twenty six🌸

Haneesa's POV

"Awwwh baby love" Adda Hayrah cooed hugging me and I hug back letting the water works begin.

Oya cry cry baby me.

Let me be please.

"Adda Maami fah?" I pouted breaking from the hug and she wipe my tears away.

"She will calm down In Shaa Allah, you know things haven't been easy on her nowadays. From Daddy's death.. To you telling her about your co wife. She will come around"

Yes, I told them and Maami just eyed me before leaving the room and locking her self up. Why won't she talk to me? Is it my fault that he got married again?
Now she will say I am not taking care of him well and giving him his sexual right that's why he got married again.

"Now tashi muje" she said standing up and grabbing her bag, the twins were at home with their father something about it's his turn to take care of his kids while Ahmaad joined them. Ya Mukky.. Well he just showed up to confirm if i have told them then left after giving me one last nasty look.

Kai niiiiiii!

Abeg what is up with people and eyeing me????

"Aunty are you okay?" Adda snapped her fingers in front of my eye and I nod my head standing up.

"Where are we going to?" I asked as she cake herself with her makeup bag, adding powder here and there. This woman!

"I get a day off once in a while i think i deserve to enjoy the day" she said adding red lipstick to her lips which gave her the classy look. She turned around and sit my poor ass on the couch before rubbing substances on my face.

"Noooo I want to go out like this, natural face.. Make up free face" I said and she roll her eyes at me.

"Madam do you think you can follow me with this your ugly face? You won't embarrass me Haneesa, not now not ever! So shut up and let me make you presentable to the world"

Ya Ilahi

Allah ya ban sister!

Poor me just kept shut while she made me look presentable' to the world.

As if..

"Better now lets go" she said and I stand up like one dummy letting her choose a veil that will complete my dressing. I can't help but admit that makeup looked nice.. Wawwwwwww i looked hot oo. Oshey fine girl.

"Haneesa wallahi you have gone mad. Haa'an! See how you are talking to yourself wai oshey fine girl koo? The credit goes to me by the way"

Kill me alreadyyyyyy

"I said that out loud baa?" I face palm myself as we walk to her car. now this big head will feel herself all the way to our ride to only God knows where.

"Ehen na. Sha I know you couldn't help your self but compliment my makeup skills.. No need to thank me sis but next time it won't be for free" she winked and I groan while she laughed.

Ayya I missed my sister wallahi.

She drove us to Coldstone where she bought us ice cream and cake.. What has gotten into this one today? She paid for me fah. Hmm lemme just enjoy this once in a lifetime opportunity and so I did letting the ice cream melt in my mouth.

How did I survive months without coldstone serf? Ahh that Dukku village I don't think you will find common fan ice talk more of Coldstone.

After we finished our ice cream, she drove us to drumsticks ooh where we ate our shawarma and drive down to Dominos where we ate pizza until i couldn't walk.

Where is Ahmaad when I need him?

Abeg he should come and carry his lazy ass wife.

"OMG! We are late. Baby love stand your ass up!" She shrieked.

"Okay number one what's with baby love today? And two where are we going?"

"Funfair. Keh we can't miss it wallahi, my friend will skin me alive" she literally dragged me as she drives to this funfair place.

Ahh the thing was lite ooh.. It's a tournament/funfair thingy. I ate from every stall and trust me the stalls are up to fifteen. Later on, adda dragged me to one stall where they sold baby clothes. She bought loads for the twins and new born clothes.

"Adda Hayri are you pregnant?" Curiosity got the best of me as we walk to bid her friend goodbye with hands full with shopping bags.

"No silly" she laughed

"Then why did you buy newborn clothes?"

"For you" she said making me choke on my spit. she gave me the behave-yourself-we-are-in-public look and I look around to make sure no one heard.

Her and her public life.

"What? I am not pregnant" I whisper yelled.. The thought makes my insides dance serf, me pregnant? Lolllllll

"I know but you will be soon koo? So we have to start buying clothes. the earlier the better" she said as she hug her friend goodbye and she thank us for dropping by sending us home with packaged snacks and cakes.

Adda has seriously lost it.

I decided to shut up cause I don't want her to start lecturing me about how it's better to start planning things before time. So I kuku eat the delicious cake throughout or ride back home

As we enter the house, we came in contact with Maami's Da'aaawah friends. We greeted them and they pay their condolences while we respectfully thank them saying Ameen to their prayers.

Finally, finally... We were in my room all scattered and lazing around. I made a mental note to call Amtullah later, that girl didn't call me though out yesterday and today and that's so not her. She calls me at least ten times daily asking after me saying she misses me and rambling about nonsense but today she didn't call. not even once. Not even a text. Something is definitely wrong, maybe I'll ask Ahmaad to please take me to her house after Isha'i prayers cause ya Mukky won't even spare me a glance. 

"Ouch!" I yelped in pain and adda to her eyes at me, she just pinched me on my lap.

"What was that for?" I yelled

"You keep zoning out so you left me with no choice" she shrugged off her shoulders "Did you have fun?"

"Yes. Thank you" I said hugging her and she pushed me away saying i stink from the hectic day.

"Wallahi I don't stink" I said sniffing myself. I am weird and I love food.. I know!

"Better take a shower before your husbands show up, we don't want him to divorce you this night" she joked and I gasp.

"Now on a more serious note let's talk" she said her over protective elder sister mode on.

"Haneesa living with a co wife ain't easy. I won't say it the hardest thing on earth cause Allah has made it clear that a man is entitled to four wives, Ahmaad has every right to get married again but that doesn't mean you got around all jealous cat. It won't be easy i know but sabr (patience) dear, Allah will make it easy for you.

Don't pay heed to your co wife, focus on your self and husband. Take care of him. Give him more love than always kinji? Be yourself and act as if she doesn't exist. You know the saying baa kill 'em with kindness but don't do shishigi.

Last but not the least don't cry too much I know you. Don't think too much, don't torture yourself. If things become too difficult pray and In Shaa Allah everything will be fine besides you mother in law is there, talk to her when you wish to let it out. If things aren't fair on you complain to her I'm sure she will work things out"

I wasn't in tears until she mentioned the mother in law part.. Ya Salaam if only she knew. Yes, I didn't tell them about Ummah thingy. I couldn't bring myself to tell them. I hugged her tightly as I cry harder. I so badly want to tell her everything but I can't.

"What did I say about crying?" She scolded

"Let me be please, I have enough tears in me so let me waste it small" i joked and she laugh

"Toh stand up lets pray Maghreb, I have to go soon if not the twins will kill my lovely hubby for me" she said all lovey dovey making me want to puke. And with that being said, she did as told.


To say I'm shock with be an understatement. after Adda left, I took a shower cause I didn't want Ahmaad to divorce me that night saying I'm smelling. I dressed up richly and nicely in flowing atampha gown, when Ahmaad came home, I served him food and we ate in silence cause Maami won't leave her room and my dearest ya Mukky is not home as usual.
I pleaded with Ahmaad to take me to Amtullah's home cause I was dead worried. After a lot of kisses, lap dance and whatnot he agreed, we arrived shortly and he left saying he will pick me up after Isha'i prayers, he is to meet Mubarak and catch up. His words, not mine.

Right now, I sat across Amtullah as tears stain my face, her breathing is coming out in heavy pants and at that moment I couldn't hug or console her, she had it real bad so I joined her in crying. That is the only thing I can give her at that moment.

"Han--eesa---iii-i-d-don't know -whaaa-at t-to d-do" she hiccupped and I hug her tightly.

"Pray baby pray."

"Will he wake up or not? Will he ever forgive me? Ya Allah!"

"Stop over thinking love, just pray"

My mind wondered off to Ahmaad.. Ya Salaam the man left here thinking he will catch up with his long lost friend, Mubarak unknowingly to him he won't meet him, rather he will meet him unconscious.. Dead like.. Broken!

Ya Allah see us through.

It's short💔 I know😭 bare with me please In Shaa Allah I will update soonnnnnnnnnnnn

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