't stop thinking about him even if he wants to.

This fixation torments him, especially knowing that he wouldn't even look at him. He just wished that Yue QingYuan would hurry up and claim him, they've been courting for so long already. If he was bonded then that sweet scent would no longer haunt him.

Even so, just the thought of it makes him bitter and he felt as if he was being stabbed in the chest repeatedly.

Liu QingGe decided then that it would be best to keep distance until this infatuation cools down.

But then why...

Just why?

Why is it that Shen Yuan suddenly everywhere!

They always happen to run into each other! When Liu Qingge is headed somewhere Shen Yuan seemed to always have some business where he was going. Wasn't he supposed to be an elusive omega? Hidden away by his over protected brother within the safety of bamboo forest of Qing Jing!? Why was he everywhere!

It was torturing him. It's gone to a point that Liu Qingge would no longer be surprise if he saw Shen Yuan in Bai Zan Peak one day!

Liu Qingge dealt with this problem in the most rational way he could.

He ran away when he sees even a shadow of Shen Yuan.

No, he was not avoiding him. He was doing it for the sake of his sanity!


Shen Yuan silently watched Liu Qingge from a pavilion situated by the edge of a cliff, the place gave a good view of the training ground below, it was high enough and the trees acted like a curtain to hide his presence, afraid to make a sound even though he was too far away for fear of breaking the man's concentration. There were very few things he knew Liu Qingge like to do, and that was fighting.

"Is it alright for Shen-shixiong to be so carefree with the upcoming Immortal Alliance Conference?"

Shen Yuan flinched in fright, somewhat guilty, he broke his gaze away from the training ground when he was sure that no one from below noticed and look up to see both Qi Qingqi and Shang QingHua, who was following behind her carrying various books and scrolls in hand.

"It's fine to slack off once in a while. It's it already an overkill that all succeeding disciple will participate this time, don't you think so too Qi-shimei." He pressed his lips in a thin smile, pretending that he was just simply spacing out. He lifted his hand in gesture for them to join him. The tea had long become lukewarm, but just a simple trick could fix it, and serve them a cup of tea.

"I believe this is the first time we get to talk like this Shang-shidi."

"Yes." Shan QingHua nodded, nervously taking a sip on his tea "It's rare for Shen-shixiong to be alone and not to be rude but your brother is a bit scary."

"I doubt Shen Qingqiu would mind you getting close to Shen Yuan. Since you two are an omega, it's best for you to be close to each other, plus you can learn a lot from Shen-shixiong." Qi Qingqi encourages. "Speaking of Shen Qingqiu, where is he?"

"My brother is currently enjoying another one sided argument with Yue-shixiong." Shen Yuan hummed lazily.

"Again?" She snickered "I swear that your brother never tires out of it. Shouldn't you be there to mediate the situation?"

"I'll only be a hindrance if I stay." he shrugged nonchalantly then he grinned "Besides I'm busy stalking someone."


Both Qi Qingqi and Shang QingHua spat their tea and coughed vehemently.

"Oh you mean you were assigned to follow someone." Qi Qingqi laughed dryly wiping the mess on his face. Shang QingHua nodding at agreement.

"No. I'm stalking someone who caught my interest." Shen Yuan snapped his fan open to hide his blush.

Too frank!

They both swore internally that this was the influence of Qing Jing's Peak Lord!

"Shi-shixiong." Qi Qingqi asked with caution "Does Yue-xiong and Shen-xiong know this?"

"Of course not!" Shen Yuan huffed indignantly "They'd kill him even before I could approach that person! You know how infuriatingly overprotective those two are!"

The two immediately paled because they knew it was really going to happen. They silently offered condolence to whoever it was that Shen Yuan fancied. Qi Qingqi was quick to recover though, wanting to hear more about this juicy development. It looks like things would start to get interesting and she want front row seat.

"Thanks to that I can't even risk it and approach that person." Shen Yuan grumbled, sipping lazily from his cup of tea. "I've been trying to get his attention but he always seem to treat me like an air! Am I not attractive?"

"Anyone who doesn't find Shen-shixiong must be blind!" Qi Qingqi said defensively, maybe a little too biased. She had known him ever since they came to Cang Qiong and they've been close friends since then, out of all the people it was Qi Qingqi who can sympathize with the over-protectiveness of the alphas around Shen Yuan.

"Then why does he always seem to run away? Yesterday when I tried to talk to him he left before I can approach him!"

"Maybe you're coming on too strong," Qi Qingqi offered, rolling to her side and propping her head up with her elbow.

"All I've done was try to be within his periphery and subtly make him notice me," Shen Yuan replied, staring down into his half-empty cup. "How is that coming too strong?"

"Well, maybe he doesn't dare to approach you because he's intimidated by your brother."

"That's why I've been making an effort to make sure that I'm with Yue-shixiong or alone whenever I try to talk to him." Shen Yuan pouted "Then, he still goes and run away."

"Maybe he's just too flustered." Qi Qingqi said in amusement, she want to know just who is this person but could only slowly pry to identity of this mysterious man. She had a guess but she can't be too sure until she confirmed it from him.

"I guess you're right. But, it's been months since he and I started this ridiculous game of cat and mouse. Shouldn't he at least talk to me or accept some of my invites by now even just to humor me."

"Uhm... Shen-shixiong" Shang QingHua finally said something, he was still a bit dazed with the information. Like everyone else, he had assumed that Yue QingYuan and Shen Yuan are lovers, everyone agree that they were perfect and made for each other. So to hear him talking about fancying another is just too shocking. "I think I know what the problem is."


"Don't you know..."


All Peak Lords along with their head disciples are gathered at Qiong Ding for their monthly meeting. One would expect that such gathering would be tense, in contrary, everyone in the room was relaxed while enjoying some snack as they go through reports and discussion of the sects' affair.

Liu Qingge had always find this meeting gathering but as a head disciple of Bai Zan Peak it's his duty to attend, if not, his master would just have to drag him forcefully. He was only amenable for the assigning of challenging missions... and well... seeing Shen Yuan as well.

"There is a very concerning report about a gathering demonic red wolves in the east." An Ding Peak lord reported, as they are the ones who receive the requests from outside.

"Shouldn't small sects deal with them already?"

"They couldn't," the peak lord answered "according to the scouts the smaller sects had sent reported that an approximate 200-300 blood hounds was gathered in, the possibility of the appearance of a blue blooded wolf is high."

"Qingqiu." An Yuexi called while everyone was putting an input on how to deal with the problem.

"Yes Shizun." The Shen twin's said synchronously.

"You two will leave tonight and eradicate that pack of blood hounds." The room fell silent and everyone looked at them when she gave the order.

"This disciple obey." they cupped their hand and received her directive.

"Hey, hey shouldn't you at least give them more time to prepare before they set off?"

Liu Qingge was flabbergasted. Isn't that concern a little bit off? Shouldn't they be worried about their safety and that this mission would be too much for them? Even if those are weak monster that number can still be troublesome.

Before anyone could object further, An YueXi spoke again.

"No need. They know what to do." she shrugged, waving her hand dismissively "Consider this a light warm up before the Immortal alliance conference. Besides it'll be good for them. This brat..." she pointed at Shen Qingqiu "had been distracted for days and," she turned to Shen Yuan "this one looks like he's been aching to hack something."

No one questioned how she could tell when the two held absolutely no expression at all. What was more concerning was what she said seemed to be the other way around. Surely she won't make a mistake between the two of them. Just what happened for that temperamental and gentle Shen Yuan want to murder someone?

While others are confused, both Qi Qingqi and Shang QingHua shrank behind their respective masters, their faces pale. They were the only ones who knew why Shen Yuan had been in a bad mood these past few days. Who knew that gentle omega's cold gaze, as if a storm is brewing in those green eyes, could be much scarier than Shen Qingqiu's glare.

Once the meeting ended Liu QingGe saw Shen Qingqiu say something to his brother before he left the room, not long after Yue QingYuan followed after him, leaving Shen Yuan by himself. He's still reluctant but it seemed like a good time to finally talk to him.

He wanted to approach Shen Yuan and offer his help in their mission, it was out of genuine worry. He hesitated for a moment, but before he could muster confidence, his disciple siblings have already lined up in front of Shen Yuan.

And no, they were not offering to help, they were handing him storage pouches along with their requests.

"Shixiong don't forget to get me some of their claws."

"If you see a cub please don't kill it and take it for me to raise."

"The blood of blood hound would be a good research material for new medicines."

"Please get me a few of their pelts, they fetch a high price in the market."

Shen Yuan simply stood there passively, fanning himself as he noted each their request.

"It's time consuming if I have to take it all separately, I'll just get as many corpse as I can then I'll leave it to An Ding Peak to process them." Shen Yuan turned to Shang QingHua who nodded his head eagerly in agreement. "As for the live cubs that Qingshan-shidi asked for... I'll make sure to take them if I find one."

Liu Qingge was rendered speechless. First and foremost, weren't they supposed to be wary that Shen Yuan seemed to be in a bad mood, yet everyone is so lively, lining up to ask for souvenirs like they were just going on a leisure trip. Second, is no really worried for their well-being in the least!? They're going against hundreds of wolves, even if they're weak monsters but that number is nothing to laugh at!

There was also a little jealous voice inside him that thinks that all of them were competing for his attention since both of Shen Yuan's usual guardians weren't around. Because they don't request anything from him whenever he's assigned on a mission. Liu QingGe had completely no idea that this was almost a tradition whenever the twins would go out for a mission since Shen Yuan had a habit of taking back something useful for his shidis and shimei.


"What's wrong Qingqiu? What's on your mind?" Yue QinhgYuan asked in concern when he finally caught up to him, but Shen Qingqiu didn't respond until...

"Ex-excuse me?!" Shen Qingqiu jumped in surprise as if he just notice Yue QingYuan was next to him.

Yue QingYuan frowned at the other's response to his question. Shen Qingqiu was acting weird. Weirder than usual. Yue QingYuan had spent years silently observing the other to recognize that something was off with just a glimpse. Shen Qingqiu's neutral expression had changed from lost in thoughts to blatantly distracted. He keeps fiddling his fan, sighing every few minutes in intervals and ask Shen Yuan to repeat himself several times within a single conversation. Worst of all, Shen Qingqiu would avoid eye contact with Yue QingYuan rather than glare daggers conveying his passionate hatred towards him like usual. It was off-putting.

It was disconcertingly strange.

"Something's bothering you," Yue QingYuan stated as he placed a hand on the other's shoulder.

"Don't..." Shen Qingqiu wanted to sneer but it came out as if he croaked while shrugging away from his grasp. "...touch me."

Yue QingYuan let his palm hover in the air, unsure of how to proceed. Shen Qingqiu was glaring alright, not at him, but at the tree adjacent to him.

What's going on? Yue QingYuan wondered desperately.

Suddenly, Shen Qingqiu cleared the uncertainty out of his throat and spoke once more.

"I'm fine. There is no need to concern yourself with me."

And just like that, he was gone.

Yue QingYuan stared at him until he was gone from his sight as he tried to process the new piece of information adding to Shen Qingqiu's strangeness:

Shen Qingqiu's face had been very meek and he looked like he's in pain throughout the entire duration of their conversation.

He better ask Shen Yuan later if there was something going on or more precisely what he did.


Liu Qingge wandered down the garden path to the sect gate. With his mind consumed by thoughts, he hadn't slept a wink. His body felt heavy and his mind clouded. To say he was anxious would be an understatement, and although he stayed in an almost constant state of worry, not even he was equipped to handle this level of utter anxiousness.

It was during the first crack of dawn when he decided that he had enough of this and left the sect premises under the pretense of accepting a minor mission that was coincidentally close to where the Shen twins were heading.

It is a hot summer day, and Liu Qingge can almost feel his skin melting from the blazing sun during his travel. He flew here without any breaks as fast as he could, arriving in record time. The shade of overgrown trees within the forest was a big relief while he search for any signs of the people that he was looking for.


Liu Qingge jolt when someone called his name from behind, with his hand placed on the hilt of Cheng Luan, he turned around to see who it was only to find Yue QingYuan.

"What are you doing here?" Liu Qingge asked in surprise.

"My shizun sent me as an assurance. I'm secretly following them. If ever there's an emergency I can assist Qingqiu immediately." Yue QingYuan answered.

That's why no one was worried. Liu Qingge was both relieved and bitter when the realization dawned on him him. It was blatant favoritism on Yue QingYuan's part. Even the sect leader should know that it was too much for the head disciple of Qiong Ding to watch after them secretly yet he was letting him!

"Were you also sent by Yang-shibo?"

Liu Qingge shook his head. "I was out for a quick mission around the area." He wasn't going to tell him that he followed out of concern.

"I see." Yue QingYuan said with no intention to pry further. "We better go somewhere else. We might end up interfering Shen Qingqiu's.

"Do you always follow them when they go out?" Qingge followed behind him, ducking under branches and pushing through the brush. He had no idea where Yue QingYuan was taking him, but the not knowing wasn't enough to make Liu Qingge turn back.

"No. Only when their task is too unreasonable." YueQingYuan replied "Liu-shidi may not know since Shen-shidi had been in seclusion for years and Shen Qingqiu rarely left the sect during those times, but An-shishu has a bad habit of constantly testing their limit." he explained "Because of that, the other peak lords came to agreement to send me or anyone to ensure that they'll make it back alive."

Liu Qingge hummed in acknowledgement. Of course he knew that, though he thought that people was just exaggerating before. "Had there been a time when you had to save them?"

"None so far." he replied

They reached the peak roughly a mile or so into the woods. Yue QingYuan stopped, at the opposite edge, hopping onto a twisted root that had grown up and out of the ground. Liu Qingge stopped as well, looking around and taking in the scene.

The area had a view of the wide clearing of grassland just below. It was a little bit far but as a cultivator he could see clearly miles ahead. There are two figures in the middle of the clearing, which he assumed Shen Qingqiu and Shen Yuan, herding three sheeps?

Liu Qingge frowned. What are they going to do with that? Also aren't they too far away from the lair?

Looking at it once more, he realized that it was not a normal sheep but rather a miraculous sheep, he'd see those raised in Qian Shou Peak. If Liu Qingge remembered correctly that is a delicacy for monster. Now he could vaguely understand what they intend to do.

The two continued to watch in silence.

The Shen twins left two miraculous sheep bleeding, not enough to kill it but just enough for the scent of blood to permeate in the open air, luring the wolves into their trap. In just minutes, the green open grassland turned into black. Hundreds of wolves gathering around the beast, trying to break the protective barrier that they were enclosed in.

When Liu Qingge thought that they would start killing all of the monsters one by one, there was a flickering light then a huge thunder array expanding hundred miles appeared in the area, effectively killing almost all of the wolves in one fell swoop through electrocution.

That was an interesting and reckless tactic. An array that large and complicated would use up a lot of spiritual energy often leading to incapacitating the caster. Especially with only two of them, no matter how much qi reserves they had it would still be too much.

He was relieved when the two finally show themselves and started killing off the monsters that was able to survive, neither of them looked exhausted. Liu Qingge could only assume that they used a substitute in providing spiritual energy to the array.

Liu Qingge couldn't take his eyes off the two when they began to clear through the remaining pack of wolves. He was never one for elegance when it came to battle technique, he always thought that such actions are a waste of time and gives his opponents number of openings. Yet now he watch how the two of them move with such finesse.

It was beautiful. They truly were worthy of the name 'Clear Autumn'. Both seemed to flutter elegantly in the bloodied field like falling leaves of autumn.

It didn't take too long for the one-sided massacre to be over. Even the concerning Blue Blooded Wolf was like a normal animal ready for slaughter to them.

Turns out, he was worried over nothing.

Liu Qingge had excuse himself to attend to the mission he took - that he almost forgot. He wanted to go back as soon as he was done but Yue QingYuan insisted that they should all go back together without giving him a room to decline and told him the inn where they would meet up tomorrow at noon.


Liu Qingge is really starting to question his luck.

For why all of the instances he's unlucky enough to see something that would make him swallow gallons of vinegar.

It really was just a coincidence, okay!

As if there was a heavy weight on his shoulder, Liu Qingge dejectedly head for the designated area where he'll meet up with the others. It was a small town with decent number of people. It was easy enough to spot the inn where they are currently staying.

He deliberated for an entire day yesterday if he should just ditch them and make up an excuse that made him go back to the sect earlier than plan. In the end he decided to bear with it even knowing that his presence would be unwelcome (by Shen Qingqiu).

When Liu Qingge was near the in, he slowly made Cheng Luan descend and it was just right at a perfect moment when he was across the window of one of the rooms that almost made him lose his balance.

A person in familiar green whose back is facing him was caressing their shixiong's cheek with his slender hand. Yue QingYuan placed a hand on top of his before leaning down and kiss Shen-

Liu Qingge was too flustered and jumped down from where Cheng Luan was hovering. Height of the fall be damned!

Thankfully it wasn't that high and he was able to land without embarrassing himself in broad day light.

Everyone knows that they're in a relationship, alright! He sneered internally. Propriety can be non-existent between lovers for all he cares but at least close the damned window!

Liu Qingge summoned Cheng Luan back in his hand and place it back to it's sheathe it before stomping away in irritation, he will leave now! It was really a bad idea for him to come.

"What are you here, Liu-shidi?" a soft familiar voice called to him. He snapped his head up when that sweet scent wafts around him and saw Shen Yuan standing in front of him, in his arms a small cub that looks suspiciously like that vicious blue blooded wolf being coddled like a harmless pet.

Liu Qingge's jaw dropped in disbelief. He shook his head to clear his mind and gave the person in front of him another look.

If Shen Yuan is in front of him, then the one who was currently busy with Yue QingYuan is no other than Shen Qingqiu.


The one who always express his deep hatred towards Yue QingYuan at each and every turn. They were in that sort or relationship! How? Since when?

He has a lot of question but he was relieved and strangely worried for Shen Yuan as well. Does Shen Yuan know the relationship between his lover and his brother? Wait there are people saying that both twins are engaged to their shixiong so it goes without saying Shen Yuan was aware of it as well.

"Liu-shidi?" Shen Yuan waved a hand in front of him to get his attention back.

"I-I was around the area for a mission." he stuttered. "Yue-shixiong asked me to meet up with you before we go back to the sect."

"Oh, then let's go and meet up with my brother then."

"Wait!" Liu Qingge hurriedly try to stop him from going back to the inn. He was about to pull him back when Shen Yuan flinched and took a huge step back away from him, obviously avoiding his touch.



The two stared at each other in surprise and awkwardly. Liu QingGe's outstretched arms looked pitifully lonely and useless, forgetting to pull back when he was clearly rejected. He was trying to come up with something to diffuse the awkwardness but before he could come up with something....

Shen Yuan coughed, clearing his throat "L-et's hurry along shidi. They must be tired waiting for us."

They're certainly not! Liu Qingge wanted to protest but he couldn't say it, he could only follow him back. He had already notice before that Shen Yuan would stay at a certain distance from him, even if he always saw him everywhere, and he vaguely know that he avoids being in contact with him. But being outright rejected like that really stings.

There are a lot on his mind. It was one shock after another for Liu Qingge and his mind is already overloading.

Before he knew it they were already in front of the door to their rooms.

"Gege! Qi-Ge!" Shen Yuan chirped happily, opening the door without even knocking "Have you two finally made up with each other!"

There was a loud clattering sound when Liu Qingge looked.

"We did Xiao Yuan." Yue QingYuan laughed dryly, his face was still flushed, and on the other hand Shen Qingqiu was facing the wall in the furthest corner. Shen Yuan might have missed because he was talking with Yue QingYuan it but Liu Qingge saw him straightened out his robes secretly.


Oh god, Shen Yuan had no idea between the two of them! 

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