Thirty one🌸
ZainabShaibu here is your update!! Ily❤❤ Thank you for tagging along.
queenaofficial01 I am waiting for my ice cream oo😂😂🙋
kdjusman and miss_abatcha they can be violence for Africa😱💔😂
Mss_Gujbawu this one is already on her way to dice Ahmaad into pieces😂😂💔
I love you all❤
Haneesa's POV
I have never felt helpless as I feel today.
My family is in trouble, my mother is on the verge of losing her self and here I am.. Doing nothing to help. I can't even go to Abuja and be by their side, why? Cause I need my husband's permission and Ahmaad won't be in Gombe till Ummah decides it's time for them to come. (Ugh Dukku and their rashin service. Stupid Underdeveloped town; no offence please!)
Amtullah won't tell me what ya Mukky did, wai till I come_the suspense is killing me Allah but she swore by Allah she won't tell me through the phone and I know she has made up her mind.
"Har kin chinye? (You have already finished)" Zubaina gasped.
"A! kuma inason qari. (Yes and I want more)" I pout pushing my plate of basmati rice and shredded beef Nabila made..gosh she is such a great cook! Her hubby is lucky oo.
"Okay" she said giving me the weird look and carrying the plate, I don't blame her cause this is the third time I am adding and I finish quickly. Woooah. She returned shortly with my food and I beamed at her joyfully collecting the plate__yummy.
"Abba is back!" Nabila yelled entering the living room. "He said ya Haidar and anti amarya are coming tomorrow, isn't that great news Adda? You can ask ya Haidar if you can go to Abuja" she yelled dancing in enthusiasm.
"Swear? Omyyyyy" I dance happily.
"And also Hajiya sent me" she said in a serious voice, my stomach did a flipflop. Ya Salaam! I hope everything is alright.
"What's up?" I asked getting anxious, I dropped my half eaten plate and gulp my orange juice.
"Nothing much. I just want to have a word with you Adda" she said smiling mischievously. I raise one of my eyebrows asking 'what the hell is going one' but she shrug her shoulders off dragging me by my hand. Zubaina being her amebo self followed us hands akimbo.
"Keh who called you here? My friend go and watch I want to have a private talk with her" Biila snapped and she pout.
"Haba mana, I want to know what is going on. Please Nabila, I promise I won't tell anyone" she said on the verge of tears. OMG! Zuby and her gulma.. Hmm.
"Kin fiya gulma. (You like to gossip)! And if I hear a word from you baa! I will deal with you, better keep shut"
"Okay" she replied sitting on the bed and waiting for her to speak eagerly.
"Tell me what is it?" I asked and she smile grabbing her hand bag.
"You know how I was complaining of headache since last night right?" She started..where is this going to?
"Ehen..then what" Zubaina spoke and she glare at her.
"I said keep shut if not you will leave this room. Haaa'an!"
"Sorry, continue" I couldn't help but laugh..this two oo. Nabila hissed before focusing her attention back on me
"So this morning I told Hajiya and she said I should go to the pharmacy and buy pain reliever"
"Where do I come in the story?" I asked confused.
Oh ni Haneesatu.
"Adda Hanee wait now, kai someone is not done with the story but you people will keep bombarding him with questions"
"Sorry Hajiya, carry on"
" I was saying before you interrupted me. I called the driver and told him to please come I want to buy something in the pharmacy and before he came, I and Hajiya were talking in the living room then Zubaina's call came" lemme be patience and not ask again: where do I come in this story.
"she told me that you are adding food for the third time and that she is in the kitchen wondering how on earth someone can eat that much" I gasped turning my attention to Zuby who is hiding her face with a pillow.
"Zubaina!! Oya young lady explain yourself"
"Let's forget all that, aunty carry on with your story" she said adverting the attention to Nabila. Goddd. What will I do with Zuby? I chuckled to my self, nothing fah. I can only pray for this girl to grow up and stop her mischief acts.
"Then Hajiya asked several questions regarding your sickness and asked me to buy this when I went to the pharmacy.." She said bringing out a kit from her bag.
"For you" she said grinning widely.
"What is that?" Zubaina asked getting a hold of the kit.
"A pregnancy kit"
"Whaaat? Why will you buy that Biila?" I gasped
"Don't tell me adda Hanee is pregnant. OMG! OMG!! I am sooooo happy!!!"
"Zubaina shut up joorh, who told you I am pregnant?" I yelled in disbelief.
"That's why I bought this..take a test and we will know whether your pregnant or not." Nabila said beaming at me.
Ya Allah. All this feels surreal. This is overwhelming. Me pregnant? Oya lets dance shoki...oya shokiiii.
"How?? Bring it here" I said happy grabbing the kit
"Follow the instructions, if it says positive your pregnant if negative then your not" Biila explained and I nod my head entering the toilet.
"Good luck!!" I heard Zuby yell making me smile widely.
Bismillahi Rahmani Rahiim...
It's negative. Indeed Allah is the best of planners and with that I burst into tears.
I couldn't be more happy, Alhamdulilah! Alhamdulilah!! Alhamdulilah!!!
Yes I am pregnant. Pranked you! I thought a little fun wouldn't hurt right?
Hajiya, Nabila and Zubaina won't let me raise a single finger. Abba showered me with blessings and prayers..he even went to the extent to buy me a massage chair. Oh Allah! I have the best father in law. He hired two more maids, I argued saying it's too much and he shushed me.
The other house few steps beside mine was opened and swept. Anti amarya is staying there, the house is literally so close that if I open Ahmaad's window I will see right through the master bedroom. Ya Allah! Let her not cause trouble for me.
I touch the cute set of overall Adda Hayrah bought for me one time we went for funfair. I remember making a fuss about her going me now all jittery and happy. I can't wait to tell her and Maami and Amtullah but not now, I have to tell them face to face and hopefully when my family drama reduces.
"Adda where are you?" Biila yelled entering the room and I quickly hide the baby clothes. Gosh..I don't know why I am embarrassed!
"What are you hiding?" She asked curiously.
"Nothing" I lied and she gave me the 'tell me what is it look' I slowly show her the clothes and she smile in pure happiness.
"Aww this is so cute, where did you buy it?"
"My sister bought it for me when I visited last" I said shyly.
"Wow. I can't wait for our little prince or princess" she said and I nod my head in agreement. "me too" I faintly replied.
I hope Ahmaad will be excited when he hears the news as I am..God knows if he isn't excited I won't be able to handle it. The last thing I want on earth is for Ahmaad to hate on our child..astaghfirullah. Ya Ilahi! Save me and my unborn child.
All those pestering Ammah to update..ahh I have updated oo🌚 don't come and kill me😂 do not expect an update anytime soon fah😴 I have tried ai😠😠
So Haneesa is preggie💃💃 woohoo🎊 can't wait to see little Anee and Haidar😙💫
Anyways will Ahmaad accept our little peanut😥 what about Ummah😭😭💔
Let's wait and see.....
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See day😂😂🚶
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