Chapter 9: School is Torture

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Fall had arrived and it was Sarah's first day at her new school. She was nervous as her father drove her to the high school.

"Don't worry, if you have any problems then be sure to go talk to the principle. Please don't do that thing where you hide what happens from me. I care about you too much, Sarah."

Sarah turned to him. She knew he deeply cared, "I will be fine, Papa."

"I'm sure you will, sweetheart," he smiled.

She then hugged him and kissed his cheek. "Love you!" She then got out of the truck and rushed in the building once the bell rang.

"Love you too!" He called after her. He watched her enter the building then drove away. He was going into town to look at an empty shop he wanted to purchase.

Once in the school, Sarah shivered when some girls laughed at her because they heard her father call out her. Sarah quickly hide one side of her face so no one would see her scar.

Once Mr Gold had attended to the purchasing of the shop, he returned home and checked the mailbox. To his confusion there was a letter with Sarah's name on it, but no stamp or address written. Whoever put it there had hand delivered it. Even though he was curious he wouldn't open it because he respected her privacy. He assumed it was from her friend Oswald.

Hours later the school bus came and Sarah came crying. She was hiding her face now. Once she came inside she looked for Gold. He was making supper and she came to him, "P-Papa..."

He turned to her smiling, but his smile dropped to fear seeing her scar was worse now. She had staples on her cheek.

Gold was angry, "who did this to you, Sarah? I'm not sending you into school to be physically abused! I'll homeschool you myself rather than send you back there," he pulled her into his arms.

"...some kids...somehow they knew, papa...not me being a slave...they called me The Joker's....s-slut..."

"Well don't believe what they say, they want to hurt you, Sarah, can't let them. I'm not sending you back there."

Someone there did try to defend her. A boy who was a senior and he didn't like how they treated her. She was about to tell him when the phone rang. Gold went and answered the phone, "hello?"

"Hi...Uh...," It sounded like a young man on the other side of the phone. "My name is Dick Grayson. Is this Sarah Gold's father I am talking to?"

"Yes it is. Can I ask why you're calling, young man?"

"I just wanted to ask if she is ok. I saw what the other kids did. Me and Barbara Gordon. We did fight them back for what they did to her, and I-I know this sounds bad, but really I care for her even though we just met."

"Uh huh...," Gold was very protective of Sarah, but he thanked Dick for helping her and called Sarah to the phone.

"There's a Dick Grayson on the phone, checking if you're okay."

Sarah then took the phone, "Hello?"

"Oh hi, Sarah. I was just checking you're okay. Barbara and I were really worried about you....but... Barbara's not my girlfriend or anything like that..."

"...ok...yeah I'm fine. I'm home now so...I'm ok..."

"Good. That's good. Really good. I'm uh, glad to hear that because...okay I know this sounds kinda crazy because we just met, but I care about you, Sarah."

"...thanks, Gray," she blushed, but that made her cheek sting, "ow..."

"Are you okay?"

Mr Gold had heard her so he hurried in and took the phone from her, "Sorry, Mr Grayson, Sarah had to go now. We're about to eat supper," He then hung up and turned to her, "what happened? Are you in pain?"

"My face burned up and the staples hurt my skin...maybe we should go to the hospital..."

He shook his head.

"It's fine....I can remove them and...get you fixed up. But I'll have to go and prepare a few things. Don't eat yet if you're in too much pain. I'll be in my den...I'll explain everything when I come back," he turned to leave the room then stopped, "oh I almost forgot. This came for you. I think it's from Oswald as it's hand delivered. You can read it while you're waiting for me to get things ready," he handed her the letter and left the room.

Sarah looked and picked up the letter. Her heart was beating when she looked at the handwriting. It looked similar to The Joker's. No...

She went to her room. She didn't know if she should open it or not. She hid it under her pillow. She picked up the joker doll and squeezed him tight.

After awhile Sarah came down and Mr Gold came out. She was surprised seeing a strange box he carried in the living room. "W-what's that?"

"I'll answer everything when I'm done, it won't hurt all you have to do is trust me."

"...I trust you, Papa," she said looking up at him.

Gold smiled and had her sit down on the couch. He then knelt down and held her hands. She teared up happily and he hugged her. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek.

"Good. It won't hurt, I promise," he opened the box and took out a bottle of colored liquid and poured it into a glass. He then took out a pot that contained what looked like some sort of balm. He gently rubbed the balm into her cheek where the staples and scars were.

"'s Oswald?" He asked, trying to distract her. Also he'd taken to Oswald during their chats on the internet.

"F-fine...he really can't wait to see me, but he's still school down in Texas. He said once...he graduates, he will come and see us. will be in 7...years..."

Gold frowned slightly, "but he isn't at college in Texas, it's Oklahoma. Sarah...are you telling your old man little white lies?"

", I must've got them mixed up. I promise I'm not lying, Papa..."

"If you are I'll find out," he teased jokingly, even though he was being serious, "me and Oswald talk all the time."

"...that's probably how you got the move us here."

Soon he pulled back and held a mirror to her. She took it and she was in shock. The scar. That half Joker grin, it was...gone, like he never put it on her. Even the staples were gone and never left a mark. She then teared up. She looked up at him, "P-Papa? did you...?"

"I didn't tell you before because I was afraid you either think I was crazy or that I'm some kind of evil sorcerer... but the truth is, I studied witchcraft. I basically managed to master the art of magic...I wanted to help you so you don't get bullied or judged on how you look. And most importantly I don't want you to be reminded of what happened to you. I'm sorry I didn't tell you the truth sooner."

"...," she didn't know how to respond, so she just hugged him tightly.

He sighed with relief and hugged her back.

"Thank you," Sarah looked up at him. She then kissed his cheek.

He held her face and kissed her forehead, "you're welcome, sweetie."

After dinner, Sarah was getting ready taking a shower. She felt though someone was watching her. She stopped standing still in the shower and looked around, but no one was in the bathroom. Maybe it was just her imagination. She finished up and got in her pajamas. Mr Gold came in once she was in her bed. He came to her and sat on the edge of the bed and she hugged him.

He hugged her back, "Sarah, I spoke to Oswald. He didn't send the note. Who is it from?"

"...oh was Henry," she lied. "He was just checking on us and seeing how we are doing in our new home."

But Mr Gold wasn't buying it, "Sarah, I thought we talked about this. You keeping things to yourself. Please don't lie to me, sweetheart. If it's something bad we can deal with it together."

"...I-I...," she sighed, "I haven't opened it yet..."

"You're afraid to."

She then nodded slowly. "I don't know's...him."

Gold nodded, "I'll open it. Then we know for sure and if it is.... at least you don't have to read what he's said."

"...," she took it under her pillow and handed it to him, "If not...don't read it to me...if it's not him I want to read it...,"

He nodded, "okay, I'll just read the name at the bottom....," he opened up the envelope and unfolded the paper, "'s signed, "your friend, Mr J... with....3 kisses!"

"...," Sarah was shaking. But if it was The Joker he wouldn't call her "your friend." "It's hero..."

Gold nodded, "hm, it would seem so. Do you want me to leave you in privacy while you read it?"

She then nodded. So Gold kissed her forehead and hugged her. "I love you, Papa."

"I love you too, sweetheart. Sweet dreams. Call out if you need me."

Once Mr Gold walked out, Sarah then read the letter which said,

"Hey, princess. It's your friendly neighborhood clown, yeah I heard you were back in town. I'm so happy to know you're settled in a loving home, I always knew you'd find a happy ending. I promised I'd never forget you and I haven't, I couldn't. It wouldn't be possible. Anyway, I just wanted you to know that I'm still here, and still thinking of you.

Lots of love and hugs, your friend, Mr J xxx"

She then smiled tearing up. She felt as if she was inlove with him now. She put the letter in her journal and took out a paper and wrote to him. Once finished she put it in her envelope and she climbed out the window. She got to the mailbox and put it inside with the flag up. She looked around hoping whoever was sending the letter would see hers. She then climbed back into her room and shut the window. She peeked out to see who it was.

After a long time Jackson finally came walking down the street. He wasn't wearing his clown mask because if anyone saw they'd call the cops, especially in this part of town. He opened the mailbox and took the letter, tucked it inside his coat and walked away.

Jackson took the note straight to Arkham and met the security guard who was an old friend. He handed him the letter and he nodded, "I'll slip it under his door now. He'll get it when he wakes up."

Jackson thanked him and left.

But Joker wasn't sleeping, so he saw the note being slipped beneath his door. At first he thought it was from Harley wasn't her writing. Was it? The girl. Sarah. He hadn't been expecting a reply, so he quickly opened it.

I'm so happy you're ok. You mean the world to me, Mr Joker. You saved my life. After I was left for foster care...I...I was abuse verbally and physically by the families. They starved me...made me sleep outside the house...I went mute since the first family, until I met a sweet old man who took me in. I can't say his name for safety, I do trust you though. But...I still miss you. Because...I..I...I want to see you...I really want to see you and you...

Love, princess ooo

Joker felt many emotions reading the letter. Shock, anger, frustration, confusion, and admittedly his heart melted a little. She was so sweet. He was mad she'd been abused so badly and he felt he'd let her down. But she'd found happiness finally. He was relieved but...she wouldn't be able to see him. He took out his pen instead of going to sleep;

Awe my poor little princess, I'm so sorry all of those bad things happened to you. I failed you. If I'd known I would've protected you. I really hope those bad people suffer for what they've done. But, the old man you live with now sounds great! He'll take good care of you I'm sure. I'd love to be able to see you, honey. But it's just not possible. You see, I'm in Arkham and have been for a long time. If anyone wants to visit me they have to request permission and it's strictly no minors unless accompanied by an adult. If ever I get out of here though, we can meet again.

Love and hugs, your Mr J xxx

Sarah got the letter the next day, she thought she could try to meet him without her father. Dick was 18 maybe he could help. Dick would do anything for her. Which when she told him, Dick helped.

Sarah was able to see him, but before Joker came out, Dick came to her realizing who she came in for, and he wasn't happy.

"'re visiting Arthur Fleck! Seriously? Why? You never told me he was your 'friend'."

"Arthur? His name is Joker."

Dick didn't care he was mad now.

"Joker is his alter ego, his name is Arthur Fleck and he's insane and dangerous!"

Then Dick lied to the guard saying he was 17 and so was Sarah. The guard was not happy. He made them both leave the visiting room just as Joker was being led down the hallway.

Sarah cried out, "DICK! You promised to help me!! I HATE YOU!!!" She yelled at Dick. She tried to go back, but couldn't the guard was stronger than her.

"Sorry Miss, but you're both minors. Come back when you're an adult!" the guard said as he held onto her.

"Sarah?" Joker thought that might be her, being....thrown out!? "SARAH!" he tried to run, but the orderlies grabbed him and he was instantly tazered. He fell to the ground convulsing and groaning in pain.

"I lied," Dick lied and smirked at Joker.

Sarah frowned at Dick angrily. They were finally thrown out the doors.

"You bastard!" She teared up, "you don't understand!!! He saved my life from a devil!!!"

"No! You don't understand! I'm protecting you from a demon! He's clinically insane, Sarah, just because he saved you years ago doesn't make him a good person. You need to stay away from him and forget about him!"

" don't know the hell I been though! How dare you talk terrible about him! I-I...," she was hurt and ran back home sobbing. Gold was at home and heard Sarah burst in through the door crying.

"Sarah, what happened?"

"Dick...hurt me. I am sorry, but I went to see Joker with Dick, but he lied to the guards saying he is 17 and not his real age just because I'm friends with Joker. He doesn't understand what I been through. THE HELL I WENT THROUGH!!!" Sarah screamed.

Gold hugged her tightly, "He doesn't understand but...guards? Where is Joker, jail?"

"...Arkham...," she replied.

"The asylum! Sarah, sweetheart, if he's in there he must be mentally unstable. Maybe Dick was just trying to look out for you."

Sarah looked up at him tearing up. She started to cry again. He was about to pull her into another hug, but Sarah jerked away and ran upstairs and slammed her bedroom door.

Just then Barbara called. Dick had told her what happened and she wanted to make sure Sarah was okay. She understood better than Dick.

Sarah refused to talk to anyone. She was torn. Hurt. Disgusted.

Mr Gold felt guilty now for hurting Sarah. When supper was ready, he went upstairs to check on her worriedly.

Sarah was nowhere in her bedroom and he panicked. So he tried to call her. It just went to her voicemail and he growled and ran to his truck. He began driving around town searching for her everywhere. He didn't even expect though to check the Wayne Manor.

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