Chapter 10: Your Going To Have To Put Up With Me
It wasn't long until Amanda had finished eating. She was so hungry, that she ate her food pretty quickly. Olivia couldn't help but laugh at how hurriedly she ate her food – it was like she was in a hurry to do something else. Olivia finished just after her, as she didn't want to make her wait. "Did you enjoy that?" questioned Amanda, who stood up and took the empty containers and rubbish to the kitchen. "I sure did. Best Chinese I've had in a long time," Olivia confessed, smiling as Amanda returned and sat down beside her once more. Olivia moved her body so her back was resting against the arm of the couch, and pulled Amanda close to her, so they were cuddling each other. Amanda smiled as she snuggled into Olivia, taking her hand in her own. "I'm just glad that it was here promptly – I don't think my stomach could have lasted another minute without food in it," Amanda admitted with a laugh. Olivia merely smiled and kissed Amanda lightly on the top of her head.
"So, Blondie... Tell me more about Amanda Rollins that Detective Benson doesn't already know," Olivia mumbled against her hair. Amanda moved her head ever so slightly, so she was looking at Olivia. She searched her eyes, trying to figure out if she should tell her everything about herself. Sure, if they were to be a couple, she should probably know everything. Amanda was just paranoid that she would want to leave her if she told her. Everyone else did.
"I have a sister – she's in a mental hospital at the moment, in Atlanta. She has Schizophrenia," Amanda told her, knowing that no body at the 16th precinct knew that. Not even Cragen. Olivia listened to her carefully, nodding her head slowly in response. That was something she didn't expect to hear – but she was glad that she did. It meant that she trusted her with this piece of information. That was a good sign. "My mother was a drunk – she died falling down a flight of steps," Olivia commented, wanting to give her a piece of her own history in return. Amanda rubbed her thumb over Olivia's hand comfortably at hearing this. "I'm so sorry," Amanda whispered, looking up at her, with concerned eyes. Olivia let out a small laugh, as if to cover up the fact that it hurt her still. "Don't be. It was her choice to drink. It was her way of covering up the fact that she was raped. I'm the product of that rape," Olivia commented, with a short pause. She wasn't sure if Amanda was ready to hear that, but she was slowly falling in love with her, so it was bound to come out at some point in their relationship. Amanda let out a small gasp, unsure on how to take this new information. Olivia merely shrugged her shoulders. "I've known for a long time – I've come to terms with it," She told her, with a small smile, letting her know that she didn't have to feel sorry for her.
Amanda snuggled into Olivia once more, which led Olivia to let out a laugh, and wrapped her arms more tightly around her. "You know I told you that something happened to me in work place? Well it was a bit more than that... We were celebrating after we finally cracked this really tough case... We were all pretty tipsy – some worse than others. The Deputy Chief was pretty out of it. It was fine when he first started talking to me... But then he started touching me. First he put his hand on my thigh, which I pushed away immediately, disregarding it as a drunken gesture to keep himself upright. But then he did again – only this time it was much closer to my privates," Amanda told Olivia, pausing for a moment, to close her eyes, trying not to let it get to her. Olivia merely held onto Amanda, in a comforting way. "I pushed his hand away again, told him I wasn't interested, and then walked away towards the bathroom. He must of followed me, because as soon as I was out of the view of others, I was thrown against a wall, and his body was pinning mine – he tried to kiss me, but my old Captain, Sam Reynolds, pulled him away, threatened to tell the Police Commissioner," Amanda continued, her voice going a little quieter. "I couldn't really talk to Sam after that – I was embarrassed. I couldn't tell anyone, really – I didn't want to be seen as someone who can't handle being hit on. I didn't want to be seen as a rat," Amanda confessed, feeling a little embarrassed, now just talking about it. "Sam understood, so he talked to Cragen about me getting transferred – I didn't want anything that could have happened to me, happen to someone else and the perp to get away with it. So that's why I chose the Special Victims Unit. I'm glad I did, because I wouldn't have met you otherwise," Amanda said, smiling, as she looked up at Olivia, their lips meeting once more.
Olivia held Amanda closely to her. She was glad that she had told her what happened – it was something personal, something that was hard to talk about - especially since Olivia had been through the same thing and even though it happened years ago, it was still difficult to talk about. "I hate it when people think they can get away with things just because they have a superior role. I'm so sorry that it happened to you, Amanda. You didn't deserve it," Olivia whispered, holding her in her arms. Olivia wanted to tell her about her assault – but she didn't think it was the right time. What if Amanda thought Olivia was trying to say that her assault was worse? Or something along those lines – Olivia didn't want to put a damper in their relationship, when it's only just started.
Amanda said nothing in response – she was thinking, holding onto Olivia in case she left, thinking that Amanda had too much baggage. She was so used to people leaving her; she didn't want Olivia to leave her too. "I'm sorry that I told you that... too much information on the first date, huh?" Amanda commented with a small laugh – she wouldn't really call it that. They had already had sex. "I'm not... I'm glad you did – I get to know you a bit better. Why would you say that?" Olivia questioned, shifting her body slightly, so she could look down at Amanda. "Well I don't want to scare you away," Amanda admitted, causing Olivia to shake her head. "Nothing would scare me away from you... not even if you told me you secretly collect dead instincts or something," Olivia commented, which once again caused both women to fall into a fit of giggles.
"Well, I can positively say I don't," Amanda confirmed, with a smile. "It's just that... Everyone I love tends to run away, get committed into a mental hospital, sends me to another town, or dies," Amanda told Olivia, chewing awkwardly on her lower lip. "My parents died in a car accident when I was sixteen. I had to look after my sister because she was only eight – a few years later she was diagnosed with her mental illness, so she was in and out of hospital, my childhood sweet heart disappeared on me – he moved to Boston, and if I'm going to be honest with you, I had feelings for Sam... But he was married, so nothing ever happened between us," Amanda continued, with a small sigh. At hearing Amanda's last confession, Olivia felt her heart skip a bet, as it brought her to think about Elliot Stabler. Olivia noted the fact that she said her parents were killed when she was young, and let out a small sigh herself. "You've had a pretty rough life," Olivia commented, kissing the top of her head again. "Another thing we have in common," She added, letting out another sigh. "I promise you that I'm here to stay – you're gonna have to put up with me Blondie," Olivia vowed, causing Amanda to lift her head, to find Olivia's lips again. "Good," She whispered, before replacing her head back on Olivia's chest.
The room filled up with silence, as the two sat on the couch, thinking about everything that had happened that night. They were both very happy, both for the fact that they had acted on their feelings towards each other, and the fact that they had shared information about their lives with each other. Amanda hadn't told anyone any of those intimate details about her life to anyone – she was glad that she had Olivia to talk too and trust. She was glad that she hadn't chosen to run out now, after letting everything inside of her come out in the open. She was glad that she was in Olivia's arms right this second, and there would probably be many more in the future. She was happy that her unplanned life lead her to this moment, in Olivia's arms.
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