Thirty six🌸
Kindly accept my token of bribery please💔🙈
Five hours of pain and torture, the waiting was becoming unbearable. What happened to their once happy family? What happened to the once perfect problem free family? Indeed Allah does everything for a reason, he is the all forgiver, the all hearer and surely he will answer the prayers soon. He will bring an end to their pain and reunite their happy family soon enough.
"Hello Hamid? Sorry I won't be able to make it to the twins school! Please can you help me pick them up, their nanny is at home she will take care of them and dress them up for Islamiyya" Adda sigh resting her head on the wall as she stare at Maami who is long lost into her thoughts.
"No the doctor is still operating Haneesa, thank you so much babe. Insha Allah I'll call you if there is any progress. Love you too" and with that she end the call stuffing her phone back in her handbag, the only thing she managed to grab as they rushed Haneesa to the hospital when they noticed she was unconscious, Maami had vowed not to go looking for Ahmaad until she made sure her daughter was fine besides the Kaduna route is still under police and other health safety's look.. There is fifty percent possibility she won't make it to Kaduna today who knows the government might even declare a curfew. It depends on the safety of the country..
The door to the ICU opened and Adda Hayri quickly rushed to where the female doctor exited with a stethoscope around her neck. Maami didn't even notice the doctor was out until she felt Adda asking if her baby sister is safe.
"Who are you please?" The doctor asked looking for confirmation before she is able to pass the patient's information.
"I am her elder sister and this is our mother"
"How is my daughter?"
"Oh I'm sorry I just wanted to be sure you're her family. Please follow me to my office" she said and the nod their heads following her in a rather calm manner.
"So doctor how is Haneesa? Is she fine?" Adda Hayrah asked under one breath.
"I hope you both are aware of her condition, you know she is pregnant and is in her first trimester"
"Innalilahi wa'ina ilaihi rajiun! Is the baby okay?" Maami asked clasping her hands over her mouth as a tear roll down her cheek, she hates the fact that every single situation brings tears to her eyes immediately after Daddy's death. Where is the strong Maami who hardly cries? Who is always strong on the outside but very fragile in the inside? I guess that Maami died with Abba Gorge, ever since she became a pathetic weak woman who can't even be strong for her kids. She thought sadly.
"Yes the baby is alright for now but little thing can trigger to miscarriage for her, you know very well in your first trimester you need to be extremely careful and self conscious. You need more rest and I'm afraid Haneesa is not getting the amount of rest she needs" the doctor sigh making Adda clutch onto Maami's hand tightly for support.
"Her blood pressure was very high, I had to infuse some IV's into her to stable her health, she was in a state of shock and panic and that resulted to her fainting and the baby became frightened, very frightened that she almost lost her child"
only inna lilahi wa'ina ilaihi rajiun! (From Allah we come and to him we shall return) was heard from Maami and Hayrah.
"But luckily we were able to save her and the child, thank God you bought her early if not I am afraid she would have lost her pregnancy. But now they are both fine"
"We need to be very careful now that her blood pressure is most likely to go high, if this continues I am afraid she won't be able to deliver her baby by herself"
"By God grace it won't happen, we will keep a close eye on her"
"But we are admitting her till she gets over her first trimester that is if you are okay with it" the doctor proposed and Maami nod her head knowing fully well if they are to take Haneesa home she won't rest, it's better she stays in the hospital.
"Okay then, excuse me please"
"Thank you doctor"
"It's my duty"
"Assalam Alaikum"
"Walaiukum Salaam, please come in" Adda welcomed as she made space for the guests to fit on the brown hospital couch, which was enough for the three of them to fit.
"And you must be the Adda Haneesa was telling me about, I am Safiya. Mubarak's elder sister"
"Oh Allah, no wonder I saw the resemblance very much. I am Hayrah, sannu" Adda chattered away smiling warmly at them.
"Now lemme guess who is Yusrah, she is the only one Mubarak talks about fondly" she said staring at the two in confusion.
"Aha you must be Yusrah right?"
"You guessed correctly Adda, well I am his favourite he is expected to talk about me always" she said making all of them laugh.
"And she is Hadiza"
"Nice meeting y'all, how is Mubarak doing by the way?" Adda asked feeling bad that she haven't visited him in a while. well how could she when they also have a patient in the hospital? When there is always a problem or another in her life?
"Alhamdulilah, the doctors said they will discharge him soon" Yusrah answered cheerfully.
"How is Haneesa? Maa sends her condolence, she wasn't able to follow us today but Insha Allah she'll come soon"
"Ayya it's nothing, she still haven't regained consciousness but the doctor said anytime soon" she sigh, it has been a twenty four hours and she still haven't moved a finger, as Maami suspected the government declared a curfew so now is allowed to leave Abuja or enter Abuja until further notice.
Till date, no sign of Ahmaad and with every passing second they pray Ahmad comes back before Haneesa regains consciousness.. For they have no idea how to console her if she wakes up to find out that Ahmaad is still missing. Ya Salaam!
"May Allah grant her quick shifa (recovery)"Adda Safiya prayed and they all answered Ameen.
After hanging around for an hour hoping the will hear Haneesa's voice, they finally took their leave with the promise of returning tomorrow.
Adda felt happy for the little time they hanged out, for a minute they made her forget about all her problems, laughing and joking around. She just couldn't wait for them to come tomorrow cause staying in the hospital alone is very boring. Talking with Hamid on the phone for a while, he assured her that the kids are in good hands with him cause he is their father and with one last I love you she end the call resting her head on her unconscious sister's lap before drifting into a heavy sleep.
Gombe state🌚
With little three months old Ajwa strapped in her mothers hand, Inbihaj quickly get off the car as she waits for Salman to get princess Asmau's baby bag and after retrieving the bag he jogs off to where his wife was impatiently waiting.
"Let's go" she command and he nod his head following her. After getting directions from the nurse, they finally arrived at the room and with a salaam they entered just to come in face with a swollen faced Nabila and totally drained Zubaina. Hajiya was on the praying mat reciting her adhkars when her eyes settled on the couple with their pretty daughter. A smile couldn't help but creep it ways on her lips as she lovingly collect Ajwa.
"Adda Inbihaj" Zubaina screeched jumping on her.
"Zubaina" she screeched back hugging her tightly.
"Can't breathe" she complain and Inbihaj let go of her muttering sorry.
"If you guys are done with your little reunion, Adda Inbihaj welcome home" Nabila feigned a smile hugging her.
"Thank you baby. How is Abba feeling?" She asked as she walks closer to him, Salman and Hajiya were busy exchanging condolence as Ajwa was peacefully asleep.
"Alhamdulilah much better, thankfully when he fainted again the doctors were standby so they were able to save him before he fell into coma" Nabila sigh.
"Alhamdulilah! Has he regained consciousness?"
"Yes, he just went back to sleep when the nurse gave him painkillers." This time Zubaina answered slumping herself on the one sitter couch for guests.
"Any news about Ummah?" Salman asked after a while of silence and Zubaina shake her head negative, they haven't heard even a single word about her even though they've been trying to contact her, it says her phone is switched off.
"And Ahmaad?" He asked touching the sensitive part of everyone. Suddenly all their moods went down, no news of our beloved Ahmaad, whether alive or dead no one knows.
"Allah is watching over him, he will take care of our Haidar" Hajiya finally spoke and they all whispered 'Ameen'
"Hajiya I've been calling Haneesa since yesterday and she didn't answer, when I called earlier her sister answered. She said she has been unconscious for twenty four hours now but Alhamdulilah her and the baby are out of danger now" Inbihaj inform.
"Innalilahi wa'ina ilaihi rajiun. Ya Allah bring an end to our sorrows"
"We were so caught up in our problem that we forgot to call adda Haneesa" Zubaina cried.
"Shh Zuby, she is fine now beside I think we should go visit her" Salman said hugging her.
"But the curfew, remember no one is allowed to enter Abuja till further notice" Nabila cut in.
"Insha Allah when the curfew is lifted, we will go and see her" Hajiya finalise and they all agreed drifting into their thoughts.
Things are getting heated in HFL aren't they😕😩😩? All this drama I am seeing me I just want my Haneesa to gws and Ahmaad to be found😑 I miss #AhNee moments💔🔥
Anywayssssss Another night update😱 this one I am just updating hmmm😅💃
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