Chapter 36

"I feel like I can't walk anymore..." Matsuri said and laid down on the couch
"Come on Matsuri" Harumin said as she ruffled her hair
"No" Matsuri said and closed her eyes to sleep
"Matsuri" Harumin said. Matsuri didn't reply and pretended that she was asleep
"Matsuri" Harumin said and started stroking her hair softly. Matsuri groaned a bit and stayed asleep. Harumin kissed her head softly and went for her ear
"Matsuri-chan~ Wake up~" Harumin whispered. Matsuri shivered a bit and blushed deeply. Harumin sticked her tongue out and licked her ear slowly making Matsuri shiver
"S-senpai don't do that" Matsuri said as she trembled a little
"Come on. Let's walk got a bit" Harumin said
"Ugh fine" Matsuri groaned and forced herself up. She got out the bed and stood up
"Maybe a little walking will help you" Harumin said
"You're not fucking my ass again" Matsuri said as she started walking to the door
"Eh?! You were the one who was pleading for it" Harumin said as she blushed. Matsuri blushed in embarrassment and groaned slightly
"W-well...I-I wasn't thinking" Matsuri said as she looked away with a flustered face
"Hehe I know. You were so into it" Harumin said
"Y-yeah" Matsuri said and stepped out the door
"Where do you want to go?" Harumin asked
"I don't know. Maybe the park so we can sit down for a while" Matsuri said and trembled a little
"Your body is still aching?" Harumin asked as she wrapped an arm around her
"Maybe because of someone not letting me take a god damn break" Matsuri said as she glared at her
"Don't look at me like that. You kept begging not to stop" Harumin said
"Sh-shut up. Don't say that out loud" Matsuri said
"Hm? Why? Embarrassed?" Harumin giggled
"No!" Matsuri said as she pushed Harumin playfully. Harumin only laughed a little seeing Matsuri's cute, adorable, and embarrassed expression
"This is a cute side of you" Harumin giggled as she smiled. Matsuri only kept blushing and tried to hide her blush from Harumin
"A-anyways let's just hurry because I don't want to keep standing" Matsuri said
"Alright" Harumin said and kept holding her closely. Matsuri and Harumin walked to the park together and finally sat down on a bench
"Ugh...finally" Matsuri groaned
"Are you really that exhausted?" Harumin asked
"You wouldn't know since you don't have a pussy. It's almost like shoving a big ass dildo up your ass" Matsuri said
"You'll get used to it baby" Harumin said and cuddled her
"Hehe hopefully but I don't think I'll ever get used to your juicy big cock" Matsuri said. Harumin blushed and kissed her cheek softly. Matsuri only blushed deeply and smiled softly. Harumin stroked her hair softly and sighed blissfully
"I'm happy that I'm with you" Harumin said and she held her closely
"Heh I'm happy too. Want to get ice cream after this?" Matsuri asked
"Sure" Harumin said
"You'll pay though" Matsuri said
"Yes I know" Harumin said. Matsuri leaned against Harumin and sighed a little
This feels so nice. I love Harumin so much
Suddenly Matsuri's phone started vibrating and she pulled it out
Huh? Unknown? Damnit...Tonisha! That bitch won't leave me alone!
"Matsuri-chan?" Harumin asked
"Nothing. Wrong number" Matsuri said turning off her phone
Fuck...why is she calling me right now? This is bad timing...
Harumin only looked at Matsuri concerned
Something is definitely going on...
"Matsuri?" Harumin asked
"It's nothing" Matsuri said and smiled a little
"Ex?" Harumin asked as she raised an eyebrow. The question made Matsuri jump and tremble a little
Oh fuck...she knows. Well she obviously knows. I can't fucking lie to her...
"Y-yeah...I think so. I mean it said unknown and I believe it's her..." Matsuri said and looked down
"Do you want her back?" Harumin asked
"Wh-what?! No! I-I just want you!" Matsuri said raising her voice which caught the attention of a few people making them turn to look at the couple. Matsuri's face flustered and covered her face. Harumin only let out a soft laugh and smiled
"I want you too Matsuri" Harumin said
"Ugh what did you made me say?" Matsuri asked
"There is no need to be embarrassed" Harumin said. Matsuri only looked at her and leaned in stealing a kiss from her. Harumin blushed deeply and smiled softly
"What an adorable couple" Someone spoke from behind. Matsuri's eyes widen and trembled a little
D-damnit...she's found me...
Harumin looked at seeing a girl and looked back at Matsuri who seemed terrified of the girl
Hm? So this is Matsuri's ex? She looks like a slut...
"Hey Matsuri-chan. Did you miss me?" Tonisha said as she smiled
"Haha....hey Tonisha" Matsuri said as she looked up at her
"I know I left without saying let's just forget that. Anyways I see you made a new friend" Tonisha said and looked at Harumin disgusted
She has a body of a slut. Pfft...she isn't that good. I bet she fucked some other assholes with those big titties
"Hehehe yeah this is Harumin-"
"Her girlfriend" Harumin said wrapping an arm around Matsuri pulling her closer. Matsuri's eyes widen as her face redden
Wh-what the hell is she doing!?

"So where have you been this entire time?" Ume asked
"Well I'm staying at a house" Shai said
"Huh? How can you afford a house?" Yuzu asked
"My father bought it before...well...y-you know" Shai said as she looked away
"O-oh I'm sorry..." Une said
"Heh it's fine. Besides one of my father's friends helped took care of me so it's all good. He is an amazing guy. He is like my big brother" Shai said
"It must've been tough..." Ume said
"How about you stay here at our place?" Yuzu asked which made Mei choke on her food
"M-mei!" Ume exclaimed
"Meimei! Here drink some water!" Himeko exclaimed as she gave her a glass of water. Mei took it and gulped down the water
"Mei are you okay?" Ume asked worriedly
"Y-yeah sorry" Mei said as she coughed. Shai only looked at her and looked back at Yuzu
Don't tell me...they are lovers? Aihara is in love with her very own stepsister? Damn...I can't believe it
"No it's fine. I don't want to be a bother to anyone" Shai said
"What? But you can stay if you want. We're family" Yuzu said
"I know but it's okay. Now that I know where you live I can just pay a visit every once in a while" Shai said as she smiled
"Oh...I see" Yuzu said as she looked down. Shai sighed and patted Yuzu's head softly
"Don't look at me like that. Fine tomorrow we can hang out since I don't work okay?" Shai asked
"Wait you work?" Yuzu asked
"W-weekends" Shai said
"What do you do?" Ume asked
"Oh I do gardening work" Shai said
"Gardening?" Himeko asked
"Yeah me and my friends were working on your cousin's yard and garden" Shai said as she smiled
" cousin" Himeko said
"Anyways that's what I do" Shai said
"That's wonderful sweetie" Ume said
"You should teach me sometime" Yuzu said
"Sure I will" Shai said. Mei felt like stabbing Shai on her throat and kill right there but tried to calm herself down. She only took a sip of water and glanced over at Yuzu who seemed to be having a good time with her cousin
I'm the one who should be beside her...not that slut. She isn't special or anything! Yu,u why do you have to hurt me like this! Why!? Why!? Stop hurting me!
Mei clenched her chest tightly feeling ber heartache
It hurts...
"Mei? Is everything alright?" Ume asked concerned for her daughter. Mei only gave her mother a warm smile
"I'm fine" Mei said as she smiled. Shai only looked over at her and laughed in the inside
This bitch is seriously this jealous? Damn can you live like that?
After dinner Shai was going to leave with Himeko
"Thanks for dinner Auntie" Shai said
"Thank you for the meal ma'am it was very delicious" Himeko said bowing down
"You're welcome girls" Ume said as she smiled
"Awww do you really have to go now?" Yuzu asked and pouted
"Hehe don't worry Yuzu. We'll be able to hang out tomorrow. I promise" Shai said as she held out her pinkie. Yuzu smiled softly and held out her pinkie as well
"Okay. You better not break your promise" Yuzu said
"Haha of course not" Shai said and giggled
"Okay then. Have a great afternoon you two" Yuzu said as she waved goodbye
"You too Yuzu" Shai said
"Have a great day Aihara-san" Himeko said. After their goodbyes the girls left the apartment. Shai and Himeko walked with their dogs to the exit. It was a little quiet since the two were feeling nervous. Shai only looked over at Himeko and blushed deeply
What the hell am I suppose to say? Ugh...I feel so strange...
"H-hey Himeko" Shai said
"Hm? Yes?" Himeko asked as she looked at her
"I uhm...hehe...well I just..." Shai stuttered and trembled
Fuck! I'm stuttering like a little bitch! What the fuck is wrong with me?!
"Shai? Is everything okay?" Himeko asked worriedly. Toshio only barked and nudged Shai's leg. Shai looked down at Toshio and heard her little pups bark softly almost as if they were saying to just go for it
"Haha s-sorry about them. I-I don't know what got into them" Shai said and laughed nervously. Suddenly Himeko grabbed Shai pulling her into a kiss. Shai's eyes widen and blushed deeply
D-did...she just...k-kiss me?
Himeko pulled away with a flustered face then looked away
"I-I wanted you to make the first move but I-I guess not" Himeko said
"I-I uh..." Shai mumbled and stood there speechless
"A-anyways bye" Himeko said as she walked away with Pucchi embarrassing
Shai jumped snapping out of it then gasped
"W-wait Himeko-chan!" Shai said as she ran after her followed by her other dogs
"What is it?" Himeko asked as she turned around to face her
"D-do you like me?" Shai asked
"I-isn't obvious?" Himeko asked as she blushed deeply. Shai only blushed deeply and smiled brightly with tears built up in her eyes
"Himeko!" Shai said as she wrapped her arms around her hugging her
"Are you crying or what?" Himeko asked as she blushed in embarrassment
"Tears of joy! I'm so happy!" Shai said and giggled
"H-hey! Don't carry me!" Himeko said struggling to escape the girl's grip. Shai loosened her grip and kissed her passionately. Himeko's eyes widen and blushed deeply then melted into the kiss. She kissed her back and Shai trembled since she felt herself getting hard just by kissing her
Oh no! M-my dick is getting hard! Oh fuck! I am so screwed once she finds out!
Shai pulled away with a flustered face
"Y-you okay?" Himeko asked
"Y-yeah it's just th-that I uhm..." Shai said
"Can't handle a simple kiss?" Himeko asked wrapping her arms around her neck pulling her face closer to hers
"S-sorta" Shai said as she blushed extremely hard
"Hm? I'm your first?" Himeko asked
"Haha y-yeah" Shai said
I can't tell her about my first one...I just can't. It'd be safe to just lie for now
"You know the first time I met you. You were tough and a little scary but're just so adorable and cute" Himeko said letting out a giggle
"Sh-shut up" Shai said and buried her face on her shoulder. Himeko only held her and smiled softly
I wish I could just stay with you forever...
"I l-love you" Shai whispered. Himeko blushed deeply as her heart skipped a beat
"I-I love you too Shai" Himeko said

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