Herbs I-L

INDIGO WEED: Protection

Also Called: Baptisia

IRIS: Attracts wisdom, courage, and faith. Use fresh iris flower to purify an area. Represents a belief in happy reincarnation. Symbolizes faith, wisdom, and valor. Useful for consecrating ritual wands. Used in rituals designed for baby blessings.

IRISH MOSS: An excellent luck herb. Carry or place under rugs to increase luck and ensure steady flow of money; carry on trips for protection & safety; use to stuff luck or money poppets. Add to luck oil to increase its strength. An excellent gambler's herb. Sprinkle an infusion of the herb around a business to bring in customers.

IRON WEED: Carry in a purple flannel bag for control over others, including boss and co-workers (not recommended - remember the law of threes).

IVY: Protection, healing, fertility, and love. Hang an ivy plant in front of the home to repel negative influence and discourage unwanted guests. Mix in a sachet with Holly as a wedding gift to provide protection to the newly married couple. Place ground ivy around the base of a yellow candle on a Tuesday, then burn the candle to discover who (if anyone) is working negative magick against you.

JAMACIAN GINGER: Gambling luck

JASMINE: Uses include snakebite and divination; good for charging quartz crystals. Use in sachets and spells to draw spiritual love and attract a soul mate. Carry or burn the flowers to draw wealth and money. Use in dream pillows to induce sleep or burn in the bedroom to bring prophetic dreams. Helps to promote new, innovative ideas.

Also Called: Pikake, Ysmyn, Jessamin, Moonlight on the Grove.

JEZEBEL ROOT: Used for spells and castings for money and achievement. Also used to place curses and hexes.

JOB'S TEARS: Luck in finding employment, wishes, and blessing. Used in counts of 3 or 7 in charm and mojo bags to attract luck, wishes and money. Carrying three will assist in finding a good job. Count out seven seeds while concentrating on a wish, then carry the seeds with you at all times for seven days -- the wish should come true by the end of the week.

JUNIPER: Banishes all things injurious to good health; attracts good, healthy energies and love. Juniper berries can be carried by males to increase potency. Use a string of juniper berries to attract love. Burn for magickal protection. Place a sprig of juniper near the door to a home or with valuables to help safeguard against theft (but keeping locking the doors, too!). Use juniper oil in magickal workings to increase money and prosperity.

Also Called: Juniper Berries, Ginepro, Enebro, Wachholder.

KAVA KAVA: Uses include aphrodisiac; potent sacramental drink; potions; induces visions; astral work; travel protection. Carry for success and job promotion.

Also Called: Ava, Ava Pepper, Intoxicating Pepper.

KNOTWEED: Binding spells, health, and cursing.

KOLA NUTS: Peace, removing depression, and calming.

LADY SLIPPER: Used for protection against hexes, curses and the evil eye.

LADY'S MANTLE: Aphrodisiac, transmutation. Use in love potions or to increase the power of any magickal workings.

Also Called: Nine Hooks, Dewcup, Lion's Foot, Bear's Foot, Stellaria.

LARCH: Protection and anti-theft.

LARKSPUR: Health and protection.

LAUREL: Love and protection. Worn by brides to guarantee a long and happy marriage.

LAVENDER: Magickal uses include love, protection, healing, sleep, purification, and peace. Promotes healing from depression. Great in sleep pillows and bath spells. Believed to preserve chastity when mixed with rosemary. Burn the flowers to induce sleep and rest, then scatter the ashes around the home to bring peace and harmony. Use in love spells and sachets, especially those to attract men.

Also Called: Spike, Nardus, Elf Leaf, Nard.

LEEKS: Love, protection, exorcism, and strengthening existing love.

LEMONS: Cleansing, spiritual opening, purification, and removal of blockages. Add lemon peel to love sachets and mixtures. Soak peel in water and use the mixture as a wash for magickal objects to remove unwanted negativity, especially for objects received second-hand. Use an infusion of lemon to induce lust.

Also Called: Citronnier, Neemoo, Leemoo, Limone, Limoun

LEMON BALM: Love, success, healing, and psychic/spiritual development. Use in love charms & spells to attract a partner. Use in healing spells & rituals for those suffering from mental or nervous disorders.

Also Called: Melissa, Sweet Balm, Balm Mint, Bee Balm, Blue Balm, Cure-all, Dropsy Plant, Garden Balm, Sweet Balm.

LEMON GRASS: Psychic cleansing and opening, lust potions.

LEMON VERBENA: Worn to increase attractiveness or to bed to prevent dreams. Added to other herbal mixtures and charms to increase their effectiveness. Used in purification baths. Carried in an amulet to attract the opposite sex.

LETTUCE: Divination, lunar magick, sleep, protection, love spells, and male sex magick.

LICORICE: Love, lust, and fidelity. Carry to attract a lover.

Also Called: Licorice Root, Yashtimadhu, Mithilakdi, Mulathi, Liquorice, Sweet Root, Lacris, Lacrisse, Lycorys, Reglisse.

LILACS: Wisdom, memory, good luck and spiritual aid.

Also Called: Common Lilac.

LILLIES (LILY): Fertility, renewal, rebirth, marriage, happiness, and prosperity.

Also Called: Easter Lily, Tiger Lily.

LILY OF THE VALLEY: Soothing, calming, draws peace and tranquility, and repels negativity. Assists in empowering happiness and mental powers. Use in magickal workings to stop harassment. Married couples should plant Lily of the Valley in their first garden to promote longevity of the marriage. Note: Poisonous, use with caution.

Also Called: Jacob's Ladder, Male Lily, Our Lady's Tears, Ladder-to-Heaven, May Lily, Constancy.

LIMES: Purification and protection, promoting calmness and tranquility, and strengthening love.

LINDEN FLOWER: Used in love spells/mixtures and protection spells & incenses. Mix equal parts Linden and Lavender flowers and place in a sachet under your pillowcase to relieve insomnia. Keep Linden on a table to release the energies needed to keep the spirit alive and healthy.

Also Called: Lime Blossoms, Linden Flowers, Tilia.

LITTLE JOHN: Place in holy water to bring good luck in everything you attempt.

LO JOHN: Money, success, and luck.

LOBELIA. Used for attracting love and preventing storms.

Also Called: Pukeweed, Indian Tobacco, Bladderpod, Wild Tobacco, Emetic Herb, Emetic Weed, Asthma Weed, Rag Root, Vomit Wort.

LOTUS: Love, protection, psychic opening, and spiritual growth. Sacred to Egyptian gods, Indian gods, Hermes, Oshun, and Osiris.

LOTUS ROOT: Carry to keep thoughts pleasant and clear. Mark one side 'Yes' and the other 'No', then toss the root into the air as you make a wish to find out if the wish will come true.

LOVAGE: Prophetic dreams, energy, and purification. Use in bath spells for psychic cleansing. Use in sachets, amulets, or bath magick to enhance attractiveness and make yourself more love-inspiring. Add an infusion of lovage to the bath immediately prior to attending court to bring victory.

LUCKY HAND ROOT: Magickal uses include bringing good luck, protecting owner from all harm, travel safety, and gaining employment. Great for use in mojo & charm bags. Carry for general success and to obtain & maintain employment.

Also Called: Orchid Root.

LUNGWORT: Air magick, offering to the spirits of air, blessing while traveling by air.




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