Chapter 26: I wont let Anything Happen to You

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After she was let go, Arthur went back behind bars. But Sarah promised him she would visit him.

One day she did, but sadly it wouldn't last long unexpectedly. Mr Gold dropped her off at the jail Arthur was in and told her he will wait for her outside in the truck.

Arthur was waiting in the visiting room. When the door opened and she was led inside he jumped up, smiling and pulled her into his arms, lifting her off her feet, "Princess! Im so glad you came. I've missed you so much."

Sarah smiled up at him and giggled when he lifted her up. She held his face and caressed his cheek. "I missed you too, Mr Joker."

Arthur noticed she was still wearing the ring band he gave her. He then smiled.

"I will wear it until we are married, Arthur."

"It is an engagement ring, but I never proposed...," he then got down on one knee and took her hand, "Sarah Gold, will you marry this old clown and make him the happiest man alive?"

Sarah covered her mouth in shock. Gold actually never left the building and was hearing this.

"Oh my gosh...y-you're....," she teared up. "Yes. YES! I will marry you, Arthur!"

Arthur laughed happily and swept her up into his arms, twirling her around "YES!" he then kissed her deeply.

Sarah held his face as she kissed him back. Mr Gold then walked in smiling. He never seen how happy his daughter was. Sarah noticed him and ran to him, "Papa!" She then hugged him, "Arthur purpose to me...and when we move in...I want you with us, papa."

"Oh, no. I don't think that would be practical, Sarah," Gold chuckled.

"It can work, Gold," Arthur said, "We can all live together as a family."

"You still work at the shop. And when you're off and we are take care of the grandkids. I'm sure they would love their grandpa around." She smiled, "I really want you to live with us, Papa. I love you. And I would hate it if something happened to you and I am not there..."

"Grandkids?" Arthur teased, "maybe one..."

Gold chuckled, "thank you Sarah, I would love that very much... so long as you don't make me a grandpa too soon."

Sarah giggled and hugged him tightly.

Suddenly they heard some guards dragging someone. It was The Joker. Sarah was nervous seeing him. She gripped on her father tightly shaking.

"Well hello, little bunny," The Joker smirked seeing her.

Arthur stood in front of Sarah and Gold.

"That's my fiancée you're talking to you piece of sh*t!"

"Arthur-" but Gold couldn't finish.

The Joker frowned hearing what Arthur just said. "Before this trial is over, I will kill you for saying that!"

"I'd like to see you try, a$$hole!" Arthur growled and then laughed as the guards dragged the Joker away.

He then turned to Sarah "sorry baby."

"...," Sarah came to him and hugged him tightly, "it's alright." She kissed his cheek. "I will back soon, ok? I love you."

"Where are you going?"

Gold looked at her concerned too, "Sarah?"

"...please can we just go...?" She asked Gold, "Arthur I'm sorry, but I promise I come back and visit you again." She seemed frightened because of The Joker.

"Arthur this was unexpected. But we do promise we will be back," Mr Gold encouraged Arthur. He took her hand and they left. Arthur looked down sadly. It was The Joker's fault.

That night, Gold was fixing on a suit and put it on.

Sarah came seeing he was straightening up his shirt collar and his jacket collar. "Papa? Are you going somewhere?"

He smiled seeing her, "I was thinking to take my sweet little daughter on a date. Just a father and daughter date." He smiled. "Would you like that? We haven't done anything together for a long time."

"Ok, sure," she smiled.

"Go on. Wear something nice," he chuckled and she ran back to her room.

She put on a summer like dress and Gold smiled seeing how pretty his daughter looked. She was putting her locket, but he helped her, "Here. I'll help you, sweetheart." She blushed as her father hooked the chain of her necklace.

"Thank you, Papa."

Mr Gold smiled. "Of course, dearie. I will take you to the truck." He offered his arm and she took it.

"Close your eyes. I will tell you to open them when we get there." He smiled.

Mr Gold drove across town to Gotham plaza. He parked up and led her from the truck to a really fancy sushi restaurant.

"Now can I open my eyes, Papa," she giggled still covering her eyes.

"Not yet." He came to the front desk and the waiter grabbed their menus and walked them over to a table.

Sarah had her eyes shut as Gold walked her over to the table and set her in her seat.

Once he ordered and their food came, he told her to open her eyes. Sarah gasped seeing a plate of sushi, shrimp tempura, chicken, and even fried tofu. "Omg! Thank you, Papa."

"I thought you deserved to be spoiled," Gold smiled, "and it's a celebration of you're an engaged young lady."

Sarah blushed, "Thanks, Papa," she smiled.

They began to enjoy their meal, when suddenly Mr Gold stopped eating and smiled, looking at someone across the restaurant, "oh look Sarah, it's one of your friends...Megan, over there! Oh, she's with Brittany."

"...," she quickly looked away and teared up.

Gold noticed this and looked at Sarah, worried, "is something wrong?"

"....," she pulled her phone out and showed him the text message she gave her which caused her to overdose. "She's not my friend anymore..."

Gold took the phone and read the text message. He was now furious, "I'm going to speak with her, right now!"

"No, Papa," but he ignored her and went over to Megan and Brittany's table.

Megan and Brittany both fell silent when Gold approached them.

"Mr Gold. It's good to see you, is everything okay?" Brittany asked.

"Not really, well not with your friend here, and how she spoke to my daughter."

Brittany frowned, "what?"

Megan rolled her eyes, "Sarah takes things too seriously. She needs to get over it."

"Get over it! You told her to go kill herself, after you tried to steal her boyfriend-"

"Her boyfriend? Pfft. She didn't even want him! Joker deserves to be with someone special. Someone who isn't afraid of everything all the time!"

Brittany gasped, "Megan! How can you say that?! She's our friend! We all suffered together, we agreed we're sisters."

"Not any more. She's always been a cry baby. If she took what I said and acted on it then that only proves how weak she actually is!"

Brittany then lost her temper and slapped Megan. But of course she didn't feel it.

"Fine, Brittany. I don't need you anyway. And soon Joker will realize he should be with me."

"I think you need to leave, young lady!" Gold snapped.

Megan stood, grabbing her purse and jacket "Don't worry I'm going. Having to look at you guys would put me off my food anyway."

Megan then left.

Brittany was still in shock, "I'm sorry, Mr Gold, I had no idea."

The two of them went back to Sarah and Brittany hugged her.

"I'm so sorry for her, she's lost her mind! I had no clue...except she talked about a guy she's waiting to be with, but I had no idea it was Joker! Why would she do that? Everyone knows you're his girl."

"....," Sarah didn't know how to answer that. It did hurt her. "Maybe because Harley is messing with us...she faked a letter to him before saying I wanted to break up with him and go be with Dick. But I heard now Barbara and Dick are dating...don't tell anyone."

Brittany felt bad, that ex of Joker's was a terrible woman obviously. She hugged Sarah again, "well, you me, and Christina will always be sisters. I will talk to you later ok?" She then left.

Gold continued eating but he was frustrated again. "That fiancé of yours does have some explaining to do. Be sure to ask him about this the next time you see or speak to him. Promise me that, and I won't get mad over it," he joked and patted her hand.

"I really should...," she looked down.

Gold squeezed her hand, "don't worry about it too much. If he loves you enough to propose then you're the one he wants to be with. Belle and I separated many times, and she even dated someone else. But it worked out for us."

"Thanks, Papa...I do believe that...I just...don't know what made Megan hate I...that much of a cryer?"

Gold sighed, "I think she's jealous of you, because you've always had a bond with Arthur since he saved you. He told everyone how special you are, and strong. She's developed into something....else.... but she'd still be his 2nd choice. She wants to be special too, and get the attention you get. So pay her no attention, sweetheart. She's a very jealous young woman."

" I really cry a lot." Maybe she wasn't coping her pain very well.

Gold sighed, "you cry about as much as any scared young girl would cry, when they've been through the trauma you have. It isn't for Megan, or anyone else to judge how you handle or react to fear and anxiety," he tried to reassure her.

"...," she then sighed, "You're right. Thanks, Papa." She tried to smile.

After dinner, he had another surprise. He took her to the fair and she got excited.

"Just try to have fun, sweetheart. Forget all about everything else for a few hours."

She giggled and hugged him happily.

Sarah went to visit Arthur at the jail again. This time alone.

Arthur smiled and rushed to her and hugged her tightly, "hey princess, how are you? I've missed you so much."

" someone else write to you? Besides Harley and I?"

Arthur sighed and took her hands, leading her to the chair on the opposite side of the table.

"Your friend...Megan. She wrote a letter saying she felt she never got to thank me properly for rescuing her. I replied and said, no problem, but I think maybe she took some of the stuff I said the wrong way....I told her I thought she was amazing, because I honestly think all of the girls are who survived that ordeal, but then she got a little personal in her next I stopped writing. It didn't feel right."

"....was...was it...romantic like?"

"I felt like that's what she was going for, made me feel quite uncomfortable. She talked about having super powers, saying she'd be the perfect sidekick for me, and how she would appreciate me...," he shivered.

"...," she looked down and cried.

"....oh honey, please don't cry...," he gently brushed her tears away, "she's nothing compared to you. She actually kinda gave me Harley vibes, and... that's not a good thing at all."

"It's not that...Christina told me and confronted her...which pissed her off...she...was the reason why I tried to...take my own life..."

"What?!" Arthur's eyebrows drew together in that deep scowl of his, "I had no idea! The little b*tch!" he then held her face in his hands, "promise me you won't ever try to do that again? If I lost you I don't know what I'd do!"

"You won't. I was scared I don't ever want to do that again...," she cried.

"You can't. If I lost you I'd have to kill myself..." he teared up, "you're brave Sarah, and strong. We'll get through all of this, and I promise you'll have your happy ending. Me, you, your old man, we all will. We'll be a family."

"...," Sarah then wrapped her arms around him crying. Suddenly they heard Megan come in.

"Oh and the crying b!tch is here."

Arthur gently pushed Sarah behind him, "what the hell are YOU doing here?! And how dare you call her that!"

"Well she is. She needs to grow up and drop the baby act, if she can't she should've killed herself the day I texted her."

Arthur growled and lunged at Megan, grabbing her by the throat, " about I just kill you instead!" he slammed her against the wall and began to choke her out.

"ARTHUR, NO!!!" Sarah screamed and grabbed him, "No, Arthur, please I can't loose you just over a murder or attempted murder!!!!"

Arthur growled and pushed Megan hard through the door, letting her go. She fell down, gasping.

Arthur glared at her, coldly, "I saved your life once. Leave Sarah alone, and I won't have to take it! Because I can and I will, if you ever hurt her again. Now GET OUTTA HERE!!

She frowned and left, "You're regretting this!"

"I doubt it," Arthur replied, and closed the door. He then looked sheepishly at Sarah, "I'm sorry I lost my temper, baby. I-I wouldn't really kill her, not now. I'm trying to be better. I just wanted to scare her," he then pulled Sarah into a hug and kissed her forehead.

"They could sentence you longer though and I can't wait longer...," she cried.

"'s alright. If they tried to then I'd explain why I threatened her, besides it'll be fine. Jackson and Jessie will take care of it," he held her tightly in his arms, "nobody's gonna keep me away from you any longer. I can't take it either, princess. I'm going crazy in here without you."

"Still they will say it's wrong...Jessie? You hired him? He told me he always wanted to work with you," she blushed.

"Sarah, one or 2 might say it's wrong but most people support me. So don't worry. And yeah, I thought I'd give him a chance because he's been looking out for you for me."

She then smiled slightly. "I still can't live without you. My heart aches when I leave...and your not with'm slowly dying..."

".....," he then smiled at her sadly as he looked into her eyes, "nothing will keep us apart, princess. I can't live any longer without you either. I want our first date. I want to dance with you, and buy you flowers...," he rubbed his nose against hers.

She teared up happily and hugged him tightly. She kissed the side on his head, "I love you so much. So much."

He hugged her back and gently kissed her, "and I love you more than anything in the world, my princess."

That night Sarah came home, but heard music playing and the living room was spaced out. Mr Gold came out and smiled.

Gold smiled and took Sarah's hand in his, "I just realized we never danced before."

"So we are gonna practice?" She giggled. He was definitely being a great father now since she came back. Maybe he wanted to be more connected and do things with her. When he almost lost her, he felt they didn't do much as a father and daughter.

Gold chuckled, "yeah, you can say that."

He then slowly spun her around and pulled her in closer, and then began to move his feet slowly so she could follow his steps.

Sarah blushed and smiled. She never dance before, but she enjoyed this. She rested her head on his shoulder.

He continued to dance around the living room with her, moving slowly to the old fashioned music.

Sarah imagined if her and Arthur would do this every night. She truly loved him. Her father and the man that saved her...mostly Arthur.

After they danced, the music stopped and they watched some Courage with the puppy. Sarah rested her head on his shoulder.

Gold put his arm around Sarah and smiled as he pet Courage, who was curled up beside them on the couch. He really hoped that everything would work out, and that one day Sarah would live happily like this everyday, without fear or drama.

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