Thirty three🌸
Barka the sallah my peeps💫💫 Allah ya maimaita mana🙏 even though your Ammah is not feeling this sallah ooo (don't worry I've done my lale and tailor didn't disappoint me😂😂) it's first sallah without grandma oo😥 (RIJF) sha it's a joyful day no time to gloom💃💃
I guess this will be the perfect opportunity to tell you that i am waiting for my barka da Sallah oo😒 better send in those cars, jewelries, makeup kit, monenyyyyy, money again😂 chocolates, Milo, house keys, ticket to Paris😂😂 I am serious ooo. If not..I won't update again😌 slay mamas💕💕 much love from me to you💝
Biko hope tailor didn't disappoint you😭💔 we thank God..
Greet mama, baba, sister, brother, uncle, aunty, grandma, grandpa, dog, rabbit, goat...😂😂😂 don't mind me lemme go and enjoy my sallah💃💃
Toh bismillah....
Haneesa's POV.
Nigeria, Abuja💫
"Hospital first or were not going anymore"
"But Ahmaad mana" I whine
"Checkup first" he said adamant and I hiss watching out the window.
"What did I say about hissing at me?"
"I'm sorry" I mumbled not sparing him a glance. I watch as he drive to Nisa hospital while we are suppose to be on our way home..ughhh. We shortly arrived and we made registration for antenatal and stuffs pregnant women do..I have to admit it's overwhelming how I will have my own baby. Wow. We did a quick scan and the doctor showed us our little bundle of joy, the baby is so small Ma Shaa Allah. I didn't know when a tear escaped my right emotional, I know but he/she is so cute. Ahmaad held my hand tightly as we watch the computer adoringly. The doctor later wipe the substance off my stomach and gave us some drugs saying both me and the baby are doing perfectly fine..Alhamdulilah! We are to come for our next appointment in three weeks time.
"Now we can go home" I grin happily yet my stomach made a weird sound.
"What's wrong? Are you hungry? Again" Ahmaad asked turning the ignition, I shook my head negatively trying to calm my now heavy breathing.
"What is it?" He asked worriedly.
"I am getting bad vibes. Ahmaad something sounds wrong, something bad will happen"
"Stop saying that babe, pray. Recite with me, innalilahi wa'ina ilaihi rajiun. Subhannalaahi wabihamdihi! Astaghfirulah wa'atuboo Ilaik" I did as told and I felt much more better.
"Thank you" I said leaning in and kissing his cheek.
"Anytime. Now don't let me park the car right here cause of how tempting your lips look" he winked making me blush.
"Drive mister"
"Yes ma'am!"
Funny how when immediately I got married my family members didn't feel to update me on what's going on at home, they didn't feel the need to tell me anything as if me getting married means I've left the family. I have been staying my whole life with them then why will they hide things from me? It hurts wallahi, it's as if they discarded me and didn't feel the need to inform me of things.
Mama engulfed me in a big bear hug, she looked thinner and pale, if possible more worn out and older than her age. I felt her tears on my skin, she is crying. She is badly hurt. Ya Salaam!
"Baby love forgive Maami, I am sorry for my attitude when last we met__it was just I was unable to accept that your father was gone forever" she hiccupped, I didn't try to stop her instead I let her speak.
"The feeling is bad my baby, losing someone you knew almost all your life is the worst feeling on earth. He was my rock, my support, my better half, my other half, my hero, my best friend and most importantly he was my favourite person. Haneesa we've been through happy and sad moments together and one day I wake up just for someone to tell me he is gone...forever. Even when- even when he was charmed I stood my him, even when I said I will leave him deep down I knew it was a lie. I wouldn't dare, I can't. When we lost Jaffar__he was there for me even though I felt like strangling him for letting his so called lover take away our baby, he comforted me, took in all my insults and beatings..he stood by me." both our faces are drenched with tears, I miss him so badly.
"I loved him, I love him and I will always love him. We are Muslims after all so we believe in destiny whether good or bad. And Allah said verily every soul shall taste death so all he needs now is our prayers. I hope his gentle soul rest in peace"
"Ameen Maami"
"Now wipe your tears my daughter, Ya Allahu! Haneesa what bought you to Abuja? Where is your husband?" She said coming back to her real it's now she will ask. Oh Maami mine.
"I am here, assalam alaikum Maami. You were so engrossed in your daughter that you didn't notice your son. I am truly hurt by Allah, shikeenan since you love Haneesa more than me" he said feigning hurt, his eyes are bloodshot matching mine..maybe he cried after listening to Maami's heartbreaking speech. I mean who wouldn't?
"Walaikum Salaam. Oh Allah, sorry you had to see that son, I got so emotional. and you know I love you more than Haneesa, leave this naughty girl alone" she joke and they laugh together.
"Hmm whatever" I rolled my eyes clearly not having a say in this.
"Now tell me how is this girl treating you? Hope good. I know she can be mad a times but please manage her, she can be very bipolar I know"
"I am trying Maami but your daughter is really a handful" he said glancing at me and I glare at him annoyed.
"I will see who will let you inside the room today"
"Haneesa what is wrong with you? Haa'an is he not your husband?!"
"I am used to it by now Maami, I am telling you she will literally send me out of the room." He lied pouting sadly. Traitor!
"Ya Ilahi! Ahmaad I am so sorry about her behavior, Haneesa you will hear from me today. Is this how you treat this poor man, haba dai!" she scold..poor my ass. Mssstw.
"But Maami-"
"Shut up! I don't want to hear a word from you, I am highly disappointed and angry at you. Better go and bring something for this poor man to eat..and if you send him out of the room ehnnn I will beat you. Don't forget you are not too big for beating, you might be married but I don't care" mothers...pfft.
"I'm sorry" I sulk walking to the kitchen, I can hear the two laughing from here. Traitors!!! Adding salt in Ahmaad's chivita drink..I walk to the living room where they were joyfully talking. Time for payback babe!
"How was the drink hubby?"
"Very sweet wifey"
"Guess I would have to make it for someone everyday..huh?"
"That would be great babe, make sure to add more salt..I like my drink very teeth breaking and weird tasting. Makes me want to puke my guts out, ahh just what I like" he replied sarcastically making me laugh. "And make sure to give me when Maami is around you know how I love trying not to throw up in front of my other in law. I soooo much love that"
"Is someone mad?"
"Should the someone be?"
"Assalam Alaikum...." Someone interrupted our banters. I let out a piercing yell throwing my self on Adda as we hug the lives of each other.
"Baby loveeeee" she yelled and just then Maami came running from upstairs.
"What happened? I heard you yell!! Is everything okay?!" she asked worriedly and me and Adda Hayri burst into laughter.
"Allah ya shirye Ku. Haba you guys are grown up fah...I don't like this nonsense. I will beat you guys and ban you from coming to my house better Behave!"
"Yes Maami" we chorused and she hiss disappearing into the kitchen.
"Adda so much happened and you didn't tell me.." I whine after she finished exchanging pleasantries with Ahmaad.
"I know bebe, I am so sorry. I didn't want to worry you"
"Well you did a great job"
"Sorry baby sis, forgive me"
"Forgiven now tell me how is ya Mukky?"
"I came here to actually pick Maami, were going to the police station. Didn't know you were in town"
"Okay then, let's all go. But can you please tell me what he did. I am so curious and worried"
"He was engaged in drugs business"
"Are you sure you want to meet her? Son I am still against you meeting her but if you really want to see Her I have no choice but to let you see her, I don't like her son, she is bad luck" she spoke caressing his black soft hair, he smiled and slowly nod his head.
"Yes Maa..please let me see her only then my heart will be at ease, and remember what happened is not her fault. It's qadr (destiny)" he tried to reason holding her soft hand in his, he slowly brought her hand in contact with his lips as he left a lingering kiss.
"Okay son, I will send for her" she smiled painfully at her son who is love with someone who ruined him. He loves her so much that no matter how much she has hurt him..he can't let her go, he can't be angry at her. It has been two months since the incident..he is recovering fast Alhamdulilah. The surgery was successful, even though it hurts if he's collar bone we are talking about here. He can't walk yet, he needs some time. The rest of the minor wounds are healed, just scars and memories. Nothing but painful memories.
His mother left the room and called the number she blocked few moths ago, the girl won't stop calling so she blocked her thinking it's the only way she can delete her from their lives but unknown to her Mubarak loves her so much and can never forget his Amtullah..not in this life at least.
"Assalam Alaikum, inna wuni. *Good afternoon"
"Walaikum Salaam. If you want to meet my son come in ten minutes if not forget him, forget Mubarak. Delete him from your life"
"Thank you Maa, I will be there soon" she didn't wait to hear more, she ended the call immediately. A tear roll down her cheek but she quickly wipe it off walking back to the hospital room..she will do anything to see her son happy again even if it means letting him see that Amtullah of a girl.
"She will be here in ten minutes" she inform and he broke into a wide grin. Wow she haven't seen his smile and now he is even grinning..oh what exactly has this girl done to her son?
"Thank you Maa, I love you so much. You don't know how happy this made Maa I feel like I am going to meet her for the first time, it's just like I met her in shoprite. Just a year ago. Masha Allah time flies really fast..." he rambles his face lighting up, ever since his incident he hardly talks but now he is talking. Come to think of it he never really told his Maa how he met Amtullah..the love of his life. Or so he thought! Will he be able to forgive her? What if he hates her by the mere sight of her...I don't think it's possible, he really, really loves her by Allah.
"Maa do you even know how we met? Hmm I was just exiting from the mall when I saw this beautiful young girl leaning on her car with two men talking to her, at first I thought they were together but when the two men kept pestering her I knew she was in danger" he paused "Maa you should have seen how I jumped out of nowhere like a super hero" that made her chuckle Oh her so jovial Mubarak is coming back to life.
"I saved her, I saved my princess. We exchanged numbers and after making sure she entered her car..I followed her, I kind of stalked her back home" he said a little bit embarrassed. "I just wanted to make sure she reached her destination safely and then we became inseparable. I realized I love her beyond words..Maa she completes me"
"I know you will never agree to our relationship now" he said sadly "I won't even talk you into letting us continue our relationship, it's too much to ask. You care about me and I understand. I love you so much Maa..anything for you. I will see her for the last time, just once and then I promise you I will try and forget her" before she could reply a soft knock came though the door. She kissed his forehead before standing up and yelling a come in.
Amtullah watched him with glossy dreamy eyes. Ya Rahman. Mubarak. He is alive, even though his sister keeps her updated it's nice to see him with her own two eyes. She haven't seen him since the day he was involved in the accident why? Cause his mother won't let her see him.
"I want to have a word with you after your done" she whispered to Amtullah and she nod her head respectfully. His mother left closing the door and she walk to him..
"Girlfriend" he called sweetly and she blush. Allahu Akbar!!! Mubarak is breathing.
"Mubarak I am-"
"Shhh baby, I don't want to hear anything" he said staring at her intensely.. How he missed her.
"I missed you" she said quietly, he smiled.
"I missed you more" how nice can M get? How can he forget the fact that he caught her in another man's embrace when they are together..doesn't he remember that? Or is he that nice to let bygones be bygones.
"Help me sit up please" he plead and she move closer to him helping him with him wincing in pain every now and then, it's hurting him so bad no one can begin to imagine. Not his collar bone silly, his heart. His fragile heart.
"I guess this will be a good time to say happy anny babe..we've been together for a year and almost half right"
"Mubarak your crazy"
"You love me just like that"
"That I do" she grin and he sigh heavily.
"I am afraid we have to break up. Maa is against our relationship..I am so sorry Ama" she blinked away her tears, after the incident she is sure his mother hate her but she can't blame the woman can she?
"It's okay, I don't blame her"
"We can't see each other again" now she really can't stop her tears, isn't her heart going through so much already?
"Mubarak I can't stay away from you" she cried going on her knees as she bury her face on his lap.
"I am sorry, I can't go against Maa. I promised her"
"I'll beg her Mubarak, I will beg her till she agrees. But please I need to see you, even if it's once a week only then my heart will be at ease."
"Fine, try your luck" he sigh and she look up at him. "Now get up from the floor, gosh you in the hospital sweetie. You don't wanna get germs or any disgusting hospital smell on you"
"I'm fine so shurrup" she laughed.
"That's my Ama, now do me a favour and go already"
"Are you sending me away Mubarak?" She asked feigning hurt as she place her hand on her chest.
"No baby I am afraid if you stay any longer I will have to go against my mother" he chuckled at his girl "now shooo baby and please stop crying. It doesn't suit a pretty girl like you"
"Haha! As if. get well soon" she said placing a friendly kiss on his cheek.
"In Shaa Allah, thank you so much for stopping by"
"I wouldn't trade our little moment for the world" and with that she left the room with the little hope she has that Maa will agree to let her see her M.
"I love you Amtullah" he whispered not bothering to wipe the tears away.
Abeg me loves Mubarak soooooooo much😭😭😭😭😍😍😍😍😍
Our darling Mukky boo💔💔 what did you get yourself into?
I will be back soon🚶 Insha Allah💕
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