Surprisingly, Vladimir was already in his seat when (Name) and Milen arrived to class. He waved to them casually and folded his hands together and began twiddling his thumbs, waiting for the class to begin.
(Name) slammed her books down in the silence of the now-empty class and plopped down next to her friend, while Milen sat on the other side of him.
"Vladimir," she started "I do not know what you planned out, but I'm guessing that it is a very big prank and it will probably be the biggest one ever."
"That's right!" Said Vladimir, grinning from ear to ear.
"And you shouldn't do this."
"(Name), don't listen to Milen. It's going to be fine-"
"No, it won't be," Milen said "I've told you before, Kirkland can be very scary when he's angry!"
"It's okay-"
"No it won't be okay. You might get expelled for this, Vladimir. Everyone knows you're the prankster and some people don't take it too lightly."
"Milen, please, I've avoided trouble before, and I can avoid it again" He turned to (Name) "You trust me, don't you (Name)? Please tell me you trust me."
She sighed. This wasn't going anywhere. She's known him for six years and she had always trusted him with these things.
Will she trust him now?
Is this the limit?
Professor Kirkland walked in at that time and the trio shut up. He casually looked questionably at the three, then thinking them safe, he walked toward his desk and began a routine checking of the area.
"Vladimir, what did you plan?" Milen whispered.
"Something..." Vladimir whispered back. There was a sense of nervousness pervading from him and (Name) saw him gulp. He was fidgeting with the collar of his shirt.
"Vladimir, are you alright?"
"Maybe...this wasn't such a good idea..." Vladimir whispered back.
"But you can dismantle it, can't you?" (Name) could feel panic rising within her "You can just tell the professor that you were going to prank him but you decided against it! I'm sure he will be glad that you told him the tru-"
"I can't do that, (Name)..." Vladimir darted his eyes over to the door. Proffesor Wang walked in along with other students. He was holding a note and looked quite confused.
"Why? Vladimir, are people going to get hurt?"
Vladimir looked to Milen, then to (Name).
"I-I'm so sorry, (Name), but it's already too late..."
She saw his eyes dart to the ceiling and her eyes followed.
There was a huge, but thin black box glued to the ceiling of the class. It was shaking violently, but no sound was produced. The box was getting more and more violent and then-
It exploded.
And out poured little black monsters, the size of a person's palm, with slanted golden eyes and black antennas protruding from its head.
They spread out throughout the room silently and began to crawl down the walls. One monster crawled to one of the students and opened a mouth to show sharp teeth.
Chaos had started.
The girl screamed and that caused a chain reaction. The black monsters immediately jumped off the walls and ceiling and onto the students, scratching and biting them. The two professors turned their heads just in time to see one jump onto them.
One landed on Wang's face and he screamed, running around and trying to swat it off. It was quite a comical scene, if it weren't for the screaming students.
(Name) and Milen stared in horror at the scene. Students had bloody faces and torn robes and with each victim, the monsters seemed to be getting more vicious.
"Vladimir, what have you done?!" Yelled out Milen over the screams of the students.
"You don't understand!" Vladimir said "I had to do it beca-"
One monster landed on (Name) at that time and she screamed, catching the attention of her friends.
"(NAME)!" Vladimir grabbed the monster and threw it off of her. "Are you alright?!"
"I-I'm fine..." There were bloody scratched on her face "But you have to stop this! This is going to become an accident, not a prank!"
"But I don't know how to stop this! He never told me how!"
Vladimir covered his mouth with his hand.
"Vladimir, who's 'he'?!"
"I-I can't tell you"
"Vladimir, what is going on?!"
The monsters froze and dropped to the ground. Kirkland lowered his wand and surveyed the area.
Students had their faces bloodied and some more so. There was some sniffling heard and someone crying. Wang wasn't faring pretty well himself, having collapsed on a desk with his face scratched up as well.
Kirkland's eyes landed on the trio and he inhaled sharply.
"Milen Hinova, (First) (Name), Vladimir Popescu," he said, so quietly that they could barely hear him "The headmaster shall hear of this..."
♢ ♢ ♢
"FORGING A NOTE, PRETENDING IT WAS FROM A TEACHER" Kirkland walked briskly across the room, pointing accusingly to the three friends every once in a while "PLANTING A DANGEROUS DEVICE IN A CLASSROOM FULL OF STUDENTS AND DEALING SERIOUS HARM TO ALL, INCLUDING TEACHERS!!! ESPECIALLY TEACHERS" Kirkland panted for breath and pointed at the three again.
(Name) and Milen gasped and Vladimir hung his head down in shame.
The headmaster smiled. He leaned forward on his desk.
"Arthur, you know that the students are still children, correct?"
"Yes, but-"
"Let them be children!" He grinned and his two curls bobbed up and down "This shall be a short time in their lives, so let them live it.
"I remember when I used to play pranks on my proffesors...Ah, those were the good days..."
"But these three-"
"Yes, they've done something wrong, but kids will be kids," he waved his hand "Arthur, you're dismissed, I will speak to the children"
Kirkland sighed defeatedly and walked briskly out of the room, glaring at Vladimir while do so.
"Alright, then," said the headmaster "So who did it?"
The question surprised the three. Shouldn't he know?
"I know it was one of you three but nobody told me who did it specifically. So tell me now, who did it? There will be a punishment, but it won't be an expulsion."
The three looked at each other and back to the ground in shame.
Vladimir sighed.
"I did it," (Name) said.
Milen gasped and Vladimir stared at his friend. The Headmaster merely raised a brow.
She dug her heel into Milen's toe.
"OUCH!!!" He dropped to the ground, clutching his foot.
"Are you telling the truth now, Miss.....?"
The headmaster motioned for her name.
"(Last Name), Headmaster Vargas."
"Miss (Last Name), are you telling me the truth?"
"I am, sir"
"Alright, please stay here. Your friends are dismissed."
Vladimir and Milen sullenly walked out of the room.
Vladimir turned around to look back at his friend and (Name) mouthed a single sentence.
"It's going to be alright..."
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