Chapter 12- Pranks

The kids silently made their way down the hall way. The boys were leading the way to where ever they were taking them. Surely some kids noticed the footsteps and giggles from the group, but didn't bother to show it. They had a smooth walk.
"Tom where are you taking us" Amber called to the front
"So many questions Amber. Can't you just go with the flow" Tom answered and turned back
"No I don't" she murmured and turned back to the girls "So Eve, why did you get tape"
  Eve looked up "I think I should do a prank myself. I need to repay a certain someone"
"Well I won't stop you. Me and my sister used to do pranks all the time" Tammy popped up beside Eve
"I think pranks are just a childish way to get back at your enemy. But it's very elaborately planned. Well some of them" Jada stated behind us
  "I remember this one wicked prank. It was epic" May joined the conversation. Eve felt like a normal person. She had friends that weren't rude or creepy. Is this what happiness feels like.
  Jessie ducked under the door way we went through "I totally remember that"

                         At the front
  "So Tom what are we doing" Matt asked
"Don't be such an Amber ,Matt. I'll tell you guys anyway" he answered
"Yeah tell us" CJ listened
"Well I set up a huge prank at the top of the building. You see as soon as Amber trips the line, and let's just say, it won't be pretty"
"Isn't that a little mean" Marco butt in
Tom laughed "Don't get soft on me bro. The girl deserves it"
  "Yeah bu-" he shut his mouth after that
  "Max stop sulking and come on" Tom looked back at Max. Max frowned but walked up anyway.
"Then what's the shaving cream for if there is already a prank" CJ asked holding up the can
"After the prank, we'll through shaving cream at them" he laughed
"That's so cool. Who's ganna record" Matt laughed too
CJ pulled out a camera "I got you covered"
"Uh were did you get that" Marco pointed at the camera in his hands
"Dude stop being such a goody good. I got it from the office ok" CJ answered
Marco stopped "That's not my moms expensive one is it? Dude did you ask"
"Oh calm down mama's boy. She doesn't know ok" CJ shot back
"It's ok Marco. We won't break it" Tom promised with ease
"Mm ok" Marco trusted Tom

Back to the whole group
They walked up a set of stairs. Tom told them they would be passing the cafe soon. Tammy, who liked food, decided to take a pit stop.
  "Hey guys. You want to get some snacks before we go where we are going" she asked all of us. We nodded because who doesn't like a midnight snack.
  "Just hurry up Tammy" Tom turned around
  "The doors won't open" she tugged at the doors
  "Move it" CJ shoved Tammy out of the way. He too failed to open the door. Then Marco tried. Then Matt. Soon the girls tried too.
  "Oh please move aside" Tom said. He tried and only moved it a centimeter.
  Max ,who was in the back, stepped up and pushed the door open.
  "Oh thanks Max. I thought you pulled on it" Tammy ran in
  "Pfft I could do that" Tom brushed past him
  "Yeah Max. Way to go" Eve gave him a thumbs up, but he stared at her "Ok. Bye" she ran after her friends
  "Guys look. I found a pile of cookies" Tammy announced
  Marco walked up "Should we really be in here"
  "It says leftovers. We can eat it. Besides no one heard us" CJ replied
  "It's ok Marco. Just think of it as us eating the food that's not needed" May comforted.
  Marco blushed "Ok then. If you say so"
  "Here everyone can have two" Tammy started passing out cookies with Jessie. The two were apparently best friends. Tammy being sweat and small. Jessie was tall and intimidating. Jessie didn't talk a lot, but Tammy would spit out words so fast, you might miss it.
  Jada neatly unwrapped one. She placed the other one next to her. "I have a passion for cookies"
  "Who doesn't" Eve laughed
  She took another bite "but I usually a sort the coco chips in patterns" she was that smart, perfectionist, type of girl.
  "If you don't give me my cookie back you font, I'm going to rip your limbs off. You hear me" May whispered/yelled to CJ. May was the athletic, no to mess with type of girl.
  Amber say next to Eve and Jada. "Is this fun or what" Amber was tough, but friendly. She was trust worthy. Loyal you might say.
  "Yeah" Eve replied. She looked towards the guys. CJ seemed to be Tom's best bud. He was a real jerk sometimes, but CJ is actually soft.
  "Just give her the cookie CJ" Tom yelled. Tom was like that annoying older brother. He didn't let anyone push him around. He always wore gaming t-shirts and beanies whenever he could.
  "CJ just give up already" May had pinned CJ to the ground
  "Let him go May" Marco pleaded. He was a real Mama's boy. He like to be clean and organized. He would always wear a sweatshirt. He'd be the sweetest thing you've ever met and the clumsiest too. He also had a crush on May since third base.
  "Fine" she got her cookie and huffed away.
  Eve turned to Matt. He is a flirty lying little brat. Matt was actually flirty. He would do that a lot. He was also very protective, and had a dark past. But Eve didn't know that.
  She looked at the corner of her eye. Max sat quietly on a table. He seemed shy, but dark. He wore blue jeans and a black jacket. She really didn't know much. He never talked.

  "All right lets go" Tom got up. The whole group had been telling stories for the past thirty minutes.
"Awe so soon" Tammy whined
Tom nodded "Why wait any longer"
May huffed "We don't even know where you are taking us"
"That's a surprise. Do you not like surprises" CJ taunted
Jessie clapped her hands gleefully. Tammy followed "I do" she started jumping up and down
"Then let's go" Tom signaled to the door. Everyone got up. They threw away their trash and headed out the door.
Tom lead them up a flight of stairs again. The boys laughed every two minutes. The girls looked confused. The girls concluded they were heading towards the top floor.
"We are heading for the roof" Matt announced a bit more comfortable with Eve's presence
"I knew it" May stomped her foot
"That's not a surprise" Tammy pouted
"Calm down we haven't told you what's up there yet" Tom kept walking forward
"I love the roof. You can see the stares perfectly. Well if it's a clear night. If it's not you can still look down. There's a lot of trees to keep this place well hidden. I mean you can only access the building with a bag, but none of us have one of those. You have to graduate or be accepted into the league. I'm going to graduate soon. I mean in five years you know. I can't wait. I'm getting so many belts. I should stop talking" Tammy skipped along.
The reached the top of the stairs. In front of them was a door to the roof. Tom told the boys to go over the string. They did as they were told. Amber walked up.
"You can do the honors" Jada cleared the way
"What do you mean" Amber was confused so we're the rest of the girls
"Trust me. You'll thank me" Amber shrugged. Just as planned she tripped the wire. CJ had a camera in his hand and laughed.
"You are so dum" Tom laughed with him.
"No you are" Jada yelled. She went up after they set the prank. She switched everything. The boys planned to dump mud on Amber. Then have snails come down as well.
  Jada was smarter. She rearrange the plan a bit. The mud would fall on Tom who she knew would be standing at the place he marked no splash zone. (Yes he gave it away). But she changed it up a bit. She added glitter and glow in the dark paint. She let go of the snails. All will fall on Tom.
  This happened as planned. The wire let go of the mud bucket. Splashing on Tom. Then paint. And then the glitter. In all of the commotion, the boys dropped the shaving cream. Jada picked up each one of the cans. She perfectly calculated the throws and throw the cans to her friends.
  "Revenge" yelled May as she started running for the guys
  "Make sure to get it in their hair" joked Tammy
  "Let's have some fun" Amber ran towards Tom
  Eve, taking the perfect opportunity, ran at Matt. Nothing like sweet revenge.
  Matt jumped at the sight of Eve running towards him. She put some in her hand and threw it. It hit him in the face. He stopped then laughed. He swooped some off and threw it back at her.
  "Missed" she taunted.
  He started running after her "I'm getting you back"
  "Try" she started throwing more. She dodged his throws.

Thirty minutes later
"Guys I'm going to go do my prank now. I'll be back"
"It's not good to go alone. You might get lost" Amber worried
"Take a second person" suggested Marco
Max all of the sudden raised his hand. Like he was volunteering.
"Uh ok" she started walking. Max got up and followed her. They walked through the hall.
Where was Sir Trent's room again. Dang how could I forget. Wait I know! Eve stopped at Sir Trent's door. She leaned her ear against the door to listen for noise. All she heard was peaceful snoring. She snickered. She pulled out a long strip of tape. Then you already know that prank. The one where you put tape on the door that it is hard to get out. Yup that prank.
  She laughed a bit more. Then got up. The tape roll was out, but the whole passage way was blocked by tape. She would love to watch him struggle. She knew she had to get back. She turned around to Max. He stared at her blankly.
  "Um I'm ready to leave" she said uncomfortably
  He nodded. Then walked down the hall. "Hey" Eve yelled after him. He was going in the opposite direction.
  She quickly chased him. For a shy guy he does run fast. She chased him into the next hall. She slowed down confused as to where he went. Someone grabbed her arm with a huge force. Then tugged her into the custodians closet.
  It was dark. She held her breath as a cold hand touched her neck. She felt the hand grab her necklace.
  "It is you" said a slick boy's voice she never heard before
"What do want from me" she gulped
He turned on the light. To Eve's astonishment it was Max. He looked into the necklace.
"I don't want anything" he quickly claimed
"Then why am I in here" she asked
"I-I know things" he gulped and looked around as if someone was watching. "I need someone to talk to, but if I tell you" he shuddered in fear
"What is it" Eve was more worried of the boy then terrified
"You don't understand. I'm being watched. Ever since" he looked away
"Tell me"
He gulped "I saw it Eve. I saw it come in. It would of killed me sooner"
"Who's it"
"I don't know. I couldn't make out a face. They said they were here for you. They said they'll blow up the whole school"
"They are here Eve. They are in the building. Here"
"No" she clasped her hands on her mouth. Max collapse on the floor. Eve utterly confused went to his side. She didn't know what to do. With all that just happened, the only thing she could feel was fear.

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