
"Alright. I figure we hit Tucumcari by lunch, then head south...then bisbee by midnight." Dean begun as he parked the car at the towns gas station. I just laughed, seeing I was the only one paying attention. All Sam was doing was looking down at his phone.

"Sam wears women's underwear." I added.

"I'm listening, I'm just busy." Sam replied.

"Busy doing what?" Dean and I quizzed as I leant forward.

"Busy doing emails."

"Emails from who?" I questioned, looking over sams shoulder. Him smirking and shoving me back playfully.

"From my friends back at Stanford." Sam explained as I got out of the car, needing to stretch my legs.

"You're kidding. You still keep in touch with your college buddies?" Dean said as if it was a bad thing.

"Why not?" Sam asked him.

"Yeah dean, why can't Sam keep in touch with his friends?" I quizzed my twin, looking over to him as he refilled the car. Watching him look back with a seriously Darcy? look.

"Well..." he begun, nudging past me to Sam. "What exactly do you tell them? You know? About where've you been, what you've been doing." Dean leant against his door, walking around him. Sam said.

"I tell them I'm on a road trip with my big brother and sister. I tell them I need some time after Jess."

"So you lie to them?"

"No darc, I just don't tell them everything."

"I'm sorry baby brother, but that's called lying." I stated, as Sam passed me my wallet. "But we get it, telling the truth is far worse."

"So what am I supposed to do? Cut everyone out of my life?" Sam suggested, dean and I looked down at him and shrugged. "You two are serious?"

"Look, it sucks...a job like this, you can't get close to people." Dean explained.

"You two are kind of antisocial, you know that?" Sam added as he continued with his emails.

"Hey, we had one another. But whatever." I told him. "I'm going to go pay for the fuel."

"Darc, can you get snacks?" Dean cried out, rolling my eyes in a of course way. I walked into the little store, as soon as the bell rang. All I could smell was misty old food, looking around for food that didn't look out of date and didn't carry some weird disease. I chucked them on the counter.

"Just these please and the fuel for number 4." I told the cash register guy, hearing him scan the food. He asked.

"Travelling by yourself?"

"Nah, I'm on a road trip with my brothers." I explained.

"Oh cool, that seems nice. Card?"

"Y-yeah." Him passing the machine and putting in the pin, I grabbed the packet of gummy bears and snakes. I left that store the quickest someone could. "Ok, never going into a creepy old gas station."

"What happened?" Sam questioned as I passed him the snacks.

"Weird vibes." I shortened, seeing the look in Dean's eyes. He started to head towards the store, in quick response. I grabbed onto his wrist pulling him around to face me. "I'm fine dean, the guy didn't do anything. Just me being weird, ok?" He nodded, knowing I missed something. "What's up with you two?"

Before I could get an answer, I was in the back seat of the car. Dean spun off the way we came.


"Oh, my god. Sam!" A blonde chick cheered as she opened her massive wooden door.

"Well, if it isn't little Becky?" Sam replied, making dean and I look at one another with narrowed eyebrows.

"And you know what you can do with that 'little becky' crap?" She stated as they brought one another into a hug.

"I got your email." Sam begun, as I whispered to dean.

"What email?"

"She's the girl that emailed Sam about her brother being accused of murder." Dean explained, making me nod understandingly.

"I didn't think you would come." Becky added.

"Is he gonna introduce us?" I questioned, seeing dean push Sam out of the way to shake her hand.

"Dean. Older brother."



"Darcy. Older sister." I then shook hers.



Standing back, Sam added. "We're here to help. Whatever we can do."

"Come in." She stood aside, Sam following Becky down the hall. I stood with dean as he closed the door, slowly making our way to where they were. Looking around, it was decent.

"Nice place." Dean and I told her.

"Its my parents', I was crashing here for the long weekend when everything happened. I decided to take the semester off. I'm gonna stay until Zachs free." She replied.

"Where are your folks?" Sam questioned, while we continued walking through the halls.

"They love in Paris for half the year. So, they're on their way home now for the trial. You guys want a beer, or something?" She asked as we finally got to the kitchen.

"Hey—." Dean begun, as I cut him off.

"No, thanks. So, tell us what happened." I looked to Becky, whilst we stood near the bench top.

"Well, um, Zach, he came home and he found Emily tied to a chair. And she was beaten up and bloody and she wasn't breathing. And so he-he called 911. And the police, they showed up, and...and they arrested him." She stood closer to Sam. "But the thing is the only way that Zach could have killed Emily is if he was in two places at the same time. The police, they have a video. It's from the security tape from across the street. And it shows Zach coming home at 10:30. Now, Emily was killed just after that. But I swear he was here with me having a few beers until at least after midnight." Her voice cracked from stress.

"You know, maybe we could see the crime scene, Zachs house." Sam offered.

"We could?" Dean and I blurted, Sam and Emily just glared at us.

"Why? What could you do?" She looked to Sam.

"Me, not much. But Dean and Darcy are cops." Emily looked to us, where Dean and my eyes scattered to Sam back to her. Both laughing, dean corrected him.

"We're detectives, actually."

"Really? Where?" She quizzed, dean looked to me for the answer. I said the first place that came to mind.

"Bisbee, Arizona. But we're off duty now." I explained.

"You guys, it's so nice to offer, but I just, I don't know." She shook her head, as I got a bit of sleep out of my eye.

"Beck, look. I know Zach didn't do this." Sam reassured her. "Now, we have to find a way to prove that he's innocent." She looked towards dean and I, whilst we gave her a nod.

"Ok. I'm gonna go get the keys." She left down the hall, when she was out of sight. Dean and I walked around Sam to face him, dean whistling.

"Oh man, you're a real straight shooter with your friends."

"Look, Zach and Becky need our help—." Sam started, whilst dean then cut him off.

"I just don't think this is our kind of problem."

"Two places at once? We've looked into less." Sam had a point there, when Becky came back. She got into the backseat with me, while Sam directed Sam to where Zach lived. Parking the car, we all got out.

"You're sure this is ok?" Becky quizzed dean, coming around behind her. With my hands in my pockets. I answered instead.

"Yeah. We're officers of the law." Heading inside and opening the door, dean and I begun to look around. Seeing photos of who must be the Zac guy, covered in blood. We looked around the kitchen, trying to find something out of the ordinary.

"Tell is what else the police said." Sam said to Becky.

"Well, that there was no sign of a break in. They say that Emily let her attacked in. And the lawyers, they're already talking about plea bargain." She replied, I raised an eyebrow. Seeing how much blood there was up the wall. I heard Becky begin to sob.

"Look, beck... if Zach didn't do this, it means someone else did. Any idea who?" Sam questioned.

"Ahhh, there was something." Becky begun. "About a Well before, somebody broke in here. They stole some clothes, Zachs clothes. And the police, they don't think it's anything. We were not that far from downtown. I mean, sometimes people get robbed." Hearing sam sigh and walk away, dean and I looked out the window to the dog barking outside. Opening the door slightly more, we looked down at the little four legged creature."You know, that used to be the sweetest dog."  Becky put her head in between dean and mine.

"What happened?" I quizzed.

"He just changed."

"Do you remember when he changed?" I replied.

"I guess around the time of the murder." She added, nodding to myself. Dean grabbed my hand, weaving around Becky. We walked over to Sam, who was looking at photos on the table.

"So the neighbors dog went psycho right after the time Zachs girlfriend was killed." I explained.

"Animals can have a sharp sense of the paranormal." Sam pointed out.

"Maybe Fido saw something." Dean and I commented, seeing a small smile come across sams lips.

"So you think maybe this is our kind of problem?"

"No, maybe not." I started, as dean added.

"We should look at the security tape to make sure."

"Yeah." I heard Becky then start to walk up to us, turning around. I asked.

"So the tape, the, uh, security footage? Think your lawyers could get it? You see, we don't have that kind of jurisdiction."

"I've already got it." I raised my eyebrows in surprise. "I didn't want to say something in front of the cops." Dean and I ha'd in response. "I, um, stole it off the lawyers desk. I just had to see it for myself."

"Alright." Dean and I quickly glanced to Sam, dean hand gesturing to lead the way. Beginning to walk, dean kept going to outside with Becky. Looking back, I saw Sam still staring at a photo.

"Hey." I started, getting his attention. Sam rose his eyebrows up at me. "You coming?" He nodded, walking over to me. I wrapped my arm around the back of him.


Back at Becky's, we all gathered around her TV. Watching the footage as I stood beside Sam, dean sat on the arm of the chair Becky sat on. "Here he comes." She explained, seeing 'Zach' walk across the road.

"22:04, that's just after 10. You said time of death was about 10:30." Dean looked to her, while she just kept looking at the tv.

"Our lawyers hired some kind of video expert. He says the tapes authentic. It wasn't tampered with."

"Hey, beck, can we take those beers now?" Sam asked.

"Oh, sure." She replied, getting up. She was about to leave the room as Sam added.

"Hey,uh, maybe some sandwiches too?" She laughed.

"What do you think this is, Hooters?" Becky leaving the room, all I could do was shake my head at deans comment.

"I wish. What is it?" He asked, walking over to beside me.

"Check this out." Sam rewinded it,slowly. Seeing Zachs eyes shine a bright grey in the camera.

"Maybe its just a camera flare." Dean stated.

"That's not like any camera flare I've ever seen." I looked up to my brother, whilst sam continued on saying.

"Many cultures believe a picture can catch a glimpse of the soul. Remember that dog? Maybe he saw this thing. Maybe this is some kind of dark double of Zachs. Something that looks like him."

"Like a doppelgänger." We replied.

"Yeah. That would sure explain how he was two places at once."


Sam dragging dean and I out of bed the next morning, we headed back to Zachs. All of us getting out of the car, dean and I with a coffee in hand. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes once again as dean said. "Alright, What are we doing here 5:30 in the morning?"

"I realised something. The videotape shows the killer going in but not coming out." Sams explained.

"So he came out the back door?" I added, resting my head on deans shoulder. In unison us two taking a sip of coffee.

"Right, So there should be a trail to follow. A trail the police would never pursue."

"Cause they think the killer never left. They caught your friend, Zach inside." Dean replied, us two leaning against the front of the car. Yawning, I said loud enough for dean and I only to hear.

"I still don't know what we're doing here at 5:30 in the morning." Looking over to Sam, it looked like he found something.

"Blood. Somebody came this way."

"Maybe the trail ends. I don't see anything over here." I stated, looking around. My head snapped towards the way I heard a siren zoom past. Heading back into the car, jogging down the road to where the crime happened. Seeing cops and people everywhere, I asked a woman we stood beside. "What happened?"

"He tried to kill his wife. Tied her up and beat her."

"Really?" Sam replied.

"I used to see him going to work. He'd wave, say hello. He seemed like such a nice guy." Watching as the guy was shoved into the back of a police car. Dean and I went around looking for answers, sam going off looking for evidence.

"Hey." Dean and I called to Sam.

"Remember when I said this wasn't our kind of problem?" Dean finished.


"Definitely our kind of problem." I added.

"What did you two find out?" Sam questioned.

"I talked to the patrolman who was on the scene. He heard this guy, Alex's story. Apparently the dude was driving home when his wife was attacked." Dean explained.

"So he was two places at once."

"Exactly." I replied to Sam. "Then he sees himself in the house. Police think he's nuts."

"Two dark doubles attacking loved ones in exactly the same way." Sam walked around us, Dean and I standing where Sam was just.

"Could be the same thing doing it too." Dean and I stated.

"Shapeshifter?" Dean and I shrugged at him with pouted pressed lips. "Something that can make itself look like anyone?"

"Every culture in the world has a shapeshifter lore. Legends of creatures who can transform themselves into animals or other men." I informed, Sam adding.

"Skinwalkers. Werewolves."

"We've got two attacks within blocks of each other. I guess a shapeshifter problem in the neighbourhood." Dean said whilst I folded my arms.

"Lemme ask you two this. In all this shapeshifter lore can any of them fly?" He quizzed, looking up the building.

"Not that we know of." We replied.

"I picked up a trail here. Someone ran out of the back, headed off this way."

"Just like your friends house." Dean and I looked in the direction sam pointed.

"Yeah. And just like at Zachs house, the trail suddenly ends. The whatever it is, it just... disappeared." I pressed my lips together.

"Well, there's another way to go." I begun. "Down." I nodded towards the direction, to the drain. Dean patted my back in a good idea way. Climbing down, I lead as dean was behind me. Sam at the back, looking down the both paths. Dean and I looked around.

"I bet this runs right by Zachs house too." Sam interjected, dean and I looked towards him. "The shapeshifter could be using the sewer system to get around."

"I think you're right. Look at this." I pointed out, crouching down with dean beside me. Dean brought out his knife, poking at the flesh on the ground. Covered in a clear goop.

"Is this from his victims?" Sam questioned.

"You know, I just had this sick thought. When the shapeshifter changes shape... maybe it sheds." Dean looked between sam and I. I scrunched up my nose, hearing sam say I disgust.

"That is sick."

Heading back up to the car, dean opened the boot of the car. "Well, one thing I learned from dad. No matter what kind of shapeshifter it is there's one sure way to kill it."

"Silver bullet to the heart." Sam and I smirked.

" That's right." Dean replied, helping him with the bullets and putting them into the guns. Sams phone started buzzing, him walking off. I brought out my silver head arrow tips. Making sure they were assembled and still in good condition.

"You know, your bow and arrow aim is much better then your gun aim." Dean looked to me, raising both my eyebrows. I replied.

"I'm offended, wow." I nudged him, knowing it was a joke. Hearing sam hang up the call with Becky, dean and I put the things back. Shutting the boot, we walked around to Sam. Who leant against the front of the car annoyed.

"I hate to say it, but that's exactly what I'm talking about. You lie to your friends because if they knew the real you, they'd be freaked. It's just... it'd be better if—." We tried to explain, sam cutting us off saying.

"If I was like you two."

"Hey, man, like it or not, we are not like other people. But I'll tell you one thing, for, Darcy and I'm experience, this whole gig... it's got it perks." Dean stated, whilst I brought out sams gun for him. Seeing a smile appear on his face, taking it off me. He shoved it in the back of his pants. Heading back down into the sewers, dean and I lead. With all our torches looking around, hearing rats scatter in the dark. We headed down different alleys, where the sizes grew and got smaller. Hearing water trickle, dean grabbed my hand. Helping me up the ledge, sam moved in front of us. With his gun out and ready. "I think we're close to its lair." My light on the flesh stuck to a giant sewer pipe, which was right next to sams head.

"Why do you say that?" Sam asked, i added.

"Cause there's another puke inducing pile next to your face." I pointed out, sam turning his head. He quickly stood back.

"Oh, god." Looking past sam, I spotted another pile of flesh. Mixed with rip bits of clothing.

"It looks like it's lived here for a while." I said while placing a hand on deans shoulder, fixing the tounge in my boot.

"Who knows how many murders he's gotten away with?" Sam looked around to us, screaming. "Watch Out!" Dean and I looking behind us, our eyes widened. Seeing the shifter there, in a quick swift motion. Dean pushed me backwards, whilst the creature slammed dean into the wall. Sam taking several shots at it, Sam helped me to my feet. Both of us then helped dean up.

"Two of you, get the son of a bitch!" He groaned, holding his arms. Sam and I running behind the shifters path, we climbed back out of the hole. Looking around, seeing normal people just walking around. We quickly hid our guns in our jackets, Hearing dean grunt while trying to get out. Giving him a hand back up to his feet, we all looked to one another. The only thing giving us light were the street lamps.

" Let's split up." Sam suggested.

"Alright, darc. You're with me, We'll meet you around the other side."

"Alright." Sam responded, jogging opposite ways. We headed through the back alleys, making it back to the Main Street. We spotted sam.

"Hey." I called out to him. "Anything?"

"No, he's gone."

"Alright, let's get back to the car." I ordered, walking with Sam across the road. I had a cold chill go down my spine.

"You ok?" Sam asked.

"Think so, I just had a chill down my spine. Which was odd." I explained, my brain think of a thousand reasons of why that just happened.

"You think he found another way underground?" Sam questioned dean, arriving at the car.

"Yeah, probably. One of you have the keys?"

"Hey, didn't dad once face a shapeshifter in San Antonio?" Sam quizzed dean, whilst I hesitated with the keys.

"That was Austin. It turned out not to be a shapeshifter. It was a thought form, a psychic projection. Remember Darcy?" He smiled, sam and I exchanged looks.

"Oh, right." I smiled back. "Here you go." I chucked him the keys, seeing him catch it with his bad arm. I quickly brought out my gun, aiming it at him. "What have you fine with him?"

"Sis, chill. It's me, alright?" He replied, sam seeing by my face I knew that the so called 'dean' in front of us. Wasn't the one I grew up beside with.

"No. I don't think so. I never get the chills down my spin, like I had earlier near him. Where is our brother, where is my twin?"

"You're about to shoot him. Sam, help me calm her down." Sam cocked his gun instead.

"No, cause Dean would calm Darc down himself."

"You caught those keys with your left." I gritted my teeth. "Your shoulder was hurt."

"Yeah, it's better. You want me to cry?"

"You're not our brother."

"Why don't you pull the trigger then Darcy, hmm? What about you sam? Because neither of you are sure. Dude, you know me. Darc, you know me better then anyone in the entire world."

"Don't." In a split second, I went to hit him with my gun. But Instead, I got knocked out with a punch in the jaw.

"When you gonna come back?" Dean asked over the phone, while I looked down the hallway at the motel I was staying with. A guy I met, the guy who dean saved me from.

"I dunno yet."

"If He hurts you, ring me and I'll be there in a matter of seconds. Ok? Be careful." Deans voice was full of worry, he was worried that he couldn't be by my side. Keeping an eye on me.

"Of course Dean, I'll keep you posted as always. I love you."

"I love you aswell."

Groaning as I felt my jaw ache, I was in a small room. Dark, misty and by myself. "You're up." I tried to move, feeling my hands pinned behind my back.

"Where are they? Where are my brothers?" I demanded the creature who wore deans face.

"You don't really wanna know... you know. You're quite a favourite in your twins books, the more I learn about your family. The relationship you and your twin share, it's unique. Interesting." He went into the corner of the room, seeing he was standing in a doorframe.

"What do you mean, interesting?" I narrowed my eyebrows, watching him hold his head. Like he had a sharp pain, him groaning. He looked back towards me.

"He sure has some issues with your past decisions. You leaving him for a guy, who he had to come and save your ass from. He had to stay home, I mean I had to stay home with dad. You don't think i missed you, having to put up with dad's moods."

"Where are my brothers." I spat.

"I am your brother." He leant down, his face close to mine. "You See, deep down. I was just jealous... that you could have a break. But, when I came into the motel room. Seeing you covered in blood, fighting the guy who you had a crush on for your life. Holding the guy as you stabbed him in the chest. You see, you and I. We're as bad as one another, we're freaks. We both know, sooner or later. Everybody's gonna leave us, leaving just you and me." He got up, walking back to the doorframe that shon light through.

"What are you talking about?"

"It has always been you and me. Sam left for college, Hell. We did everything dad asked us to and he ditched us aswell. No explanation. Nothing. Just, poof." He reached down, grabbing tarp and bringing it over to me. "But still, this's not without it perks. We meet the nicest people." He laughed. "You stay quiet now."


"Get off." I talked to myself, wiggling the tarp off of me.


"Darcy!" I heard sam and dean call out to me.

"In here! It better be you two and not that freak of nature!" I called back to them, seeing them rush into the room. I sighed heavily in relief.

"Hey you, you ok? He didn't hurt you?" Dean scurried over to me, holding my face. Checking me over, grabbing my jaw wrong. I winced. "Sorry, did that son of a bitch do that to you?" I nodded.

"We need to go, he's heading to Becky's." Sam stated. Dean cutting me loose, he wrapped his arms around me. Helping me up to my feet. Finding a way back up to the streets, sam started rambling on saying. "Come on. We got to find a phone, call the police."

"Whoa whoa whoa." Dean and I started, as he added.

"You're gonna put an APB out on me."

"Sorry." Sam replied.

"Come on, this way." I started jogging down the alleyway, them following behind catching up to me. We made our way to the front of a tv shop, watching the news.

"An anonymous tip led police to a home in the central west end, where a SWAT team discovered a local woman bound and gagged." A hand drawn photo popped up of dean, which was pretty accurate. "Her attacker, a white male approximately 24 to 30 years of age. Was discovered hiding in the home."

"Man! It's not even a good picture." Dean winged.

"It's good enough." I stated, resting my head against deans shoulder. Looking down the street. Sam started to walk down another alleyway, dean and I followed behind. Walking around a large puddle, dean stood right in it.

"Agh! Come on!"

"They said attempted murder. At least-." Dean cut off sam.

"I didn't kill her." He yelled.

"I'll check with Rebecca and see if she's alright. Darc, you stay with dean. Keep him out of cops sight."

"I wanna find that handsome devil and kick the holy crap out of him."

"Dean, we have no weapons. We have no silver bullets." I explained.

"Darc, the guys walking around my face. It's a little personal. I wanna find him." Dean looked at me, knowing how stressed he was.

"Ok." I begun, sam added.

"Where do we look?"

"We could start with the sewers."

"We have no weapons." Sam pointed out my point from before. "He stole our guns. We need more. The car?"

"True, I'm bettin' he drive over to Rebecca's." I stated.

"The news said he fled on foot. I bet it's still parked there." After sam said that, dean and I tensed.

"The thought of him driving my car." We gritted our teeth.

"Come on you two." We started heading to Becky's.

"It's killing me." We replied to him.

"Let it go." He told us to do.

Jogging for ages, finally arriving near Betty's. I smiled, seeing the impala fine. "There She is." The relief in my voice was very noticeable, catching our breaths. Dean said something quite true.

"Finally, something went right tonight." Hearing sirens, a cop car came to a stop a few metres in front of us. "Oh, crap." Trying to go back the way we came, more cops arrived. "Whoa, Whoa, Whoa. This way, this way!"

"Dean, go. We'll hold them off." I ordered dean to do.

"They'll catch you two."

"They can't hold us! Just go. Keep out of sight. Meet us at Rebecca's!" Sam exclaimed at him, watching dean jump the fence. "Dean, stay out of the sewers alone!"

"Yeah yeah!"

"Don't move! Keep your hands up where I can see them!"


"So say the shapeshifter is real." Becky begun, while sam and I sat by one another on her couch. "By the way, you know, you two are crazy. But, um, say it is real. How do you stop it?" She questioned, passing us a beer each.

"Thanks." We both said grabbing a bottle.

"Silver bullet to the heart." I explained.

"You two are crazy." She replied, without coming to realisation of what happened. Glass shattered across sam as he got bottled on the back of the head. His head landing in my lap, I looked up to 'becky'.

"You bitch." I spat, seeing her go to bottle me as well. I grabbed the wrist before she could do so, forgetting the strength of what shapeshifters have. She twisted my arm, smashing the bottle on the back of my head. My head landed on sams back.

Groaning awake, I saw I was tied up to against a couch. Seeing sam wake up across from me. "What are you going to do to us?" Sam asked the shifter who was dean again.

"I'm not gonna do anything." He replied, looking in between us. "Dean will though."

"They'll never catch him." I stated, starting to fiddle. Sneakily, yet slowly getting the pocket knife out of my boot.

"Oh, doesn't matter." He stood up, showing his shifter eyes. "Murder in the first of his own brother and twin sister. He'll be hunted the rest of his life." He turned around, grabbing a butcher knife of the kitchen counter. Him dragging sam away from my distance, he came towards me. Laughing as he grabbed the pocket knife out of my hands that I was using to cut the rope. "Oh, you were always the sneakiest. But I know all your tricks." Him pulling me near sam, he threw me against a wall. Groaning from the impact, I looked over to sam who was looking to me to see if I was Alright. "You know, I'm sad to let this skin go. Your brothers got a lot of good qualities. You should appreciate him more than you do. Cheers." He stated taking a swig of whiskey. Watching as he slammed the butcher knife into the table top, he smiled down at sam.

Sam looking over to me, I mouthed to three. I pulled my legs into my chest, using every ounce of power to knock 'dean' over. Him falling to the ground, sam quickly sat up. Using the knife to cut his hands free, coming over to me. With a single slice, the rope was off. Taking sams hand, I stood beside him. Watching the creature wearing deans face get back to his feet. Coming at us, we fought him off. Throwing me back, sam was flipped onto his back. Grabbing the first thing I saw, which was a rolling pin. I quickly ran up behind 'dean' going at sam, smacking it against his skull. It broke in half.

"You son of a bitch." He spun around, going to throw at me. I caught his am, punching him across the face. Feeling a sharper pain go into my thigh, I screamed in agony. Seeing the knife injected into my skin. I dropped to the ground, watching as Sam took over for me. "Not bad little brother."

"You're not him." Sam got thrown into the bookcase, it falling on top of him. I finally got the knife from out of me, quickly coming to sams aid.

"Even when we were kids, I always kicked your ass." As he said that, I sliced across his face. Watching him grab a pool table stick, raising it above me and bringing it down. I dropped the knife and grabbed the stick in response. We fought against each other's strength. "Strong Darc, But not strong enough." He smirked, kicking me in the gut. Rolling backwards on the pool table, landing on he ground hard. I heard a crash, seeing sam groan and try and gain his clear vision back. Jumping on top of the couch, I launched myself and landed on 'deans' back. He yelled in anger, slamming us into the wall. Again and again, I dropped from losing balance. He clenched his hands around my throat, squeezing with all his might. Lifting me up the wall, I tried to smack him in the face to try and get some air. "Shhhh, you stay quiet now."

"Hey!" Dean, being dropped to the ground. I rolled to my side, feeling as if I was going to pass out. Hearing two gunshots, I watched as the shifter flew into the corner of the room I was. Sam groaning, he looked to me. Who was coughing to try and get some air into my lunges, seeing Becky dropped to sams side. "Darcy!" Dean scurried over to me, rolling me to my back. He lifted me up in his chest. "In and out slowly, you're gonna be ok." He reassured me, feeling him kiss my head. He reached over to his doppelgänger, snatching back his necklace.


"Thanks beck, for the aid on my throat." I smiled, standing beside sam. Standing on Becky's front porch.

"Completely fine." She smiled.

"I'll leave you two to talk, bye." Walking last sam, for a second he had his arm around me. Placing a kiss on my head, he allowed me to walk over to dean who rested up against the impala with a dusty map in his hands.

"How's your throat?" Dean questioned, whilst I stood in front of him. Placing the map beside him, he moved my hair out of the way to have a better look at the bruising.

"Better, thanks for saving my ass. Again." I rolled my eyes, he smiled. Bringing me into a hug, we looked over to Becky and Sam.

"Must be lonely." Becky stated.

"No, not really. Anyway, what can I do? It's my family." She chuckled at him.

"We'll you know, Zach and me and everybody at school, we really miss you." She brought him into a hug, they spoke quieter so we couldn't hear them. Becky waving goodbye, we waved back. Standing back up, sam walked over to us.

"So what about your friend, Zach?" I asked, whilst dean walked around the car.

"The cops are blaming this Dean Winchester guy for Emily's murder. Found the murder weapon in the guys lair. Zachs clothes stained with her blood. Now they're thinking maybe the surveillance tape was tampered with. Yeah, becca says Zach will be released soon." Sam explained. "You know what Darcy, I'll let you have the front seat this ride as you saved me from being strangled."

"How generous of you." I smirked.

Getting into the car and onto the highway, I looked to sam through the review mirror. "Sorry man." Dean and I said to him.

"About what?"

"We really wish things could be different, you know? We wish you could just be joe college." Dean added.

"Ah, it's ok." Sam smiled. "You know, truth is... even at Stanford, deep down, I never really fit in."

"That's because you're a freak." I faced him.

"Hah, thanks."

"Well, I'm a freak." I started.

"And I'm a freak too. We're right there with all the way." Dean concluded.

"Yeah, I know you two are."

"You know, I gotta say. I'm sorry that I'm gonna miss this." Dean included.

"Miss what?" Sam and I asked, leaning forward. Seeing deans classical smile come across his face.

"How many chances am I gonna have to see my own funeral?"

Finally a chapter out, sorry for the long ass wait. Hope you enjoyed x let me know how you liked it

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