All For You.

A few months later


I walk the gardens, appreciating the crisp air and the morning fog, accompanied by the grounds' quietness. For the first time since my father passed, the grounds are quiet, no civilians are waiting and paying their respects, the flowers have gradually decreased, and the palace is relatively untroubled— a little too quiet.

I haven't seen Harry since he left my room at four this morning. Ever since Henry's passing a few months ago, I haven't seen much of Harry during the day. Harry has been pulled in one-hundred different directions and forced to balance everything.

He is handling things better than I ever could have. The Henry situation would have tipped me over the edge. Harry has been the one to deal with Pippa. She hasn't had much to do with me; she seems to avoid me for the most part. I'm not sure why she would instead work with Harry, but she appears to be a fan of him.

Madeleine and Louis have stayed at the Palace, staying under the radar and staying out of the public eye. It's probably the best option for now. I haven't observed much of Madeleine; she has spent most of her time with Louis and walking the grounds, and finding various places to read and write quietly. Madeleine has always been the type to keep a journal, and when she gets stressed, she writes her thoughts down. I, on the other hand, let the ideas run wild until I break down and snap.

"Her Majesty?" Oliver breaks the silence.

"It's Anna, Oliver," I correct him.

Oliver nods his head. "Uh, sorry," he nervously chuckles, "Are you ready to head inside?"

I nod my head, "I guess you and Harry don't let me stay out long, huh?"

"It's just protocol not to stay too long out here just because of how open it is, especially with people coming and going."

"I know," I sigh, understanding the reasoning behind things.

I'm hoping that come summertime. The restrictions won't be as stringent. It would be delightful to be able to roam the gardens or sit outside with disturbances. If we were to move palaces, I would be able to have more freedom, but for right now, I don't think Matthew will agree to travel, although I plan to ask Harry. A change of scenery would be nice, even if it's to go to Kensington or the Palace of Holyroodhouse in Scotland, any of the crown estates would be pleasant.

A small smile forms on my lips the moment I recognise Harry marching closer to us, "Good morning," I welcome him cheerfully, delighted to see him.

Harry kisses my cheek, "Morning... Did you give Pippa permission to announce our relationship to the staff?" Harry questions, his voice deep and far from impressed.

I shake my head, unsure of what he's talking about, "No?"

"Well, she took it upon herself to announce things on our behalf. Since when does she have any say on what the fuck happens at the palace?" Harry's voice sounds like bottled thunder, and his eyes are dark with fury.

"Harry, I do not know... She doesn't, and she has no say at the Palace... When did this happen?"

"Just now, so if you don't mind, I'm going to go strangle her," Harry mutters, shoving his phone into his pocket before I grab his wrist and pull him back towards me.

"Calm down."

Harry shakes his head, "I've had enough of her shit."

"Harry, we had to tell them anyway. Let me handle this. Go back to the security room."

Harry becomes speechless for a moment and takes a breath, "It wasn't her business to tell. She doesn't know if the staff will release it to the press. The press is always writing articles about us. One minute you're dating Louis in the media, and the next minute you're having an affair on him with me. I've had it."

"You sound like you're having a shitty morning. Just relax."

"I am having a shit morning. I have shit to do. I love you," Harry mutters, kissing my cheek before hurrying off.

"Pippa is about to get an earful," I sigh, watching as Harry walks towards the palace. Oliver hums his response and continues to unobtrusively walk beside me, not giving me any queries, genuinely allowing me to wander the grounds at ease.

I am not sure who killed Henry, nor am I sure when the next attack will be or on whom it'll be, but I do know that at some point, this will end. I can't point fingers on who's to blame, and I wish I could. I wish I could say it's Pippa or the government, but truth be told, I don't know specifically who it is, and I don't have much proof. For all I know, it could be one member of the staff who is in control of it all, one of the maids could be the mastermind of all the plans and running a circle of mass chaos. At this point, I'm starting to wonder if Harry and Matthew will ever figure it out, they're not detectives, and all their leads seem to fail them, as do my own. I haven't heard anything from Harry about the list of names I gave him. I don't think he believes that it is anyone that works at the palace.

"Are Matthew and Harry working on who has killed everyone?" I ask Oliver, curious as to how much information he knows.

"Yes, Princess... That is why Harry has been hard to find lately."

"Have they found anything?"

"I'm not at liberty to discuss that with you. I'm sorry," Oliver shakes his head. "Please don't threaten my job," Oliver quickly emphasises, referencing the morning I threatened his job if he didn't allow me to go to the security chambers. In my defence, it was the morning of my fathers funeral, and I didn't want to be alone.

I wanted the comfort of Harry, and Oliver was not comforting me the way I needed.

"I said I was sorry about that," I grant him a soft smile, "I really just needed Harry, nothing personal."

Oliver nods his head and chuckles, "I know, Harry told me, but I am not letting you live it down."

"Go figure," I roll my eyes before I chuckle to myself.

There are days where nobody can fix the void that you feel, and the morning I went on a rampage and threatened to fire Oliver if he didn't take me to Harry was a morning where I just needed Harry. Nobody else would suffice.

"We need to go inside. It is time for you to get ready for your coronation."

I stop in my tracks and look at Oliver, "You and I both know it isn't mine."

"Anastasia," Oliver begins, "For what it is worth, you will make a great Queen."

I lift my shoulders into a shrug, "I will not be crowned Queen. Pippa will not allow it," I respond, dreading today.

I am not envious of Harry for him being crowned. I am somewhat delighted that he has to handle the mess of the monarchy. But, I am disappointed that the monarch is binding and controlling.

This wasn't the life I envisioned for myself, nor is it the life I envisioned for Harry and me. I never thought the monarchy would control us to the extent it does. I knew it would have its ties, but I thought it would be imperceptibly more manageable. I never imagined my husband would take my crown and the problems that go with it. I applaud Harry for being capable of handling things with such strides. I don't think I could— Hence why Pippa refuses to permit me to have the crown.

Harry's pov.

As with all royal events, coronation day accompanies its own sets of rules and regulations. Westminster Abbey has been the environment for every Coronation since 1066, and today it will be no different. I succeeded to the Throne when Anastasia should have succeeded. She will be the first successor to have not succeeded as rightfully anticipated. What a strange read in history books this will be when the public finds out about it.

We were escorted from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Abbey in the Gold State Coach – drawn by eight grey horses, selected by Anastasia and myself. The public is anticipating a closed ceremony for Anastasia to become Queen. What they don't know is the scandal behind it all and how they're accepting a King.

Everything has been precisely placed and designated to accompany all coronation protocols for the day to be impeccable. The coronation Bouquet was made up of white flowers – comprising of orchids and lilies-of-the-valley from England, stephanotis from Scotland, orchids from Wales, and carnations from Northern Ireland and the Isle of Man. Every little detail is intricated for a specific reason. It has meaning— all of which I do not understand, but I am sure Anastasia knows the reasoning behind every painstaking detail. The only thing that is not a part of the royal queue is Anastaisa's dress. On coronation day, most Queens wear neutral colours for a coronation. Anastasia, however, came down the stairs in red. She looked beautiful, but her attire was not what was expected of a royal. Buckingham Palace housemaids, chefs and gardeners gathered inside the Grand Hall at Buckingham Palace to see Anastasia. 129 nations and territories will be officially represented at the Coronation service, and I have been more concerned about Anastasia's dress.

I smile at the members of parliament, eager to announce to them my first order as King. Pippa is intrigued and waiting for me to reveal what she had planned. She told me what my first executive order should be. To her disappointment, I'm about to cause her whole world to crumble.

I clear my throat and take my position, "As reigning King, my first executive order to be signed will be reinstating Anastasia's title. Anastasia will, as a result of this be titled, Queen. She will be the reigning monarch," I instruct, watching Pippa's eyes grow wide and parliament members' jaws drop at my words. I wander towards Anastasia and her mother, who is trying to conceal her smile. Her mother nods her head towards me, granting me her approval.

"Harry, what are you doing?" Anna softly challenges me as I take off the St. Edward's Crown and place it to rest on her head. This is rightfully hers.

I delicately take off the purple robe of estate before I move to place it over her shoulders, "I believe these belong to you, my darling," I beam at her, honoured to be the one to crown her. I kiss her forehead before taking my place beside her, "I give you, your Queen." I place my hands behind my back, watching as an undivided room of officials gazes at me in utter silence.

There's absolutely nothing they can do— I played the monarchy and successfully so.

The Archbishop standing before us who administered the Coronation Oath to me, steps forward with a smile, handing Anastasia the same bible I was delivered, "Will you solemnly promise and swear to govern the Peoples of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, the Union of South Africa, Pakistan, and Ceylon, and of your Possessions and the other Territories to any of them belonging or pertaining, according to their respective laws and customs?"

Anastasia takes my hand and arranges it on the bible before placing her hand over mine, "We solemnly promise to do so."

Anastasia continues her oath to the bitter disappointment of Pippa. I accompany Anna to the alter before stepping back, enabling her to independently take the Bible's oath. "The things which I have here before promised, I will perform and keep. So help me, God." Anastasia speaks the oath's last words, and I take a glance at her mother, who winks at me. I nod my head— our duty is fulfilled.

The Queen, having thus taken her Oath, smiles over at me before I return her to her Chair, and the Bible is handled by one of the martials to be surrendered to the Dean of Westminster.

Anastasia turns to the parliament members, "Members of both Houses of Parliament are required by law to take an oath of allegiance to the Crown. I require you to do so formally... Pippa, you're first." Anastasia takes me by surprise when she halts the coronation to force the parliamentary oath.

Pippa leisurely steps forward and Anastasia stands to her feet, "What are you doing?" Pippa whispers, not charmed that we have transformed the entire plan.

Anastasia sincerely smiles and gestures for the archbishop to walk closer. "Swear her in," Anastasia commands, and the man does as he is told. He holds the Bible out and proceeds to request Pippa's hand. "Say the oath," Anastasia presses.

"I, Philippa Louise Westbrooke, swear by Almighty God that I will be faithful," Pippa trails off with a stutter before she clears her throat and composes herself. "And bear true allegiance to Her Majesty, Queen, Anastasia, according to law. So help me, God."

Anastasia shakes her head, "And bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Anastasia, her heirs, husband and successors. So help me, God," Anastasia changes the oath, adding the fact that Pippa is swearing under oath to be faithful not just to Anna as Queen but to our children and future successors.

I'm just as astonished as everyone else. If I didn't know any better, I'd say Anastasia has been planning this.

Pippa swallows hard and glances towards me for a saving grace— I view Anna with a first-class smile alternately. "And bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Anastasia, her heirs, husband, and successors, according to law. So help me, God," Pippa repeats the oath.

"You may take your seat now. We can get back to the coronation now," Anastasia views everyone else.

"Do you have any other requests or announcements?" The archbishop questions, appearing intrigued and finding the coronation humerus. I don't believe he thought this day would go as it has— I don't think anyone did. Madeleine Noelle Veil even appears to be somewhat bewildered.

Anastasia nods her head, "If there is to be an intermittent King or Queen, the spouse of royal blood can rule on the conditions the royal spouse is unfit or unwell, but only the royal blood can make the decision on the stand-in ruler. While I reign, Harry can sign on my behalf if only I give him consent— We rule the monarch— not parliament. Do you need that in writing?" Anastasia questions, causing my eyes to grow wide. I had no clue that giving her an inch of power would turn out to become this. "May I sign the declaration after?"

"That would be best," George, one of the members of parliament, speaks up, the same man who declared that Henry was the new King once Anna's father passed. The Coronation ring, known as 'The Wedding Ring of England', makes an appearance, slowly becoming placed on The Queen's fourth finger of her right hand following tradition.

I'm not sure what Anastasia's plans are for the nefarious parliament members, but something tells me that she has some sort of devised method to execute her dynamism and shift them out of office. I am not sure if she can overthrow Parliament as she wanted to destroy the monarch and abolish it, but I feel she will try. Anastasia will be one charismatic woman, and I would hate to be the one that has stepped on her toes. She is coming into her power a lot quicker and with more intensity than I ever imagined. I am not sure what changed in her, but she went from the grieving woman who couldn't get herself out of bed to the woman who is about to govern the monarch with an iron fist.

♚ ♚ ♚

The day has been long and eventful. The return route was designed so that the procession could be seen by as many people in London as possible. The 7.2 km route took us two hours to complete. I'm exhausted, and I know Anastasia is, but she's currently wound up on adrenaline and awe. Anastasia stepped into her power today, and she has been humble about it all, but I can see the twinkle of excitement in her eye.

She has won. We have won.

Although we have won this small battle, we have more to go through, and as much as Anastasia is thankful for taking control, I can tell she's anxious and unsure of how or what to do. Anastasia has self-doubt, and she made the obvious on the car ride to the palace when she asked me if she would make a good Queen. She wanted assurance that this is the best decision for the monarch and her. Nothing I do or say will convince her that this is one-hundred percent a good idea. She will always have doubts. After all, look at the people who have pushed her down and doubted her. For months she has been told she is unfit to rule and doesn't deserve her fathers legacy, she has been beaten down to the point I wasn't sure she'd manage to get back up, but she has.

"Anna, darling," I gesture for her to walk closer to me. At first, she's hesitant, unsure of what I want, but begins to step closer with gleaming eyes and that winsome smile of hers, "This... this is what you need to remember any time you have doubts about being Queen," I instruct before I shift to open the glass windows, enabling the crisp air to flow into the room, along with the sweetness of her people cheering, "God save the Queen," applauding her coronation. "Parliament might want to see you fail, but the people don't. This is all for you; they believe in you, you better bloody believe in yourself, too." I show Anastasia the stance she has and how she has the backing and endorsement of her people.

Anastasia grins and nods her head, "Would the King join me to express my gratitude?" Anastasia questions, taking my hand and beginning to wander to the large glass doors with the gold trim that only opens on exceptional occurrences. Anastasia stands at the doors, and I reach towards the handles, pushing down on them before gingerly opening the doors that lead to the balcony. Anastasia takes a breath and peers at me, "It's my pleasure to greet the people as Queen formally, even more so do it with you as King, will you?" Anastasia signals towards the balcony that overlooks the people below. I swallow hard and stare at her, unsure of what to do.

If I step on the balcony with her, that's it. That's the end of our secrecy; our relationship will be in the public eye. "Anna, there's no going back if I do this."

"I know... but if you don't want to—"

"Baby, that's not what I mean," I shake my head, "This announces us as well as a couple."

Anastasia nods her head, "I know, it's what we want, right? To no longer hide?"

I grow withdrawn for a minute. We are finally getting what we want, and somehow I'm still nervous and fearful—going public concerns me for various reasons. We aren't just dodging the bullets of parliament. We will now be avoiding the people's bullets if they disapprove of me. I'm still nothing but a simple man who fell in love with a woman with a royal title. No matter what has transpired or what will follow, I will never be royal. I may honour the title dubbed upon me, but my blood is not royal. I'm a commoner.

I kiss her forehead before taking a step back, "After you, Queen," I smile, motioning for her to step out on the balcony and address her supporters. Anastasia steps out wearing the Imperial State Crown and the Royal Robes to greet the cheering crowds. I move behind her, in awe at how the people applaud her the moment she is regarded. I do not doubt in my mind that Anna is going to go down in history as an astonishing Queen.

Anastasia glances over her shoulder, and I step closer to her, placing my arm around her as she does an honorary wave, "Your Dad always said that you could tell a lot by the way a royal greets their people— But I think you can tell a lot by the way the people greets the royal," I comment, still in awe at how welcoming and pleasant the crowd is towards Anastasia. I have never witnessed such an event. They love her, absolutely love and adore her. They approve of her reign, and I think that's something Anna didn't realise would occur. Although Parliament is against her, the people are living proof of where true loyalty and power lies.

"You can tell a lot by the person standing next to the reigning ruler," Anastasia answers, leaning up to kiss my cheek, sealing our fate of publicly expressing our relationship. "I love you, Harry. I love you today, and I'll love you tomorrow and the day after. The monarch, the people and parliament do not define that. They do not control us– we reign," Anastasia informs me, "As quickly as we have gained this monarch, I'll gladly give it up in a heartbeat for you. You once asked me to surrender the crown for us to be together, and I denied you... standing here, with the crown, I'll happily give it up if you have second thoughts about this."

Even at her highest moment where she should be proud of herself and what we have contrived to do, and even after how hard I fought to not only keep her crown but to hand it back to her strategically, she'll still selflessly give it up for me. I shake my head, "This is your fathers legacy to live on. I don't want you to surrender for me."

Anastasia does not know, but I have fought Pippa for weeks to let Anna take her crown back. I have contended and pleaded until I broke and spoke to Anastasia's mother, where we devised the plan to double-cross Pippa. I allowed Pippa to believe I would support her dream and take the crown officially today; I allowed her to think that I recognised that Anastasia was unfit to rule and that it should be left to me. I kept the crown and what the King worked for safe. I protected the palace against the media and spread of false rumours, I defended the castle from the backlash of Victoria and Henry's murders— I worked diligently to be able to give Anastasia her rightful crown— I worked hard to provide her with the right to choose to do as she wishes with the monarch. I will stand by her with whatever decision she executes if she rules; I will stand by Anna and proudly watch her govern the country. If she abolishes, I will stand beside Anna and hold her as she makes the hardest decision of her life. If she chooses to overthrow parliament, I will stand beside Anastasia and grin as she takes back the control they have taken from her family. I will honour Anastasia as my wife, and I will protect her as her husband and security detail. Still, most importantly, I will love her no matter what decision she chooses to make regarding the crown.

The crown has broken her, but it has also made her who she is. It has challenged her to no ends, but she has perpetually come out on top. She's a fighter and doesn't back down from a fight, and I don't think she's going to back down from the monarchy now.

"I love you," Anastasia breathes out.

"I love you, too," I respond, straightening her crown that has fallen a little too forward. No matter what occurs in this life of ours, I will always be here to adjust her crown, literally and metaphorically.

Anastasia presents the people one last wave before she turns on the 'Lights of London'. Lights cascade down the Mall, kindling the tremendous cypher on Admiralty Arch and transforming the fountains in Trafalgar Square into flowing silver until all the floodlights from the National Gallery to the Tower of London have been enkindled.

The lights illuminate, as does her reign. Anastasia wanders inside, and I follow her, relieved to support the people on our side. Parliament and the monarchy's dictates may disagree with our marriage. Some of the staff may not even agree, but possessing the people's blessing makes things a bit more permissive.

I close the doors behind us and concede the sheer curtains to slide across so the people cannot see in. As this may be the closing of a chapter, it's just the beginning for us and our story.

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